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Gardner Man Stabs Brother At McDonalds After He Tells Him Other Rapper Is Better

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Gardner Police Facebook page: An Acadia Road man allegedly stabbed his brother outside the Tim­pany Boule­vard Mc­Donald’s Tuesday morning after the brother made critical com­ments his rapping skills, police reports show.

Arthur F. Manley Jr., 32, of 113 Acadia Road, is being held without bail on charges of assault to murder, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon for the attack.

The brothers and another friend had been at the rap contest held Monday night at Shooters Billiards on Pleasant Street, and then headed to the McDonald’s when trouble began. The brother and the other witness told police they both thought one of the contestants at Shooters was a better rapper than Mr. Manley.

“Arthur took exception to this, started a physical altercation with his brother, which resulted in him stabbing (the brother)” wrote Gardner Police Officer Roger Cormier in his report.


Yup, that’s exactly what I pictured. I had no idea Kevin Federline was living in Gardner and working on his next album.

Seriously though, this is the most amazing story I’ve ever seen, but in no way is it at all surprising. Trust me, there is no more sensitive group of people than aspiring small town rappers. Literally none. To most of us they’re just here for a chuckle. But to them, they’re actually going places. Only a matter of time until they get picked up by a huge record label and start taking baths in $100 bills with a bunch of big-booty strippers.

Thus when you dare suggest that maybe they’re not the next ICP, you’re putting yourself in immediate danger. It doesn’t matter if it’s your brother or your mother or your best friend. When you tell an aspiring Gardner rapper that that other white guy from Winchendon has more flow than them, you kind of have to expect that you’re gonna get stabbed on the way to McDonald’s.

The fact that this happened in Gardner is probably the least surprising aspect of this whole story. The furniture city kind of flies under the radar because it’s halfway between the hellholes of Fitchburg and Athol. But there is no more ideal a breeding ground for aspiring rappers than a post-industrial furniture city off Route 2 whose claim to fame is a gigantic chair.

The Biggest Chair, Gardner, MA-d3f6c162-335b-4bd9-ad77-d61276b1ee95

Shoutout to JR for this story. When you see hilarious stories like this please send them our way.

P.S. The best rapper in Worcester County is still the chill WPI frat dude, and it’s not even close. More skateboarding and love club, less stabbing and hardo poses.

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15 Comment(s)
  • North County Homie
    September 10, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    G-Vegas don’t like this kind of sissy rap. What’s wrong with stabbing, as long as you keep it in the family? What’s wrong with badass poses?

    You folks in the Woo need to stop chillin’ and get down to brass tacks. G-Vegas has the badasses that can do the poses. Drive through downtown, you’ll see. When the place puts in a huge new police headquarters after years of declining population it can only be tribute to the true badasses of G-Vegas.

    • North County Homie
      September 10, 2015 at 4:21 pm

      After a second or fifth look, I may be in love with the Woo.

  • The Dirty TurtleBurg
    September 10, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    ‘ It is the strangest group of junkie weirdos on the planet’

    You have obviously never been to Winchentucky

  • TurtleBoySpurts
    September 10, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    Man, you people really need to do something about all this white-on-white violence. You crackers sure seem criminally inclined, on the whole. Guess it’s just in your nature.

    • Wabbitt
      September 10, 2015 at 5:34 pm

      Says the whitest motherfucker alive.

      Nice attempt at sarcasm, Jeff.

  • JimBob
    September 10, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    This is my buddy. He was blacked out drunk. Probably one the funniest dudes ever. Alcohol is a hell of a poison.

  • David
    September 10, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    Sooo… Gardner fell apart after the museum was robbed of 500 million dollar paintings… Also the best raper producer in Worcester is obviously block mccloud. He makes music with vinnie paz. The number one underground rapper ever. That also might be the reason why there’s diff heroin in the city now. .. but what do I know. I just use common sense.

    • Tony
      September 10, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      Yaaaa that museum isn’t in Gardner

      • BS1881
        September 10, 2015 at 10:51 pm

        LMFAO…the sad part is he’s probably from Gardner!!!!

  • Jmill
    September 10, 2015 at 1:11 pm

    Lol some doesn’t know why Gardner is on the list ?? I just drove thru there 20 minutes ago… It is the strangest group of junkie weirdos on the planet… This story is par for the course in Gardner!

  • Wabbitt
    September 10, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    Someone should tell these dumbasses that just because they’re white and snort Vicodin doesn’t automatically make them Eminem.

  • andrea
    September 10, 2015 at 10:12 am

    Why the f### throw icp in that mix? Judgmental slander….who ever wrote this should know that your just as ridiculous as the smile on this dudes face.

    • Cane
      September 11, 2015 at 4:11 am

      Lol oh no we’ve got one of those ridiculous juggalo people here

  • The Dirty TurtleBurg
    September 10, 2015 at 8:08 am

    Biggest dump on Route 2? Fitchburg, Fitchburg Fitchburg. Don’t know why Gardner is even in contention. Leominster deserves to be in the poll though given it was the site of the infamous Chuck E. Cheese stabbing.

    September 9, 2015 at 11:10 pm


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