We have an update on the story published last night about the Bruins photoshopping out a Boston Police logo from Charlie Coyle’s shirt on IG and Twitter. Clay Travis’ Outkick the Coverage has also picked up the story.
The Boston Bruins appear to have photoshopped out a Boston Police Department logo from one of their player’s tshirts. https://t.co/QaCljgzfoe
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 31, 2020
Boston Globe reporter Matt Micropenis Porter, who criticized Tuukka Rask for wearing a Boston Police hat during a press conference, has responded to an email inquiry from a turtle rider.
“It’s quite clearly fabricated. I’m sorry you believe it.”
Silly peons, believing things you can clearly see with your eyes! This is a man who works at the Boston Globe, home of Kevin Cullen. Do you think he’d ever fall for something like that?
Sure, here he is in a video the Bruins published yesterday wearing the BPD shirt.
.@CharlieCoyle_3 on the #NHLBruins heading off to Toronto on Sunday: "We're excited for a new challenge." pic.twitter.com/WxV725DsQe
— Boston Bruins (@NHLBruins) July 25, 2020
Sure, you can see him in the gym wearing that same shirt, and in one photo he has the logo clearly displayed, and in the other it has magically disappeared.
It's all in the wrist.#NHLBruins pic.twitter.com/JATd1hXzEI
— Boston Bruins (@NHLBruins) July 30, 2020
And just in case there was any doubt, and the Bruins try to save it’s a different shirt you can see in this video of Coyle while he’s playing basketball shows the front and back of Coyle’s shirt, and it matches the front and back of the BPD shirt.
But remember what Matt Micropenis said.
“Clearly fabricated.”
I’d message him on Twitter about it but he blocked me.
And because he works for the Globe he’ll just continue to ignore this like it never happened because that’s what fake news does. In reality Matt Porter pressured his friend Matt Chmura to photoshop the logo out. Because to people like him it’s shameful to be associated with the police, but virtuous to be associated with an organization that wants to abolish the police.
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41 Comment(s)
I bet Matt Porter can’t even skate. His parents hate him I’ve been told. His father called him his little disappointment. I hope his job becomes uncomfortable for him. He sucks.
He was asked to wear it inside out. It’s not an “official” Bruins licensed shirt. End of this crazy paranoia.
It has that sad, pathetic no chin face that you know got the stuffins. Beat out of it…even by its pathetic parents.
He got snagged. Now the lying begins….
If he hates the BPD so much, he can move into a 3rd floor apartment in Mattapan. Just, um, just ignore the random gunfire. M’kay?
I’m surprised such a woke lefty newspaper like the Globe has any white writers. When the Globe realizes there’s still one left, he’ll be gone. Matt, remember the script says that black lives matter; nothing about white lives. You’re displaying white supremacy by not letting a black brother have your job and paycheck. Buh-bye.
This guy is the quintessential Winston Smith. Sad he doesn’t realize it.
Imagine if that cocksucker was around in the 70s. John Wensink, Stan Jonathan, Terry O’Reilly, Wayne Cashman, Al Secord, Johnny Bucyk. It would have been a donnybrook trying to keep Don Cherry from stomping that faggots teeth down his throat. The Red Sox and Celtics are dead to me. I still have faith in the Bruins, and if the patriots go all in on this bullshit they can go fuck themselves as well!
people still read that trash-heap of a newspaper?
I occasionally look at it only when I can see it for free, I refuse to pay for their horrible paper.
In today’s stunning news: Tall Deval is pissed the Covid cases have gone up (no mention of deaths going up, because they haven’t, they continue to go down, along with hospitalizations, but we can’t mention that) because people want to live their lives. How dare they.
Anywho…read the comment section. It’s literally every Karen on earth all spun up because people are “selfish” and “trying to kill others”.
They are loudly clamoring for another full shut down. These morons are the biggest waste of air on earth.
Holy fuck! I just put on the Celtics game and I think I have officially now seen it all! A German with “Black Lives Matter” on the back of his jersey. Then, that stupid broad AOC in an ad for the Ice Cream Man for Senate. I have not even started to drink yet!
Matt Porter is a regular at the Eagle club. He has sucked alot of cock in his time. fuck u matt you cocksucker
This is Monica Cannon Grant. Listen, ya know that Honky Warren Wilhelm Jr. (AKA Bill de Blasio)? Well, his wife Chirlane McCray is just “ridin that motherfucker for a credit score”. Take note. Use the whites. They be stupid, so they pay our way. PS Marty should treat the police like garbage, like Bill De BALLS EE OH does.
This is the newspaper that has an editiorial today saying “End Federal Death Penalty Now”. Saids it all. Plus this guy just realized that Bruins fans tend to be more working joe beer drinking crowd . Not a John Henry newton type drives a Subaru type of scene .
Fuck you Matt – you are dead to us. Pussy
Marty, please don’t forget to pick up some booze on the way home from work tonight. You are no fun when you are not lit. Governor Baker left the packies open during the whole SCAM DEMIC just for you. Your girlfriend, Lorrie Higgins
Matty? What kind of cum slurping beta cuck calls himself that?
Is this guy a Bologna Smoker?
magic 8 ball says “all signs point to YES”
I prefer pickle smoocher
You better be careful saying things like Porter got his friend Chmura to erase it. Someday you’re going to get hit with a real deformation lawsuit and it’s not going to be by some gutter muppet; it’s going to be by some local media figure. Turtleboy does real journalism. I don’t want to see it go away.
How can we be this far in to a hockey-themed pair of postings, and yet no one has brought up the name of Billy Tibbets?
Matt the Globe is a shitty has been fossil. You are working at an insignificant form of media that is disgustingly obvious has a liberal pussy agenda. You are the type of piece of shit that wants to divide Americans to sell your shitty paper. It’s not going to happen Matt. That papers time has long past and you are a shitty reporter
Matty, this is your real daddy, you know I would never use those mean words with my wittle Matty Poo. You’re a super reporter and so valiant to fight for those poor black folk that need a smart white man to speak up for them and thell them what should be offensive to them.
If these terrible deplorable have you feeling down, come home and we’ll do each others hair and makeup and try on dresses and shoes.
Daddy loves you Matty, you’re so special, that’s why daddy bought you all those trophies, to make sure you has as many as all the other kids that always beat you up.
No worries! I know where MicroP likes to hang. He’s gonna regret this!
If anyone should know about fabricated stories, it’s the Boston Globe…
Tell me about it. Mr.Cullen
That’s it you know fuck the Bruins fuck them in the ass they can fuck off done with them I don’t care.
Don’t care if they suck I’m gonna be a Rangers fan from now on
Mic drop
He’s a faaa-ag!
I bet by next week the Globe will start to target Turtleboy Sports like the cum stains they are!
Thanks as always for exposing these frauds. Fuck these horrible fucking people. Fuck them all.
Since when did glory holing make someone a hockey expert?
By the looks of him, he made the 3rd line mites, at best.
Maybe he realized no one in the locker room is going to answer his questions. Becomes useless for the Globe and Linda Henry includes him in the next batch of the failing BG layoffs. Stick to sports bro.
Hockey players generally follow the Belichek school of sound bites. If not, they are savages that talk shit more than me and make me want to drink with them.
Not that anyone cares or asked me, but I haven’t bailed on the NHL yet for this very reason. The rest? No thanks. Sox= Dead to me. Pats= Brady should have been allowed to die on the field at Foxboro. Fuck winning and fuck the millionaire nignogs that are claiming to be too afraid of a cold to play.
What about the Celtics? I’d include the Revolution (soccer) not the leftist assholes, but they tend to stay in their own lane.
The work ethic left with the white quaterback.
Micro Matt has the appearance of someone who knows the inside of lockers intimately. Lonely and sad people will cling to anything for approval from strangers on the internet.
If you see a Boston Globe newspaper delivery truck please check the air pressure in his tires.
I will know that there still is some toilet paper left for the 2nd wave of the scamdemic before the November elections.
Matt has a stick, but it’s not for playing hockey
Its for checking rear differential fluid.