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Fox 25 News: A Grafton High School teacher is at the center of a misconduct investigation, just weeks after the school’s senior graduation. Students at the school tell Boston 25 News they haven’t seen the popular teacher since last week.
“Honestly gobsmacked,” Steijn Balogn, a Grafton High School junior, said. “I think a lot of people are surprised about this.”
Superintendent James Cummings released a quick statement about the situation with a limited comment.
“We are reviewing information alleging misconduct by a teacher,” the statement read. “We neither confirm nor deny the identity of the teacher, as this is a personnel matter. The District has no further comment at this time.”
A source within the school told Boston 25 News the identity of the teacher, which won’t be released because the district has not officially done so. Students and parents say they know what the allegations are, but the school hasn’t made an official announcement yet.
“Since it’s so recent, I think they’re trying to figure out what the right thing is to say to us as students,” Balogh said.
Balogh credits the teacher for helping him in his freshman and sophomore years. Now, at the end of his junior year, the 18-year-old doesn’t know what to make of the situation.
“I liked her from the get-go,” Balogh said. “As soon as I walked in freshman year, she made it very welcoming and not as scary as what it is.”
Grafton Police referred all questions on the situation to the school district.
How are they gonna tease us like this?
A source within the school told Boston 25 News the identity of the teacher, which won’t be released because the district has not officially done so. Students and parents say they know what the allegations are, but the school hasn’t made an official announcement yet.
“There’s some sort of sex scandal at Grafton High School, but we’re not saying what happened or who the teacher was, even though we know the answer to both of those questions. Instead we’ll wait for the school to make an announcement.”
So…..what’s the point of you existing then Fox 25 News? The school can make an announcement on their Facebook page. Seems like you’re just kind of the middle man, passing gossip along. But not even good gossip either. Lame gossip.
But, then again, this is why we exist. To answer the questions people want to know the answers to. We spoke with several sources from GHS, including students. And here’s the FACKS our sources are telling us:
- The math teacher sent noodz to a student who had just graduated this year.
- He showed the pictures to friends (obviously) and eventually everyone saw them and they got sent to the main office.
- She did not begin sending him noodz until after he graduated, and implied in at least one of the texts that she didn’t think there was anything illegal about what she was doing (there isn’t).
- Her name is Kelly Monaghan, and she’s a fourth year teacher.
Based on this recent article from the Grafton News, she’s also the senior class advisor….
I gotta be honest, although this is very dumb on her part, it’s also kind of fucked up the school is even investigating this. No crime, no foul. If he was 25 years old and she was 35, would they be investigating? Is something written in the Grafton teacher’s contract about how long you have to wait until after a student graduates before you can send noodz? If not, I gotta call shenanigans on this one. At least she did the right thing and waited until he graduated.
But seriously, how did she not see this one coming (no pun intended)? Or did she see it coming (no pun intended) and just not care? Because it sounds like she didn’t think it was a big deal. If so, just pull a Costanza….
But if she didn’t see this one coming that’s just poor planning. You can’t send T&A to an 18 year old and hope that he’ll keep it to himself. Despite what he promised you, there’s a 1,000% chance he’d show it to at least half a dozen buddies, all of whom promised they wouldn’t share it with anyone else, and all of whom immediately sent them to 10 more people. It’s like a Beach Body pyramid scheme, except it actually works. For that matter anyone who’s ever sent out dick pics to any woman has to assume that all of her closest friends looked at and analyzed every vein on your trouser trout. That’s just how noodz work. I don’t make the rules.
It’s just kind of sad man. I feel bad for her to an extent. You gotta be pretty down on yourself to risk your career for the thrill of sending noodz to a kid who you’ve been advising for the last 4 years. You don’t even get laid out of it either. That’s the real travesty here – she was completely out of options, and this was the highlight of her sexual escapades.
She also went to a college I’ve never heard of before, that sounds very religious:
“Messiah College.” Might as well have graduated from the University of Jesus. Sounds like what we’ve got here is a repressed catholic chick who never experienced the world of debauchery UMass-style. Sometimes you just gotta get those years out of your system man. If not you end up sending noodz to 18 year olds.
9 Comment(s)
I received some unseemly (inappropriate) attention from a high school teacher. I didn’t report him (yes, “HIM”) because it would have been more trouble than it was worth. I was only 16 at the time so he wouldn’t have been able to use the ‘student is of age’ excuse. He would give little shoulder rubs to two or three guys as we were working at our desks. With me he added a little tickle to the armpits. He did it several times, even when my armpits were soaked with sweat. It progressed and become totally obvious by his hand movements that he was enjoying getting his hands soaking wet with my perspiration. (Ew!) It had to stop. When he started moving his hands downward along my ribcage, too much like he was caressing my torso, I clamped my arms down, trapping his hands against my ribs, and told him, “Maybe you should stop doing that!” in a stern tone of voice. He backed away, and never touched me again. I don’t know if you can clearly label this as pedophilia. It could possibly be more of a homosexual act. Pedophiles are attracted to juveniles, children or teens. Technically I was a juvenile, I was sixteen, but I didn’t have a typical juvenile’s body. I was more than a foot taller than him. I was 7’2″ at the time. That’s not a typo, I’m not kidding, I passed the seven foot mark when I was fifteen. I weighed right around 300 pounds which was close to, if not more than, a hundred pounds more than him. He’s lucky I didn’t take enough offense at his behavior to send him flying though a wall. I had witnesses, I saw classmates watching him with an expression of “EW!” on their faces. He has since retired. I never heard of anyone making accusations against him.
[ I probably wasn’t really strong enough to send him through a wall, but I could have at least knocked him on his ass. 😉 ]
I’m a student at Grafton High School and want you to know the student actually initiated it and asked for the pictures
Apparently she thinks she’s hot, I beg to differ
Kids today suck. How the green fuck did anyone in a position of authority see those pictures? If you had a chance in high school to fuck a teacher, why would you fuck that up somehow?
Kids nowadays are the types to get drunk, act like total douchebags, attract attention, then get arrested and cry, spouting out the names of anybody who ever bought liquor for them. They’re insanely immature. Now house parties make the news and everybody gets in trouble because kids are so fucking stupid.
The difference is that back in the day, kids wanted to act older so they could be in on cool shit. Kids can’t handle themselves nowadays and they act like little douches. No wonder people are freaking out about bullying every week. If kids were cooler, that wouldn’t happen.
Sounds wrong? Think about it. What percentage of kids nowadays wouldn’t be beaten up back in the day? Right. And why? Back then, the same kid who was a textbook douchebag would be diagnosed nowadays as having “Social Interactive Disorder”, so they’ll give him a pill, and he never learns how to function socially. Then he gets depressed and down on himself for not knowing how to function socially, then they give him more fucking pills for that and whatever other side effects the first pill gave him.
The parents are at fault. Mom swoops in now to give a hug to the 9 year old who strikes out at bat.
Mom goes to school and bitches out the teachers for letting kids pick on her kid. Mom lets her 10 year old son get away with calling her a bitch.
Whatever. Fuck that shit. I’m old and I’m thankful as fuck that I didn’t grow up stuffed up my mom’s twat. Kids today are basically useless pussies with no backbone.
P.S. Music sucks now too. Rock is dead.
At 18 he can die for our country but not receive tittay pics? Weird.
When I was a teenager, something like that wouldn’t have been brought to the attention of the school.
For starters, it would’ve been difficult to take an image of yourself like that in the first place and you wouldn’t have been able to get it printed by a standard photo place. The only viable way of sharing it to lots of people (if you managed to get a printed picture) would’ve been through making grainy black and white photocopies of the original image.
Way too much work. The news would’ve just remained a legend amongst students.
what kind of fucking nerd says “gobsmacked”?
British people
People named Steijn Balogn.