High School Basketball Coach Diddles, Falls In Love With Soph Player, Gives Epic Dooshy Interview, Goes To Jail, Daughter Transfers Schools, Beats Mistresses Team
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This isn’t a local story, but it’s still pretty funny nonetheless. This is former Pine-Richland High School basketball coach Cliff Foster:
Pine-Richland is a school just north of Pittsburgh. He was a really good basketball player at a nearby high school before graduating in 2000 and playing college ball. Then he got the gig at PR a couple years ago and the team started doing well. He even had the opportunity to coach his own daughter.
But unfortunately for Cliff (who the hell named their kid Cliff in the 80’s?) he lacks bodily self control and started diddling a player who was a sophomore at the time. He took her to pound town a few times, including on AAU trips where she slept in his hotel room and a weekend getaway to Philly to look at colleges. Next thing you know he’s doing the perp walk and giving one of the most epically dooshy interviews in the history of live television:
Sure, he could’ve just said, “no comment” and walked away. But instead he decided to say, “I’m not the first dude to make a mistake. Couple bad nights, but, it’ll all come out.” I’m sure his lawyer loved that one.
Anyway, Cliffy had a no contact order after he was arrested. But because he’s such a brilliant person he thought that having his sister contact the victim on his behalf wouldn’t violate the order. But it did:
Foster and his sister contacted the victim repeatedly between late November and early January. On Nov. 26, his sister called and asked how the girl was doing and “implied” Foster wanted to speak with her. Then the teen got another call from the sister’s phone number, but Foster was on the line, investigators said. Over that month-and-a-half, the girl told detectives there were four to five text messages and three to four phones calls with Foster that lasted about an hour. He also wrote a letter to the girl, in which he said, “I love you forever,” and included a silver necklace with a key medallion.
What. A. Tool.
Seriously, it’s one thing if you boink one of your players. It’s wrong, and it’s a serious crime. But at least you can use the excuse that your Johnson was doing the thinking.
Not this ding-dong though. He fell in love. With a child. And knowing he was facing jail time, what does he do? Sends her silver necklaces with I love you notes. Because apparently this guy has read one too many Nicholas Sparks books and thinks that “true love” will one day bring him together with the love of his life. Wicked smart.
Anyway, he’s in jail right now doing a two year stint. And for the rest of his life he has to register as a sex offender, have no contact with the victim, and can’t use the Internet until a judge says he can. But he also has a daughter who played for Pine-Richland. Things got a little bit awkward since she was basically being forced to be teammates with the mistress who broke up her parents’ marriage. So she ended up going to a catholic school and local rival. Then Cliffy’s former sister-in-law posted this the other day:
Love it. Cliffy’s daughter made the district championship, and his former lover’s team is sitting at home. Oh well, could be worse. They could be sitting in a jail cell writing love letters to high school chicks. What a happy statutory ending that was.
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16 Comment(s)
If there’s grass on the field play ball, if not play in the mud!
If you’re legal to drive, you’re legal to fuck. That’s what I say.
Just another example of how stupid people watch stupid , illegal things happen. Since the one guy said it happened in several states , you mean to tell me that no one else on the trips noticed? Maybe once and the teeny boppers thought it was cool that their friend was hooking up with the coach, but teeny boppers also have big mouths so I find t really hard to believe that no one said a word until recently. Seriously ? No way , so the team, other coaches, parents, boyfriends, etc. heard rumors but figured “not my business” or gee maybe she was sleeping in the elevator? I don’t get it. It could have been stopped a long time ago I am sure but again no one wants to get involved.
Is this more prevalent nowadays or do we just hear about it more? Did they cover it up better in the past?
Cover up better 1,000,000%. You think local news got into gorey local details back during the Cold War? Or that people would come forward with that blame the victim shit back then? Nope, unless it was under their nose, it’s 3 monkeys.
Pictures of the girl plz!
Yeah! Let’s check out this underaged homewrecker! We need to comment “Oh… little hotty… It was worth it…” There’s a reason victims should be kept anonymous… Perv.
Surprised the victim was girl.
Anybody remember the basketball coach who diddled and dated some cheerleader(s) at SPM in the 90s? Rumor had it they hid him in the yellow house that was right next to the baseball field on the south side of the school until the story cooled off. Coach Earhardt or something? That school also famously hid Stephen Gemme who diddled and later stole to support his gambling addiction. What happened to that TBS article and what was in the water over at SPM back then? And how do any of these types get to teach or coach teenagers? I mean that SPM coach and Gemme were/are strange and it wasn’t surprising.
Wait…Gemme was a diddler too? I knew about the embezzling money but not that. Damn.
Yup and Sturgis the headmaster also got in some money trouble right around the time he left. They covered him up with some diocese gig at the end. SPM is some messed up home for reject teachers. I had friends there who kept me up on the dirt. You don’t have to have any education training or license to work there.
If this was in Massachusetts, and she was 16, the age of consent, the ending might be a little different. The guy sounds like a creep. Not sure I find humor at all in what sister in law did.
Agreed that the sis-in-law move was petty. Why not just take the win and go with it. No need to make yourself look catty.
Agree. Is anyone acting like an adult for his daughter? Wtf.
Doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut… Like my BobbynMic!
It’s Bobbi with an i…
it was Bobbi with a I
He isn’t just one of the guys
In his pink party dress, you never would guess
He benches 335
You better watch how much you drink
He might look better than you think
If it’s the big boned girl with a platinum curl
Hey, then don’t be surprised
Well, that’s just Bobbi with a i