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WHDH: The man who loaned a gun used by the Boston Marathon bombers has been sentenced to time served. Stephen Silva pleaded guilty to drug and gun charges last year. He was sentenced to 17 months, the time he has already served. He says he loaned a gun to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev two months before the bombings. Silva spoke outside of Moakley Federal Courthouse on Tuesday afternoon after he was released.
“I said i had no idea what Tsarnaev’s intentions were with the firearms,” Silva said. “I apologize to any people or families that I caused harm to. I’m deeply sorry for that.”
Silva offered his “deepest condolences” to the Collier family.
“It’s pretty difficult, but it’s something I gotta live with, you know, you learn from your mistakes,” he said.
After spending 17 months in prison, Silva said he plans to go back to school, get a college degree and be a “productive member of society.”
When asked if what his reaction was when he learned the Tsarnaevs were the Marathon bombers, he said at times he didn’t believe it.
“At the end of the day, he did what he did, I don’t support it, I don’t support any type of terrorism or violence at all, it’s just sad that a close friend chose to do that with his life,” Silva said.
Going forward, Silva said he is going to try to become a better person. He said his immediate plans are to see his family, his goddaughter and his grandmother.
“Being free is definitely the best feeling in the world, I don’t care what anybody tells you,” he said. “But it’s just a lot of emotions, you know I’m just trying to make the best of it.”
Silva said he will stop dealing drugs and will make an effort to help out the needy. When asked what it was like to testify against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, he said it was “extremely difficult.”
“It’s never seeing your friend or former friend in a position like that, it’s pretty difficult,” he said.
During Tsarnaev’s trial, Silva testified that Tsarnaev claimed he wanted to use the gun to rob University of Rhode Island students. Prosecutors said the Tsarnaev brothers used the gun to kill MIT officer Sean Collier a few days after the bombings, which killed three and injured more than 260.
Wait….what??? So let me get this straight. A liberal Massachusetts judge, who more than likely is in favor of strict gun regulation, is giving a mulligan to this kid who gave a gun to a terrorist, which was then used to assassinate a police officer? Oh yea, living in Massachusetts makes more sense each and every day.
Dingleberry handed Jafar a gun, but it’s OK because he thought that Jafar was gonna use it to rob URI students? Well why didn’t you just say so?
I’m glad to see that Stephen Silva opposes terrorism though. That’s a good thing. And he’s promised that he’s not gonna deal drugs anymore either, so I’d say he’s served his debt to society. So he gave his wacky Islamic radical buddy a gun? Big deal. He’s going to college now and soon he’ll be helping out the needy. This will all be forgotten in no time.
LOL. Unreal. Meanwhile his buddy Robel Phillipos was sentenced to three years in prison for lying to authorities the night of the manhunt. He initially lied about going to Jafar’s dorm room three nights after the bombing, and watching his two buddies hide evidence, before recanting and telling the truth shortly afterwards, and he got three years in the can. I’m not defending what he did, but at the end of the day what Stephen Silva did was a million times worse and he’s getting time served. Robel Phillipos is a liar, but he didn’t give Jafar the tool he needed to murder Sean Collier.
You know who’s getting off the hook too easy for Sean Collier’s death? Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone. I don’t know how that guy sleeps at night. From what we are told by our inside sources, Collier had been trying to get on the Somerville PD, but to no avail. We’re told that Curtatone could’ve made this happen, but instead chose to block his path. As a result Sean Collier took a job as an MIT police officer, and the rest is history. This is the same Mayor who not only said that the 18 assholes who blockaded I-93 should have the charges dropped against them, but that they should be celebrated as well.
Fuck Joe Curtatone, fuck Stephen Silva, fuck Jafar, and God bless Sean Collier.
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14 Comment(s)
I strongly suspect that the scum bum went full circle in his cooperation with this massive investigation. Amid An army of defense lawyers and conspiracy theorists this guys testimony was huge grand slam that shut everybody up. It removed all doubt in the case and assisted in the final ruling of the death penalty for a terrorist. I assume his testimony was stellar and a huge nail in the coffin of the terrorist scum who put a bomb next to two small children watching the marathon with their dad (with a smirk on his face- watch the video). This guy is no angel but when it counted he didn’t lawyer up or lie, he stepped up took responsibility and gave up the entire truth. I may be wrong but it seems everyone was on board with the plea.
God bless Sean Collier and his family.
TB please post a pic of the liberal ass judge with his name and address. Maybe a little public humiliation will help him make better rulings. Ban all the guns they yell ,but when a shit bag gets grabbed with one used to murder someone, let them go with time served. WFT
I have mentioned it here before Turtle..You really need to look into the Woo and all of Mass on why they do not punish gun crime..I know it has to be tied to some sort of fed funding of some sort..Our gun crime stats can not rise if they never prosecute
You can have a stolen gun on you and some drugs and they will drop all gun charges just to push for the drug charge,,which once again I believe leads to getting funding for drug treatment..A cash cow
Another example of why it ISN’T that more gun laws are needed. When I went for my CWP class, the officer mentioned that if you didn’t secure your weapon, and someone stole it and committed a crime (or a child played with it and got hurt), the gun owner could be held responsible.
Read the courthouse records…over and over again, criminals in Massachusetts who illegally possess firearms are NOT charged/sentenced for that, despite mandatory penalties. This is another example of selective, bleeding heart decisions by members of court system who have debatable legal knowledge.
How did this criminal get a firearm in the first place, and isn’t “aiding and abetting” still a crime?
Also, re: “After spending 17 months in prison, Silva said he plans to go back to school, get a college degree and be a “productive member of society.”” … if that is the case, he’d better start growing out the eyebrows with the gang member cutouts in them.
Keep voting for Democrats that keep putting Liberal Judges in place
Elections have consequences.
Thank you for reminding me again why I moved out of Massachusetts!
Seriously, one more year before my daughter is out of college and were out of this left wing hell hole.
Oh do tell. Where to?
While this may be a bad example due to the plea deal. The anti-gun people jump up and down about more gun control, more laws, more regulation. This crap goes on every day…. The criminals get off easy from these liberal, nansy pansy judges and the law abiding gun owners get more laws.
EXACTLY!!!! Whats the point of new/stricter laws if they arent going to enforce the ones we already have????
Man this state is fucked up.
@Devilsmouthpiece: law abiding gun owners get more laws & regulations. Well said, thank you..
You really trying to make a correlation between Collier not getting a job in Somerville as the reason he was murdered.
Stop trying so hard.
Wonder if Dukakis was a character witness for this shit bag as well, like he was for a-hole Philippos? A cop is dead, and the kid who provided the gun walks. Only in MA, the most corrupt ‘bought and sold’ judiciary in America.