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Quick background story. This guy was doing some work on a bank-owned property in Hubbardston. He hired some guy off of Craig’s List to help him out. Someone must’ve called the cops because it’s a vacant property and they saw three people in a truck there, and when the cops got there the Craig’s List guy ran away. The police officer who first arrived then had to deal with the most annoying and longest ten minutes ever recorded on video by the a man whose voice will make you contemplate suicide:
What kind of savage films a 10 minute video vertically like that? Then he tries turning the camera on its side, not realizing that this would happen:
If you’re gonna try to be the next viral cop block dooshnozzle, at least learn how your iPhone works. Just sayin.
Thank God I don’t have to deal with bullshit like this every day. Does this idiot really think that you can’t be charged with trespassing if there isn’t a “no trespassing” sign up? Like you can just go to someone’s house and crack beers on their front lawn as long as they don’t have a sign telling you not to? He honestly believes this?
Plus the cops couldn’t have possibly been any nicer to this guy and all he tells them he can’t put down his phone and give him the email he received telling him to do work on that property because he’s “scared to take this recording down for his own safety right now. Cuz you kind of hostile. And I’m scared!!!!”
See, that’s what’s wrong with social justice warriors. They’ve traded in their man cards for SJW cards. If you’re scared of a Hubbardston cop who is asking you nicely if he can see an email then you’re just a huge pussy. There’s no other way around it. What kind of man says they’re scared in that situation? Have some pride in yourself dude.
The bottom line is you’re doing work at a house that’s abandoned. You hired some sketchball off of Craig’s List and you’re acting loud and sitting on a property that doesn’t belong to you. Someone called the cops and when they got there your hired hand ran. Because normal people run in situations like that. Then the cops just wanted you to prove that you were in fact supposed to be doing work on that house and you can’t do that because you “feared for your life.” By doing so you required a couple other cops to come down, tying up valuable resources so you can play your game of “let me see if I can make a viral cop block video.” This is the culture that idiots like Colin Kaepernick and black lives matter have created.
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14 Comment(s)
Just wanna shoot myself just for how poorly-written this article is……………………………….
This cop is a saint!!
While this guy is a complete ass, it’s a little unfair to discredit an entire races fight for justice because of it. Yes, some people disobey the law and should be punished for it. But in a LOT of the police brutality cases that have gone viral, especially the majority of those where a POC ends up injured or dead from gunfire, there is definitely an abuse of power. I’m not saying it’s racially motivated as there was recently an instance where a black cop resigned willingly because he beat a black man unnecessarily with his baton. I’m saying some police do have serious issues when it comes to abusing their power. Sometimes this abuse of power doesn’t even have anything to do with brutality. I grew up in Gardner and it was a long running joke that the police there attached candy bars to the back of their cruisers because they loved little girls. And it was actually true. When I was 15 the beat cop that worked downtown used to always hit on me and tell me “I can’t wait til you turn 18.” He was 28 at the time. I also dated a detective when I was 18 and he used to drink and drive and give me and my friends alcohol. A lot of cops do tend to think they are above the law.
So, I read the whole story twice, and cannot see what the conclusion was, WTF ? Did the guy get arrested or what happened in the end?
This guy was filming this to be a JERK off. He wasn’t scared of anything. Also there’s a total of 5 black people in hubbardston. When the neighbors saw these guys of course they called the cops. They thought they were robbing the place or something. The officer was very very patient with this man. Probably more than he should have been.
What an asshat! In fear for his life? GFY! Douche of the day for sure, cop shoulda tased his ass for not cooperating. iPhone, email, done. Instead he acted like an idiot, because not cooperating with law enforcement what these shitbags do best.
Don’t tase me bro
Haha! That is classic.
Who Dat…. I am calling BullShit !!… Post the link & prove it … Until then I say Bullshit !!
The video was from Labor Day. Most construction/trade don’t work that day. If the guy had a printer at home why not just bring it with you to hand to someone if there was a question. Also wasn’t there a “worker” who ran when the cop came? (That isn’t weird at all) Hubbardston is quite, it isn’t huge so of course someone would call if something didnt look right. Also I have not heard of a cop following someone into their drive way. Weird, people are like little hens.
Just throwing it out there but recently a hubbardston cop followed a elderly resident into his driveway and proceeded to beat the shit out of him for having his car keys in hand and leave him in his own blood..so there could be reason to be scared.
When was this and where is the proof? That sounds pretty out there…
It WAS NOT this police officer. And how do we know your not lying?