This is Tiffany Feroe from Hull.
If there’s a social justice Facebook filter out there, she’s used it as a profile picture.
Now that she’s done standing up to racism she has appointed herself Town Karen Czar, and she isn’t afraid to give a food review with a side of judgment.
Uh muh God!! No masks!! You are literally killing people!! As soon as we start wearing masks no one will die!! After all, it’s going so great in places like New York. Your opinions no longer matter because your opinions are killing people!! Trust her – she once saved France from terrorism using a Facebook filter five years ago!!
Liberating Paris was easy compared to liberating Hull though, as not everyone appreciated her white woman pearl clutching.
“I could care less if it’s irresponsible,” should be the official slogan for Karens everywhere. If not, we’re all gonna die!!
Also, no accurate historical analogies will be allowed under her watch!
Shaming is NOT the usually the proper way to go about doing things, unless you’re not wearing a mask while a virus exists that is almost no danger whatsoever to to people under the age of 70. You MUST wear one around her!!
But wait, the Boathouse isn’t even in Hull.
Be warned Hingham – her territory has been known to cross town lines!!
This isn’t the first time Nantasket Nancy’s activism has led to dramatic reforms. She once changed the outcome of a democratic election by sharing a Change.org petition.
And she knows her truth!!
So if you live in Hull, Hingham, or anywhere she can drive to, and you see this face:
You better make sure you have your mask on or else you may become Hull Happenings Facebook Famous.
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64 Comment(s)
She reminds me of that meme with the doll from frozen with the fucked up face and lopsided head.
“Wanner berlduh snermang?”
I love Hull. I also enjoy looking at fatal crash scenes and gore videos. Got a couple of friends in there that are great peeps but they got a high douchebag count in that place.
Overall, I give her two in the stunning and a Mr. Potato Head in the brave.
She look like that Mr. Potatohead she holding in the first pic.
bitch need a diaper not a mask. her whole face look like a sphincter
Jawohl !
from a practical standpoint burning at the stake is inefficient and, frankly, very old school. We’re going to put her into enhanced Karen training with specific focus on current gas chamber engineering techniques.
Heil Karen!
It’s all Freudian for women like this slow-cooked hogologist…the deep seated guilt for letting those dudes run that train on them after day drinking in the pahk.
Glenda the Grundle Spelunker…I would’ve sneezed on her pizza before I told her to go funnel some hog meat and sizzup…
She prolly has ugly feet, too. Lizuhd
I’m never sure wheather to take it as a compliment or think he’s a creeper when my gynecologist doesn’t wear a mask.
before they took my license i practiced nude. it’s a new age thing.
i knew Giles Corey before he put on all that weight.
There was no doubt that this douchebag was a Hillary supporter. She does have a kind chin. The kind of chin that I would like to rest my balls on. Karens like her obviously think that they are smarter than everyone else, but they surely aren’t. It would be awesome if she got the virus and dies after all of her preaching.
Everyone needs to get the vaccine when it becomes available. That should be mandatory by law.
I hope to run into this ugly wrinkled cunt
I would really enjoy kicking her teeth down her throat
South Shore Taco Guy on Facebook. Great food and doesn’t charge you if you can’t afford to pay
She’s gross.
Fetal boxed wine syndrome poster child
First red flag was this lady is proud to be from Hull.
This filthy cunt Tiffany has a foul mouth
Probably from hanging out with her negroe boyfriend
Truck loads are on order. Delivery scheduled for Wednesday AM. Come in, come early, cash orders only. One color for all – Black. Sizes from xtra small to 3X. Even FUPA size for $20 extra.
We to keep a list of these people because when the Purge comes, these are the first cunts we liquidate.
were in a purge if you think about it and these are the people who side with the communist invaders
We are not were
She has never seen a.black dick that she didn’t suck
She’s worried about masks and she has the look of a pack and a half a day smoker for 30 years plus drinking enough boxed wine to refill a water tower
Tiffany once gave someone an over the pants dick ribbon behind The skee ball cabinet in the Dream Machine back in 95!
Pence/Clint Smith 2024
Tiffany only fucks missionary style… Tiffany needs to get the footlong from behind……Eat a dick Tiffany!!
What’s up with these self righteous SJW gasbags? We have a SJW on Cape (Cotuit) whose mission in life is calling out people who have their car idling more than 5 minutes. Yes it’s actually a Mass law now…
And her famous and frequent bedtime line?
” Eewwwwww, I don’t do that !”
“Or that, or that or that, and definitely not that !!”
If shirt- on, “please get it over with” missionary had a face, we have found it!
Hey eligible bachelors!
Tiffy here,!:)
Heyyyyyy!!!! I’m looking for that perfect man to hold hands and walk with me at sunset(with masks on of course) on the beach! I just love, love, box wine, TV shows The View and The Real, Oprah, Elizabeth Warren and my 5 cats!
I hope you like hearing the words, yummy, right!, delish, meow meows and super, because I say those a lot! LOL & LOLZ
So if you’re incredibly handsome, have money and are going to spoil and treat this princess to life, then hit me up!
Liberal White Women are the death of Freedom.
You want to order somebody around squirt out a kid and ruin their life otherwise fuck off you hag.
So many causes! So brave! Thank you Tiffany.
Ironic if she catches the Wuhan Virus while wearing her comfort mask.
Does she swallow?
Definitely not!
You probably would have to beg to just get a obligatory listless handjob!
no, but she does own a dragon, I delivered it
I dated her in high school she licked my poop shoot on the first date
She also fucked a few negroes from the projects
Real douchebag
I fucked this ugly ass skank back in ‘97. Used that Mr. Potato head as a butt plug. Let’s just say original hands to that toy are long gone.
For those who don’t get the joke, the arms are still in her butt.
hang yourself boy
As some dude on a cross once said, “they know not what they do”.
What do you expect after +2 generations of ‘everybody gets a trophy’?
Liberals, being the ignorant cowards that they are, are angry & emboldened now, whereas in previous generations they’d have been put in their places right quick (or simply STFU). Rather than simply correct their own behavior they lash out & try to bring everyone else down with them.
Awful lot of click bait crap on here lately.
She needs puurr some friskies on her chode clit and let one of her cats lick it off. She seems a bit uptight
Cunt….If missionary had a face
Whole virus is a fake news get trump event. No risk. Charlie mad his son sucks so is ensuring everyone else kids get messed up too.
I Won’t ever wear a mask. Ps I have a health issue. Prove it. Fuck off
So TurtleAss, you’re sole purpose is shaming people who you think deserve it.
But when someone else shames someone, they are the problem?
fuckkin laughable….
The only thing consistent about Turtleboy is that you’re a moron if you disagree with him even a little but, even if he changes his mind all the time.
She’s more right than they are. And look at these idiots saying “it doesn’t go into effect until 5/6”. That’s not the point, Skippy.
Greg the Chinese corona virus that was intentionally leaked from the #4 biological lab in wuhan china, that was also funded by president obumma can be spread from one giant gaping asshole to another. Time to stuff a mask in your ass to save lives! Hurry Greg hurry! if you dont stuff a mask in your ass your boifriend is going too catch the wuhan virus from your gaping ass after you cum fart!
Greg is Chinese Communist Party Operative. He asshole.
Greg, we can choose which laws we want to obey and the ones we will ignore. Sound familiar dipshit???
If I seem a bit cranky, it’s because I haven’t had a decent shit in two and a half years due to IBS.
Laughed quite hard at that one. Thanks
I was in that line and I could smell Tiffany’s rancid pussy from a mile away.
Super edgy bro
Not edgy shitstain but dangerous. The smell brought me to my knees.
dude you have the most fucked up comment titles in the history of man
Try to tell these morons that 99% of the masks being worn are completely ineffective, both to transmit or catch the virus, and all you get is blank stares.
Explain to them that the virus can be absorbed thru the eyes,& all they do is deflect/obfuscate.
Finally, they devolve to their inevitable hate, and it’s either wishing your death or accusing you of killing grandma.
Oh and it’s only Trump supporters who are the violent/hateful ones.
It’s people like these Karens that make normally peaceful & reasonable humans wish for the tree of liberty to get some badly needed fertilizer.
Put a mask on her picture so I can recognize her!
Or a picture of the top of her head. I could recognize her scalp full of dandruff and scabs any day.
“I know my truth” is an open invitation to preform unnatural acts upon her person.
Yes, Uncle Turtleboy, literally burning people alive is an accurate historical analogy for saying “hey, wear a mask.”
One big giant ugly miserable liberal CUNT. I hate her more than the most ratchety ratchet that ever ratcheted. My head is gonna explode.
Fag’s joy=Pizza
Authoritarian whackos are living a wet dream right now