A lot of Patriots fans are upset that Tom Brady got booed last night. Not Turtleboy though. Here’s why.
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The other day we wrote about the libelous nonsense that was printed in Rosalie Tirella’s InCityTimes newspaper. The column, written by the always hilarious professional protester Ol’ Man Gordon Davis, said in no uncertain terms that there was a Michael Gaffney supporter in blackface at one of this fundraisers:
Obviously no one is stupid enough to do this in 2015. Obviously. If it had really happened it would’ve been news by now. But more than anything it would’ve made everyone and their mother feel extremely uncomfortable. Plus, like…….why? What would motivate someone to come dressed in blackface to a Gaffney campaign fundraiser? Someone wanted to go out for a couple beers at the perfect game, started to figure out what they were gonna wear and then pulled an audible and said, “I’m gonna go in blackface instead. #YOLO.”
Oh yea that’s right, it never happened. Because the protesters have reached the point where they’re just making shit up as they go along now. Protester move 101 – when you can’t find any real evidence of racism, just make it up. The mere accusation of it makes you guilty. Considering Gaffney is a lawyer, this was probably a stupid move on the part of the InCityTimes, since they are a commercial enterprise profiting off of printed lies. One would assume that as soon as Rosalie caught wind of it she’d have it taken down.
But then again, Rosalie Tirella might be the most mentally unbalanced person in the city of Worcester. This is a woman who falsely printed that Dianne Williamson was involved in a DUI a few years back. She’s gone after the blind, the elderly, the disabled, and anyone who she feels should be libeled in a public forum.
So instead she decided to double down. Rather than take it down she issued a statement in which she not only said it’s true, she named names:
Brittany Legacey is the 23 year old former employee for the Worcester Clerk’s Office. She’s currently suing the city for a politically motivated termination (for being pictured on Facebook at Gaffney’s birthday party).
This was quickly shared by the ever reputable Facebook pages, “Occupy Worcester” and “Stop the Hate in the 508”:
How much you wanna bet this is just Old Balls sending in an anonymous tip and Rosalie and Gordon ran with it? I mean, it’s the same 20 people that run all these coalitions and activist groups. They’re beyond pissed that Gaffney and Turtleboy have taken down Mosaic, so they obviously have the motive to make something like this up. You’d think they’d have thought it out a little better though.
So yea, this is what Rosalie does. She just throws shit at the wall without any sort of evidence and for the most part she gets away with it. Obviously Brittany Legasey did not come to any Gaffney events in blackface. Obviously. We should know, we were there. But we’d love to see Rosalie’s proof of it. I mean, someone must’ve taken a picture since pretty much everyone has a camera on them at all times now, and someone in blackface would certainly get people’s attention.
Here’s some pictures from the party in question:
Yea so, it probably would’ve been pretty awkward for some dooshnozzle wearing an Al Jolson blackface costume to walk into the Perfect Game and see an actual real black guy. Luckily it never happened. So yea, for all you Internet lawyers who are always threatening to sue Turtleboy Sports, this is something you can actually get sued for. You’re not allowed to just make shit up and defame other people on a whim.
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19 Comment(s)
Happy, she’s opening the whole thing and suing the city. In that way, many will be involved, the passive-aggressive type too. How about suing for slander too. Just to get the point across. The only downside, is all of this costs long-money. For lawyers and expenses. Have to commend her on suing !
It is well known that Tirella is a liar. Very well known. It is also pretty clear much of the alleges of racism in Worcester, Univ Missouri and elsewhere have been made up.
So will someone actually sue the fruit cake this time ?? Lady is almost as big as an embarrassment to Worcester as Petty and the Mosaic
I am actually shocked she still has Standard auto wrecking as a sponsor..Sonny had a problem telling people no especially a haunt like Rosalie..His daughter not so much!! Can only imagine she does not know she sponsors that fruit loop
Her name spells out the types of storys she writes Ros-a -LIE
the InCity Times is a B.S free rag that only covers green island and the dump that is D4.
i don’t see no blackface in these pics.
rosalie is just another wannabe who got rejected by the T&G.
Another 23 year old liberal puke — freshly regurgitated from liberal arts college.
Absolutely sickening.
Gee, a liberal media type making shit up about a conservative! Who’d a thunk it?
That Tarella lady is fucking bonkers! She fucked with Di Williamson and got fuckin’ smoked!
THAT WOMEN LET THE AIR OUT OF THE PATRIOTS FOOTBALLS!!!!! I didn’t see her but the guy that was in the men’s room says it was her.
Much ado about nothing or its all about the bass. When all else fails try incity times. Woostah’s version of a low end very low enquirer
Lots of noses,no black face.
I wouldn’t let my cats shit on that poor excuse for a paper, the ICT. The bitch that runs it is always busting public employees due to their “outrageous” salaries. The people who advertise in that POS paper should be boycotted.
My understanding is this is all a simple misunderstanding. A Worcester repertory theater actor appearing in Othello popped in for a quick beer betwixt scenes.
The problem with suing ICT is if you win they have nothing to give.
At least she had the guts to inform the public that the city is being run by a person who, until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association would have diagnosed a pervert, until its voting body was taken over by radical leftists.
I see ugly people maybe a black face would’ve been better.
Rosalie Tirella was seen two weeks ago on Main Street servicing a neighborhood dog. Now I don’t have any pictures or witnesses, but it sounds true.
Rosalie Tirella was the second gunman in the grassy knoll. She was also seen fornicating with Old Balls and The Sunshine Kid in the bathroom at Woosta Pizza.
Now, I have no proof. But you’re a little racist if you don’t believe me.
Rosalie Tirella loves to eat cottage cheese out of Walter Bird’s ass with a spoon while Karen Webber watches and sits on an eggplant… don’t check it, just print it.
So anyone can print anything they now?
What’s scary is no one remembers the retraction, only the lie.
I’m sure someone could spread some lies about Rosalie Tirella, see if she gets the message