This episode of Uncle Turtleboy’s Light Night Garage Podcast is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy. Support the Turtleboy sponsors by giving them a call for all your garage door needs, visit their website, or like them on Facebook to support the turtle.
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Jeremy Winslow has been abusing and assaulting women for years now. Sadly, Tanya Hall died as a result of a dangerous situation that he put her in. We welcomed a brave lady named Kara onto the podcast tonight, and she shared her story about what it was like to date this loser. Because she came forward it inspired many others to do so after her. Now he’s in jail where he belongs, and he might have a new bunkmate in Franklin Baxley.
11 Comment(s)
I wouldn’t be surprised if he used Tanya as a shield
Pretty please because the “Do not show anymore” checkbox doesn’t work.
only fags and pussyfarts wear their baseball hats backwards. these are the same assholes that reminisce about “the backstreet boys”
Truly one of the best days since I’ve been reading tbs. two pieces of shit down, many to go. Keep up the stellar work TB staff. You are on the front lines of this battle and it’s nice to win once in a while. Unusual but nice.
I hope good old uncle turtle turd tells us about some dumb ass that is an employee at garage doors plus , just give it a little time
Stop besmirching the name of the late, great Frank Sidebottom with your repetitive, inane drivel.
You’re comments are neither wanted nor needed.
Now, off you fuck.
Wow turtle turd airs a scorn ex girlfriends opinion tomorrow good ole turtle turd will tell us all about her crotch fruits and her pitifully life
do the world a favor will ya, sit down and shut the fuck up, like a good little boy, it’s getting old
fucking faggot sidebottom
We all know it’s you, Drew LebLanc. Go away.
Please stop. For the love of God it’s been a long week and I’m having cognitive delays.