Last summer I published a blog on local Boston quasi-celebrity turned restaurant owner Jen Royle after she lost her mind on a dude who gave her a bad Yelp review because she charged him a $50 cancellation fee.
Basically you pay money to sit down and eat whatever is for dinner with strangers and you pay a lot of money because you’re in Boston. And if you don’t like it she will go after you on Twitter with profanity laden tirades that make your crazy ex sound stable.
She also has had a long standing feud with former ESPN barbie doll turned conservative blue checkmark Brit McHenry, who is a dreadful, miserable woman herself, after Jen said she wouldn’t let that bitch eat in her restaurant and challenged her to a fight.
Basically the only reason either of them is famous is because they’re attractive women. Especially Jen Royle, who like her or hate her is smoking hot. Other than that they are both soulless, vapid, angry twats who can’t control what they say, get away with it because they’re spank bank material, and think they’ve gotten to their place in life because of actual talent.
Jen didn’t like the blog I wrote because she claimed to be a big supporter, despite never once sharing our content or buying anything.
Nevertheless I issued a heartfelt apology that you can read here.
Jen gets tons of free advertising because of her connections with the sports media up here. For whatever reason the WEEI and Sports Hub bros fawn over her on the Twitter machine. Tony Mazz, Jerry Thornton, Christian Fauria, and many others have given her press press before and during the commie cold crisis.
But Jen had another epic meltdown this week, starting with this tweet:
This is just a passive-aggressive way of saying, “You’re a dickhead if you use a gift card during the commie cold crisis instead of giving me new cash.”
First of all, a lot of people bought gift cards when this shitshow began to show support to businesses like hers. Most of those businesses don’t have the advantage of former Super Bowl champions endorsing them on social media.
Secondly, even if you did buy a gift card before all this went down, so what? She still got the money. They already paid you. Shut up and make the meatballs.
Even though a lot of people have lost their jobs and businesses over this, Jen Royle wants them to consider her financial situation.
Pro tip – if you’re gonna whine about how you’re struggling during this crisis, even though you qualify for PPP loans, don’t brag about how you don’t need republicans to buy your food because you’re sold out every night just a couple days later.
I understand that without cash coming in it feels like you’re working for nothing, but that’s just how the gift card game works. But if you insist that people bought the gift cards month ago, you should probably stick to that story.
Or just stop talking altogether. That might be best actually.
The best part was how she framed it as, “I’m just curious what you guys think,” even though she was making it blatantly obvious that she personally thinks you’re a fucking dickhead if you use a gift card during the crisis.
But she also thinks it’s OK to use your gift card to Chili’s, because they’re a chain.
Even though franchise owners are still dependent upon cash coming in to survive.
Then yesterday she decided it would be a good time to reignite her feud with Brit McHenry by mocking her for talking about having brain cancer surgery.
She does this with the same account that she uses to promote her business. She literally does everything wrong that you can possibly do on social media if you open a business, but then gets free advertising from thirsty quasi-celebrities and thinks she’s getting business because of her talents. Granted, Brit McHenry is a right cunt herself, and the last thing she’d ever wanna do is “be kinder” to anyone. But still, how out of touch with reality do you have to be to mock a woman’s two month old tweet about getting brain surgery?
And in classic Jen Royle style she’s refusing to back down.
And she’s making up excuses for why her tweet was OK.
Just to review:
- Britt McHenry posts about getting a surgery on February 25 but doesn’t specify what surgery
- Britt McHenry posts on social media days later that it’s brain surgery
- Two months later Jen Royle decides to dig up the first tweet and mock her because apparently surgery is something to mock your rival over as long as it’s not brain surgery
Yea, that doesn’t quite add up. Then again, adding has never been Jen’s specialty.
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71 Comment(s)
Id love to read a few sentences from all the men who have been in any of her holes. She’s mid40s attractive and always has had great tits so the list of former athletes and no name celebrities/radio personalities must be pushing low triple digits to be conservative.
Me and Felga eat here all the time. Don’t tell the Wood but one night I saw her blowing Mad Mike after a few too many limoncellos. Me, Murray and the fuppets all did her too.
She obviously has mental health issues. Why hasn’t a family member or friend tried to get her help?
I bet her ledger looks like a Jackson Pollak original. Not sure how’s she still in business, but along with putting the brakes on trashing existing and potential customers, maybe factor outstanding gift cards into operating as they’re sold so as to avoid, you know, looking like an asshole?
Jen is not a ten but she is prime for a prone bone.
A little spit and a push and she’s serving her purpose.
Gotta feed the starfish.
Now that Britt, she eclipses Jen in the looks department, hands down.
Honor those gift cards, you greedy slampig.
Jen it’s time to lay off the keyboard after your 3 big 16 oz Tito’s after work….Lonley angry drunk ..
The lonely angry drunk part may or may not be a cause/effect thing.
I’d let her blow me then admire her for her freshly adorned chin omelet, then polish her off with the ol raccoon eyes as my sincere thanks…
That crab looks like it was plucked from the seat of our womens room toilet
seat and delivered straight to your plate.
people paid money to purchase gift cards and she feels that redeeming those cards for which she was paid is giving away food? what? why does she think people bought gift cards?
it’s a stressful time for everyone and all small businesses….but if you are going to be online bitching about redeeming gift cards that have been bought and paid for….do you think you’ll sell another?
food might be fantastic and maybe she’s a wonderful person but this isn’t the first time she’s taken a dump all over herself on social media….is she medicated? should she be? seriously….walk away from that keyboard and get back in the kitchen.
Seeing Jen back on TB makes me cringe, especially after seeing her email following the first blog
I know her family and her mom’s a sweetheart. Her younger brother’s a good dude who owns a reputable business in town, which he’s unable to open right now. Jen’s older brother’s a great guy as well
One thing is clear, Jen continues to be her own worst enemy and really needs to stay off social media with regard to her business. Not a good look Jen. A little finesse and humility would serve you well and save your family from more unnecessary headaches
I hope this cunt goes bankrupt. What a piece of trash.
Fuck you bitch. I hope a seeing-eye dog takes a shit on the floor of that petri dish you call a restaurant.
What a douche! I bet she had no problem taking the gift card money. There’s usually a line to buy gift cards at any restaurant during Christmas time. Now she’s just plain insulting paying customers. Her business model is flawed and I hope her shitty restaurant circles the drain like it’s destined to do.
BTW- definitely not hot and if she was her pissy, unbearable attitude drags her down a few notches.
How come our stupid gift cards are printed on substantial plastic… but our Social Security cards are printed on the flimsiest paper ever? Juss axin’.
Ayy when she said her reviews online for her restaurant were tanking I took a fat sip of my Gin and Tonic and laughed out fuckin loudddd. last year when I read your article about this piece of shit entitled daddy’s girl I made sure to go to her yelp review and Write my meatballs were fuckin cold and the owners a cunt add a 1 Star to that and Yelp deleted the comment and said I had never been there and that her business was under attack…GOOD!! in the wise words of Tony mazz “ Jen Royle Sucks and Blows!!”
The sanctimony is strong in this one. Chewabaca , give her a rusty trombone
pretty people get such a free ride in America that they stop thinking at a young age, the terrible twos apparently, and demand nonsense such as this. i wonder if she realizes, outside of her friends, what a dilated asshole she appears to be.
I like their tits.
used up old broad
That’s the smartest thing you’ve said since you started posting here!
I would eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from
She’s not hot. She’d be a 4 anywhere else in the country. Britt is much better looking. And I don’t care if Britt shits on losers beneath her station. They just are and that’s life.
And they say STEM leaves girls behind.
Jen, outside of being a total Bitch your math is off by almost $300.
That’s 15%. Exactly what I would have left as a tip, except…….. I wont be at your store EVA!
You might be hot to TB (who would need to stand on a chair to look into your eyes) but I haven’t fucked girls with Cocaine noses since Jackie.
Wow I just read the last article you wrote with all the shit she was saying to that other cunt Britt and anyone who disagreed with her. I can’t believe anyone would still go eat and give this manly cunt a single penny after the shit she wrote. Then has the nerve to cry about the article and how mean you were to write it?! No self awareness. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is? My friends and I were going to make reservations there in January but heard from other friends the food wasn’t that great. Then we heard about the no alcohol policy so that idea went straight out the window and we booked at Abe and Louie’s instead…fucking delicious. Anyhoo, I’d never give this cunt the gift my presence now that I see what an ungrateful, haggard looking, trash bag wearing, narcissistic twat she is
Jen why don’t you keep your ‘gift certs purchased’ in another account like I do, then transfer the money over to general receipts / income when the cert is used?
How much have you spent on clothes, beauty products, spa treatments, your hair, nails, etc… since the restaurant has been closed?
I’ll use my god damn gift certificate whenever the fuck I want. What an asshole you sound like on Twitter. If you aren’t married… I think I know why.
A Boner for Jen kind of fucked that one up. Anyway this woman’s husband let her work ? what the fuck?
Isn’t Britt that cunt who thought she was too special to get her car towed or some shit a few years ago? Brain tumor couldn’t have happened to a better person if you ask me. The other cunt needs to understand that she was already paid for the meal, that’s how gift cards work. If she doesn’t like it then don’t sell them. She’s robs people with her cancellation fees and she, herself, said she’s sold out every night so she should have plenty of money in savings. This old bitch can fuck right off
FYI, if you’re going to leave a review for Table Boston, you have to write a “detailed” review so it doesn’t get flagged and taken down by google.
All the new reviews are 5 stars, so I assume she is having family and friends write BS reviews with 2 or 3 sentences. She def is flagging any new negative review. So just write 2 or 3 sentaces and it will stay.
Jen is smoking hawt blah blah blah.
Any wahhhman that spends hundreds of dollars a month on make up Is obviously not hawt or attractive the slightest. It’s called make up for a reason, it’s to make you up. Take a washcloth too that face and I bet after the 7oz’s of foundation comes off and the hair extension fake lashes and nails shes just your typical looking liberal cunt witch.
That bitch is angry because no man actually wants to be with her. shes good for first date anal and that’s it and she knows this. Shes the type of bitch that would do things just to keep a simp cuck around that even Debbie from Debbie does dalls would blush over. She is a self absorbed cunt and thinks shes important . She walks around with a stick in her ass because shes hit the wall and has no fertility to offer any man. And these over 35 year old wahhman wonder why the autism rates have gone up. Its because your pussy has been burnt out airdout and beaten to a pulp by so many men that when you do find a sucker your kid comes out half restarted. I’ve seen things on the wet market menu that look better than her food. What a loud mouthed trash bag. I would love to see her actually call out a chick who was born and raised in the north end (there are still a bunch) she would get her teeth kicked in and thrown over the fence of the public pool in no time.
P.s. she only fucks celebrities or dudes who she thinks are celebrities vut also has a thing for brazilian bus boys so there is no chance for any of you simp beta cucks.
She also has been trying for years to get knocked up by a dude with money for a free bag.
Ive been told by a few of my black homies that her pussy smells like cod from red lobster, she consistently has vaginitis and she has more herps on her lips than Lindsey Lohan has freckles.
Shes the north ends sperm bucket. No thanks
Hey MgTow turtle, is there an online mensa meeting tonight? Yeah she’s a cunt but your a fukkin’ low brow idiot. just sayin’….
I’m not even sure what that is. since you know all about it I’m sure you’re a fucking weirdo! Obviously you’re a fucking weirdo all you do is say the same line over and over. Keep appeasing the pussy and when you end up doing the silver bracelet shuffle. followed by being bent over the defidendt’ desk and divorce raped in anti family court. Dont say I didnt warn ya so. This might or might not be before the allegations of sexual, emotional and physical abuse are made by your harpie wife against her and your children!
Actually wait scratch all that. she said she luvvvssssssss you and she would never do that too you wahh. so it must be true lmfao. Remember shes not really yours it’s just your turn. It’s your turn until she finds someone who’s more attractive and has more money than you sir you will be last months old news no matter if ya have children or not!
Now go sit in the living room she decorated with your money and put your mask on and think about it!
There is also more than one MGTOW TURTLE we are plenty!
She’s definitely an angry cunt but MGTOW you are the definition of fucking insane
You are fucking stupid. That is all.
How many teacher’s aides did you burn through in elementary school?
This Jen Royle vs Britt fight is gonna end with one of them showing us their tits to prove they’re real, isn’t it?
THIS is the epic hot chick twatter battle we onanists could use right now.
Never heard of this CUNT JEN ROYLE, reminds me of every skank cam girl dildoing herself on line and demanding people pay when she’s on a free web site then losing her mind cuz everybody owes her.
I’d like to purchase a large number of gift cards from her restaurant and give them to the homeless who shit on the sidewalks near her business, visualize them all piling into her establishment at the same time.
Doesn’t want Republican or Conservative customers.
Places conditions on gift cards bc she’s the only one effected by the Baker shut down.
Mocks people with brain tumors getting brain surgery.
Hope somebody takes her up and fights her for charity and she needs brain surgery fucking cunt.
what a disgusting human, imagine if her face was ugly and she pulled this abuse on people.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness is to the bone.
Searches Turtleboy dot com.for “Macs Diner” and wonders why “Unc” used to have different feelings on restaurants losing their minds over low star Yelp reviews.
Can’t forget that fucking BITCH Jennifer Booth aka “the princess” from W.Brookfield who badmouthed Mac’s diner on being too slow. Her husband King Seth is a known thief. GoId story. Tacoma FD for the win!
She graduated from Salve Regina…more properly known as “Sloppy Vagina.” If you were in the Navy, ugly, and horny (but I repeat myself), and stationed in Newport, Sloppy was the layup, but you’d feel pretty damn greasy the next day.
You can’t expect intellect from this cunt factory, bud. It’s just science.
Wow just reading her yelp reviews – she responds to a few of them and she is the same condescending bitch on yelp as she is on twitter.
There are a couple of things to note here:
1. She is horrible at math which may be why she has trouble getting her mind around honoring her PREPAID meals.
2. I would have opted for the chin job over the nose job. That man chin is not doing her any good. It will get worse with time. The wall is coming fast. Makeup only works for so long.
3. The man chin is usually indicative of high testosterone levels in females. The bad news is that it reflects in her social media posts. The good news is that man chinned high testosterone women are usually promiscuous ala the esteemed Chateau.
I’d reverse cowgirl plow the fuck out of her, then make her drop to her knees and just EMPTY BUCKETS OF CUM all over her face. You’re right TB – she’s smokin’ hot!
Where is it that I am supposed to know these people from? twitterwhorewars.com?
The rona got all the twats going off on social media and I love it. Carry on.
Wonder if she is into water sports?
Those pants are made of Hefty trash bags.
Am I the only one, or does that food not look that great. I could get a better Italian dinner down at the Olive Garden. And I’d pass on banging that used up cunt hole. She probably dead-fishes it anyway.
Her back and shoulders would look like a glazed ham when I’m done.
Jen your a rusty nail!
I’ll take a HARD PASS on either bitch, and the restaurant
She seems nice.
I might stretch her starfish with a table lamp.
That scrunchy face will be permanent after turning the table lamp on!
God she’s such a cunt
Jen was probably “smoking hot” when Bill Clinton was in office but now she’s just going through menopause and waiting for her aarp benefits to kick in.
Tormentors gonna torment
No one is amused
Jen is hot no doubt however with each passing day she’s slowly losing that and her true self is appearing which is just ugliness. She knows it and pretty soon when she starts looking completely unfuckable is when these other quasi-celebrities will stop giving her shout outs thinking they might get their dick wet.
Maybe people who are up against it are using gift cards you already received money for are fearful you might not be in business if they wait to use them. If there is a future for your restaurant, you might want to put many restrictions on the use of your gift cards.
I think there is a chance that she might be a disgraceful cunt….
She has a man face, sort of like the channel 4 weather girl Danielle niles. Wouldn’t even look twice if I saw her walking down the street. After reading this, she is also a miserable cunt. I bet her pussy looks like a super beef three way.
Yep – totally nasty, Britt McHenry has always been way hotter. This is a “rivalry” like Patriots/Bills has been a “rivalry” for the past 20 years.
Superbeef 3 way, fuck me, thanks a lot now I gotta go out and get a Superbeef with onion rings and slaw. Hope Charles Bakers minions don’t catch me without my mask!
You already apologized and now you are doing it again with another stupid article?
I’d give her the bone. Then I’d leave a negative yelp review….
I’m guessing you didn’t really read the “apology”, did you?
You’re embarrassed now, aren’t you? Sometimes we write stupid comments without giving it much thought, later regretting our posts. Take Jen Royle as an example…