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So the world famous protests going on at the University of Missouri got started when a student named Jonathan Butler began a hunger strike. He was refusing to eat until the school president was fired for not taking swift enough action after undocumented, alleged incidents of racism.
According to Heavy,
Butler and a group called Concerned Student 1950 (a reference to the first year black students were accepted by the 176-year-old university) began protesting in September, when the Students Association President said he was called a racial slur by men in a pickup truck on campus. Then, on October 5, a drunk student made racial slurs while the Legion of Black Collegians rehearsed a homecoming skit. And on October 24, a student made a swastika out of human feces on the floor and wall of a dormitory.
Not one of these incidents was documented. Not one. It is now believed that the poop swastika story was completely made up. Not one of the other incidents was taped or recorded in an era when everyone has a camera in their back pocket.
Our take on Jonathan Butler was simple – let him die. Because there’s a 150% chance he would cave. Oh yea, and more than likely he wasn’t even on a hunger strike. Why do you think they tried so hard to keep the media away from him? Why do you think they blockaded the hippie encampment? Because this dooshnozzle was pounding down a hot pocket when no one was looking.
And with today’s revelation our theory was proven right. This is Jonathan’s Dad:
Yup. He’s a MULTI millionaire executive suit extraordinaire. Ya got that? He’s so oppressed growing up as a black man in America because his Dad only makes $8 million a year. Though life, let me tell ya.
Jonathan Butler is as privileged as you can possibly get. And the best part is that one of his “demands” is that 25 year old grad students like himself have their health care fully paid for by the University. Did I mention his Dad made $8 million last year?
One thing I know about rich kids is they’re soft. It boggles my mind that everyone fell for this nudnik’s bullshit. He’s not oppressed, he’s just a rich guy that wants attention. And rich guys don’t have what it takes to go all the way with a hunger strike. This was just a resume builder for him. I’m sure Daddy is pleased that he’s gonna grow up and work for a non-profit while Daddy continues to finance his lavish lifestyle until he dies.
Now that we know this it makes his “demand” letter even more hilarious:
HAHAHHAHAHHAH!!! These people are freaking HILARIOUS!!! Keep it coming!! Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege? Dude, your Dad owns a fucking RAILROAD!!! You know who owns railroads? Whoever I’m playing against in Monopoly.
He’s also demanding that Wolfe apologize for this incident at the homecoming parade, where he led a group of protesters with a megaphone, and blocked Wolfe’s car from getting through:
Ya got that?? The President has to apologize because a car he was in got stuck in front of a bunch of overprivileged hippies who think they’re oppressed because they’re black. LOL. I would say this angers Turtleboy, but I just can’t stop laughing. It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. I could watch that video on repeat 20 times a day. Watching those fat bastards, who were just there to watch a football game, awkwardly try to sneak their way in front of the hippie blockade might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
Just a reminder that this girl who took the megaphone (she is the same girl who went after the Asian photographer the other day), started yelling swears and racial slurs directly at small children.
It’s OK though. The little kids have privilege and she doesn’t. She shouldn’t have to apologize. The President should. Hippie Logic 101.
Don’t worry, I’m sure we’re not done with this story. The leader of the movement was a fraud, just like the rest of them. Stay tuned and we’ll keep exposing these idiots one by one.
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12 Comment(s)
More power to Jonathan Butler!
The guy who claims he was called racial slurs from a truck was busted today for fabricating the presence of the KKK on campus. If you vote democrat this is YOUR fault!
I thought Obamacare forced insurers to allow kids to remain on their parents’ health insurance until the age of 26. If this guy is only 25, he should be covered by his family’s plan. He’d better finish up with grad school fast, though. If white people can “age out” of their parents’ insurance, then black people ought to follow the same rules. Otherwise I think that’s a violation of the Equal Rights Amendment. or some other liberal law.
A list of demands. Where have I seen this before? ATTICA, ATTICA. How’d that work out?
two words: POOP SWASTIKA
dude doesn’t need health care when he grew up eating Whole Foods groceries all his life. kids healthy as a horse , move along dawg
this kid has more privilege than virtually every white kid who grew up in a three decker on Vernon or Grafton Hill. This whole Missouri thing is going to fall apart like the Mike “thug” Brown narrative.
Thanks for exposing this fraud.
This is absolutely stunning. Have already sent this link to close to 100 people across the country.
This reminds me of a joke by Chris Rock. He talks about a homeless, one-legged white man not wanting to trade places with him because “I think I’ll ride out this white thing” and Chris is RICH!! Yup. Very funny and insightful.
I’m curious who they got to pay for the bullhorn they ain’t cheap u know must of been a hell of a fundraiser