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Check out this insanity in Kingston.
Normally we don’t just take random Facebook posts from people we don’t know and assume we’re getting the whole story, but in this case it appears to be legit. They evidently moved her body back a row and over one spot because they buried her in a plot that was reserved for two people who are still alive.
It’s a privately owned cemetery and there’s nothing the town of Kingston can do. However, she did get in contact with the superintendent who told her that they moved her because of their own original error, but yet they did not apologize for doing so.
I’ve never heard of anything like this before. So much for resting in peace. And to not even tell the family? Inexcusable. Evidently her brother was home (from the army), and he, his fiance, and her other brother went to go visit her, found out she wasn’t there, and had no idea where to look. Little did they know she was just a row back and one spot over. It is simply unfathomable how a cemetery could do this without telling the family.
We called up Kingston Evergreen Cemetery and left a voicemail with the superintendent. I don’t expect we’ll be getting a call back.
What makes this story even more disturbing is the fact that their mother was a murder victim, and the killer is still on the loose. Read this link and it will blow your mind. She had recently started dating a man after moving to Fort Myers, Florida.
“Laura had such a good heart,” Berger said. “She was lonely and wanted a man around the house to feel safe but she also felt bad for people and just wanted to help them out.”
Simon Storm was one of two men Howard took in the course of months during her time in Fort Myers. Simon Storm pulled on Laura’s heartstrings seducing her with an idea he would fill an empty space she longed for.
He fed her a bunch of lies.
Storm roped Howard in with the story he illegally immigrated from Canada sneaking through the border and hitch hiking his way to find his ex-wife and only daughter. .
“He was working for a landscaper that did my yard,” Berger said. “We believed him and felt sorry for him. Laura ended up taking him in.”
Sympathy led to a relationship well kept from most of Laura’s family, including her daughter Cassandra.
“I didn’t know he existed,” Howard’s daughter said. “I didn’t know this man was in her life at all.”
When Laura’s son went to visit her they believe “Simon Storm” tried to keep him away.
Howard’s son Greg knew very little about this mystery man, but was sure his mother didn’t want Storm in the picture the week in April he planned on visiting Southwest Florida.
“I’m certain that she did not want him there,” Howard’s son said. “She wanted the house for me and her, she didn’t need him around.”
As the trip got closer, the family says strange things started to happen.
“I could just sense in her that she was just like longing for me to be there,” Howard’s son, Greg said. “I said, ‘ma, I’ll be like two weeks and I’ll be there, don’t worry.”
Laura was acting out of character abruptly sending Greg messages contradicting her feelings about his visit.
“I got a text message on my phone that said, ‘don’t come down, I won’t be here.’
Family and friend’s of Howard believe the messages were sent by Storm intended as a distraction. Howard’s son Greg flew in to Fort Myers anyway, but Laura never showed to pick him up.
In other words, she wanted him out of the house, and the feeling wasn’t mutual. He likely killed her, then started texting her son and telling him not to come to Florida. He showed up anyway though.
Howard’s son Greg tells Four In Your Corner, once he got to the house he tried getting in through all the doors but everything was sealed shut.
“Even the back door that I knew how to prop open when it was locked was completely shut,” he said. “So I went to my mom’s friend, Sally’s house and told her my mom wasn’t home. Her face kind of went pale and dropped.”
At this point, friends and family members are calling Howard and Storm to find out where they are, by the second day, both of the phones were off.
Her body was inside in a state of decomposition, and the killer had blasted the AC so as to not attract the neighbors, turning the house into a virtual refrigerator.
“When we got to the house, all the curtains were drawn and you could not see inside the house,” Berger said. “We noticed the moisture outside the windows, and they were dripping.”
“By Friday, I called the police and I was just done with it,” Howard’s daughter, Cassandra said. “I couldn’t wait any longer. I knew something in my gut was wrong. I said, ‘I need you to go force entry into that home or meet me, I’m going to get on the next flight, meet me there and arrest me, I’m going to force my way into that house.’
Detectives say when they walked into Howard’s apartment, they found her in a state of severe decomposition, having to identify using her dental records because she had been in water for several days.
“The air conditioning was turned down to the lowest point to prevent an odor from getting out and alarming anybody,” Howard’s daughter, Cassandra said.
“We can’t tell if she was strangled, we can’t tell if she was suffocated,” Trish Routte with Crimestoppers said. “We can’t tell what happened to her.”
And his name wasn’t really Simon, and he did this with tons of women.
What investigators can tell is the man Laura thought she knew wasn’t really named Simon Storm. His name is Robert Khuen but uses a list of aliases: Alex Defrey, Simon Croft, Alex Frost, and Simon Storm. All names have been flagged on multiple places. Detectives say the same day Fort Myers Police found Howard’s body, they also found her car abandoned on the east coast.
Howard’s car was found near a home where a suspicious incident was reported in Margate, Florida. According to an incident report, police say, Khuen was living with a woman around Howard’s same age. She was suspicious about Storm and asked him to show her his ID to prove to her who he really was. Storm agreed, went upstairs to get his ID but instead jumped out the window and was never seen again.
“You don’t just leave a woman dead and then jump out of a second story building to avoid being caught if you’ve done nothing wrong,” Routte with Crimestoppers said. “This man is capable of very violent acts. We have no idea how many other victims are out there past and present.”
During an investigation, detectives found Storm, legally known as Robert Khuen, to have left behind his ID and a passport, birth certificate and old marriage license belonging to Laura Howard. Detectives have a clear pictures of Khuen, the sole person of interest for Laura’s death but haven’t found him yet.
He had her marriage license at the other woman’s house, along with her car. They also found phones, clothing, her driver’s license, and passport at the other woman’s house he had fled from when the jig was up. Guilty. There’s no way he didn’t do it. He was living with Laura Howard, and that’s where the body was found. He stole her car, took her belongings, and never called the cops. Oh, and and did I mention that Robert Koehn is a convicted felon?
“Whatever name he’s using at the time, that’s not him. His real name is Robert Koehn. He’s a felon and he’s a dangerous person,” the detective added. “At one point, he lived by himself in a storage unit, he was that self-sufficient and worried about going back to jail. In fact, he told his dad he will not go back to jail.”
According to Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers, Simon Storm…actually Robert Keuhn, with a lengthy and violent criminal past and a dishonorable discharge from the military…took Laura’s car and headed to Broward County on Florida’s east coast. The vehicle was found on May 3.
The way the murder scene was covered up indicates to me that it wasn’t his first rodeo either. This guy knew how to keep a body hidden for a long period of time.
How the hell is it possible in 2019 for someone to just live off the grid like this? Is this chud Whitey Bulger? Just look at him.
He might as well get Level 3 tattooed on his forehead. That is the creepiest looking diddler I’ve ever seen. He would stick out like a sore thumb wherever he goes. Even in Florida. His face should be plastered everywhere, and this should be a Dateline special. He is a murderer, and it would take all of five seconds to convict him. Even in Florida.
So yea, on top of the lack of closure from their mother’s murder, now these dooshnozzles at Evergreen Cemetery in Kingston are adding onto their grief by moving her remains around without telling the family. I hope she hires a lawyer and takes whatever action they can against these clowns. They did it without consulting them, and they offered no apology. And for that they need to pay.
14 Comment(s)
I bet P.I. Ken Brennan (an investigator based in Florida, formerly of NY) could find this guy. He’s solved many cold cases and brought the criminals to justice.
It has been 6 years already! She deserves justice! She could have happily lived to a ripe old age, instead of having her life snuffed out by this bottom feeder POS.
My heart goes out to her family. I cannot imagine what they are going through.
There was a dateline on this!
A good lawyer will bury that cemetery.
He’s hot! Love the porn statue. Def wood!
Oh Ricky peg me. Peg me silly.
Nothing is more fatal to a woman than a woman who likes bad boys.
7 billion people in this world and counting. Plenty of good out there.
Date a guy with decency and respect and live a happy life. Or date Mr. Dangerous and have a quick and fatal thrill ride like you would on a defective roller coaster. See it all of the time. Many lives shot going after the latter.
Sad really
Cemeteries are near the bottom of the barrel of the business world. During the grave site buying process it can feel more like a timeshare hustle at a Florida resort with slight of hand and dipsy doodle add ons. The guys working there in the maintenance dept. look like they either know a great connection for meth or could tell you where to find kiddie porn online.
Pretty sure no matter what type of cemetery it is, the board of health needs to be notified as well as town/ city hall for the proper burial permits. If this wasn’t done, then I believe they broke the law. Only going by what happened in my town when someone was buried in the wrong spot, then moved in the same way. So a lawyer would be firstband foremost, and call your board of health to double check. Good luck. And may you finally have some peace and closure.
Yeah sue, sue, sue!!
Everybody sue everybody.
Money heals all wounds.
As a wise man told me once,
‘Money doesn’t make you happy, but if you are already happy, it’ll make you even happier’
True words that!
Mom could’ve done better than that bald dink.
HA HA I have to agree!