Turtleboy Investigates

Kylie Kirkpatrick Is In Some Serious Trouble With The Napa Police And As It Turns Out Has Filed False Police Reports In The Past Too


       of this series for context.

So this happened today:

Napa police are asking anyone with any information on allegations of possible fraudulent fundraising related to the lunch program at the Napa Valley Unified School District to assist them in an investigation.

“Napa PD is investigating the allegations and asks anyone with information to contact School Resource Officer Darlene Elia at 707-258-7880, extension 5211 or DElia@CityOfNapa.org,” the department said in a brief news release late Friday afternoon.

A department spokesman declined to say whether the request for information was in connection with the controversy over Kylie Kirkpatrick, 43, a Napa mother who gained national fame last summer after telling media outlets, including the Register, that her son Ryan Kyote, then 9, used his own money to pay off the lunch debt of his third-grade class at his Napa elementary school.

The stories resulted in appearances in national media outlets such as People magazine, Access Hollywood and the Ellen show. Gov. Gavin Newsom invited the youngster to the signing ceremony of a law banning school districts from denying students lunches because of outstanding debt, a practice known as “lunch shaming.” Almost immediately, however, other parents and those who knew Kirkpatrick began to raise questions about the story, pointing out that she had posted a GoFundMe account dedicated to paying off lunch debt prior to Kyote’s payment. They suggested that she had fabricated the story in order to garner fame and possibly profit off the publicity.

Kirkpatrick has consistently denied any wrongdoing. While the department declined to say specifically why it was issuing the press release, it concluded by advising “Both the Napa Police Department and Napa Valley Unified School District encourage those wishing to make charitable donations to any cause to research the organization to which they wish to give.”

This is how pathetic this newspaper is. They only report on it when the police issue a press release. Think about what this says about the current state of “journalism” when it comes to mainstream media news outlets. As we will see in the final installation of this blog next week, the NVR knew EVERYTHING this entire time. According to them they chose NOT to write about Kylie Kirkpatrick because there wasn’t enough proof, which is bullshit. But the real reason they didn’t write about it was because they liked the first version of the story more.

They wrote a story that became the basis for bigger newspapers, which led to the governor drafting legislation, which led to Ryan Kyote being named one of Time Magazine’s people of the year. They liked having an American Greta Thunberg in their backyard, and they liked being the media outlet that first told his story. They liked the story of a biracial kid being raised by a single mother, pushing for progressive legislation that Newsom, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and countless others would then go on to use for their political campaigns.

They were probably cited and linked thousands of times, and got millions of clicks and page views from around the world as a result of the fake news story they put out. They monetized each and every click with ad revenue.

They have made no effort to correct their mistake whatsoever. In last week’s Friday news dump they wrote a one sided story that only interviewed Kylie, after allegedly trying to contact me (they obviously put a lot of effort into that, considering the people who send me death threats on a regular basis have no problem finding my phone number or email).

When I spoke with Sean Scully earlier in the week there were 2 things he said that shocked me:

  1. That they didn’t have time to investigate her background because Napa County has 160,000 people, and his staff only has 5 full time employees.
  2. That there was no proof that the $74.80 Ryan gave to the school district for lunch debt came from a GoFundMe and not his allowance. While I conceded that this was true, I pointed out that if it was, it would mean that Kylie still hadn’t accounted for the $100 raised with the GFM. His response to that was, “It’s just $100.”

Newsflash – Turtleboy and TB Daily News needed just 2 weeks to investigate this entire story. I live 3,000 miles away. I write a blog that averages 3 million page views a month, and generally covers a metropolitan area of 10-15 million people (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut). I have one full time employee (me), Bristol, and a rabidly loyal following that helps me obtain evidence because they know that Turtleboy is the only media outlet that can be trusted to actually report the news anymore. They could’ve done this, but they were a little tied up writing up fruit.


The fact that I was told that it was “just $100” is even more pathetic. It’s not the number that matters here. It’s the fact that a little boy was being coached to lie by a mother who has a long and documented history of fraud and larceny. It wasn’t done for him, it was done for her. She benefitted off of this. She was able to avoid full time employment as a result of her scam. She has harassed and terrorized a community and used fear to to silence them. It might’ve started off with pocketing just $100, but it led to tens of thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands) in profit, in the form of plane tickets, hotels, vacations, game tickets, random people sending them checks, more GoFundMe’s, selling donated goods online, etc.

One thing I haven’t reported on yet because it just came to my attention today was the fact that she filed a false police report after her eviction in 2017. Her landlord found her door like this after her son kicked it in:

Instead of taking responsibility for her out of control son’s behavior, Kylie decided to contact the police and make a false report that her apartment was broken into. After police investigated it and concluded that Ryan did it, Kylie wrote this arrogant, condescending email to the responding officer.


And now she’s pretending that her dog, which shit and pissed all over the apartment, is a “federally protected service animal.” That email is what a ratchet sounds like when she tries to sound intelligent.

This is what the apartment looked like when Kylie left it.

The police officer responded back and made it very clear that they knew she was full of shit.

Filing a false police report is also a crime. There are others now reaching out to me as I write this telling me she has filed false police reports about them as well. This woman is a psychopath, a menace, a pathological liar, and a career criminal, and the Napa Valley Register legitimized her while ignoring her victims.

Thank you to the NPD for taking this seriously. Easily the most proactive I’ve ever seen a police department react to a blog series we’ve published.



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20 Comment(s)
  • O
    January 12, 2020 at 11:12 pm

    A light pink wall to wall carpet in a rental; yeah, that ought to hold up really well…and what kind of half-assed door is that for the entrance? Looks like it belongs on a closet. Serves her right for renting to a jamoke like that and with a dog, no less.

  • The Dark Quarterback
    January 12, 2020 at 7:49 am

    Kylie you can make this all stop if you call in the Live Show tonight.
    You can tell your side of this and we can put this all behind us.

  • Sparkey McMurphy
    Sparkarella McMurphy
    January 11, 2020 at 7:21 pm

    Has anyone stopped to realize that she’s breaking TOS by having a 10 year old with an account on these social media platforms? I understand she’s the one in control of them. But they’re under his name. I wonder if enough people reported the accounts, citing that the kid is 10, if they’d revoke the accounts. I’m pretty sure 13 is the age you have to be (at least) to have an account on FB or Twitter. Just a thought.

  • Rod Ramsey
    January 11, 2020 at 12:40 pm

    We are in the end times.

  • I cant see her email to the cop...??
    January 11, 2020 at 10:51 am

    Am I the only one who can’t see the screenshot of Kylie’s email to the Police Officer who responded to her bogus break in??

  • I'm with kid puncher
    January 11, 2020 at 10:48 am

    Why does Ryan looked like he’s high in all of his pictures showing off his cards, gifts etc? I’m with kid puncher, he has a punchable face which is really tough for a kid that age to pull off. Adding in that he’s got a bad temper and is a known bully just amplifies how gross it is that Napa News put him on a pedestal and paved the way for him to be the face of ending school lunch shaming (which his school wasn’t even doing smh) They should be ashamed…but I highly doubt they will do any research before publishing their next feel good, buzz word filled, garbage article.

  • Sleepy Joe Biden
    January 11, 2020 at 10:45 am

    That kid of hers does not stand a chance.
    Will probably end up eating glory hole dicks
    in a Tucson Tim Hortons.

  • Spic Tormentor
    January 11, 2020 at 9:12 am

    These are the type of women we should be encouraged to treat like nicole simpson

    • Classy Broad
      January 11, 2020 at 9:33 am

      Top of page right.Mimicking sucking off a cock.
      This cunt bag is a ratchet for the ages!

      • JimmyBooms
        January 12, 2020 at 10:14 pm

        She is also wearing a wedding ring in that picture too I think. I figured her for a scizzoring sister 1st time I saw her.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    January 11, 2020 at 8:45 am

    How predictable. When you rent to a nutty leftist, entitled, attention starved, work shy slob with a bratty kid, the lack of rent payments and the mess are inevitable.

  • Grammie
    January 11, 2020 at 8:11 am

    I laugh at the tv shows that make rental properties look like “get rich quick.” Being a slumlord sucks.
    Just sayin…

  • Jeff J
    F U Kylie!!
    January 11, 2020 at 1:56 am

    K-A-R-M-A, K-A-R-M-A, K-A-R-M-A and KARMA is its NAME-O!!

  • Jeff J
    Phi Beta PEPPA
    January 11, 2020 at 1:51 am

    That is EXACTLY what my college apartment looked like when we moved out. Big difference though, we were 4 guys. How the fuck can a “mother” let her own child exist in that FILTH?? That twat should be ashamed of herself.

  • Judge dread
    January 11, 2020 at 12:50 am


    A bachelor pad and guys in general have a super high tolerance for filth. But this is next level. This is why women are key, they keep us guys in line.

  • Alyssa Lungarini
    Ratchet Madness
    January 11, 2020 at 12:29 am

    This is friggin fantabulous . Super quick NPD response! Cleary #1 in ratchet madness this year!✌️✌️✌️

  • Bob
    January 10, 2020 at 11:54 pm

    And another one gone, and another one gone
    Another one bites the dust

  • Kid Puncher
    January 10, 2020 at 11:38 pm

    Every time I even see a picture of that kid smiling I want to pummel his fucking face in. I’ve never seen a more punchable face in my life.

  • Ratchetsaurous Rex
    January 10, 2020 at 11:31 pm

    I feel so bad for that child. What a total shitbag move on that shitty muddahs part.

    Way to go TB, Bristol and Riders!

    • JJ@AOL.COM
      Call me Enlightened. you softy, you.
      January 11, 2020 at 1:35 am

      Feel bad for what exactly? You think the little faggot wasn’t in on it too? You have got to be on magic mushrooms also son, because you trippin! If you cant comprehend why then you have got to be as special as ryana’ hormone blockers! I’ll be a good person and simplify it for you. People do this shit to gain some type of notoriety it happens quite often even with young children. If you cant see the monkey see, monkey do, with the added encouragement from the shit bag mother. Then you’re fucked and should just give up now. So many blind, idiotic, gullible, soft people in this world! Feel bad for the kid lol. the way he kicked that door gos to show he knows exactly what he is doing. People think kids are dumb and dont know what this type of shit is. You dont give kids enough credit it was probably his fucking idea. Ok maybe it was not completely his idea but you know what my point is! Or are you really that soft & gullible? I’m hoping it’s that and you’re really not that fucking blind and idiotic!

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