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Laughlin Kennel, the disgraced puppy mill that has a history of selling sick puppies to customers and is currently fighting a cease and desist order from the town of Oxford, was recently had their building and zone inspection. After the inspection was over the Finks, who own Laughlin Kennel, and whose son is their lawyer in court, left the house because they do not sleep there. Probably because this is the noise that comes from their backyard:
However, shortely after they left two shady vans with Missouri license plates rolled up to the house. Here’s the video, which was filmed by the neighbors from across the street who have been inconvenienced by these dooshnozzles for quite some time now.
Traditionally these are the vans that deliver the dogs. They almost always come from Missouri or Kansas, and they often come in the middle of the night according to neighbors. But the timing is certainly interesting isn’t it? The vans came exactly one hour after the inspection was finished. Gee, I wonder why? Probably because it’s a lot easier to pass an inspection when you don’t have a truckload of fresh puppies from Missouri on the property.
You’ll also notice the Mercedes in the driveway belongs to Jennifer Gardner, the former disgraced owner of the defunct Webster puppy mill Elite Puppies:
Hopefully no more sick dogs are sold to people while the Fink family delays the inevitable in court. They’re really nice people by the way. They have awesome haircuts and never confront protesters who are trying to save dogs:
In the meantime, the good people who have been fighting them from the beginning will continue to do what they do best – act as Turtleboy’s eyes and ears on the ground.
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23 Comment(s)
I got my dog at elite 8 years ago. He was healthy but obviously had some kind of issues as he was and still is very timid. He never leaves my side and is a great dog. I feel like I rescued him in a way. I am sure the transportation and treatment of him from wherever he was born to elite had an impact on his personality. Found the ad online and figured it was a grooming place and they probably bred the dogs there. When I showed up I knew that was not the case and had to save him.
Thanks for posting this, Turtleboy! I’m shocked to see you actually having compassion for animals after your brutal attack of animal advocates protesting Ringling Bros. Interesting how much compassion you have for dogs after reading that cold-hearted article supporting animal abuse. Maybe you were just very ignorant about the treatment of circus animals, but a new ugly side of you was revealed.
It’s completely shameful that these types of puppy mills exist, and that the people who own them don’t seem to care about anything but making a buck. I would love to rescue these poor dogs…but one of the reasons we don’t own a dog is because our schedules don’t allow us to take care of it appropriately.
I dont like dogs at all, but please please keep the heat on these shitbags. No animal deserves to be treated like that.
I am missing the part about the importance of the zoning board…are the kennel’s owners allowed to reopen if the zoning board visits?
If there is something fishy about the timing, did any of the neighbors call the zoning board after the alleged delivery of dogs?
BTW – Not siding with puppy mills – can’t stand them – just trying to figure this out.
See the woman in the barber shop ? That’s ME ! Bridgette Fink was literally in my face with her phone ,trying to take my picture. She then proceeded to chase me,as you see in the picture. And they say she did no such thing ! She’s to frail to ge doing that ! Bullshit ! Effin bitch !
Do you want me to punch her in the ovaries for you? What kind of animal acts this way? Should have hacked a loogie at her!
Google Carla from the McDonald’s on Dorset ave… Watch the video and come back…lol… Just trust me….
It’s people like Carla that forces me to despise our own species. What a useless drone.
But come on… You didn’t laugh even a little? I could watch that video seriously a hundred times and it makes me laugh every time. “McScuse me?”
I believe she is just playing pretend. Search Trailer Park Tammy on Facebook, she is another one.
There is a real officer on FB making really funny videos. His name is Officer Daniels. He’s so adorable and chubby I want to squeeze his cheeks. His videos are priceless though.
Why was she chasing you Carole? Were you the neighbor or have you gotten a dog from them? Give us the inside. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be either of those (the neighbor or a client) I know I would lose my damn mind!!
We were protesting Elite Puppies in Webster, when a woman driving by giving us the finger, decided to stop. This woman proceeded across the street & started shoving her phone in our faces. She was asked to please stop. She charged at one, almost knocking her down, then shoved her phone in another’s face. That’s when she wanted Caroles pic. She literally chased her into Manzis Barbershop. She’s checking her phone in the pic. We kept telling her that we’re going to call the police…so…we called, they came. We have the plate number to them….and unbeknownst to us, it was Mrs Fink, owner of Laughlin kennels in Oxford. We have more pics. Mr Fink states his wife just wanted to take pics of the protesters…but she INTENTIONALLY STOPPED TO HARASS US! We’ve asked for her to share her pics she took in case of any misinterpretation…see her on her Bluetooth….hmmm…after each pic She took, she was speaking to someone…we have an idea to whom it was…Laughlin Kennels & Elite Puppies were associated with each other in many ways. Now former owner of Elite, Jennifer Gardner, is Laughlins manager…
Be careful man… There is inherently something terribly wrong with the brain of someone who would hurt animals. It’s a proven fact that 90% of all serial killers started out harming defenseless animals. I can’t even accidentally run over a squirrel without feeling bad for MONTHS!
“Intentionally stopped to harass us”????? That’s exactly what you fools have been doing!
These owners should be put in a kennel cage and left to fend for themselves while wallowing in their own shit. Eye for an eye would work well here.
If the place is owned by people named Fink, that should be your first sign to GTFO.
Boring. Seriously. Boring. Sports please.
I love dogs so when I read about this article (only because I asked who the broad with the breasts was in the graveyard and someone pointed me to the article) I was disgusted. I can’t imagine what those dogs go through in that place. Poor neighbors who have to deal with the noise. It’s no fun hearing dogs bark all night, it’s even worse when you know it’s coming from sick dogs.
You’ll love your dog until he poops on your armrest.
If it pooped in a smiley face fashion like the toilet shot, I sure would. Ellen Degeneres here we come!
facebook link seems to be broken for the video