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Breaking News that everyone was sharing today: Turtleboy Sports is getting sued!!!
Lawsuit filed against Worcester blog Turtleboy Sports and Aidan Kearney alleges defamation https://t.co/MgfIEUTMgd
— CORDY MONROE (@iamcordy) September 12, 2016
Love how excited they are. Honestly, the best part about people who hate Turtleboy Sports is that they think they’re clever and consequently they can’t stop writing dumb things on the Internet. If they were smart they would look at the date of this Masslive article they keep sharing about crazy ol’ Gordon Davis’ insane $153,000 lawsuit, and they’d see that it’s from February. Then they’d see this article on Masslive from May, in which a judge laughed him out of the courtroom and threw out his frivolous lawsuit because obviously Gordon Davis is crazy. Obviously. This is what an actual judge had to say about it:
“No reasonable person” would take the comments other than anything but opinion, not statements of fact, he said.
“The reason why we have free speech in this country is so that people can hash out their views and, hopefully, the truth emerges,” Judge Davis said, going on to note that derogatory and insulting speech, “while not useful,” is protected as a direct result of protecting speech that is useful to the public discourse.
“I understand what was said about you may be hurtful, but it was clearly opinion,” Judge Davis said.
The judge even admitted that not even he could know for sure who the writers for Turtleboy are:
“Judge Davis also did not refer to Kearney as the blog writer, at one point saying “whoever is the writer” behind the blog while in discussion with Gordon Davis.”
Just another loss for the butthurt patrol!!!
Or they could’ve just looked at pictures of Gordon Davis and realized that this is not what a stable individual looks like:
But I guess we should just let them have their moment. They probably felt so good about themselves when they came across this article. Turtleboy was finally gonna get his for telling the truth so much!! But at the end of the day they were dumb and they lost. Because when you try to fight truth and facts with nonsense and emotions, you’re always gonna lose.
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10 Comment(s)
“We landed on the moon!!!” Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber
Holy crap! That’s wicked old news!!
Misinformed twat waffles.
GHETTOCHIC, and they are actually proud to call themselves ghetto LMAO
I love the people that support Kaepernick and his free speech rights on one hand but loathe TBS and want to see him shut down on the other.
Hypocrites, all of them.
I don’t understand how people overlook this. The dates on articles has to be one of the first things I notice when I’m skimming through stuff online. Attention to detail has gone downhill.
I downvoted you just because I can’t stand you.
Leave my woman alone. Dinner this weekend LawyerLady? Chilean Seabass?
You bring the robe and gavel, I got the rest.
I’ll hold you in contempt….all night (cue Barry White music)
I didn’t down vote you because I’m not a cry baby pussy.