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Is Worcester firefighter Chris Roy a hero after sacrificing his life while trying to save children from a burning triple decker in Main South? Most would say, “Yes, what kind of stupid question is that?” Then this was shared to the People of Leicester Facebook page:
A woman expressing her thanks for his service. Well that’s nice. A normal person would either like it, say something to the effect of “RIP,” or move on with their day. Not Donald Skog though…..
“We use hero to much I work and do my job am I a hero”
No Donald, you’re not a hero. You’re not even eligible to pass the third grade. I don’t know what you do for a living, but I would imagine it involves mindlessly pressing a button, or possibly sorting items into one of two baskets. You must sign off the Internet and never return. Especially since you seemingly have no idea how the Facebook machine works, and you inadvertantly try to hit on strange women, except you do so by writing on your wall hoping they’ll see.
Someone, for the love of God take away this man’s wifi. He’s not ready for it.
18 Comment(s)
Anyone who is willing to run into a burning building, while others are running out, in order to rescue people, their pets, and to save their property from burning to the ground is a hero. That is what firemen do. And when they are not actually fighting a fire, they are out in the community helping others.
Well said
Looks like the skipper is still bitter about the SS. Minnow
You survive on a desert island for years and years with 2 hot women and never have sex with them that takes heroic discipline. Build your own huts, bunk beds, bamboo pedal car, coconut radio, train island monkeys, survive savages. Ok I’ll admit the professor did a lot of that but the professor was a homo, Mr Howell had Mrs Howell. Skipper and Gilligan were strait if that isn’t heroic I don’t know what is.
“Hero” is tossed around far too liberally these days. Yes, some firefighters are heroes, but slapping on the boots alone does not make you one. You must actually do something heroic. Most of the time, you’re eating chili, playing foosball, and sitting around with your hands down your pants.
That goes for cops, prison guards, teachers, grunts, coastguardsmen, Marines, sailors, and even airforce sissyboys, too.
You, like Donald Skog, are a tool and quite possibly, illiterate.
Definition of the word “hero” according to Webster’s dictionary is:
“a person admired for achievements and noble qualities”; “one who shows great courage”.
Go fuck yourself, Dickweed.
“Achievements,” fucktool. You wrote it yourself. I have no problem calling someone a hero who actually has achievements, which you might have gleaned from reading my post if you had any brains rattling around in your head. You don’t automatically qualify because you punch a clock as a public servant: You have to achieve something first.
Lickspittle. Ball washer. Go sniff a jock.
Contact me directly (508) and I will tell you (294) directly how I am a hero (4122)
Facebook= idiot amplifier
This fucker is too lost and stupid to abuse.. smh
If Im a cam girl reading turtle boy, ole donny the flogging skog would be getting a nice little semi nude pic sent to him. You’re welcome ladies
Not sure what all that means… but I like the semi nude part!
What I’m did wrong? What problem is? I try make articulate words phrases sentences. I’m. A. Hero. I work job make dough don’t call in. Sick. Hero I. Am. Why upset peoples be? My life F.
The word hero is over used in society. I think his post is being taken out of context it sounds to me like he really hates stupid ugly nurses not firefighters and he loves sandwiches with extra mayo. He does say he feels badly about the firefighter.
He said he was sorry but with a last name like Skog he may as well have red hair, let the punishment commence.
I hate people like this. Too stupid to simply shut up, and just pervy enough to get away with sexual innuendo and ridiculous statements. He’s the type that wears a “Kiss the cook” apron when he barbeques, hoping to get his rocks off..
His taste in women far outweighs his shitty take on heroes… please continue to follow his page and update us on his creepy fb fishing…
With a last name like “Skog”, what do you expect?
Please don’t take away his WiFi. He’s a potential gold mine if you keep following him.