Here’s a video that was sent to us by a user who then blocked us for some reason, depicting quite possibly the two most vile junkie shitbags you will ever see, driving around their crotch fruit all fucked up while texting.
I’ve never hated anyone this much since last week because I expose people like this for a living. He admits that he almost killed three people earlier in the day for the crime of crossing the street while he was texting.
Fuckhead: “Dying to get run over these fucking morons.”
Crack whore: “Remember you almost killed 3 people today?”
Fuckhead: “What the fuck were they doing?”
Crack whore: “Crossing the street.”
And this is how he speaks to his own crotch fruit.
CF: “Daddy I can see you.”
Fuckhead: “I can see you too and you’re fat.”
CF: “No you are.”
Fuckhead: “No you’re fat, you fat fucking pig.”
Crack whore: “He’s fucking 2.”
Fuckhead: “He’s a pig, he eats everything.”
Notice the poor poon polyp isn’t even wearing a seatbelt in his carseat.
And the idiot he has to call Dad is clearly fucked up, driving his car while staring at his phone.
Fuckhead: “Do you wanna get slapped, is that what you want?”
Crotch Fruit: “No.”
Crack whore: “I do. I wanna get slapped.”
Seriously, just overdose already and do the world a favor. No one will miss you, and your kid will have a better shot in the foster system. Maybe there’s someone in the extended family who isn’t a waste of space and can take the kid in.
He’s driving through a densely populated area while staring at his phone, all fucked up, ripping butts.
He throws the cigarette out the window like the useless piece of trash that he is.
And of course he had queef triangle going on.
Newports, flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat, and overgrown pubic hairs masquerading as a goatee.
Not sure what the crack whore’s real name is since she goes by Gia Marie on Snapface.
But the fact that she’s from Revere is the least surprising turn of events ever.
She went to beauty school, yet even a Snapchat filter can’t save her from permanent junkalope face.
Fuckhead’s name is Mark Contrado. You’ll never guess what he aspires to be.
A rapper. Never saw that one coming.
His rapper name is Metro Saint, and his music gave me AIDS.
Yet somehow this fuckstick was featured three years ago in “ParentingJourney.org” as the model junkie parent working hard to get his crotch fruit back.
“If you have to put your pride aside for your kid, that’s not making you a sucker – that’s making you a good parent,” explains 24-year old Boston native, Mark Contrado Jr. “I would do anything for my son and I live by that.” This realization, along with an endless reserve of perseverance, is what drove Contrado to turn his life around, creating a brighter future for himself and his son.
He would do anything for his son. Except put a seatbelt on him. Or refrain from threatening to slap him and call him a “fat fucking pig.”
Just a reminder that this kid is four years old, and the crack whore in the video thought he was two.
That’s how little they care about this kid.
Of course the article praises him for overcoming adversity to be an All-Star parent.
Starting as a teenager and through the age of 22, Contrado describes how he fell into a pattern of drug use and addiction. “I got to a point where I was digging a hole until finally I looked up and realized I had dug a pretty BIG hole,” says Contrado.
When his son, Mark Contrado II, was born and then hospitalized for two and a half months, it hit hard. “Just seeing the pain that the baby was in – I literally felt it inside and it hurt,” recalls Contrado. Due to a number of different factors, it wasn’t before long that the State started reducing visitation rights of both parents, eventually placing Mark Contrado II in transitional care. During this time, Contrado and his son’s mother found themselves without a home, struggling to make ends meet.
Gee whiz, I wonder why the kid was hospitalized for the first three months of his life. Maybe the fertility factory he came out of had the “disease” that’s been going around.
Contrado has already successfully completed several of the goals he set for himself in Parenting Journey II. He has a steady job as a carpenter and he has a safe home where his son now resides. He dreams of gaining full-time legal custody of his son and becoming a full-time musician. Contrado’s face lights up as he relays the story of his son’s first steps, which he took during a visit to DCF just three weeks ago. “His health is now good,” Contrado says smiling. “He’s come a long way.”
The fact that his goal back then was to become a full time “musician” should’ve been a red flag. So are his Facebook posts selling brand new unopened kid’s gifts on Facebook.
Sorry kid, you probably would like that toy but Daddy’s gotta meet up with Diego for the new testers and Diego doesn’t take food stamps like he used to.
I pray to God someone from DCF sees this video and blog and takes immediate action. Because that kid’s life is in danger every second he has to be around these junkie slugpumps who couldn’t be bothered to wear a rubber.
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75 Comment(s)
He should at least go out and steal for him and his gutter muppet of crotch rot Gf instead of making her spread her std’s
Also he works for Bobby not Carmen
It’s though bc when he is in the north end he doesn’t act like a he rapper he acts white
For 3 percs I busted the little brown ring.
Mark’s teeth tho. Was his dad a beaver?
The teeth and hair. Beavis and Butthead.
I don’t get it??
It’s not personal.Strictly business…
2 quick fixes:
Cut his cock off so he can never, ever again procreate.
Fill her gagoosh full of Super glue.
A shallow grave by the side of the Blue Line tracks is too good for Mark.
Somebody get that little boy to safety away from these maggots.
Hello beautiful… Where you heading?
Melinna Cass and Mass Ave.
Well I just happen to be heading that way. Hop in..
Ok thanks! Whats the crowbar for mister???
How Dare You!
If you haven’t gotten an award or trophy yet, you definitely deserve one.
Poor kid has never had a chance. Might as well get him fitted for his Bulls hat.
That chick is a repulsive human, the worst of the worst. But, I’d still bang her. Raw dog.
Shes a 3 input model.
I’d take a blow job from both of them
I am so proud of Mark for taking advantage of the taxpayer funded “Parenting Journey for Fathers” program. He reunited with his son and is doing a remarkable job! This is further proof that taxpayer funded social programs do indeed work!
Wow! Even a snapchat filter couldn’t make that slam pig attractive. I wouldn’t fuck her with my enemy’s dick. That’s just cruel and unusual punishment. I can smell her stank breath theough the video. Just eww
I didn’t know they stacked shit that high.
Don’t even think about it guys.
Thats camel toe truck girls territory pal
[Throws Cuntrado a rope] — go make yourself taller.
Get Fucked,
Is it wrong that I’d be willing to pay money to (a) smash this little cocksucker’s teeth out of his head with a lead pipe and (b) hope that he’d want to do something about it, so that I’d have an excuse to crush his fucking skull with my bare hands?
Marky your a cunt.
Ghost Cowboy wrangles up a posse. The Kid was twenty-five, looked twenty; and a careful insurance company would have estimated the probable time of his demise at, say, twenty-six. His habitat was anywhere on the mean streets of Revereado. He killed for the love of it–because he was quick-tempered and dumb. Run them down in the street–for his own amusement. He rode a speckled roan horse that knew every alley in the mesquite. His tramp would drop the petticoat for any hombre with a silver dollar. Disease spreads. Pay the reward for killing them both. No burial.
The Ghost Cowboy is into anal, the Ghost Cowboy takes it up the ass, the Ghost Cowboy really want his ass pounded!
The taint has been laboring hard these past few weeks to pay for Christmas, the taint is tired as he drives home. The taint takes a wrong turn(or was it a fortuitous one?) In the distance he spots a figure relaxing on a porch…..the taint’s heart quickened. Is this the cuck GC he has been dying to meet? The taint squints his eyes as they are as sharp as a hawk and lined by the sun. There is no doubt that this is the felcher he seeketh. In a scene straight out of death proof. The taint floors the pedal of his trusty steed(96 tahoe) and proceeds to launch said steed onto GC’s porch, the rear tire catching his face and degloving it. The taint lands on all 4’s pulls the the the tequila from the center consoles and drives in to a crimson sunset .
I cant be dethroned……
What’z …..goin’……on????
Calling DCF Monday morning. Not that it will do much good. Please Turtleboy, forward that video to them Monday morning. I suggest we ALL call Monday. This is bullshit. I fucking hate them
Wait, how do two white parents make a half black kid? Something dont seem right. Mark is not the kids father facks yo facks! Gia is and always has been a junk box slam pig. Shes not from East Boston, has and always will be a revere scum bucket. Her family is from East Boston & guess what? They are all junk boxes also. shes a beachmont trash panda who sold her ass for the Jones Brothers from saugus!
I am Sicilian and everybody knows the blacks raped our women. Black DNA is in my Sicilian genes.
I think I’m going to get into the fentanyl selling business. Except instead of fentanyl it’s all rat poison
Some of my international partners might be able to hook u up.
Tell him we can partner up and get this thing going. If he is in a spanish speaking country he can start distributing right away and start knocking off some goya gobblers
My Mexican partners are already pushing “Mexican Oxys” I might be able to hook u up with some of that serious North Korean glass
I have to trade ratchets for weight. You know the whole organ harvesting thing. But we be able to make a deal. One ratchet for one kilo of high quality North Korean glass.
Flat brimmed bulls hat, pubestache, Newports.
Mark’s ability to multi-task while driving is truly amazing.
please say you forwarded this to Dc and the police
Sad, state has to be called in to save the child.
Here is a scary thought: Considering the child is normally living with the mother, how bad is she that this pond scum got custody?
I shudder to think.
This makes me sick. That poor kid. Gia sounds so wasted and Mark ought to have his teeth kicked out of his mouth through his ass. Little boy has to be 4 bc he is too articulate to be only 2. Hopefully the right people see this and something positive is done about it.
Can we get some sort of GFM where we can all contribute to and then give to an MS13 or Latin King member to shoot up for initiation?
How much would a hit for this maggot go for? $150?
“ Fuckin’ guinea brat”; Carlo Rizzi ((The Godfather))
Can someone please decipher that last post for me? It looks like he’s actually saying that he’s been out of jail for 2 months and his ass still hurts.
But that can’t be right. Nobody would write that, would they?
Ms. Blowjob for sure.
If I had George Soro’s money, I would completely flood the market with 100% pure Fentanyl, buy the rights to Narcan and remove it from the market, and start getting society cleaned up and on the right track very quickly.
Get the backhoes fueled up for mass grave digging. The market would be flooded with ownerless used lowered ’97 Honda Civics, and affordable rent apartments would be plentiful. The crime rate would drop 80%. Welfare would be down 75%. Sounds like a win-win to me.
I find your comment highly offensive- George is a fantastic person.
Don’t you just hate when it goes over their heads?
Totally agree Captain. For a month it will be like the “Bring out your dead” scene from Monty Python then the most useless will be killed off by the Fentanyl. Most of these dirtbags don’t work, breed indiscriminately and use resources without any possible return to society. I’d rather open up spaces in America to Colombian Lawn Care Specialists then to keep these parasites around.
If he got any skills he be up here wit me
Gia come on hon why are u with this fuck boy …. give your son a chance and get help before it too late! This guy is a terrible guy hunny I’m saddened to see this pos act like this
That is not her son but she is still a pos for letting him talk to any kid that way
Call DCF and do the kid a favor.
I didn’t know it was His kid!! The biological mom needs to get her kid back! As a mom myself disgusted
Why post this on FB clearly on drugs to post this and thinks it’s ok!
Smoking in the car is illegal with kids let alone terrible for health subjecting that child to health problems
He said “daddy were we going and you said wanna get slapped 🙁 probaly the methadone clinic and to take the cocktails were they going! His whole way makes Bostonians look bad I’m ashamed for our state let alone the city of revere has had some bad hits coming on turtleboy lately
Several items here:
Calling a child a pig
Using swear words around a kid
Saying you wanna get slapped
Flat brimmed bulls hat
Driving a Nissan
This douche and his girl needs to have consequences for their actions.
Turtle riders this is why I want to being back horse whipping. Both of them deserve it along with some DCF intervention and criminal prosecution.
Horse whipping is like a card I kept in my wallet. “Last use case” type thing.
I mean taking a whip and whipping a 700 pound horse is intense enough. Whipping humans can only be the most extreme circumstances.
This is one of them. They do not deserve the stocks.
We need “Purge” days to take care of this shit. A couple of days a year, we get some groups of people skilled in violence and eradicate these fucking ass warts from society. It’s either that or we need a catastrophic event to wipe out a significant portion of the earth’s population so we can start over. The human genome is so tainted with the likes of these troglodytes that we are past the point of no return.
If that kid’s real father sees this Contrado gonna get his ass beat
Unfortunately that Mark is the bio dad. Did you even read the blog? Pos still need his azz beat though
Even says so on the birth certificate
Italians are just niggrz who could swim.
Eye-ties are just Puerto Ricans with bowling shoes on.
Prob 2 of the biggest pieces of shit you’ve featured. I keep thinking they cant get any worse and here we are. Please OD so that poor child will have a shot. So sad.
Carmen is a good guy Carmen do you self a favor fire this guy immediately !! and keep doing all the good work you do and you’re a good man I personally give you a few points for trying to give this kid a shot but…..
Everyday of the week I would fuck her in the ass…. and then I would take her to Kelly’s and while I was waiting for my clam plate I would fuck her hairy clam…..
I also wouldn’t mind blowing a black guy with a cock the size of a Louisville slugger, so any brothers out there, hook it up!
My mom too, btw.
I see Carmen his boss in the north end every week. Illlet him know about this piece of crap who works for him and drives the work truck in the same way..
Hopefully Gia Marie will provide us with as much entertainment as fellow Revere junk box, #httg. I know that’s asking a lot but I think she has the potential
The video might be two years old, before he went through the parenting project? That would explain why Ms. Fugly said the lil boy was two?
And shit… she is ugly. I would not fuck that pig.
WeRFucked There’s no way that kid is two years old. If so that would be the biggest toddler I’ve ever seen
That bitch is a JUNKBAG if ever I’ve heard one. She talks like she just woke up from a 3 day nap. And him……that skinny prick needs a fucking beatdown, STAT!! Total disregard for his kid AND everyone else who has to share the road with this CARELESS FUCK!! Oh and the boy, the poor little boy. He’s
got ZERO chance if they let those 2 to continue to be anywhere near him.
What the actual fuck… That poor lil boy.. He has zero chance at having a good stable upbringing with these fucking scumbags”parenting” him… Rippin butts in the car with the kid ( window barely cracked)… No seat belts.. Texting and driving… Verbal abuse.. Littering.. Those parenting classes really taught them well huh? Just goes to prove very few are actually redeemable. There should be some sort of test people like this need to take to prove whether they are redeemable or not.. Not a multiple choice test either. One that tests for common sense, morals , and family values.. Half these junk bags wouldn’t show up for the test the other half that does show up im sure most would fail but it sure as shit would save a ton of time and resources for the state and save the poor kid from a life of chaos …I despise these junkie cunts
There is a current panic and scrambling going on in the Contrado household right now. To be a fly on the wall…..
dago scum, they’re all the same. fucking greaseballs. Gia Marie guinea slut drug addict
If you have to put your pride aside while sucking cock for your drug fix you fo it for your kid and thats not being a sucker it is being a sucker of cock for a fix. There is a difference and no its not gay.
Finally a story that everyone can agree these people are the worst of the worst.