Social Justice Warriors

Mansfield Middle School Teacher Harasses Children, Antifa Friends Get Arrested For Assaulting Cops While Armed, While Disrupting Peaceful Anti-Coronavirus Rally


This is Jill Sheridan, an 8th grade science teacher at Qualters Middle School in Mansfield.

She is an active supporter of black lives matter, a domestic terrorist organization that seeks to abolish the police and is directly responsible for the destruction of American cities and the murders of dozens of people this summer. She’s quite proud of herself.

Over the weekend in Bridgewater she and several of her Antifa friends decided to disrupt an anti-lockdown rally in the center of town, in which three of her friends were arrested for assaulting police officers and carrying guns. It should be noted that she was in town for a BLM rally, which was a mile away from the anti-lockdown rally. She chose to leave that rally and disrupt the anti-lockdown rally, rather than peacefully rally in defense of black lives.

Police say three men are facing charges, including one who assaulted an officer and another who was found to be in possession of a legally possessed and loaded firearm while allegedly committing a crime, after an altercation at the conclusion of duel demonstrations over the weekend. Bridgewater Police Chief Christopher Delmonte said the arrests occurred Saturday after the three men got into an altercation at the end of the two rallies. A Spring FREE Rally was held at Legion Field to coincide with the World Wide Rally for Freedom and Democracy, an event held in many countries to rally against coronavirus restrictions. Meanwhile, Bridgewater Communities for Civil Rights and other groups joined together on Central Square — which is less than a mile away from Legion Field and was the original proposed location of the freedom rally — to hold a Black Lives Matter standout. 

Three men — Nicholas J. Collella, 21, of Saugus; Jake P. Zawalick, 27, of North Oxford; and Daniel A. O’Connell, 60, Coventry, Rhode Island — were arrested without further incident, Delmonte said.

“During the arrests, Zawalick was found to be carrying a loaded 9mm handgun,” Delmonte said. “At the time of the incident, Zawalick possessed an active Massachusetts license to carry firearms. Details on Zawalick’s arrest was forwarded to the licensing authority.”

An officer was also assaulted during the altercation, the chief said.

“Additionally, as officers were separating the individuals, Collella allegedly punched a Bridgewater police officer in the face,” Delmonte said. “That officer was evaluated at the scene but did not require medical attention. EMS personnel were requested at the police station to evaluate the three arrested subjects but none required medical attention.”

Collella was charged with assault and battery, disorderly conduct, affray and assault and battery on a police officer. Zawalick was charged with assault and battery, disorderly conduct, affray, resisting arrest and carrying a dangerous weapon while committing a breach of peace.

Jill Sheridan, an 8th grade teacher who is allegedly a role model for children and goes by Jay Marie on Facebook, is Facebook friends with Jake Zawalick, the man who committed assault and battery while armed.

Jake often shares disturbing images of police officers being murdered on social media, with emojis showing bacon (pigs = cops) being fried.

Jake also has posted images of AR-15’s, suggesting he will “defend equality” with it.

He is an avowed communist too.

Nick Colella, who was arrested for assaulting a cop, often posts that “all cops are bastards” (ACAB).

He also supports Moses Harris, a man who was charged 6 times with domestic abuse of women, and who intentionally jumped into a frozen river and died in order to evade capture by police for his violent crimes.

He was also in Boston harassing a black woman with his friends in October.

On top of that he wears his Antifa hat to rallies, despite the fact that Antifa has been designated by the federal government as a violent terrorist hate group.

This is who an 8th grade teacher chooses to openly associate with. People who assault cops, support murdering them, and threaten their political opponents with AR-15’s. Here’s another nice woman she was with the day of the anti-coronavirus lockdown rally in Bridgewater.




One woman carried a sign saying “this country blows,” while intentionally choosing to live in this country.

Another friend of hers wore an “abolish the police” mask to complement his “my stepdad Jeff drank all the Mountain Dew” black on black skinny jeans ensemble.

This man seemed to particularly target unarmed black men with his armed friends.

One man was carrying a communist flag while harassing a black man, which would make sense since communism is a system that has oppressed racial minorities for decades.

Leave your kids at home folks. They don’t want to be at these rallies.

Jill Sheridan’s behavior at this event was disturbing as well. Here is a video of her harassing police officers, removing her mask when she gets close to them in order to try to get peaceful protesters arrested, and then sadistically targeting what appears to be two kids who were observing the madness.


Again, this woman is supposed to be a role model for children.

Would you feel like your child would be treated fairly in her class if this woman knew you voted for Donald Trump? Are any children safe around her if the express conservative views in public? Probably not.

Nevertheless she was quite proud of her actions, and attempted to justify it by baselessly calling the anti-lockdown protesters “domestic terrorists,” and Proud Boys who run illegal daycare centers.

According to Jill she left the peaceful vigil for Breonna Taylor to disrupt the peaceful rally to end lockdown restrictions to “make sure this type of stuff doesn’t roll into town.”

And by “type of stuff” she meant “black and white people protesting coronavirus restrictions.”

She claims that her Qualters Middle School administrators are aware that she associates with people who get arrested for assaulting cops while armed and post about murdering them, and that they are OK with it.

People like Jill Sheridan are hateful and violent. They attempt to justify their actions and their associations by alleging that their political opponents are the actual domestic terrorists. But the fact of the matter is that the rally in Bridgewater was completely peaceful until she showed up with her Antifa friends to disrupt it. What kind of message does this send to the children of Mansfield? That bullying, violence, and threats are OK as long as the person you’re victimizing has different political opinions than you? This woman has no business teaching and is a disgrace to the profession, but she claims that her administrators support and condone her actions. Feel free to ask them yourselves if this is true by emailing Qualters Middle School Principal David McGovern, Assistant Principals Kevin Hoffman and Mary Cotillo, and Superintendent Teresa Murphy.



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136 Comment(s)
  • Jill's students; here's the truth
    March 28, 2021 at 5:58 pm

    To Jill Sheridan’s students, family and co-workers:

    She is a LIAR. Check the pictures. There were NO Qanon, Proud Boys, or any similar groups there. She posted on line that there were, because that makes her sound noble. She did NOTHING noble. That is, unless you consider drowning out a mostly black band, and silencing black, brown, white and yellow guest speakers “noble”. She’s a vulgar, aggressive bully and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a school or children.

  • Capt. Comrade Coomer-Groomer Antifug Amerika
    March 27, 2021 at 7:42 pm

    A ll
    C ops
    A are
    B rave

    P rofessionals
    I nterrupting
    G hetto
    S henanigans

    Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, leech.

  • wo
    March 27, 2021 at 5:37 pm

    white women are the worst thing that ever happened to black men

  • Former Liberal
    March 27, 2021 at 4:42 pm

    I must apologize for ever voting D. After many years in the haze produced by the constant leftist propaganda in Massachusetts, I now see them as the evil beings they are.

    From abortion to killing grandma clearly no lives matter to Liberals. The current war on police will only lead to a rise in crime and murder, particularly in the Black neighborhoods they claim to care so much about.

    They lie and virtual signal to cover their lies. They care for nothing and destroy everything they set their sights on.

    I regret falling for their tricks and have much to atone for but save your soul and walk away while you can.

  • Ewwwwe gross
    March 25, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    A science teacher? Damn did she ever hear of fret white strips? Her teeth look like she just drank the piss of 40 dehydrated coyotes….

    Even her dog doesn’t look interested in kissing her in that picture

    • Jill's Dog
      March 26, 2021 at 8:55 am

      Tell me about it. I need viagra just to mount this fat cunt. But it’s worth it as I get a Slim Jim for a snack on sex night.

  • Her Mom
    March 25, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Another ugly insignificant twat with nothing but hate in her heart
    Do yourself a favor fatty and go to your union to get a better dental plan. Your teeth are a mess a d you should spend your time working out. That’s why you’re so lonely and unhappy

  • Schmoe
    I was there
    March 25, 2021 at 9:38 am

    I was at that rally.

    1) Black Lives Matter drowned out a black music band (Lois Lane and the Daily Planets) with a loop of police sirens played through bullhorns.
    2) “Antifa” was there to protest free speech. Again, anti-fascists were there to silence free speech.
    3) A man draped in the Peace Flag (the flag that’s being forced on Halifax schoolchildren) was telling people to F*** OFF, sticking his middle finger in people’s faces and telling them they should have been aborted. The guy with the “peace flag”. Same guy who got arrested.
    4) BLM was there with Communist flags taunting an 89 year old former political prisoner. He was imprisoned for 19 years in Communist Vietnam for not having the correct politics.
    5) Police had to form a human barrier to protect the stage from BLM as they tried to storm the stage to silence black, white, brown and yellow guest speakers.
    6) BLM, Antifa and peace flag rioters chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” at the same officers who would have saved their lives if, say, they were in a car accident leaving the parking lot. And the police handled the insults, taunting, screaming, and threats with the utmost dignity and professionalism.

  • Do Better TurtleBoy
    March 25, 2021 at 9:23 am

    It’s really interesting to me how bias this article is considering I saw an article done on the fall river man who attended the capitol on Jan 6th that turtle boy seem to have a problem with. It’s interesting that you focus on a teacher who is trying to shed light on the extreme situation that was going on at this rally. It wasn’t peaceful. Not only did somebody get assaulted but the police ignored it completely. Does turtle boy even do any research before they post articles to try to slander peoples names? Because I saw a live interview with Jill on Tuesday night and it’s interesting that your story completely contradicts what she said and the videos I saw. This was not peaceful there was nothing peaceful about it. I suggest turtle boy do more research and speak to more than just one side of a story before posting articles like this. Because again you guys didn’t hesitate to bring up the fall river man you seem to have a problem with and almost destroy his reputation in business. Oh and Nice that you omitted the fact that there was 2 members of the capital riots at this supposed peaceful rally after they were specifically told not to attend any rallies or political events SMH

    • Your comment is ignorant
      March 25, 2021 at 9:44 am

      TB can’t write about a riot in Bridgewater because of what happened in DC in January? You are an ignorant fool who just wants to deflect attention away from the BLM terrorists.

  • anon
    March 25, 2021 at 8:40 am

    conservatives hate to see a strong woman protest for basic human rights so much that they attack her weight,looks and ask for her to be fired, grow up.

    • Anon = the epitomy of first world whiners
      March 25, 2021 at 9:48 am

      What about the human rights of the guest speakers who were silenced by BLM? They were in actual prisons for political prisoners, but the rioters drowned them out. The hardest times you’ve ever faced was not getting the last pumpkin latte at Starbucks in December. You know nothing.

      • anon
        March 25, 2021 at 11:31 am

        please understand that you have nothing better to do than refresh an article every two minutes waiting to “own” liberals. as well as dox and harass and school teacher.

    • Oh Brother....
      March 25, 2021 at 12:35 pm

      If she was a conservative and pulled those stunts at a protest she would have been fired already. We’ve seen it over and over and over again.

  • anon
    March 25, 2021 at 8:32 am

    what an incredibly bias article written about a strong woman

  • I See Dumb People
    I see dumb people
    March 25, 2021 at 8:29 am

    This is why politics should NOT be allowed in schools and as we can tell from this ” teachers student” in the comments section she most definitely does NOT keep her own political opinions out of her classroom . This is straight up criminal allowing a teacher to push her political opinions onto our childrens growing minds. Disgusting

  • Bosch Taninger
    March 25, 2021 at 6:39 am

    Why are these leftist women usually morbidly obese slobs? Maybe if she put down the chips and exercised, she’d be a more pleasant person.

  • Inflamed Anus
    School resource officer
    March 24, 2021 at 10:04 pm

    So Colby, god forbid some deranged student bursts into a Mansfield Public School and starts blowing away you and your openly republican friends having an intellectual discussion about politics with the good teacher (hahaha, your such a fucking idiot, I cant even type that without shaking my head) ……anyway, who do you suppose she’s gonna call for help to try to save your ass, a BLM hotline, Antifa, her commie friends perhaps????? No Colby, she’s gonna call the same exact men and women she is openly against the police. The same men and women that the people she identifies with, agrees with, and is friends with want dead and disbanded. The saddest part is the police will still come if called, even knowing they may get killed trying to save YOU and your former teacher. So maybe you should remember that next time you see your teacher supporting people that actively attack and protest law enforcement. On the positive side, assuming you aren’t already a fat shit, you and about 10 of your friends can hide behind Sheridans fat ass.

  • Captain Trips
    Liberal Parenting at It's Finest!
    March 24, 2021 at 9:21 pm

    Always a good idea to bring your toddler to an event that could, at any moment, become violent.

    Nice parenting there, violet-hair lady.

  • Colby Holbrook(former student)
    March 24, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    It’s very strange that the people replying to me are being rude, when I have been nothing but respectful. It’s kinda unfortunate that people can’t just speak their minds without letting their emotions get in the way. It’s not that hard.

    So here it is, what this country has NEEDED to hear for months… I know you’ve all been thinking it.

    I think George Floyd acted like an absolute animal. I really have no idea why he couldn’t just cooperate.

    Colby Holbrook

    • Colby Holbrook (Actual one)
      March 24, 2021 at 9:24 pm

      LMAO. This has gotten to the point where someone impersonated me on the internet because they’re mad I enjoy rational discussion. George Floyd was an innocent man stricken down by a system of corruption. This person pretending to be me is probably a grown adult, too. Sad.

      • Colby Holbrook(former student)
        March 24, 2021 at 9:53 pm

        LMAO. This has gotten to the point where someone impersonated me on the internet because they’re mad I enjoy rational discussion.

        Heres a rational point for you don’t get mad…

        So basically George Floyd was an unemployed bum using counterfeit bills to earn money to buy drugs. Every single other citizen would have had to comply while getting arrested. It’s really too bad he thought that he was an exception to the rules. What is also unfortunate is the people who are willing to risk it all in the name of BLM. At the end of the day, a n*gg* is still gonna steal yo chain. And these are like actual adults falling for this b.s. the liberals seem to be pushing. Sad.

        The REAL Colby Holbrook

      • Aracely Henriquez
        March 24, 2021 at 10:11 pm

        Please know your facts if you are going to assert that George Floyd was innocent. The event which led to his death was precipitated by his passing of counterfeit $20 bills. His life had many wrong turns, including eight convictions leading to jail terms. Please review the autopsy, it is available online. He had a dose of fentanyl in his body at the time he was met by officer Derek Chauvin. I don’t remember the exact medical terminology, but it might have been enough fentanyl to kill him if the officer didn’t. The autopsy notes it was death by asphyxiation.

        Both George and Derek worked security at the same night club at the same time. Odd coincidence that is forgotten, often. There might have been a prior history between these two men.

        PS: Aracely is the pregnant woman, and George pointed a gun at her belly

  • Wai ahhh minutehh
    March 24, 2021 at 8:53 pm

    Simp here is basjing this chick because of her network.
    Wasn’t thay exactly the reason he told the judge the hatrasment order should not stand, because he did not make or tell his “network” what to say, do, or post?
    He was elated about the judge’s order. But here he is bashing someone’s 1st Amendment and bashing her for her network.

    Simp doing Simp things.

  • sore losers
    March 24, 2021 at 8:52 pm

    a bunch of grown ass adults on the internet crying in the comment section of a biased post that doesn’t include full details. yall are sad. GROW UP. downvoting all comments that dont appeal to them despite being backed up. this is like watching kindergarteners crying over recess. social rejects….

    • Boe Jiden
      @sore losers
      March 24, 2021 at 9:02 pm

      Sweet punctuation and grammar. Are you a product of the aforementioned education system? The only thing that is sore is your brain which is trying to put together a comprehensive thought. Back it down a bit and huddle with your incongruent mind and come back with some logic. Stop making a fool of oneself.

  • Bronson
    March 24, 2021 at 8:13 pm

    Jill it’s not our fault you’re a fat tub o shit four eyed ugly cunt

    It’s not our fault that someone would need to roll you in flour to find your cunt

    It’s not our fault you never had a date with a man

    It’s not our fault that you had to fuck n!ggers and other fat broads because no white man would look at you

  • Ksshkshskshsk
    March 24, 2021 at 7:56 pm


  • Luis Barboza Uber Service Crestview Florida
    March 24, 2021 at 7:46 pm

    I have a stubborn stain and stench in my trunk.

  • Former student of Mrs. Sheridan
    March 24, 2021 at 7:21 pm

    So I see some interesting stuff here. In your section called “Hoodrat Heroes” which is a section devoted to poor people and the things they do to survive, you seem to only refer to them as “Crotch Fruits” or “Semen Demons” which is strange because they are being referred to by their proper title here. Why is she not yelling at crotch fruits? Are the same students she teaches not just semen demons? Very weird that you advocate for their political safety (even though that shouldn’t matter to you, since words are apparently meaningless according to other articles written on this site) when referring to children with these disgusting names. Might I add, she was one of my favorite teachers and taught multiple of my openly republican friends with zero issues in the classroom.

    • Observer X
      "Hooodrats and the things they need to do to survive"
      March 24, 2021 at 7:48 pm

      LMAO. But I’ll give you a pass because you’re probably 17 y.o. and there’s likely still hope for you.

      PS, I’m sure none of your 8th grade classmates self-identified as Republicans to her. If they had, she would have openly sneered at them.

      • Colby Holbrook (Former student)
        March 24, 2021 at 8:25 pm

        Cool. You said nothing about anything here except for my openly republican friend. Contrary to popular belief, most people can put politics to the side in a professional setting. Considering you are unable to believe a woman can protest and teach children, I would assume you don’t have many leftist friends because, get this, they’re leftist. My assumption could be wrong, but that’s a very accurate generalization. Half of my friends are right, and we have great discussions and are still friends. Not sure why my age would have much to do with my standing on politics, because if that was true, Whitey Bulger would’ve been more fit to lead the country than Trump.

    • Ok
      March 24, 2021 at 8:01 pm

      I was reading your comment and I said to myself, “hmm this is interesting”, until I came to this part ” taught multiple of my openly republican friends with zero issues in the classroom”, and then I said “what a fucking liar”. You really expect us to believe that 8th graders called themselves Republicans? When you’re in 8th grade, politics are the last thing that enters your mind. You’re worried about trying to get down some girl’s pants, or how much playing time you’ll get in the next game, and shit like that. The fact of the matter is that bitches like Ms. Sheridan here think they make the rules because they are woke. She got her panties in a bunch because a group she doesn’t support decided to protest. I’m sorry, but BLM and Antifa aren’t the only ones who get to protest. So take your bullshit comment and go away.

      • Colby Holbrook (Former student)
        March 24, 2021 at 8:18 pm

        I mean, me and the person I’m referring to discussed our opinions with her after school in sophomore year. Even in 8th grade we had political discussions with eachother (granted not to the depth we do now). Consider yourself lucky that you grew up not having to talk about politics, but it’s unfortunately a hugely important part of our lives that we genuinely need to worry about now. You’d be surprised at the knowledge people have access to in the digital era, before phones it seemed like it was mostly newspaper and TV that was a boring alternative to cartoons. Nowadays we have politics thrown everywhere.
        On your point about the right’s freedom to protest, go ahead! In modern-era protesting, there is likely to be a counter-protest. This happens at leftist protests as well, and I’m completely ok with it. Because you told me to take my “Bullshit comment” (i.e. my firsthand experience) and go away, it sounds to me like you want a safe space to say opinions that won’t get challenged. If you want that, you can go to 4Chan and start theorizing when Biden is going to take off his latex mask and reveal that it was Trump all along. Considering how ludicrious it’s got, it doesn’t seem like their opinions are being too challenged. There are places you can give your opinions and they won’t be challenged, but that isn’t the point of politics. Politics is a discussive style of debate that intends to make progress. I’m really sorry that you don’t intend to make progress and would prefer me to leave, but I am always open to discussion

        Something else to note, it’s very strange that the people replying to me are being rude, when I have been nothing but respectful. It’s kinda unfortunate that people can’t just speak their minds without letting their emotions get in the way. It’s not that hard.

        • Ok
          March 24, 2021 at 8:53 pm

          Gee Colby, I wonder why we would get emotional about these things. Could it be the Left trying cancel everything and everyone they don’t agree with? Could it be big tech censoring conservatives but not liberals? Could it be the double standard and hypocrisy that the left employs? Could it be getting called racist or a nazi because you support a certain political candidate? Could it be watching the mainstream media smear conservatives and Republicans night after night, and then turning a blind eye and refusing to report any questionable things democrats and the left are doing? Could it be watching BLM/Antifa burn cities down and kill people all summer with the Democrats never denouncing it, and in some cases encouraging it and contributing to bail funds for the maggots who did it? Your beloved teacher clearly is in favor of all these things and I suspect you are to. We are all quite sick of this shit, and aren’t just going to sit around and watch our country go to hell. So when it stops we can have a conversation without emotions involved, until then you’ll just have to deal with it, or as previously mentioned, go away.

          • Captain Trips
            Captain Trips
            March 24, 2021 at 9:07 pm

            “but it’s unfortunately a hugely important part of our lives”

            You passed the 8th grade?

      • Captain Trips
        Captain Trips
        March 24, 2021 at 9:15 pm

        I agree. With her rabid desire to be loud, flip people off, and get in their faces to voice her political opinion publicly, there is a 99.9% chance that she CANNOT keep her politics out of the classroom.

    • Inflamed Anus
      Mr. Sheridan
      March 24, 2021 at 8:03 pm

      “She taught multiple of my openly republican friends with zero issues” You sound like an idiot, openly republican 14 year olds huh, we’re supposed to take that seriously? This woman should not be teaching, plain and simple! For your info……………. Crotch Fruit = offspring of lowlife, junkie, parents. Semen Demon = poorly behaved, (usually has own criminal record) of lowlife junkie parents. You refer to these losers that are commonly on here as “poor people doing what they need to in order to survive” I didn’t realize being a career criminal, slugging vodka from 3pm till sun up ( you know the hours they’re awake) shooting heroin, doing meth, and smoking crack were requirements of survival! Careful now, your ignorance is showing. Why don’t you go to another anti-police protest with your douchbag teacher.

    • This fucking former students opinion stinks
      March 24, 2021 at 9:37 pm

      Just fuck off!! No one wants to hear from you. No one will ever take you serious in life with that jibber jabber. Do knock it the fuck off.

      • Inflamed Anus
        Colbys classmate
        March 25, 2021 at 3:36 am

        I think Colby here might have been tapping Sheridan while a student, sad that he probably lost his virginity to this pig. Oh well, he was a nerd so at least he GOT laid!

  • former conservative
    March 24, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    I’d fuck that jill sheridan fat bitch.
    first i’d harvest the smegma between her fat rolls, then I’d let her fuck me in the ass with her black strap on

    • Colby Holbrook (Former student)
      March 24, 2021 at 8:15 pm

      I mean, me and the person I’m referring to discussed our opinions with her after school in sophomore year. Even in 8th grade we had political discussions with eachother (granted not to the depth we do now). Consider yourself lucky that you grew up not having to talk about politics, but it’s unfortunately a hugely important part of our lives that we genuinely need to worry about now. You’d be surprised at the knowledge people have access to in the digital era, before phones it seemed like it was mostly newspaper and TV that was a boring alternative to cartoons. Nowadays we have politics thrown everywhere.
      On your point about the right’s freedom to protest, go ahead! In modern-era protesting, there is likely to be a counter-protest. This happens at leftist protests as well, and I’m completely ok with it. Because you told me to take my “Bullshit comment” (i.e. my firsthand experience) and go away, it sounds to me like you want a safe space to say opinions that won’t get challenged. If you want that, you can go to 4Chan and start theorizing when Biden is going to take off his latex mask and reveal that it was Trump all along. Considering how ludicrious it’s got, it doesn’t seem like their opinions are being too challenged. There are places you can give your opinions and they won’t be challenged, but that isn’t the point of politics. Politics is a discussive style of debate that intends to make progress. I’m really sorry that you don’t intend to make progress and would prefer me to leave, but I am always open to discussion 🙂

      Something else to note, it’s very strange that the people replying to me are being rude, when I have been nothing but respectful. It’s kinda unfortunate that people can’t just speak their minds without letting their emotions get in the way. It’s not that hard.

    • Colby Holbrook (Former student)
      March 24, 2021 at 8:18 pm

      Whoops, wrong comment. I’ll copy and paste it to the correct one. By the way, this is disgusting and you should truly be ashamed.

  • Boston Irish
    Boston Irish
    March 24, 2021 at 6:41 pm

    400 pounds of piss smell

  • Inflamed Anus
    March 24, 2021 at 6:12 pm

    Call this piece of shit, keep calling her until she cries herself to sleep while eating ice cream and snickers bars thinking she’s a victim. The only victims here are the poor kids that have to be taught by this waste of a life.

  • Craig
    March 24, 2021 at 5:19 pm

    Her and cunts like her are so tough giving the finger.

  • Mansfield Parent
    March 24, 2021 at 5:03 pm

    As a Mansfield parent with a student at the Qualters School I find Ms. Sheridens behavior appalling and divisive. She should be held to a higher standard as an educator. She will judged and rightfully so by the dirtbag company she associates with. Accountability needs to be taken by Mansfield administration. She is not setting a good example for the community. Whether your on the right or the left there is no excuse for her behavior towards children in that video. #saddayformansfield

  • Why Are They Always Teachers?
    March 24, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    Why are these maniacs always teachers? Why is this allowed to continue? This insanity has gotten so bad that I’m having trouble getting angry anymore and am now just resigned to feeling blank when I come across this cancer.

  • Keith Hayes
    March 24, 2021 at 4:14 pm

    I think the reason for the outrage is the fact that this event was promoted as a Freedom Rally & it wasn’t it.. It ended up being an event where Capitol Insurrectionists Mark Sahady & Susan Ianni were speakers at and jokingly introduced as “do they look like Domestic Terrorists”? for those who don’t know who these two are… They are the two from MA who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6th and then lied about there involvement… If I am not mistaken these two have agreements to not be involved in events as such & could explain why there was such a police presence… They were also spewing mistruths about the election again also which is a violation of their agreement as they await their outcome… IMHO I feel it is a main part of the story and should be mentioned in the process…

    • Then Keith, you gotta explain-
      March 24, 2021 at 4:27 pm

      This unhinged woman’s reason for screaming at and lunging at 2 kids? They don’t seem to be doing anything?

    • Boe Jiden
      March 24, 2021 at 4:30 pm

      Include what one will but it does not forgive the fact that Jill Sheridan is just as much a weapon for propaganda and fallacy and should be treated as such.
      To hold a public education position and spew vitriolic hate and intolerance should preclude her from having a position in education. She has publicly made her political and social views known. She is a danger to the children she educates. She should step down and pursue another career and not allow herself to weaponize children for her selfish political beliefs. Her radicalized agenda belies any tolerance.
      And spare everyone any thought that it is “for the greater good”. For it is not.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    March 24, 2021 at 4:09 pm

    $3.05 per gallon for gas today.

    Thanks Biden

  • Ralph
    March 24, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    Talk about Rubenesque, what an aggravating lardo. I fancy her in the red sweater pic, all her flab in waves of blubber. Positively intoxicating, I bet Johnny Sack would love her.

    • Captain Trips
      Doctor Venkmann
      March 24, 2021 at 4:11 pm

      “What is it Ray?”

      “The Stay Puft Marshmallow Woman…..”

  • WeRFucked
    March 24, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    Those three men in the booking photos… no mental illness there. I can tell just by looking at them that they are completely normal, logical thinking, happy-go-lucky American males. No anger issues. No antidepressants.

  • WeRFucked
    March 24, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    Thanks for caring so much about Breonna Taylor, who would have eventually been shot by police regardless of the poor choices she made to be in a situation in which police feel a no knock warrant is the safest for them. She would have been shot eventually, of course, because she is black. This had zero to do with her. Police should not kill innocent people, even if they are having sex with criminals.

    The hundreds of black lives that don’t matter are the ones who have been killed since Breonna Taylor’s death in Chicago alone. Let’s concentrate on the one or two deaths by police. There have been more? Really? SAY THEIR NAMES! You can’t. Because you’re a fucking asshole. Since you’ve been born, how many truly innocent unarmed black men have been killed by police? 10? 20? But you don’t care about the hundreds of black-on-black deaths that occur every fucking year?

    BLM is not about BLACK LIVES MATTER because if it was, they’d be in Chicago, not fucking Mansfield.

    • Luke Fondleberg (Deez/Doze)
      Luke Fondleberg (Deez/Doze)
      March 24, 2021 at 7:32 pm

      My friend, these ingnorami will not go to Chicago to protest.

      There are actual Black people there.

      Easy mistake to make.

    • Jill is evil
      March 25, 2021 at 12:15 pm

      Brilliant point! BLM would be in Chicago not Mansfield – or any other suburban location these angry white people feel safe to protest.

  • Southeeee
    March 24, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    So the years of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s are gone in Boston for good.. the years of voting union democrat has come to eat us alive. There is no more blue collar democrat, they have jump off a cliff and taken up this lunatic cause. You could even watch the evolution of Mayor Maahty change being poked and prodded in a direction he never was comfortable with but did it anyway…he has been reward to for this cave in.

  • Hey Bethany let’s put away the crayons and poster board and get you on the treadmill
    March 24, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    BLM isn’t about building up black people it’s a way to tear down white people. When these obese white women with their signs realize that it’ll be too late. Welfare will double along with our taxes and we can thank Bethany and friends. All Bethanys are fat

  • Lil Jimmy Norton
    March 24, 2021 at 3:46 pm

    Fat chick with no tits = FLATSO

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      March 24, 2021 at 3:48 pm

      and FLATSO = no redeeming qualities

  • Tony
    March 24, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Drop her and her libtarded friends in Nubian Sq at 11 PM and lets see what she thinks.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    March 24, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    “Protect Woman’s Bodies”

    “Woman’s Bodies”

    Listen! You had one job to do! ONE! Grab some sign board and a sharpie and write a slogan on it!

    ONE job! And you fucked THAT up!

    Those educumated liberals!

  • Irritated.
    March 24, 2021 at 3:27 pm

    What the fuck. Commenters go to insulting her weight?? Are you guys dumb? People claim they’re not fat phobic and they love their plus sized friends and then go on to shame the weight of others they don’t like. You know; your friends and family will realize that’s what you think of people you don’t like’s weight and worry you secretly think of them the same. This article is incredibly biased.

    • Spotted the Fattie
      March 24, 2021 at 3:37 pm

      Her obesity is the least of her worries, though the fact that she hasn’t been laid in years could be the reason she is so angry.

    • G Ber
      Big Bertha
      March 24, 2021 at 3:39 pm

      See you at weight watchers tonight? I’m bringing some twinkies

    • Observer X
      orget the weight
      March 24, 2021 at 3:54 pm

      I just wish she would use that giant, bulbus thing that sits on top of her neck so she would stop playing the indoctrinated, clueless, woke person.

    • Put down the K .F.C
      March 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm

      Says the fat shit

    • Chris Farley
      March 24, 2021 at 8:14 pm

      Farley on David Letterman one night: “I don’t know if you’ve noticed Dave, but I’ve got a bit of a weight problem.”

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    March 24, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    Put me in the POTUS seat and I’d take anyone arrested with any communist symbols on their person, give them to Seal Team 6, and drop them off on the shores of North Korea.

    Good luck! Later!

  • Captain Trips
    March 24, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    Gandalf! Help us!

    Of the three men arrested:

    L-R: Bombur, Aragorn, Gollum.

    Good job police!

    Now who’s going to help Frodo???

  • The Unfuckables
    March 24, 2021 at 3:05 pm

    Of course she loves BLM, unemployed black guys are the only ones willing to dip their dink in this beluga whale

    • Jill's Dog
      March 24, 2021 at 3:11 pm

      Hey, I’m the dog in the picture above. You can see the love in her her eyes. I just love when she pours the Alpo on her fat ass. I slurp it up while I pound her beef curtains. While true, I do have to share her with the occasional negroid, she is always willing to take my pup-peroni in her willing and ready clam.

  • Matt Bishop
    March 24, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    A woman’s place is on my face.

    • whatevuh
      March 24, 2021 at 6:40 pm

      if she sat on your face, you wouldn’t be able to hear the stereo

  • Observer X
    March 24, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Oh no, this won’t be tolerated – sending gentle reminders. Please do the same.

  • former conservative
    March 24, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    you claim Black Lives Matter is domestic terrorism but remain silent when the real domestic terrorists riot and break into the capital in a failed coup. thats cute of you. i cant wait until you realize youre on the wrong side of history, sided with the party riddled with conspiracies, lies, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and more. sad.

    • VP Spiro T Cheney
      March 24, 2021 at 2:57 pm

      You sir are a fucking retard. You sir are on the wrong side of history thinking these BLM/SJW/Antifa are on the right side of history when they are the ones looting, rioting, committing arson, burning down neighborhoods and destroy local business. Do everyone here a favor and take a tac hammer and smash your brains out so you can get some type of gov benefit, you fucking idiot.

      • former conservative
        March 24, 2021 at 3:06 pm

        but you, mr spiro t cheney, fail to aknowledge that behind the right wing lies the confederacy, the nazi party, facism, hatred, and bigotry overall, but you say nothing? when one group literally opresses another (ex., republicans and transgenders), do you think thats gonna look good for the republican party as time goes on?

    • Bill Loney
      March 24, 2021 at 3:06 pm

      Do you mean that “insurrection” that people forgot to bring their weapons to? It’s hard to overthrow a government without weapons, in facts it’s never been done. Idiot.

      • former conservative
        March 24, 2021 at 3:12 pm

        Actually, some of the weapons that were confiscated and had been seen being used inside the US Capitol including a baseball bat, a fire extinguisher(used to kill a police officer by trump supporters), clubs, a spear, bear spray, mace, chemical irritants, stolen police shields, a stun gun, and knives, and more. Oh, also, a pipe bomb. Placed by a trump supporter.

        • G Ber
          March 24, 2021 at 3:46 pm

          Fire extinguisher ? No, already proven untrue, get some facts before making dumb comments.

          • former conservative
            March 24, 2021 at 3:57 pm

            okay, so there’s controversy wether a fire extinguisher was used or not. thats not the point. you also completely ignored all of the other items used as weapons that i listed, even the literal bomb. The Capitol Police issued a news release the next day, stating “Sicknick was injured while physically engaging with protesters, and passed away at 9:30 p.m. the following day due to injuries sustained while on-duty”. INJURED WHILE PHYSICALLY ENGAGING WITH PROTESTERS! Officer Sicknick was murdered by trump supporters! Fire extinguisher or not!

        • Names please
          March 24, 2021 at 3:58 pm

          Who was the “Trump supporter” who placed the pipe bomb? And who threw the fire extinguisher? Names and receipts please.

          • former conservative
            March 24, 2021 at 4:08 pm

            hey, if you could come up with the name of the trump supporter who placed the pipe bomb, youd be paid over 20 grand by the government. know why? BECAUSE HE HASNT BEEN IDENTIFIED AND HES A WANTED MAN. idiot.

        • Sal O’Mal
          March 24, 2021 at 4:44 pm

          The “fire extinguisher” hoax has been thoroughly debunked. To date there is still no known cause of death for Officer Sicknick, but it most definitely was NOT blunt force trauma, and it was not murder (two men are charged with assault, not murder or manslaughter). All deaths that occurred that day were coincidental, with the exception of Ashli Babbitt—armed only with a sweater and a pole-less Trump flag—who was shot close range by a leftist capitol police officer.

          • Ashli got what she deserved
            March 24, 2021 at 6:02 pm

            She was trying to climb through a broken window to get into the senate chambers and got herself shot by a cop that was barricading the door with his partner

            Still,at least she died doing what she loved,foaming at the mouth

      • Idiot sans education
        March 24, 2021 at 3:15 pm

        Nearly every government in Eastern Europe fell without a shot being fired 30 years ago

        • Fucking Tool
          March 24, 2021 at 8:22 pm

          You stupid fuck. This is the USA not Eastern Europe. Why don’t you move there, I’m sure some village needs an idiot over there.

          • Idiot
            March 25, 2021 at 5:45 am

            Wow,the retard is strong in this one

    • Jen Pissaki
      March 24, 2021 at 3:18 pm

      SJW’s sure like to be victims

    • This fucking guy
      March 24, 2021 at 3:24 pm

      Booo this man. Booooo booooo boooo

    • WeRFucked
      March 24, 2021 at 3:49 pm

      Thanks for caring so much about Breonna Taylor, who would have eventually been shot by police regardless of the poor choices she made to be in a situation in which police feel a no knock warrant is the safest for them. She would have been shot eventually, of course, because she is black. This had zero to do with her. Police should not kill innocent people, even if they are having sex with criminals.

      The hundreds of black lives that don’t matter are the ones who have been killed since Breonna Taylor’s death in Chicago alone. Let’s concentrate on the one or two deaths by police. There have been more? Really? SAY THEIR NAMES! You can’t. Because you’re a fucking asshole. Since you’ve been born, how many truly innocent unarmed black men have been killed by police? 10? 20? But you don’t care about the hundreds of black-on-black deaths that occur every fucking year?

      BLM is not about BLACK LIVES MATTER because if it was, they’d be in Chicago, not fucking Mansfield.

    • Observer X
      March 24, 2021 at 4:15 pm

      The Democratic Party is the party of:

      The KKK
      Jim Crowe laws
      Civil Rights Obstruction.

      Where has their “dark night of the soul” been when they’ve admitted to these transgressions?

    • Boe Jiden
      @former conservative...
      March 24, 2021 at 4:43 pm

      As if that means anything. As a former liberal I came to realize how liberals operate. I’ve been indoctrinated and ran through the liberal education system including “higher education”. Colleges and Universities have become indoctrination factories rather than free thinking institutes of higher learning. While indoctrinating and politicizing the liberal agenda they plunge students deeply in debt (hence, the loan forgiveness movement.) Basing your arguments on raw emotionality and self-righteousness does not make one just.
      It makes one a pawn to the system at hand.
      Stop with the nonsense. As a former liberal i know their vicious and calculating tricks.

  • Judge dread
    March 24, 2021 at 2:13 pm

    In like 2019 according to FBI crime stats something like 14 black people died in police self defense shootings.

    But this fat cunt refuses to recognize the fact there were thousands of shootings and hundreds of murders in Chicago, Baltimore, places like East New York, Brownsville, and South Bronx in NYC, rampant black on black crime in St. Louis and Washington DC.

    Those black lives do not matter, same with the 25m black babies aborted. Make an issue out of 14 people out of 330 million being shot in self defense because they tried to murder the officers.

    These BLM/Anitfa types are so fucking retarded it almost makes me want to spit puke into a trash can. Everything they say is dog shit. Their whole life is a lie.

    • former conservative
      March 24, 2021 at 3:10 pm

      Actually, some of the weapons that were confiscated and had been seen being used inside the US Capitol including a baseball bat, a fire extinguisher(used to kill a police officer by trump supporters), clubs, a spear, bear spray, mace, chemical irritants, stolen police shields, a stun gun, and knives, and more. Oh, also, a pipe bomb. Placed by a trump supporter.

      • Former Conservative, Current Asshat
        March 24, 2021 at 3:17 pm

        You’re still hung up about the “insurrection”? Why aren’t you more outraged by the black on black crime that occurs each and every day.

        Here’s Monday’s headline from everyone’s favorite shitty, I mean, city, Chicago;
        Chicago shootings: 21 shot, 4 fatally, in weekend violence across city
        Sun-Times Media Wire
        Monday, March 22, 2021 10:38AM

        Chicago police have not yet made any arrests for shootings late Friday night that injured two children, and several adults.
        CHICAGO — Four people were killed and at least 17 others have been wounded in shootings across Chicago so far this weekend, including a 10-year-old boy who was shot Friday in East Garfield Park on the West Side.

        By people they mean black people. And by shootings they mean also black people. And by no arrests made they also mean black people, because racism and stuff.

        You are a complete moron who is using your energy in the wrong places.

        • Yeah Sure
          March 24, 2021 at 8:27 pm

          Let’s not fool ourselves, that mental midget was never even close to being a conservative. He’s a fucking liar.

  • Capt. John Kreese
    March 24, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    A man confronts you in the street he is your enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.

    I feel for the uniforms that gotta come out and peacekeep. What if, one time, JUST ONCE, the police didn’t get called to protect those NEEDING to be protected? That’ll be something good to watch on tv. Hey, some people might even pay, no?

    -Cobra Kai

  • Rena Travers
    March 24, 2021 at 1:56 pm

    She is the best teacher i’ve ever had and everyone can vouch for that! Again she’s protesting for what? Basic human rights. If she loses her job, it’s not her loss it’ll be mansfield’s. Such an amazing woman and teacher

    • Unless you are a relative of Pat Travers
      March 24, 2021 at 2:14 pm

      Blow it out your arse.

      Otherwise, let’s hear Snorting Whiskey and Drinking Cocaine

    • Disco Inferno
      March 24, 2021 at 2:17 pm

      How is she “protesting for basic human rights” when she doesn’t want other people to protest against lockdowns? Do you even understand that you’re contradicting yourself?

      Yeah, she obviously taught you everything you know.

    • This KoolAid tastes funny...
      March 24, 2021 at 2:17 pm

      Exhibit A of brainwashing.

  • Fed Up
    March 24, 2021 at 1:52 pm

    In addition to contacting the school administration, Mansfield parents should confront that nasty bitch Jill ( 774 ) directly to tell her she is dangerous ( 766 ) to their children ( 1837 ).

    • Appalled in EB
      March 24, 2021 at 5:04 pm

      Can you even call yourself a journalist if your article is filled with lies and screenshots? None of what you said is accurate or based in fact. Every picture taken out of context, and assigned your own erroneous narrative. Who are you trying to appeal to? I am shocked and disgusted by the comments following this piece of shit article. It’s not freedom of speech, it is hateful and threatening. It is despicable and you should be ashamed to even be associated with it.

      • Inflamed Anus
        Shaking my head
        March 24, 2021 at 6:07 pm

        You sit here and bitch and whine, saying things like “you call this journalism” but skim right over the fact that this woman should not be teaching children. I honestly pray that she faces some serious backlash from this, preferably fired! People like this have lurked in the shadows long enough, Turtle Boy exposes this shit. If not for TB we wouldn’t know about ANY of these assholes. The mainstream media will never report on this, we just get force fed the shit they want us to think. I would be raising hell if my kids had this piece of shit as a teacher!

        • Appalled in EB
          March 24, 2021 at 6:28 pm

          You don’t expose someone with lies and propaganda. Nobody’s whining, just get the facts straight before you crucify someone by stringing together screenshots and creating your own story. Attacking the character of a mother of 4 with a successful career without any actual facts to backup claims that she is violent. Slanderous. Encouraging people to try and get her fired, posting personal information and encouraging each other to go after her, not to mention the name calling. Obvious defamation, and Turtleboy should be held libel.

          • Judge dread
            March 25, 2021 at 7:01 am

            So there fuck head it is lies when there is photo and fb documented evidence of her being a total cunt? I guess those photos are fake? I guess the FB posts are fake too? You are a fucking retard. I hope u die of AIDS you faggot.

  • Hypocritical Hippo
    March 24, 2021 at 1:35 pm

    The most ironic aspect of this blimp’s hatred of police is that she will the call the police in a heartbeat if she witnesses any of the following:
    1) Maskless jogger
    2) kids with a BB gun shooting cans
    3) any black person within 50 years of where she lives
    4) Guy with a Trump hat
    5) her cat is missing
    6) any other minor transgression that triggers her

  • Mr. Hand
    March 24, 2021 at 1:30 pm

    Zero percent chance she treats her students equally, has no business being a public school teacher.

    • Mr. Hand
      March 24, 2021 at 1:31 pm

      Also, eat a salad once in awhile for God sake.

  • Hey
    March 24, 2021 at 1:27 pm

    Really grinds your gears you couldn’t hack it in women’s work, huh?

  • Boe Jiden
    The issue is...
    March 24, 2021 at 1:26 pm

    The education system system is bogged down for which way to turn for real truth. Other than science and technology which are more concrete and verifiable, the education system along with the news media, social media parrots, and rich elitists suffer from a delusion of philosophical fallacy which corrupts minds. The belief in critical race theory, open borders, police oppression, and assumed racial inequality have undermined the tenets of this Country to the core. The rise of Socialism, BLM, and Antifa with their blind faith is actually quite regressive. The hilarity if one chooses is to note is that the beliefs of the above are akin to Theocratic Oppression where one does not dare question the beliefs.
    Philosophy and education which were once erudite have now been contaminated with excessive political positionalities. Popularized as supposed progress, they actually represent regression. And this fat sow is a problem not a solution.

  • The Spic Tormentor
    Spic Tormentor
    March 24, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    Her sign in the video says “we read books, you make stuff up”

    Brilliant argument. Also not sure why you would bring a sign like that to a Bloatana Taylor vigil?

    And imagine being so radicalized by BLM propaganda that you punch a cop in the face and will now be in jail. Hope it was worth the woke likes on insta you fucking faggots

  • Greta Thunberg
    March 24, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    Ratchet. Promoting violence and disparaging the police. When I was a kid, we were taught social skills and good behavior during school. I would hate for my kids to be anywhere near a person like her. It’s one thing to be an internet ‘SJW’…whatever that crap is and another to stand around in public flipping people off. Classless. Bad role model. If she really WAS an SJW, she would take into account ‘Moses’s’ FEMALE VICTIMS.

  • Hyde Park Meth Mongoose
    March 24, 2021 at 1:18 pm

    If you ever vote (D) pat yourself on the back.You own this.

  • Whoa
    March 24, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    This woman is clearly disturbed and should be evaluated for mental illness. It is not a healthy, logical, and rational mind that believes all of Law Enforcement is inherently corrupt, evil, or even cranky. No parent should feel comfortable at all knowing that their child is anywhere near this woman and hearing what she has to say. I hope she gets the professional help she needs quickly and considers a career change.

  • Union Guy
    March 24, 2021 at 1:13 pm

    A Horrible Person and She gets to Spew Her Hate to Public School Students She Should go to Jenny Craig instead of Protesting. Moronic Woke Aholes are Destroying this Once Beautiful Country!!!!!Fire Her Ass !!!!!

    • Doh!
      March 24, 2021 at 1:35 pm

      She’s a teacher. Which means she’s probably in a union. So firing her is almost impossible. Unions never benefit good workers. They only benefit the shitty ones.

  • Rhymes with Swill
    March 24, 2021 at 1:09 pm

    Have a salad you fat Cunt

  • Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave
    March 24, 2021 at 12:56 pm

    Americans are stockpiling guns and ammo at levels we have never seen. The left has finally realized they need guns too, so now both sides are armed to the teeth. We have another civil war brewing. Sad times for America. It’s a travesty what we are leaving to our kids. This fat dyke should be in prison, not brainwashing kids from a Zoom screen.

  • WTF
    March 24, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    Jill – you are disgusting fat cunt. Please jump in your tub with a toaster.


  • Boe Jiden
    Jill Sheridan....
    March 24, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    Needs to be removed from her position in Public Education. Her radicalized views are a detriment to the children she instructs during their most formative years. Her radical and politicized views have corrupted her ability to objectively educate. Her beliefs and furthermore actions would be akin to a right wing white supremacist teaching in the classroom. She’s unhinged and dangerous by her own dubious actions. Parents protect your children from her delusions.
    The Mansfield School Department must remove her from their system. She’s proven herself unworthy of any sense of reasoning let alone teaching.

    • G Ber
      Jenn Booth , Princess, Lesbo and Bitch
      March 24, 2021 at 3:36 pm

      Jill is my lesbian friend, at least since my fat husband Seth (W.Brookfield) has been having impotent issues for 5 years now. I support Jill and her extra 80 lbs she is forced to lug around every day. We did have breakfast this morning at Mac’s diner in Worcester, we both thought the server was rude, she recognized me and knows I’m the cunt who badmouthed them a few years ago.

  • Jewmerica
    March 24, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    I don’t care what they say, I won’t live in a world without love.

  • Sal O’Mal
    March 24, 2021 at 12:14 pm

    I hate so say this, but we acquiesced to Communism upon Barack Obama’s second election. (Assuming that one wasn’t stolen as well.) Trump did his best but in the end, every institution was compromised 2008-2016 and it was too rotten to fix.

    Our public schools, all colleges, universities, medical and law schools, the judiciary, the military, the FBI, CIA, IRS, major corporations and employers, police departments — everything, everything is brainwashed and rotten. Lodge a complaint against this psychopath, and your kid will pay, unless you build a wall of solidarity with a bunch of other parents and hopefully a huge taxpayer as well. But in the end all power levers are compromised.

  • OMG, 60?
    March 24, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    “Daniel A. O’Connell, 60, Coventry, Rhode Island”

    I am not excusing the other two shitheads, not for a second, but this fella here who is 60, should have way more to do with his time than to come up from RI (the Mississippi of New England) and do this shit.

  • randiguy2006
    March 24, 2021 at 12:03 pm

    What’s an “Anti-Coronavirus Rally”?

  • Gangster Talk
    March 24, 2021 at 11:55 am

    Scared to go back into a classroom with 30 kids max spaced out from each other but has no problem going to a rally with dozens of people on top of each other. The public teachers of Massachusetts strike again!

  • The Logical Libertarian
    March 24, 2021 at 11:50 am

    This lady should not be around kids. It’s amazing that there are so many people out there like this. This country’s future is in big trouble. If this continues on it’s course, what does the year 2100 look like? I won’t be here, my kids probably won’t be here but it still makes me sad to think we’re on a course to become a future history lesson for a class titled, “The rise and fall of the American empire”

  • Captain Trips
    I Only See One Lebaron Freddie!
    March 24, 2021 at 11:43 am

    On another note – of the three guys arrested – one was Rip Torn?

    See dad! You fingered Freddie! You’re gonna PAYYYY!

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      March 24, 2021 at 1:38 pm

      Daddy, do you want some sausage? Daddy, do you want some sausages?

    • murdochpatsymcreynolds
      March 24, 2021 at 1:52 pm

      You’re fired, Bob! Clean out your locker at the club, Bob. You’re fucking FIRED! I say send 40 million deutschmarks to Geneva and you hear Helsinki? YOU’RE FUCKING FIRED!

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    March 24, 2021 at 11:39 am

    I like the woman flipping the bird with a peace banner in the background. Hypocrite.

    You also cannot be a science teacher and be a liberal because it’s pure science that an unborn fetus is truly living fetal tissue and liberals believe a fetus is not alive.

    SO shut up, go home, and hope God forgives you.

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