This episode of Uncle Turtleboy’s Light Night Garage Podcast is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy. Support the Turtleboy sponsors by giving them a call for all your garage door needs, visit their website gdplus.com, or like them on Facebook to support the turtle.
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We celebrate the arrest and extradition of Manuel Lucero, who unwisely elected to poke the turtle while having warrants out for his arrest and actively violating the law by not registering as a sex offender. We also examine the latest fake hate crime out of Georgia, and why the guy at the center of it got hit in the face with a bag of Karma.
4 Comment(s)
TB, are you going to release the story about MSPs Troopers Welch and Stone involved in a serious crash where Trooper Welch was confirmed to be intoxicated behind the wheel and is now out on suspension? He almost killed someone in this crash in Chicopee. Former drill instructor.
Suggest you e-mail him with links etc and, you know, evidence.
He’s not a Jew plus 50 points for him.
I just saw the first episode of Showtimes “City on a Hill” a gritty Boston crime drama set in the early 90s. It’s pretty ok but there is one GLARING bullshit liberty that the producers took in the name of “diversity” …. it portrays a crew of Irish armored car robbers from Charlestown… and included in the gang Of 5 or 6 robbers is a Hispanic guy… That may play in Peoria but any body from the Boston area over the age of 35 is just gonna roll their eyes at the depiction of an Irish Charlestown heist crew associating with a Hispanic guy let alone taking him on a truck job back in the early 90s What a laugh!!! A male Spic in his 20s was literally “taking his life in his hands” by even stepping foot in Charlestown in 1991. Keep tryin Hollywood!