Meathbeast Pretends Other Woman’s Dead Child Is Her Kid With Cancer To Raise Meth Cash In Cancer Moms Facebook Support Group, Yells At People For Not Donating
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This is Kaydin Almstrom, who died from cancer on March 23, 2017, just two months before his second birthday, and a month before the birth of his baby sister Kaylie Rae.
These are his parents Kelly and Kenny of Warwick:
He fought bravely, but life is unfair sometimes and he lost his battle with this terrible disease.
This is Melinda Griffin of Sioux City, IA:
She’s a drug addict who puts herself first at all times, and will do anything to feed her habit:
She has two children as well, Konnor and a little girl.
According to her baby daddy Tracey (yea, he’s a real winner too) she physically abuses her children:
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
A woman named Tiffany Becker supports parents whose children have cancer by starting Facebook groups, spreading awareness, and helping them through tough times. On July 23 she started a page called Konnor’s Paw Patrol, after Melinda Griffin reached out to her claiming that her son Konnor had cancer:
But Konnor does not have cancer, and she was just using this as a way to solicit money from people so she can buy more meth.
Now that a reputable advocate in the fight against child cancer had gone to bat for her, it was time to start milking the cash cow by asking people how to make a GoFundMe and making up lies about Konnor’s sickness:
To make matters worse she whined about people not donating enough money to her scam because it got her son’s hopes up:
She kept the lies going all throughout August as people continued to donate to the page which has since been taken down:
Then she began to ask others to make GoFundMe’s for her and solicited donations directly to her PayPal:
People really empathized with her because they thought it was real:
And she milked it some more…..
But she hadn’t posted a picture of the child and people were becoming suspicious by mid-September. So she finally put one up:
She claimed then that he was going to get chemotherapy, three months after she first said he was diagnosed with cancer. People asked for updates and she responded while pretending to be by his side at the hospital. But by this point Tiffany Becker had come to realize that she’d been duped:
Nevertheless Melinda Griffin persisted:
Many wondered why she wasn’t posting pictures of her son, but she had a backstory:
She doesn’t have time to take pictures? You’re sitting in a hospital with your son. What else do you have to do? Check your stock portfolio?
Finally she gave in and began posting pictures of Konnor:
Then she started kicking people out who were asking too many questions (she along with Tiffany had admin access to the Facebook page), and claimed that she needed the GoFundMe money to get her kid to Mexico:
Because everyone knows the healthcare in Mexico is to die for. No pun intended.
But the message was not getting through that it was a scam, and when Tiffany Becker said she was shutting the group down she got a lot of negative feedback:
And Melinda milked it some more, claiming that she was now crying because Tiffany was suspicious of her:
And it worked. People believed the allegedly grieving mother over the woman who doubted her story:
She said the reason she was not posting pictures of Konnor was because she’s “not that type of mom”:
I study ratchets for a living. It’s what I wake up and do every single day. And I know exactly how they write. The number one enemy of Facebook ratchets is the period. They avoid it like the plague. And if I had seen this message when it was originally posted I would just assume that the whole thing is a scam because of that mega sentence she just posted.
After that she posted an angry video, berating people who doubted her story:
She then kicked Tiffany Becker out of the group, and began to talk with Kelly Almstrom, who had already lost her first born son to cancer:
Kelly was admittedly suspicious of her at this point and was trying to prove that she was lying.
A couple days later Melinda made a new YouCaring (bootleg GoFundMe) entitled, “Help Konnor get a second opinion”:
Whatever that means.
She continued to feign outrage about the doubters, which were growing in numbers by the day:
But she still had some supporters, although it was mostly people she claimed were family:
On October 7 she once again posted a picture of Konnor, claiming that his hair was starting to fall out from the chemo he’d received three weeks ago. But…..
Yea, that kid’s hair isn’t falling out. Plus, as others noted, she had previously said she wasn’t posting pictures of him because he looked so awful. But yet that kid looks perfectly fine and healthy:
People reported her fraudulent page and she wasn’t happy about it:
But she continued to grasp at straws anyway:
We have no way of knowing how much money was raised since YouCaring doesn’t have a counter like GoFundMe does. But there were a lot of comments like this, especially from mothers who have real kids with real cancer:
Anyway, because there were so many people doubting her cancer story because Konnor looks perfectly healthy, she needed to find a child that actually had cancer if she was gonna get more drug money from sympathetic parents. Keep in mind that on October 2, Kelly Almstrom had initiated conversation with her. After that Melinda Griffin went through Kelly’s Facebook page, took a picture of Kaydin in the hospital, and began to message it to people claiming it was Konnor:
When she messaged some people they noticed that she was a member of several cancer Mom groups
Needless to say Kelly and her family were very upset when she found out:
After that an account with the name “Mitch Flurh” messaged and said, “that’s y your kid died bitch”:
More than likely this was Melinda Griffin, as she had almost no supporters left. Even her family was turning on her and spilling the beans about who she really was:
Meanwhile Melinda Griffin was claiming that someone made a fake page in her name and had been sending the picture out pretending to be her:
Because that makes TONS of sense.
She did have one supporter left, who she sent after Kelly, only to realize how stupid she truly was:
Apparently Melinda Griffin is now living out of her car with her children:
Kelly has been in touch with the Warwick PD which has been in contact with the Sioux City, IA Police. This crackhead needs to be arrested and she needs to be arrested TODAY!! It’s fraud, plain and simple. I don’t know what the punishment is on earth, but when she dies there’s gonna be a special GoFundMe in Hell just for her.
Meanwhile Kelly’s family continues to struggle, both emotionally and financially. Here’s what she told us when we spoke to her:
So for that reason we will gladly share this legitimate GoFundMe for this very legitimate cause.
Let’s show them that despite all the evil and ratchetness in this world, the goodness of turtle riders will defeat them every time.
21 Comment(s)
That piece of shit needs to be shot.
Into the sun.
she had to find the cutest sickest kid of all time to capitalize on
This pathological liear melinda needs to be locked up . She tried a scam with my son that he was the father of her daughter and tried getting child supporto out of him I turned her in to dhs in waterloo and tried getting a restraining order on her . She’s nuts and needs to be locked up
Malunda griffin is a horibble mom she yelled at her daughter so bad that she pissed her self cause every time the little girl triedto say any thing she yelled harder she beat her for pissing her pants. As for conner shed yell and hit him as well she clamid she neeeded a place to stay and i stupidly let her she brought drugs to my home after i told her i didnt want it around my kids. Then when i threw her out she called dhs on me and the police thankfully the dhs saw just how awsome of a mom i was and left with out investigateing to far. She is a horrible person and everyone who got scammed should press charges…
I have had people question my cancer gofundme more than I ever thought possible even when there were photos and videos posted of me actively hooked up to chemo and post surgery photos. It’s a shame that because of people like this those of us that need it are questioned and our entire lives are questioned. It’s disgusting and immoral. As a cancer warrior and a mother I hope she burns in the deepest pit of hell and that someone takes her children and gives them a chance at a normal life. And I hope Kaydin’s family finds peace and comfort knowing we’re all there for them.
I cannot imagine being so morally derelict that taking the picture of a child that actually died of cancer and using that to scam people for drug money seems like a good idea. Zero chance karma doesn’t kick this dumb asshole right where it counts.
Epic !!!
“I study ratchets for a living. It’s what I wake up and do every single day”
Melinda is a sociopath. I can’t tell what comes first, the sociopathy as a personality trait, or the meth causing a rewiring of the brain to become a sociopath. Nonetheless, the only drug that I know that can cure sociopathy is Hydrogen Cyanide ; inhaled deeply and held before exhaling and repeating. I suspect most ratchets are borderlines or narcissists, but the most ratchety of ratchets are all sociopaths.
Seriously who are you people that donate to facebook or gofundme or whatever? I suspect you are mostly of the liberal persuasion. Seriously, give to a registered charity after some research. Even the people with kids with cancer, there are several good charities that are working towards a cure.
The internet IS a scam.
I know this is random but this chick is the American version of the Nigerian 911 scam.
they’re not giving to fluffy places like FB and gofundme to cure cancer, dude
they just like making a difference in people’s lives who they feel are deserving somehow.
the same way you buy a friend a card or a drink or a turtleboy hoodie
Since Uncle Turtleboy gave and posted this less than 8hrs ago:
18 mins ago
Chris Normandin
2 hours ago
Kathleen Viola
2 hours ago
Kerrianne Barreto
2 hours ago
Nicole Brougham
2 hours ago
Brittany Macomber
3 hours ago
I saw this article on Turtleboy. I am so sorry for your families loss.
Dave Sanders
5 hours ago
Turtleboy shared you story.
Rebecca Russell
5 hours ago
Maryellen Hunter
5 hours ago
Taryn Powers
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
6 hours ago
Mike Flannery
6 hours ago
6 hours ago
Troy Bailey
6 hours ago
6 hours ago
Uncle Turtleboy
7 hours ago
(THAT’s WHY it was posted, to show some love from lots o turtles)
Melinda Griffin needs to be euthanized.
As for Kaydin’s parents, come on Turtle Riders…let’s make it rain on ’em.
If Melinda Griffin does have kids, I feel so sorry for them.
Didn’t Dante say there was a special place in hell for go fund me scammers?
The only way to catch this woman is to have someone identify the kid and broadcast his school. Then the police would have to ambush her.
God if anyone would be able to catch this woman.
Also, why is everyone asking about the pictures? Were people asking for gorey effect or were they trying to expose her? Honestly, the pictures of her with a shiner (which she deserves) and the cancer kid photos make me not want to eat my dinner.
Damn Onion Ninjas.
This is the lowest of the low. Preying on other people’s very real pain and loss.
Good job of providing awareness of this travesty.
Nice work! And to Uncle Turtleboy as well, and nice work on the article, good read