The big story of the day yesterday was this whiny little bitch Dan Cunt, a State Rep from Dorchester, who proposed legislation to amend an existing law which would outlaw use of the word “bitch,” and make it punishable for up to six months in jail.
In fairness, I am more than willing to call him a cunt if that’s his preferred pronoun. We talked about this at the beginning of last night’s podcast/YouTube live show.
The whole thing was such an obviously unconstitutional stunt, but the sad part is that in this political climate, and in this state, I would bet my crotch fruit’s college fund (jokes on them, I would never pay money for them to go to 4 year indoctrination camp) that it would pass. No joke. I think people underestimate just how dedicated and serious many on the left are about feelings trumping rights. I know, I know, the moderates will say, “I’m a liberal and even I think this is crazy.” But the fact of the matter is that the democratic party no longer belongs to you. It belongs to AOC, and this is the kind of bullshit her minions believe in. Words are violence, misgendering someone is hate speech, and using physical violence to silence dissenting voices is OK.
Anyway, after reading more about this process it turns out that he was doing this on behalf of a constituent, but according to Inside Souces’ Michael Graham, he didn’t have to and it was entirely his choice. The crazy bitch who wants to outlaw use of the word bitch is named Takiya White. And this bitch done lost her mind.
Takiyah White of Dorchester who works in community services, told InsideSources she asked Rep. Hunt to file the bill, and she absolutely believes using the “B” word should be a violation of the law. “I hear the word used every day, and I’m hurt by it.”
And is she OK with the idea of the government banning people from using certain words? “Oh, yes. Simply telling people they shouldn’t speak that way is not good enough. At the very least, using that word is harassment.”
Da fuq? You’re hurt by the word bitch? Lord help her if Ludacris ever comes to Dorchester. Regardless, the fact that she thinks the government should be able to outlaw words because a private citizen says she’s got a case of the hurt feelz is just mind blowingly stupid.
She went on the Kirk Minihane podcast this morning, and I will admit she actually sounds like a very nice person. Sure, she’s a moron, but she’s a nice, sweet moron. In an attempt to see if she understand the dangerous slippery slope implications at play here, Kirk asked her if she thought the government should be allowed to ban the n word too, since most reasonable people would agree that the n word trumps the b word on the offensive scale. Despite being black, she actually said no. Listen to the whole thing here. It’s wild.
But here’s the thing – Dan Cunt didn’t have to actually put his name on the law.
Rep. Hunt declined repeated requests to speak to InsideSources on the record — an interesting decision for a government official proposing a government crackdown on speech. However, his office did confirm that he filed the legislation on behalf of a constituent, a common practice in Massachusetts.
White says she got no pushback over constitutional issues from Hunt or his office. “In fact, they said they wanted to make some changes to the language, to improve it,” she said.
That’s interesting because while it’s not uncommon for Massachusetts legislators to propose less-than-realistic legislation at a constituent’s request, usually they label the bill “by request” to indicate that it’s not a proposal they are necessarily prepared to support. Hunt’s decision indicates he found the bill worthy of serious consideration.
He CHOSE to take this seriously. He put his name on the bill, instead of her’s, because this bitch was proud to ban use of a word that perfectly describes his bitch ass.
But wait, there’s more. Takiya White somehow represented herself pro se in a lawsuit against Boston Municipal Court after she didn’t like the verdict handed down by a clerk magistrate in a small claims case in which she was the defendant. It made it all the way to the Massachusetts Supreme Court. She testified in front of the SJC about her case, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about. You can watch the entire 15 minute video and the lawyer for Boston Municipal Court by clicking here.
Here’s a quick rundown:
- She was the defendant in a small claims lawsuit, and had a judgment made against her by an assistant clerk magistrate. The mistake, according to her, had something to do with “mathematics.”
- The clerks name is Helen White, and according to Takiyah she seemed angry.
- After not getting her way Takiyah spoke to the supervisor, who according to her appeared undignified and dressed for a baseball game. The supervisor of the assistant clerk magistrate told her she can’t file a complaint.
- The Judge who reviewed this matter said that there had to be a number of complaints to be made before clerk magistrates are investigated for misconduct, which Takiyah disagreed with by citing some law I don’t anything about.
- She said that the clerk showed bias and prejudice against her by showing the opposing litigant favoritism.
- She said that federal says that pro se litigants are not to be exploited due to their inexperience, and should be assisted and offered advice during the process. Her constitutional rights had thus been violated.
- The lawyer said that she did not have a legitimate complaint against Helen White, and that they reviewed and investigated the matter. The Chief Justice of Boston Municipal Court had investigated it and said that her complaint was without merit.
- This Judge was clearly a bleeding heart who wanted to side with Takiya White.
The lawyer for BMC said that there is a form Takiyah could’ve filled out, but Tooth Bater Ginsburg grilled his ass about whether or not Takiyah White knew about it. In other words, this justice is one of those who believes that it’s the government’s job to encourage stupid people to file frivolous lawsuits that tie up the court’s time.
Granted, she lost, but this bitch is the real deal. I mean, she argued in front of the SJC. There’s a lot of lawyers who will never do that. Either way, the biggest joke here remains the State Rep who took this bitch seriously with her unconstitutional proposal to ban words that hurt her feelings.
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49 Comment(s)
i am calling you a BITCH TAKIYAH WHITE
Meet Takiyah White: Butthurt Bitch Who Got Bitch Ass State Rep Dan Hunt To Propose A Law Sending You To Jail For Calling Someone A Bitch
TAKIYAH WHITE and STATE REP DAN HUNT : everyone in your family and ancestors going back o BC times: every single one of them is a BITCH
Notice how not a single state rep or whatever the fuck is not there in the background images? No one cares about anything either of these people have to say.
No wonder spades are always chasing white women
Jesus I wouldn’t want to be fucking them black ones myself
Another stupid negroe
“In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah, literally “prudence, fear”) is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.”
What a shithead
He was just following traditions of the time-honored Massachusetts “right of free petition,” which allows citizens to file bills for the Legislature to consider. Such measures need a lawmaker to make the official filing, something most legislators do routinely for any bill a constituent asks them to submit. It doesn’t indicate the lawmaker’s support for the bill, and nearly all such measures end up in the legislative discard pile along with the overwhelming majority of the thousands of bills filed each session.
I think the issue is instead of “by request” being put on the bill to show he is representing a constituent, he rewrote it and slap his name all over that bitch.
I want to file a petition to make him change his name to mike .
Fuckin crying laughing at that ludacris line ahahahah GOD FORBID
What’s worse than a liberal? A Massachusetts liberal.
Why hasn’t she filed in court to change her last name?
Isn’t the name “White” even more egregious than “bitch”?
Get Fucked,
Whittling away of the First Amendment. Part of the PC deal, which started many years ago. Now look!
Ms. White seems to have been trying to say that only whites should not be allowed to use the word “bitch.” There’s money in suing white people for breaking the law; there’s little or no money in suing African-Americans or other people of color. Same with the “n”-word. Wonder what she thinks of the word “ho”?
How about Be-yotch? Or female dog? B with an itch? Or just plain B?
I think a lot of spouses would be in trouble. LOL. The far left/Dems have gone Off.The.Rails. There are not enough crayons to fix them.
knowing nothing about White other than this blog…
she is described as being somewhat intelligent…
it’s a shame that she is on the wrong side…
we need more black women with brains…
but it’s clear she has already been brainfucked by liberalism….
According to BITCH ayana pressley highways only go thru black neighborhoods and blacks are late to work because the MBTA doesnt provide good buses for blacks and lationx.
Last time I checked 128 seemed to go thru white neighborhoods like Needham Dedham Wellesley Waltham Lexington etc. I wonder if the mass pike hits any neighborhoods like Newton.
Blacks show up late EVERYDAY and blame the T. When I lived in the city, I wouldbleave my house on time not sleep in.
No personal responsibility. Its kill whitey kill whitey kill whitey racism racism racism everyday.
Isnt it cultural appropristion for blacks and latinx to even be in a great country built by Whites.
Dont even get me started on who invented college or the NBA. Yet blacks culturally partake in basketball and also being admitted to college with lower test scores.
Black women running to Big Daddy White Man’s government. That’s how it always is.
Bitch, get your own house in order. Even Malcolm X said so.
3rd generation of Hunt politician sure looks like a bitch. Havent the groids figured out that they could vote for one of their own yet.
Bitch?? By the time your 14, most females are desensitized to the word. It’s like calling someone an asshole. People are turning into emotional basket cases. Toughen the fuck up!
Bahahaha, that close up shot! Is there any other human being you’ve seen who looks like the flesh manifestation of the word ‘milquetoast’?
Anyone smelll egg farts on mama’s face today? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,
You’re a strange fuck. What’s the obsession with shit and your mom?
You should speak to someone
What? I knew an ol biddy that liked to dine on the dank turds. No biggie playa.
More like Takiyah Black
I LOL’ed for real, dawg.
God bless this woman, I hope she never gets any kind of authority but I hope she lives a nice, simple, happy life.
Takiyah says “I hear the word used every day, and I’m hurt by it.” Maybe she should think about leaving the “community services” field. I assume her “clients” call her a bitch on a daily basis. Like, I need a new EBT card bitch! I need my section 8 housing, bitch! Where’s my money, bitch?
Not “where’s”, it’s “where”
as in “where my munny, bitch”
Thank you the Ebonics primer Corinth.
I don;t mind helping.
Someone please tell me how a citizen can file a bill. These political fuckwads get to enjoy a big fat pension, tax free. The rest of us pay taxes, but nooooo not them.
You whypipo can NOT say Bitch or Lynch!!
Not defending any of this but I can say that magistrates are fucking teflon. I’ve seen rude, inappropriate behavior from several of them. These assholes would be lucky to be working at McDonalds with the complete lack of professionalism and downright rudeness I’ve seen them display.
I was in front of one once disputing a traffic ticket and a guy from India was ahead of me and when he walked away she said out loud, ‘Fucking Sleeper Cells”.
She rolled her eyes at my explanation. I did win my case against the ticket but she threw the paper over her shoulder and said “Next”.
That’s inexcusable.
Women should be in the kitchen, they have no skills nor the temperament for active life in democracy.
bravo my good man…
I tell this to my wife …she laughs-feigns butthurt-but she knows…
my wife is actually fucking great…why you may ask…?
she doesn’t think like a broad…
yeah..the DNA says there will be emotional insanity at times…
but for the most part-she uses logic and rational thought 90% of the time
fucking keeper…
but as whole, I wouldn’t let a women watch my hamster for anything longer than 2 hours…
And while your at it add honky and cracker to the bill…
oh yeah i mean should work both ways. Didi D. will have a hissy fit over those two words. She would probably be in a cell for life.
I always preferred “Blue Eyed Devil” myself.
Don’t ban “Honky”. I’m actually quite fond of that term, quite like Anne Rice’s vampires are fond of looking at crucifixes. It should offend me, but doesn’t.
Because I don’t care.
What bill didn’t she pay that landed her in small claims court? Pay yo bills bitch
I was asking myself that same question
This is what happens when pandering politicians listen to crazy people.
Wait, she can argue in front of the SJC but the word bitch stresses her out? And when you think about it, being brought to America is the absolute best thing that ever happened to black people. The alternative is they could be getting murdered in Africa right now. Sure, slavery, segregation, those things were terrible but we’re past them now. Now they get to run America. I’d call that a net win.
I’ll retire bitch for “Nappy headed Ho”. sho’ Good ’nuff?
Ah I’m kind of thinking she might have just swung down out of a tree by her tail
Go to work, fend for your children, pay your bills, and STFU…that’s life.
Take care of these things, and your life will be A-OK.
Further proof that blacks don’t belong in Western civilization. Send them back to Apefrica.