
Melinda Boone Hasn’t Contacted Burncoat Parents Or Principal Since Gun Incident According To GoLocalWorcester

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GoLocalWorcesterAccording to sources, as of Tuesday evening Superintendent Dr. Melinda Boone still had not contacted William Foley, the principal of Burncoat High. 

When GoLocal reached out to Dr. Boone on Tuesday, Roy sent a statement that ultimately denied that Dr. Boone hadn’t tried to be in touch with Foley, but also didn’t reveal whether or not Boone had spoken with Foley.

The statement from Dr.Boone’s office read: “Superintendent Melinda Boone was out on Friday and the Chief Academic Officer, Marco Rodrigues, was acting. Superintendent Boone was in direct contact with Dr. Rodrigues throughout the afternoon and reached out to Principal William Foley on Friday. The Superintendent will meet with Mr. Foley this week to review the safety protocols currently in place at Burncoat High School and to determine if additional measures should be in place when school resumes on Monday.”

However, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, Dr. Boone did not reach out to Foley and he had yet to hear from her.


This can’t be real. No possible way the Superintendent of Schools wouldn’t mail a notice to parents of kids at Burncoat. No possible way she wouldn’t call teachers or parents of students after a gun was taken from a 16 year old student’s locker who was openly talking about the fact that he wasn’t afraid to kill a cop. No fucking way that wasn’t communicated with parents.

Yea, I know, I’m sure some of the All-Star parents are too busy partying to get the notice. Yes, I realize that the thought of some internet-deficient parents not only having an email account but regularly reading their mail, elicits thoughts of Old Balls calculating how to tip 7% on his abacus.

But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try. Send out an email. If they read it, they read it. If they don’t, well, you tried your best.


But make no doubt about it – the parents that want to know WILL read it. Burncoat is an interesting school like that. When you drive through the Burncoat Street neighborhood, it’s easily the best looking neighborhood of the five high schools. It almost feels like the burbs. There’s a lot of normal families who send their kids to school there and do normal things like take an active interest in their kid’s education, and read emails. These are the people who vote and pay property taxes. They have a right to be given some sort of formal information from the top dog. Instead they’ve gotten silence and small, meaningless press releases from Jennifer Roy.

Unfortunately, this is par for the course in the Woo. Why didn’t you call parents yesterday or the day before that or the day before that or the day before that? Oh, I was out sick on Friday. My bad. I thought we’d pick up where we left off once school starts up again Monday. Relax – it’s not like anyone brought a loaded weapon to school.

Of course the real kicker here is that this was all told through junior smokeshow spokesperson Jen Roy. Ya got that? Melinda Boone was so busy NOT writing an email, that she had to have her spokesperson tell GoLocalWorcester that she neither confirms nor denies speaking with the principal.

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How is that even possible? How is the superintendent just UNABLE to reach the principal of one of our five high schools? It’s not like she’s the superintendent of the New York Public Schools. It’s freaking Worcester. It’s really not that big. Does she not have a car? Because I can tell you where she could’ve found William Foley on Friday – Burncoat High School!! Just a hunch.

Look, no matter what you think of Melinda Boone, what is basically undeniable at this point is that she is as bad as you can possibly be with damage control and media relations. It’s like she’s going out of her way to make herself a blogger’s free lunch. You can’t find stories this easy to write if you tried.

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11 Comment(s)
  • Clive's not racist, just ask him.
    April 24, 2015 at 8:09 am

    Melinda Boone should be kicked in the poon

  • Whaat??
    April 24, 2015 at 6:09 am

    The carpetbagger is probably in Virginia where she owns a couple houses. She only rents here just in case she needs to get outta Dodge fast. She couldnt care less about any of it.

  • Wabbitt
    April 24, 2015 at 1:11 am

    Melinda didn’t think Mr. Foley would be at work on a Friday, because who does that? I mean, clearly it’s more appropriate to take a long weekend right before April vacation week. You know, as opposed to doing YOUR FUCKING JOB.

  • colleen
    April 23, 2015 at 10:12 pm

    This is why my kids have taken advantage of school choice. Burncoat was my high school years ago and I refused to let them be a student of the WPS with Boone in charge.
    The school they now attend had a scare a few months ago…an empty shell casing was found in the lunchroom. A school assembly was called- parents were notified and it turned out to be nothing. But everyone is against her because we’re racist…right Old Balls? Good grief!

  • mike
    April 23, 2015 at 9:07 pm


  • mike
    April 23, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Maybe if the school was not filled with bigoted, sexists, racists, white supremest, racists, fascists, racist racists then there wouldn’t be the need any problems in woo schools.

  • RJ
    April 23, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    Maybe she called but asked for Mike Foley

    • RJ
      April 23, 2015 at 3:28 pm

      ….need to read the other comments first.

  • April 23, 2015 at 2:39 pm

    Maybe she’s busy looking for MIKE Foley!

  • WTAG_Reader
    April 23, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    I would like to know WHY Ms. Boone has a Chief Academic Officer (Marco Rodrigues) and a spokesperson (Jennifer Roy)?
    I reasonably ASSUME that Worcester’s elected School Committee THOUGHT that Boone WOULD be the city’s Chief Academic Officer. Boone and Worcester’s Public Schools HARDLY need a press agent/spokesperson, reagrdless of how Ms. Roy’s position is funded!

  • Woo Woo
    April 23, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    More Jen Roy, less Dr. Clueless

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