
Melinda Boone, Tracy Novick Are Pumped There Won’t Be Cameras In Schools After Summer Of Love

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A couple of months back when Worcester North High School was all the rage, the School Committee voted 5-2 to endorse the Police Department’s efforts to get a company called Mutualink to connect cameras to the police department. In order to do that they had to petition the Health Foundation to give us a grant for it. Of course Tracy Novick and Hilda Ramirez were the two that voted against safety in schools because…..fuck the police.


The Health Foundation, which decided who would get the free cash to implement these programs, decided that Worcester was not most in need of this, and didn’t pick us to be one of the 12 (out of 76) districts to apply for it. The reason? According to Health Foundation CEO Janice Yost,

“There wasn’t a particular reason it wasn’t invited. Others simply rose to the top.”

Ummmm, what the hell does “rose to the top” mean? Oh I’m sorry, were there not enough guns and principals punched in the face this year for the Health Foundation? Would you like us to put together a skit? How about we write you a Haiku? What does that even mean? The fact that they’re not giving it out to the 12 most in-need school districts defeats the purpose of it entirely.

But here’s what really happened. Melinda Boone could’ve gotten it but she didn’t push for it. Because at the end of the day, Boone, Ramirez, and Novick have been and will continue to be part of the Circlejerk’s “fuck the police” crowd. As you can see, Tracy Novick is “relieved” that your children will continue to be put in harm’s way:

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Sure, the city of Worcester is in the middle of an unprecedented gang war in this Summer of Love 2015. But I’m sure all these teenagers shooting each other will magically end once school starts a month from now. They’re probably just shooting each other because they’re bored. Once they start getting bogged down with homework and tests they won’t have the time to go around settling really important beefs.

Tracy’s children won’t ever be in harm’s way of course. Because even though the Summer of Love has officially come to the West Side, it’s still over 2 miles from her tax-free home in West Tatnuck.

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Anyway, school safety liason Rob Pezzella isn’t giving up. Even though Worcester won’t be getting the free lunch, we still NEED this in our schools in order to ensure safety. So he’s looking for alternate ways to fund it. After all, there is more fat in the school department’s budget than there is at the Super Chinese Buffet.

But Boone wants not part of it. According to her there is no room in the school operating budget this year. Ya got that? The same superintendent that decided to add $50,000 to the budget to pay Jen Roy to be her online cheerleader can’t figure out a way to ensure that your children are safe in public schools. Because if Boone takes steps to ensure student safety through the help of the Worcester Police then she won’t be invited to Joyce McNickles’ next barbecue in Sutton.


Ya sick of this yet? Because it’s a really simple fix. You elect Mike Gaffney as Mayor, then you kick off Novick and Ramirez and replace with with Nicola D’Andrea and Donna Colorio. Then they buy out Boone’s remaining contract and replace her with someone who cares more about student safety than they do about manipulating data for cool charts.

Boom. Problem solved. Vote the Turtleboy ticket in November.

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10 Comment(s)
  • Kevin Bresnahan
    July 25, 2015 at 8:22 am

    I can’t even figure out why Melinda Boone’s contract was renewed.

    She had some big digs on her performance review.

    Personally, I can not stand the women. In my dealings with her I have found her to be a fake, condescending union hack who only cares about the size of her paycheck and pension balance.

    Time to part company with her.

    FYI, my daughters is in the WPS so bring it Melinda.
    I will go nose to nose with you any day at any time.

    You blew me off with your little side kick Jeffrey the last time we met. Glad that little prick isn’t on the payroll in Worcester anymore.

    I have issues!!

  • John Smith
    July 24, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    Safety First. It’s really pretty simple. Is WPS willing to put political ideology before student safety?

    • Wabbitt
      July 27, 2015 at 1:53 am

      They already have.

  • Nanny
    July 24, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    It begins: Mrs. Nanny, the kids, and I are looking at houses in Northborough starting tomorrow. 3 appointments set up.

    I was born at Memorial. My kids were born there. I’m a Doherty grad and I’ve owned a home on the west side for 15 years. Enough is enough. This city isn’t getting any better. It’s becoming Mecca for deadbeats and thugs while hard working people have to choose whether it’s worth it to stay here.

    We’ve made our decision. YMMV.

  • Chris From Georgia
    July 24, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    The Good people of Worcester deserve far better than Melinda Boone.

  • WTF..Worcester
    July 24, 2015 at 11:47 am

    See, Worcester doesn’t need this kind of security. This kind of security is reserved for schools in the burbs, because it stops the problem before it starts. You put the cameras in to stop the crime as it happens, not to stop the crime that is already in the process. Silly Turtleboy, cameras are the the burbs!

    This is why working people like me moved. My child is too WHITE for Worcester, she would be eaten alive. We moved, she is happy and WHITE in her WHITE neighborhood. I don’t hear any gun shots, I don’t have to guess if that was a firework or a gun shot, and I can let her walk in the street without worrying about being killed. That is why cameras are not allowed in Worcester. Worcester is NOT allowed nice things! WTG Hippies… You are scaring the PAYING citizens out of the city. Enjoy your welfare state and safe haven for illegals shit. I’ll live it up in an area tax paying citizens live and enjoy the peace and quiet of NON gang violence.

    • WTF..Worcester
      July 24, 2015 at 11:49 am

      Oh..wait.. I just realized, my neighbors are Polish imigrants who got their citizenship, own their own business, and are GOOD Americans not living off the system. And my other neighbor is from Puerto Rico, but calls himself “Willy, the WHITEST Rican you will ever meet”. He owns his home, he works for a living and as he puts it “lives his little American dream”. And my other neighbors are African (LIKE OFF THE BOAT, NOT WANNABE BECAUSE THEIR FUCKING SKIN IS BROWN!) who work jobs, own the condo complex they live in and take care of their own…

      Wow… guess my neighborhood isn’t that white, it is just full of people who AREN’T FUCKING MORONS!

  • Don McNickels
    July 24, 2015 at 11:44 am

    Dude, your obsession with Jen Roy is getting nasty.

    • GoneWest
      July 24, 2015 at 7:08 pm

      Yeah but who doesn’t want to get nasty with Jen Roy

  • Fire
    July 24, 2015 at 10:32 am

    I Really don’t understand what world these people live in.

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