
Miss Plymouth County Is A Lying Narcissist And Leigha Gendso Continues To Be The Story That Keeps On Giving

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Miss Plymouth County made a fool of herself by freaking out and dropping out of the Miss Massachusetts comment over a harmless joke that mentioned #MeToo. She’s probably lying about being gang raped too, because she’s an attention seeking doofus. Also, Leigha Genduso updates if you haven’t been following along with that story.

1 Comment(s)
  • Power Cock
    July 12, 2018 at 5:20 am

    I ‘d fuck her and come back for more.

    Great body, could always go for bigger tits, but then again if she had DD’s I’d want H’s. Most guys just aren’t used to seeing a fit female body.. Fuck an athletic woman sometime you will be amazed at their enthusiasm and sexual desire. They think they are fucking you!

    Don’t scroll to high.

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