An 8 year old girl was killed in Lawrence yesterday after some cock biscuit fled a simple traffic stop and smashed into a car coming from the opposite direction. The video surveillance is pretty intense, so be prepared.
NEW VIDEO: Surveillance video from Happy Time Laundromat shows the moment two cars collided in #Lawrence yesterday, killing an 8-year-old girl. #NBC10Boston #NECN pic.twitter.com/R0nzs8gVRJ
— Mike Manzoni NBC10 Boston (@MikeNBCBoston) July 14, 2019
Unfortunately he survived.
What a bag of dicks. And all because he didn’t wanna get arrested for driving without a license.
Seriously though, why run? You’re in Massachusetts fuck knuckle. You been paying attention to the news? You’re living in the greatest state ever for committing a crime like driving without a license. You’ll face zero repercussions, get a free attorney, and do it again tomorrow.
But nope, this selfish piece of shit just had to run, not caring at all about the innocent people he endangered. And because of his choices an 8 year old girl won’t get a chance to turn 9.
Here’s the worst part – his Mom started a GoFundMe…..FOR HIM!!! And it’s raised almost $1,000 in just a few hours.
He was in a tragic accident?? It’s not an accident when you CHOOSE to drive like that! The only tragedy here is that he lived and the little girl died.
And he’s got two crotch fruits at home and I’m supposed to give a shit about that? Fuck him. The less they know him the better off they’ll be. He obviously didn’t care about them at all considering he chose to commit a crime that would result in him not being around to care for them. What about the dead little girl and her parents? No amount of money they could raise would bring her back. Notice she didn’t even mention the fact that this waste of perfectly good sperm is in a medically induced coma because of decisions he made that resulted in the death of an 8 year old girl.
Then again I expect nothing less from trash like this.
She’s rightfully getting shit for it, even on her own page. But according to her we don’t know the whole story.
Family of the little boy? She’s a fucking girl you insensitive sperm dumpster. And I have the whole tragic story on video.
NEW VIDEO: Surveillance video from Happy Time Laundromat shows the moment two cars collided in #Lawrence yesterday, killing an 8-year-old girl. #NBC10Boston #NECN pic.twitter.com/R0nzs8gVRJ
— Mike Manzoni NBC10 Boston (@MikeNBCBoston) July 14, 2019
But it was just a bad choice.
A “bad choice” was letting some slugpump rawdog you 24 years ago. Choosing to run from the cops at a high rate of speed in a densely populated urban area isn’t just a “bad choice.” And the fact that you think it is tells me everything I need to know about your parenting skills, and why you have a son who ended up killing an 8 year old GIRL.
The free muh boi 100 emoji chapter was out in full force too.
He didn’t intend on killing a girl, therefore it’s OK. Guttermuppet logic 101. He could’ve had a good “reason” to flee. Because pulling over for the cops is just an option you have now.
Lots of people are repeating the same bullshit about a “mistake.”
“How many of us done gone for chases?”
The mere fact that you consider this a normal occurrence tells me everything I need to know about your 16 and pregnant ass. Those are the words of a trap queen who will never, ever leave Lawrence. Ever.
And yes, I’m judging him on “one mistake.” The mistake where he killed an 8 year old. The only mistake I know about. However, had I got to know him longer I’m sure I could find a long and documented history of him being human garbage. After all this is how he’s being commemorate by his friends.
If the best thing you can find to honor your friend is a video of him chucking the bird then you only further validate everyone’s opinions about him.
Then there’s the fact that he literally called this happening two years ago.
Ya know who posts something like that? Someone who knows they’re likely to make a “tragic mistake.” Someone who doesn’t like obeying the law and knows he might kill someone some day because of it. But he wants you to still have his back, because at the end of the day all he cares about is himself.
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79 Comment(s)
How did the girl age three years after she was dead? Doesn’t anybody in the media speak Spanish?
I hope he gets cancer-fucked and his mom shoots up Draino…
I was full fucking in for a public beating for this guy until I heard one of the eye witness’ describing one of the children being wedged under the front seat( i.e. no fucking seatbelt on) If these kids were unbuckled and that’s what killed her ultimately I want the fucking adults in the car charged as well.
The girl wasn’t in a seat belt and her father didn’t know she was dead fro well over 24 hours because he’s a ghetto rat piece of shit himself.
I’m sure he’s just a misguided “legal” citizen of the United States and pays his taxes and contributes only good to society. I’m sure he has a good education and a excellent job too. MAGA!
Trump Build a fucking wall around Lawrence!
Again, communities making excuses for their kind. (Really, this was his first time in trouble??)
The funny thing is that Liberals will continue to placate these hordes, implementing policies that discourage any economic mobility (read: education), trapping generations in places like Lawrence, Lowell, New Bedford, Worcester
Conservatives don’t like footing the bill, but they’re ok with the rest.
There’s no amount of education that can show these people the “way”, they are too low IQ and don’t belong living amongst whites.
And you ask your self is racism alive?? I love seeing racist people get mad, it’s a turn on!!
At least he’s here legally, amirite, MAGApedes. Our new country is going to be great
No one should be surprised that she started a GoFundMe page.
There is no longer shame in society today asking for handouts. Remember when the beggars on Park Ave. where ashamed to look you in the eye? Now they scream and bully you if you don’t give.
In fact, these days it’s almost a badge of honor to see who can get the most free shit from the state, feds, churches, etc. and not have to work, pay taxes, or in any way contribute to society. People like this are the true definition of the word parasite.
And the liberal minions have become brainwashed into thinking that giving more and more of your earnings to keep these parasites alive is the answer. Not the liberal leaders however, they are wealthy and enjoy keeping it. They just waste other peoples’ money.
bullet to the brainpan is what he deserves
It’s their culture..we must respect their culture..diversity is our strength..and stuff.
23 year old “man” still depending on his mommy. kill yourself.
Yo maybe if da pigs would stop beatin an shootin us blacks an latins we aint be always runnin from them for r safe-T. Where am the blame 4 da cops 4 profilin?????
It’s *Lawrence*, you moron. The only profiling going on in that town is against white people who accidentally enter that hellhole of a city while on their way to the Special Olympics; everyone else with an IQ over 65 knows enough to stay the heck out of Lawrence.
The City of Lawrence and its non law-abiding citizens (of Lawrence, not necessarily the US) is essentially ruining the rest of the Merrimack Valley. A walking tour of Lawrence (day or night) will turn the most die-hard of open-minded liberals into frothing racists demanding that the Wall be built and that any and all illegals be confined to cages prior to deportation.
And it’s not the fault of racists, or white supremacists, or uneducated Trump supporters. Nope. It’s the fault of the Latino citizens of Lawrence; your own “don’t give a shit” behavior has fostered and created the burgeoning racism that’s becoming endemic in the Merrimack Valley. You’re becoming living, breathing racist stereotypes and you’re bringing it all upon yourself.
If the cops shoot you, you’ve earned that bullet you fucking pendajo.
“I hope if I ever made a tragic mistake everyone from my town will remember me as a person & no say I’m a monster.”
Here’s how it works. You do something really stupid, you are a monster. Given enough time and remorse I think you can redeem yourself back into a person.
You have to earn your way back. If that means every couple of minutes for the rest of your life a situation like this is thought of, that’s one way to earn it. Also you get to continue on with your life and you no longer did what you did and the tragedy is the reason why.
These people think it’s the fucking NBA. A foul is called, the player acknowledges the foul with a nod or a hand raise and all is forgiven 5 seconds later.
It’s 6 months later and the New Orleans Saints fans still bitch about losing in OT in the NFC Championship game. But, have this happen? No biggie, bro!!!
I’m sure that vibrant & young POC was simply in a rush to go volunteer at the homeless shelter or help re build the local church.
He most likely gets free healthcare. So WTF would the money going to be used for????
Hookers!! And blackjack!!
Spics are savages and should be treated as such.
This is why China does not allow tubby spanish men in country
What society lacks in this day-and-age is shame and self-awareness.
I hope this loser is a quadriplegic on a ventilator the rest of his sad miserable life.
And the mom… anyone want to bet she buys herself a new car with the GFM windfall?
Part of me agrees with you, just so he has years to think about his life choices. The other part of me says, no thanks. Who’s going to pay for his 24/7/365 care? Mom? HELL, NO! A GoFundMe? HELL, NO! An insurance company? HAHAHA… HELL, NO! We TAXPAYERS will be paying that dime, as he’ll be a ward of the state.
Yea she asked for money for his care and to care for his two daughters. I’m sure the fuck muffin wasn’t working to take care of his daughters anyway so what’s changed? I’m sure the tax payers like me without five babies by five different men were paying for his offspring already. I mean I’m sure he didn’t get in any decent woman’s pants who would take care of her own children… That might mean the money she made on her back couldn’t all go up her nose or down her throat or weaved into her head or on some super long ghetto nails and fake eyelashes. Get a job? I mean whats that? Hard to do when you were to busy getting high And making babies to get the required GED and then maintain a VALID ID in the US as proof of citizenship!!!! Easier to let someone else raise the children you make and provide your food and shelter and whine about your “disadvantages”!
These subjects boil my piss more than any others.
Criminals, who despite clearly being lowlife scum are so entitled that they think that:-
a) Running from justice is acceptable
b) Harming others in the process is not their fault
If there was any justice he’d have been hit by a steam-roller before travelling 20 yards and been crushed in a slow, agonising death.
Fuck him, fuck his mother, fuck the maggots like him and fuck any cunt who refuses to take responsibility for their cuntish behaviour.
A pillow is all it takes.
Death is too good for him.
This is probably more justice than he would ever have gotten in a trial. If he doesn’t wake up, great!!! If he does wake up, convict him. The issue with convicting him is paying to have to wipe his ass 4 times a day in a prison cell.
Will he be convicted and serve an appropriate sentence in Massachusetts, or were you speaking hypothetically?
A mistake is dinging a car door. Pull his plug.
Yep !
These Island People contribute sooooooooo much to our fine Commonwealth!
Diversity is our strength!
So say the brain-dead Massachusetts liberal asshole politicians.
Its too bad he didn’t take out the granddaughter of the House Speaker, or any other of the cretins that inhabit the offices on Beacon Hill !
Diversity is our strength ?
If you don’t hate all non-whites you’re on the wrong site.
“So he can go home to his 2 little girls” bitch you know he just killed a child…he AINT going home. EVER. Have fun visiting your scumbucket piece of shit son in prison. Fuckin scumbag family. You people make me sick.
“He made a mistake” the only mistake that was made was his mother didnt swallow him.
Typical Lawrence bullshit. Only reason to to Lawrence, stolen Honda parts and drugs.
Lucky number Selvin! He will serve one day and get some driver edumucation .
Keep importing third world trash. This happens everday a d the fake media say police are looking for a man or a mob of teens etc. Fake media does everything in its power to hide how much crime blacks a d browns engage in everyday.
It’s pretty sad that Cock Biscuit and Dumpster Mom (the ‘mother’ who went clubbing) circle of friends and family find the loss of a child as a ‘mistake’. Just goes to shows how they value life…especially a little one’s. Kids are just a commodity that enables and continues them to be zeros in society. Puppies and kids are one in the same- just have another.
Becky Wins.
You know, as soon as this happened, the light bulb went on in mama “welfare sponge” sanchez’s head. Her 1st instinct is to start a GoFundMe. For what? To pay the son’s medical bills? That halfwit is so blinded by thoughts of the GFM money that she’s praying to “good” and sending condolences to the “family of the little boy”.
** No fucking way. That money’s going straight into her pocket.
Like they EVER had ANY intention of actually paying a medical bill?
He’s probably on welfare and won’t even have any bills, because we are already paying them. Anyone who donates knowing the story are pieces of
Cyril Figgus wins for best comment.
Thanks for pointing this out. I just sent a couple hundred.
Anyone who gave this dirt bag a penny should be f——ng ashamed of themselves.
Yea I’d like to know his immigration status. ICE raids start today in other cities and this MF starts running. Fuck him, and his retarded mother for passing on her retard genetics to another human being. We really need to stop these fucktards from breeding plain and simple.
UNFORTUNATELY The media is misleading on the ICE raids. They’re only going after illegals with deportation orders that they ignored. They’re not just scooping up people that haven’t been already arrested and had a trial. Too bad- I know. Fucking cockroaches!
ICE is going after the ones newly here exactly hoping to deport them before they can reproduce, make some anchor babies, and have libtards complain of splitting up families when finally deported. I oppose splitting up families – send them all back together.
Begging used to be unacceptable but nowadays its nouveau. decline to contribute to xyz fund and you are an asshole on instafaceder. meanwhile that dirty lucre is being spent on cheap beer and burger king. fuck that this mother deserves death by crushing.
why does your headline say “girls”? Shouldn’t it be “girl”?
Why are you here, when you should be fucking right off?
Oh I’m sorry, someone pee in your porridge this morning?
No, but your Mrs enjoyed a portion of my “man-porridge”.
BULL’S EYE! Nice return shot, Dick!
These types of tragedies should happen in wealthy communities that vote politicians in that allow this shit. This never happens where the liberal elite live and have Hate has no home here signs on their illegal alien manicured lawns
Does the name Kennedy ring a bell? How many died at the hands of that family, and the Massholes kept voting for them . . . just sayin’
Got to love the results when illiterate baby’s mommas come up with a name for their illegitimate off spring and butcher the hell out of it.
Actually, I looked it up, and it turns out “Selvin” (his given name) is legitimate as both a given name and a surname. His Facebook name is “Stelvin,” which means he named himself after a trademarked, threaded wine bottle closure system. Must be a cheap wine aficionado, I’d have pegged him for a Hennessy lush.
I hope this piece of SHIT lives! I hope he’s a vegetable! I hope that count of a “mother” has to spend the rest of her life having to change his diapers, and clearing his feeding tube! Fuck him! Fuck his mother!
I obviously meant CUNT- not “count.”
specifying an insult on a NE blog might be the most masshole thing I have ever seen
Are you related to Sam Sneed?
Be honest you, I, and the turtle FC will subsidize his coma. i’d rather he get deported to abe shinzo’s sex dungeon. get the gimp.
fuck him in the ass
We get the government we deserve. When eligible voters respect the rights they have inherited and vote in a balanced way things will change for the better. If not we will continue to live under a socialist Commonwealth regime. This type sadness will continue, expect more, more frequently until people wake. Thanks Obama & Maura Healy
Is there a GoFundMe to pay off the Doctor for pulling the plug? I could kick in a c note for that……
Can you provide a link to this fuckheads gofundme page so everyone can tell this POS to fuck off and die ?
whats his immigration status? Can we carpet bomb Lawrence and start over there ?
Immigration status?
Send ICE to Lawrence, Lowell, etc.!
let’s start with Lynn
OMG. Maybe the people who donated to this POS did it with a credit card and can stop payment. Surprised I didn’t read how good a man he really is… LOL. Right. Before he took an innocent childs life away for his own selfish entitled purposes. We don’t have the DEATH penalty here in Massachusetts so Hopefully he won’t make it.
Deepest condolences to that little girls family and friends.
It is now painfully obvious that hispanics are detrimental to normal societies. Running from the police and hit-and-run is the go-to tactic for latinos. Their constant appearance in news after committing crimes shows they are a lawless people with no regard for civility. Every fucking day the newspapers and local news stations are filled with stories and articles of latinos committing crimes. I guess it is not hard to figure out why they are like this – look at all of the shitholes they come from and it is easy to connect the dots. Every fucking nation south of our border is a fucking corrupt shithole filled with lawless citizens. Puerto Rico is as corrupt and shitty as any other shithole found in South and Central America. When countries are defined by corruption and lawlessness, we must expect their citizens to bring that lifestyle/ideology when they go to other countries. This is exactly what the hispanics are doing. We need that fucking wall built, like right now! We need to deport every last motherfucking illegal alien, and we need to cut the umbilical cord to Puerto Rico.
Pouugese and Brazilllians do this. Milford Ma. Filthy Vermin. I see it all day.
Please learn how to spell before you criticize. I’m Portuguese, born here and my family worked their ass off to do it the right way. You are ignorant for putting everyone in the same category.
What’s really important here is this little girl and her family. My heart goes out to them. So unfair
Lydia, why is Fall River, your homeland, such a fucking dump?
So explain Fall River Lydia!