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Do you use electricity? Do you know how to read? Did you know your doctor is causing your electric bill to go up? If you answered yes to the first 2 questions, then allow me to enlighten you on the 3rd one.
I want to start by saying 2 things. First, if you get your electricity from a municipal electric company, then I cannot confirm if this applies to you. This is for the poor saps who get electric bills from EverSource, National Grid, or any other electric overlords, err providers. Second, even though all the sources for this article have been verified and must remain anonymous, with minimal homework, you can confirm all of this for yourself. I’m just bringing it to your attention.
So you have health problems, like MS, cancer, or you’re not well off financially and you have any number of legitimate life threatening ailments. Did you know that if you go to your doctor, have them write a letter explaining as much and send it in, you won’t have to worry about falling behind on your electric bill while you’re trying to deal with more important things. It’s great, and it really helps many people. Here’s the catch. You can do the same thing if you are depressed, feel anxious without electricity, or just don’t feel like paying your bill. Ever.
You already confirmed that you know how to read, so I won’t repeat the last sentence, but it is 100% true. Actual medical protection letters as they are called have stated that a customer has anxiety and would become more anxious if they had their power shut off for not paying their bills. At the bottom of the letter? A doctor’s signature. Could be your doctor, could be mine, but an actual medical professional went to school for a dozen years, trained in all the ways of medicine, then actually signed their name confirming that their patient is scared of the dark.
So far, kind of shitty, but who cares, let people be scum, I’ve got living to do. Well here’s where you get screwed. Follow along, this gets tedious…
So this scumbag, lets call him Clive, has already gotten his doctor to send the power company this completely bullshit letter so that he doesn’t have to pay his bill for up to a year(in Rhode Island). Since Clive is such a scumbag he gives zero fucks about being an adult, or responsible in any way, so on the 31st day of the 11th month, he goes back to the doctor and rinses & repeats this action. He does this for 2-3 more years and builds up a bill of $15,000. Zero Fucks Clive now decides, based upon his eviction notice from the landlord that it’s time he moved on to greener pastures…..like, well like anywhere he wants because guess what – He has a medical letter saying he is depressed about being evicted so he can just start new service, never paying the huge bill he has already accrued.
You still with me?
So this goes on for years and now Clive owes $45,000. Now he’s really depressed because he doesn’t have that kinda scratch. He’s been trying to get over his depression by buying 70″ Samsung LEDs, Iphones, and of course he needed those Beats by Dre to prevent him spiraling further into his depression. So now, all there is left to do is drop off the map. Doesn’t matter where he goes, just as long as he sticks to his zero fucks given policy when the collectors call and his credit score tanks.
After a few years, that $45,000 is still out there and the debt gets written down. This is where your wallet gets emptier. You ever look at your bill and see a section called “Delivery Services”? Well, your electric company goes before the state(DPU/PUC) every few years and requests a rate case. During this rate case the state opens the electric companies’ books to see why they are asking for more money. When they get to the part about written off debts, the super important members of the DPU/PUC see millions and millions of dollars owed by your neighborhood Clives, and they see that the electric company “tried” to recoup the money but had no luck. I mean, the state says you can’t shut off people with medical issues so what can the poor electric company do. They are the victims. So the state agency overseeing the rate case approves a rate hike passing along all this lost debt onto you. Ya got all that? In a nutshell, Clive is a dooshnozzle who doesn’t like paying his bills, and since National Grid sure as hell isn’t gonna pay his bill they get a bunch of suits in Boston to pass the bill onto people who actually work for a living.
Next time you go to your doctor, just ask if they have ever heard of a medical protection letter. Once they say yes, you’ll know that they, along with neighborhood Clive, the electric company & the DPU/PUC give zero fucks about you. I suppose you’ve always known that, this is just more proof.
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10 Comment(s)
I realize this is closed most likely but here goes just in case. First of all you’re insane!! You have to have a serious illness for a medical letter for protection. Would you like having no electricity if your child had a severe asthma attack and couldn’t help him because there was no power to use the nebulizer? Probably not! If you were busting your ass at a minimum wage job and couldn’t afford to pay that whole shut off notice and became protected by a financial hardship so your child doesn’t have to risk dying would you take it ?? Probably!! The ssdi check you worked your whole life paying into take a a minimum of 5 months to be approved and can take up to 2 yrs. This is your money!! Not a benefit!! Yet you jump through hoops to get it so you get a medical note to have necessary electricity. Your money finally comes. Now you try to make arrangements to pay what you owe and not be a don’t give a fuck!! Problem now is the wonderful light company wants a couple thousand up front then $500 or more a month. Well how is that going to work. Your ssdi check on average is 700-1100/month. Can you afford over $500 a month out of that for lights only? NOOO!!! Will the light company work with you? SURE THEY WILL!!!! Instead of a couple thousand up front you can just pay $1000 then the monthly put would be $800 or more each month. EASY RIGHT??? NOOOO!! SO NOW YOUR SAYING FUCK IT!!! YOU DONT WANT TO COME TO AN ARRANGEMENT WE CAN BOTH LIVE WITH I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!!! Obviously you need to do a little more research on how these things get to the point of no return!!! People aren’t all lowlife douchenozzels as you put it. Bad things happen to good people and if eversource and the grid don’t want to reasonably work with you to repay well Ya FUCK THEM!!!!
Mike think a little bit. You think a couple hundred grand means jack in the grand scheme of billion dollar companies? That’s not even a rounding error. And how else is a utility supposed to run? Each telephone pole gets owned separately? Don’t be an ass. Either it’s owned by the govt or a private company that has to be a monopoly. You want 30 circuits running down each street? That’s why its regulated so strictly.
Your missing the point. They are not regulated that strictly. The Buisness model has changed, utilities have to answer to shareholders who want dividends, not the people in the community. It’s not about keeping the lights on, it’s about keeping the meters spinning. I know because I have worked for National Grid for 18 years. Any money that was made in the past was generously spent on hardening the system and increasing reliability and capability, now that money goes to shareholders.
So if you have medical protection you can have a $20,000 bill as long as you have a Dr note?
Park a couple of nuclear subs in Hyannisport and get some wicked big extension chords.
The reason electric rates went up is the closing of 4 very large power plants in 2014. The government cranked up EPA requirements on 3 coal plants and refused to renew the license on Vermont Yankee. The resulting loss of base load power has to be made up by much more expensive natural gas plants. National Grid, Eversource, etc, doesn’t own generators so they have to buy the expensive power and pass that cost on to the customer. They don’t make anything on it. They are getting hosed too. So next time you see a hippy protesting coal or nuke or an electric utility and blogging it with an Ipad while taking a call on an iPhone throat punch them.
The 50% jump in pay for NGRIDS CEO however had nothing to do with it? This article is more of the same ignorant ,right wing Reagan style lie of the “welfare queen”. When corporations take advantage of the system they are savvy entrepreneurs, when anybody else does it they are drains on society. Way to turn the little fish against eachother, exactly what the big fish love. I doubt there are enough people abusing the medical exemption. The reason your electric bill is so high is because of deregulation. Deregulation has privatized the profit and socialized the risk. Any fines levied against utilities are a joke and considered a part of doing Buisness. Besides all of the utilities former executives are federal or state regulators now. Just google Cheryl Lafleur.
Keep spouting ignorant nonsense Turd el-boy, it seems to be your specialty.
Thank u because the disabled still have to pay their bill they just cant be shut off if they fall behind but that bill will always be there
Anyone defending these useless freeloaders must be one of their fellow pieces of trash. No other logical explanation for this drivel posted above.
You’re dumb if you think this is why electric bills are higher. Also I never defended people abusing the loophole. The real free loaders are the monopoly style utilities buttfucking you every month and blaming the poor and sick. Ad hominem, look it up, also google Cheryl Lafleur. Dummy.