This is yoga instructor turned professional pothead Hillary King from Boston.
And she REALLY, REALLY wants to get Coronavirus. Almost as badly as she wants attention. Check out this post she made last night that’s gotten thousands of shares.
TL;DR – she has a sore throat and a cough, clearly doesn’t have Coronavirus, but desperately wants to make people think she does so she virtue signaled about it on Facebook and everyone fell for it because the public wants to believe they’re living in the prequel to the walking dead. She wasn’t tested for the Wuhan virus because she hasn’t had contact with anyone who’s got it, and clearly doesn’t have the Wuhan virus.
She’s also wearing a dust mask in the picture. If they suspected her of having the Red Chinese Wuhan virus she’d have a surgical mask on that loops around the ears.
A hospital would never give you a dust mask if you complained about shortness of breath.
If she was really sick and in the hospital for days she wouldn’t have flawless make up on.
She’s edited her post 11 times as the shares keep coming.
She claims a doctor told her she had symptoms of the virus but couldn’t test her for it because the hospital “has no testing kits at the time,” despite the fact that Charlie Baker announced yesterday that the state has 5,000 test kits available.
Baker said that, even though the state has now received the ability to process testing for an additional 5,000 people, the samples must still go through the state lab in Jamaica Plain.
But besides that her story checks out completely.
I call CoronaCunt a professional pothead because literally everything she posts on her Facebook is about pot, and she calls herself a cannibas consultant.
Yea, me too. Consult with me about your favorite strands of weed by smoking me up and parading me in front of a bunch of suits to talk about it.
I’ve never seen a human being want to have a disease like this chick wants to have Coronavirus before.
Here’s an idea – maybe you have a cough because you smoke entirely too much weed. Not that I’m against weed, because I like weed. But if everything in your life seems to revolve around weed, you might wanna look into alternative hobbies. Just sayin.
Anyway, she really tried to milk this for media attention and eventually got it from WBZ, but even David E. Wade knew it was bullshit:
“When I woke up, I had a bad cough and sort of a feeling, like shortness of breath,” Hillary King said via FaceTime from her home in the North End. She’s worried she has coronavirus, and even though she wants to be tested, the answer was ‘no.’
It happened Wednesday night as her symptoms worsened. Now she’s home, in self isolation, but still without an answer. “I started feeling a tickle in my throat on Monday,” she explained. Hillary didn’t think much of it at first, but by Wednesday, she was worse with a nasty cough and trouble breathing. So she called her health insurer. “They recommended that I go to urgent care or the ER,” she said.
Her next step was to call the closest hospital. “After speaking to somebody at the ER at Mass Gen, they told me to come down,” she said. They immediately gave her a mask. “And the chairs for the patients were spaced out, six feet apart, in all directions,” she explained. “They listened to my lungs. They said it sounded clear. They took my temp. No fever.”
But her cough was bad and she says her doctor wanted to test her for the coronavirus, but couldn’t do it because she didn’t meet the criteria. She hadn’t traveled to a hot spot zone overseas or been in direct contact with someone with a confirmed case. “If you don’t meet one of those they will not test you right now because they only have so many tests and they’re saving them for folks who do meet that criteria,” she said.
Hillary was eventually sent home where she plans to stay, alone, for at least 14 days. “It’s really scary to think about that I could have been asymptomatic but contagious,” she said. “That’s why I’d really like to know and get tested and find out if that’s what it is.”
Listen to what David E. Wade says at the end of the video:
“We need to make it crystal clear that there are trained professionals who decided that she wasn’t eligible or they didn’t think she needed the tests, so this is just her side of the story.”
Translation – she’s full of shit, but we’re gonna go ahead and give the the attention she craves because coronavirus is hot right now and guaranteed to get clicks.
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92 Comment(s)
WCVB now also running interview with her. Smoking/vaping pot must not help her lungs any.
Day 3 of 14 days minimum at home most of day and I’m going crazy. I haven’t a clue how anyone’s existence is so bad they would voluntarily do this, unless you are Hugh Hefner. This bites. The only plus is the microwave everything else you can do while you’re doing other things. People should kill themself.
Watch every video on PornHub
Make videos for PornHub
I wish I could read an article on this site, on my computer without the page freezing every time I try to scroll down.
that’s because you have an E Machines piece of shit designed for windows 7 now limping along with a charred processor and 4 gb of RAM trying to run Win10 and some shit browser. Fucking loser with a short appendage
I just struck out at Stop and Shop,Market Basket,and Shaws!
I need TP for my bunghole!!
Do not infuriate the Great Bungholio!!!!!!
If you have a Subaru with a Bernie sticker on it she’ll ride you all night.
I personally feel she looks better WITH the mask
Sadly didn’t include her online activities.
Toilet paper is sold out everywhere due to assholes. Literally and figuratively.
WTF is up with the hospital bed and mask shot? Looks like she
had an accident hanging drywall.
Perhaps she just wants a crack at that Wuhan Weed they’re using to treat Covid-19 and the lesser known Corvid-2: Return of the Crow. These Lipstick Hippies are all alike, having smoked too many seeds and stems over a lifetime to cheat successfully on a Pass/Fail test. Still, her pretty red, white and blue eyes beg out for attention and with luck she’ll contract an STD.
I resent that remark…I’m nothing like this attention whore.
I had to do it.
Pretty much guarantee she gave the bare foot dishrag guru wise man a Blumpkin.
I have some penis dab she can smoke.
I’d let yoga chick contort her body into all sorts of positions on my member.
with how it is clear that marijuana suppresses the immune system, why would it make sense to give medical care to stoners when a national emergency is taking place?
Hillary is taking the hospital bed of someone deserving of care.
Hillary has wicked small titties, Attention whore. fuck you
Did you know it’s still illegal in 38 states for gays to vote? My gay friend Billy last week tried to vote in a primary and they told him they needed to see ID. That is ILLEGAL. You CANNOT deny someone the right to vote based on their sexual orientation! That is federal discrimination
Thats so gay
And completely untrue.
Alicia Alighatti. You’re welcome
You are a meathead. Dead from the neck up.
At least she’s employed. This chick was at the hospital along with a crew to paint the ER.
If there’s one thing I can’t stand about millennials besides there shitty taste in music, passion for Bernie, white guilt having and pussified work ethic., it’s there attention seeking whorish ways on social media!.. No one is impressed and no one gives a fuck bitch! “Oh I saw a flight crew from Cathay Pacific in my hotel lobby but I ended up being ok..” Bitch that’s nothing!
There’s tens of thousands of people in Boston that have been around a lot more potential hazardous environments related to this super blown out of portion virus, including myself!
You’re wasting a quality bed at MGH when your fake ass outta be at city hospital (BMC) wiping your ass with thin sandpaper.
My only question is if you have medical insurance? Because if not, you’re worse than the lazy people in the in the projects getting ambulance rides for dumb shit.
As I am a “smarter, not harder” individual, your piece listing what you hate about millennials could be summarized in one word: Everything.
I would not argue. Terrible people they are.
Great news folks! After pressuring a couple banks I finally got them to give my wife a couple of unsecured loans. Now she can go out and buy some underachieving universities, kick all the students out and turn them into Covid 19 treatment centers. All this at minimal profits of course. Cash customers welcomed.
The overblown hysteria regarding this illness is the political establishment’s latest attack on Trump. Prove me wrong.
This is the result of shitty hygiene from chinks and probably from that lab in Wuhan. Prove me wrong.
The Coronavirus did come from one lab in China. The scientists there were testing the virus on animals, such as monkeys. Monkeys and other animals make for very valuable meat in China, so some of the scientists went and sold the animals to meat vendors for big bucks after they were finished using them for testing at the lab. That’s how people ended up getting the virus… they ate it. No joke.
Looks like your boy Drumpf is caving in to pressure anyways. Usually he’s pretty good about standing up to these attacks. Or maybe, maybe, orange man is actually worried?
suck on a severed cock you fucking homo
Just give her the fucking test. “qualified medical experts” are the same medical experts who would throw every test in the book at you for a hangnail if the money was there…. or in this case, if the tests were there. the so called criteria will lighten up when more tests start showing up. watch.
And so she likes pot… who gives a fuck?
She’s a dirty pothead. That’s how uncle turtleboy gets u to believe him and “discredit” her. Same with his liberal translation of what the newscaster said lol. Joke this guy is. I hope Bristol shoots his whole family up.
White racism striles again.
First racist whites stopped eating chinese and now racist whites are not patronizing chinese massage parlors because of racist beliefs about the corona virus. We need Krafty white men to make it rsin on $5 footling massage girls.
Totally would and would gladly accept any virus she had to offer.
She looks like John Belushi
Hi Hillary, let’s Dance.
The only thing scary about the wuhan virus if your not elderly is the sheep being led around by the media. PS what happened to that professor from Harvard that got arrested by the feds?
Dammit Hillary! I’m a doctor, not some pot head.
Looks like she tested positive for “Five Head”.
She’s obviously a colossal cunt, but I loved the fact that they call it the “Joint Committee” on cannabis policy.
Proper laugh out loud moment, there.
Anyway, I hope she’s seriously injured in a freak frisbee accident.
Oh look!! Blowback Becky has arrived in person do downvote all the comments about what an attention-seeking bitch she is.
Stay strong girl! And remember to use my toilet paper method during this crisis.
Gofundme anyone?
Tossing salad has been postponed until further notice. Stay vegilent out there people.
You fucker, get up, come on get down with the sickness.
I hope the bitch has lung cancer
I walked by a Chinese restaurant yesterday and not five minutes later I started to sneeze. Omg! I have the virus. Somebody please call me an ambulance!!!
your an ambulance, a big fat fucking ambulance.How’s that?
I told this titless whore that I was an “influencer” so she gave me a blowie and then I smacked her around for a bit
Ya smoke that shit to escape from reality? Me, I don’t need that shit. I am reality.
Hooray! Another narcissist who yearns to luxuriate in those oh so sweet noble victim points. I’m a real life “at risk” dude, and I ain’t afeared of shite. These chicken littles are goddamn pussies.
As of right now, you are about twice as likely to get your ass capped by walking around Chicago than getting dead from this Chinese export in the rest of the USA….
And with the way the virus is removing low hanging fruit, the two useful idiots will be debating this weekend in space suits borrowed from NASA.
OMG People like this are clogging up the system. A friend of mine went on a school trip for a week to an infected area. Her symptoms are worse than this chick. My friend is in her 59’s and has a 104 temp and a feeling of a brick on her chest that all came in overnight!! She CANNOT get the test. As of now, you pretty much get the test if you are in intensive care. Because of this people are walking around spreading it. I can’t believe MGH actually admitted this gal. I’m guessing she won’t pay her ER or hospital bill either, this ramping up the costs of healthcare for the rest of us.
lol @ “In her 59’s”. How far in? 59 15/32? 59 1/8?
Dude Ranch,
It was a typo. She’s in her 50’s. And…and definable more I’ll than this hypochondriac. My friend’s Dr. said since no test was available to self- quarantine for 14 days. This… after being in Italy a week. I can’t believe MGH admits these whiners.
Dude Ranch,
Made an another typo! “Definitely “
This app needs a way to edit!
Understood, I’ll just never let and obvious error get in the way of a mediocre joke. Enjoy your week.
Another Munchausen patient. The Average Joe patient doesn’t use long medical terms unless they are professionally sick.
OMG i cant take these fucking dumb ratchets anymore. Maybe the virus will “weed” out the dumb and lazy. Hey Die Ann i saw a fox in my neighbors yard that has rabies. I bet i have it too. Dumb narcissistic cunt.
That tickle in her throat is likely a pubic hair..
That sounds like a wisecrack from Dr Gillespie. Get it right.
I would have preferred to not laugh at THIS one as well, yet here we are.
Seriously, giggled like I was back in elementary school.
Then have my friends kick her out with cab money after she made me a sandwich.
Leave that to a pro.
– TR
If she wants to go viral so bad, call me
I thought potheads say weed cures everything? Shouldn’t she just hit the bong and be better??
Just like oxys, weed cures you for about 4 hours.
She’s getting the attention, it’s what she wanted, I’m guessing her show was pulling low numbers, so she had to pull a stint to get them up for the sponsors. The world is full of these type of shitheads.
People need to have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.
Red Chinese? Is that like a yellow indian? Also thanks Dr Drew. Glad you’re the new judge on who is who an what is what cause of wow wee
Heard a new face mask is out on the market,and it’s made from recycled toilet paper,maker claims the fecal matter will kill off new or bad germs.ebay has them going for 75.00 a piece
I stopped into Market Basket this AM for my usual Bacon and egg sandwich. WTF!! There was a mob there getting shit paper and wipes. It looked like a blizzard was forecast and the day before Thanksgiving all wrapped in one with a period of three day diarrhea squirts thrown in. Fucking people are so stupid- panicking over this shit is insane!! I hope they all get the virus and this dumb cunt does too!!!
If it’s the breakfast sandwiches in oxford. I’d stay away. You should see what we do to those things in the back room. Lmao. Youd pray for dis virus if u knew hahahaha. Hows my balls taste??
Where the fuck is Oxford? Never heard of it. Guess you will have to let your Mom taste you balls.
We need to bail out every poor soul who went broke stocking up on supplies for the pandemic. It’s just not right that hard working Americans have to go broke protecting their families.
My apologies to all those whom asked my opinion on supplies what which to stock up over the years. I had no idea that paper towels would be the currency of the Apocalypse. I assumed ammunition.
Way off on that one, I beg your forgiveness.
No, you were correct. We’re not far enough along in the timeline yet.
Ammo is going to be the prime currency once the hoarded items become scarce.
People can suddenly find it in their heart to share their rolled paper goods or they can just as suddenly find a little something with a copper jacket in their heart.
Fucking doctors. Did Hillary Die-anne tell those medical professionals that she did see “a Cathay Pacific flight attendant crew in the hotel lobby?” OMG of course she has the corona. She will probably die and it’ll be their fault.
So sad. She was a leader in getting pot legalized… and now she’s going to die. Life is so unfair.
RIP Hillary. You’re viral post might soon be forgotten, but you will never be.
The fact that she is so sick but has full blown make up on makes this as believable as that queef Kate ripped and burnt her seat in her truck blaming Uncle.
“…everyone fell for it because the public wants to believe they’re living in the prequel to the walking dead.” It has a name, it’s called Fear the Walking Dead.
“If she was really sick and in the hospital for days she wouldn’t have flawless make up on.” Calm down Jeffrey Star, it’s only pretty good.
WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE FLU!!! What in the actual fuck is going on? Canceling life because people get diarreah and body aches? Holy shit. Stop the planet, I want to get off
Good thing you’re not in control haha you do know the flu has been around for 100 year? An it killed 600k people the first year . It’s taken us 100 years to get the flu to this level. An you dumb asses want people to let it spread like the flu. even though theres no meds for it. They dont know the long term effects. They dont know if it comes back around every so often . Yet fuck it ! Treat it like the 2020 flu lmao dummies
If you’re under 80 years old, you’re gonna be fine. If your immune system is fine, you’re gonna be fine. Sorry to break the news to you.
You’re right, it’s such a bunch of bullshit! The powers that be decided to use this for an excuse to crash the markets and the Global economy so they can grab thousands of shares at bargain basement prices. All because of a new strain of the common cold. Who gives a fuck! Get sick for 2-3 days, recover, get on with life….. Anyway be smart and use all your extra money to buy stocks now!
Buying in times of fear and selling in times of “euphoria” is the best way to make money in the stock market. Getting the timing right is key. Sometime in the near future will be the biggest buying opportunity since 2009. Don’t miss out. Unless one needed money in the next few months or so, or one wanted to get cash to buy other equities, selling in the last couple weeks was not a good move. The oil price war isn’t helping things, also.
The corona virus is not an influenza virus (the flu), but has flu-like symptoms where some percentage of people will require hospitalization. They don’t want the infection rate to get so high that those needing hospitalization overloads the hospitals. Hence all the precautions that may seem extreme, but little is known about covid-19. Better safe, than sorry. Also, I saw some doctor claim that an infected person can still infect others 2 weeks after their symtoms go away. So, somebody can infect others for up to 4-6 weeks since it may take 2 weeks after contact to show symptoms and 2 weeks for symptoms to go away.
Gook flu. CHING CHANG CHING CHONG fucking gook chinks and their stupid flu.
Why is this getting thumbs down? This comment just won the internet. Maybe now those fish heads will stop eating fucked up shit like bats and monkeys.
I almost forgot, would.