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Check out the latest headline from the North Andover Patch:
Boycott Andover Racist Businesses for Using State Power via Andover Police to Enforce Racism https://t.co/Un6XEeQ3gD
— North Andover Patch (@NAndoverPatch) June 11, 2018
They were not hacked, and this is not satire. They actually printed and are profiting off of the views they get on this article, which is the CAPS LOCK rantings of a clearly mentally disturbed social justice warrior (oxymoron, I know) from Andover:
Yup. A mainstream media publication is calling on it’s readers to actively boycott local businesses for supporting racism. They’ll try to hide behind this garbage:
“Your neighbor’s postings.” As in, “This is a citizen op-ed that doesn’t reflect the views of the North Andover Patch. Except it does. When we publish anything on Turtleboy Sports, we own it. So when one of our bloggers goes rogue and crosses a line, we don’t get to hide from that. Publishers are responsible for what they publish. Not every lunatic in town gets to publish on a media outlet to purports to report real news. They made a choice to allow this, knowing it would generate a lot page views out of curiosity, and as a result they make money.
The OP, Marie Winfield, is the local town lunatic (more on that below) who goes around causing problems, breaking the law, and then getting out of it by playing the race card. She’s in her 60’s but chooses to use these profile pictures:
Because she is in fact a crazy person.
The Patch made the decision to publish her work urging readers to boycott….
Oh good, a salon. Because a mentally imbalanced woman says they were “snotty” to her. And a consignment shop for being “racist.” Is there any evidence or background to any of this? Nope. But the Patch is attacking these businesses anyway. I honestly hope they sue them. Once again, no matter how much they hide behind their bullshit excuse that this woman doesn’t work for them, the Patch chose to publish this, which is clearly defamatory and can have a financial impact on their business. The Patch is a commercial enterprise that is profiting off of this defamation. It’s their job to have an editing process that weeds garbage like this out. Insane that they’d allow this to happen.
She also wants you to boycott Andover High School being “nasty” to her when she was just trying to help a 16 year old and his mother at a time of crisis, as well as Philips Electronics for the crime of opening a business in a racist town:
Andover High School has no shortage of problems, all of which revolve around their corrupt superintendent Shelley Berman. There’s plenty of reasons to boycott him, but racism isn’t one of them. Once again, the Patch is publishing content that labels an entire public high school as being racist.
Next up was Raytheon and the Waffle House:
Both of which are centered in Andover. Oh wait, no they’re not. This is just a lunatic with a broken caps lock who the Patch chose to legitimize.
The library is also racist, and Philips Academy are the “best people” pretenders:
Whatever that means. All I know is black people apparently are in imminent danger at the library, according to the Patch.
Next up was the local catholic church:
Followed by the Board of Selectmen, and the local CVS:
Oh good, she’s an opiate fiend pill-seeker too. Definitely the kind of individual you want representing your brand.
There’s actually a lot of red blooded conservatives that would agree with this one:
Because triggering crosses party lines.
Definitely don’t eat at McDonalds, because of their plastic food, or go to the racist doctor’s office:
Or the Richdale store, or the Santander Bank for calling the cops when she was committing check fraud:
The local newspaper’s gotta go too, since they’ve been covering up all this racism:
The only good company of course is Starbucks, because they made their employees sit through a day of training in which they were taught about the implicit bias they never realized they had because two guys in Philly were too cheap to buy a coffee.
And it’s not her first time being insane. The Haitian immigrant has been causing problems in the Merrimack Valley for quite some time now.
Marie Winfield calls it police harassment, but in court yesterday two people said officers were justified in arresting her at the Comfort Suites Hotel. As Winfield asked a Lawrence Superior Court judge to order Haverhill police to stop harassing her, a witness to her two arrests last week said Winfield was causing disturbances at the hotel.At yesterday’s hearing, Michael Watson, a security guard at the hotel who was on duty during both incidents, told the judge that he called police because of the disturbances.
“When she was in the lobby she was real loud,” Watson said, adding that Winfield had a dog with her and that the dog was barking at police when they arrived.
Haverhill City Solicitor William Cox represented the city at yesterday’s hearing. He told the judge that during the first arrest Winfield became “loud,” and was shouting and “flailing her arms.” “At one point she grabbed the officer’s shirt and radio,” Cox said, pointing to the left side of his chest. “She was arrested, released then she returned to the Comfort Suites.”
Oh good, she attacks police officers too. I’m sure if she submitted something to Turtleboy we’d print it too. After all, you have to print every insane thing an insane woman writes on a computer.
She’d actually done this on back to back nights at that Haverhill hotel:
Police and court records show that Winfield was arrested just before midnight on Dec. 26 after hotel workers complained she was causing a disturbance in the lobby of the building. She was subsequently released from police custody, and at 7 the next morning returned to the hotel where she was arrested again for causing a second disturbance.
Of course she said this was harassment:
Winfield, 55, 57 Willie St., told Judge Christine Roach that police abused their powers when they arrested her and that she was seeking some form of a court order to stop the harassment. Winfield, who represented herself at the hearing, told the judge there has been a “pattern” of harassment by Haverhill police against her dating back to 2008.
Just retaliation for that time they kidnapped her:
Winfield, who is Haitian and speaks English with an accent, said officers are retaliating because she has accused them of several crimes, including kidnapping.
She also said she was illegally detained three months prior:
Winfield said she was illegally taken into custody in September when she went to the police station to provide a copy of a letter she mailed to the U.S. Justice Department alleging corruption on the part of Haverhill police officers and Chief Alan DeNaro. A clerk magistrate’s hearing on the kidnapping charge is being scheduled in Newburyport District Court.
And that the cops stole $280 and a diamond ring from her December 2010 arrest:
Winfield said she is seeking additional charges, including harassment, following her two arrests last week. She also says $280 was stolen from her purse along with a diamond-studded wedding ring that police took from her when she was booked last week.
“Even if the motel did call police, there was no reason for police to arrest me and do this to me,” she said recently. “When police came in, one of them came right up to me and called me Marie. So they knew my history with the department. I think they saw this as their chance to retaliate against me.”
She chose to represent herself in this case, because…..of course she did.
At the hearing, Winfield asked Watson if he had spoken to police prior to the hearing. Watson responded that police Officer Joseph Benedetti drove him to the court hearing, but that they did not discuss the case. Winfield then continued questioning Watson, but the judge interrupted, saying her question had been answered.
And as it turns out she and her husband Robert had previously been investigated by the cops for abusing their children:
Winfield said her troubles with Haverhill police began in December 2008 when she went to the station to file a formal complaint against an officer she said had reported a suspected case of child abuse by her and her husband, Robert, against their two teenage children.
But God forbid you point out that these backwards nutjobs come from a shithole country. That’s racist. We need more child abusing psychopaths to come to this country so the Patch can get some page views.
Then they tried to swindle an old woman out of her house:
The Winfields were subsequently evicted when the state Department of Elder Services obtained a restraining order on behalf of the elderly co-owner of the house. The agency claims the Winfields were financially exploiting the elderly woman and attempting to “swindle her home,” according to court documents.
Oh, and when she brought the complaint to the police she appeared to be as high as a kite too:
Last fall, Winfield complained to the U.S. Justice Department, saying the Haverhill police chief refused to respond to her complaints and that when she brought the letter to the police station she was accused of being on drugs and taken by ambulance against her will to Holy Family Hospital in Methuen for drug testing.
Turns out it’s not the first time the Patch has profited off of her rantings. She also published this defamatory nonsense about the police chief in October. I’d cite some of the ramblings, but it’s really just more of the same psycho-babble bullshit.
But please, tell me more about how Turtleboy is fake news. Tell me more about how we should be the ones whose advertisers are boycotted. We support local businesses. And if a local business chooses to advertise with a media outlet we don’t like, that’s fine too. Not The Patch though. They like to attack local businesses and profit off of it too. Sad day for journalism.
4 Comment(s)
Boycott loudmouth bitches and threaten them with deportation for creating consistent public disturbances.
Haiti was a place where the slave ships stopped to unload all the blacks were too sick or stupid to even be slaves.
If anything, this is proof of what a great country this is. This woman has a public forum to rant like the fucking lunatic she is. And we get to see, in her very own words, just how deluded and insane she truly is. If she tried this in the inflamed shithole she’s from the cops would have just shot her in the face the first time and been done with her.
Shit… maybe Haiti isn’t that bad after all…
The bitch is stupid and paranoid. Just tell her Trump has his own Tonton Macoute and she’ll shut the fuck up quickly.