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If you haven’t been following the North Shore Eats Turtleboy Investigates series stop what you’re doing and catch up on part 1, part 2, and part 3.
Last we checked in on Greg Bates we had caught him red-handed lying about taking money from businesses in order for him to endorse them on his page. He also lied about requiring gift cards from NSE partners, as he demanded that many of them provide two per month. Of course lying seems to be Master Bates’ specialty. Last year he couldn’t be troubled to respond to an advertiser and he said it was because his mother died:
Except his mother never died, which he admitted this week:
He’s also told people that he is “retired,” could easily pay for his food if he wanted to, and is losing out on thousands of dollars by not charging cash to advertise:
Just understand that this man is a pathological liar.
Now let’s talk about what he’s been doing to some other local restaurants who didn’t play ball his way….
Hoppy’s Barbecue, Peabody
Just like many others, Hoppy’s was solicited to be an advertiser on NSE, with his standard demands of two free gift cards per month:
Hoppy’s agreed to his gift cards demands and was initially a big supporter of the page:
They gave him his monthly card for personal use, and the other one went to his illegal “raffle.” In exchange Greg agreed to promote them under the guise that he was a fair and balanced food critic, not someone doing the bidding of an advertiser.
A guy who won a Hoppy’s gift card named Larry Burns (who is now banned from NSE for talking about his experience with Master Bates) went down to use it, but the product he wished to purchase was out of stock on that day. The guy agreed to come back at a later date, and it was no big deal. But Greg Bates made it into one, and told Larry Burns that Hoppy’s would no longer have the pleasure of being mentioned on his page:
“This site has a massive effect on many restaurants.”
Be more full of yourself. You can’t. Also, it’s not a website, it’s a Facebook page. At any point it can be mass reported for pornography (DON’T DO IT TURTLE RIDERS) and taken down by Facebook. Trust me, we know too well how that works.
“There are no ad dollars.”
Be a bigger liar. You can’t.
But trouble arose when Barbara Hopping, the owner of Hoppy’s, saw that Greg was coming down to Hoppy’s yet again for free food:
“I know I have a huge impact on the amount of customers coming through.”
God he’s insufferable.
Barbara committed the ultimate sin – she publicly stated that NSE wasn’t bringing in the business he claimed it would. She said that gift card winners sometimes did not come in, and although it led to more likes of their Facebook page, those were useless unless it converted directly to sales:
Greg wasn’t happy about this, and he was even more upset that he got cut off from the free egg rolls. So he messaged her son Tyler to let him know how crazy his Mom was being for not seeing his greatness, and told him that Hoppy’s was officially banned from his page for the disrespect they showed him:
“I noticed you stopped selling out when I stopped stopping by.”
Oh get over yourself criscopoon.
As Tyler pointed out, Greg was once again caught in a lie. He said he doesn’t charge to post on his page, but the second you stop paying him you get banned. Others who simply use the forum to discuss their favorite food places had their posts deleted if they mentioned Hoppy’s. Yet he’s still pretending that his page is a place where people can get together and discuss their favorite food establishments. The truth of the matter is they can only discuss places that are lining his pockets with unreported cash income.
But it wasn’t enough to just not let Hoppy’s post on the page, he had to try to sabotage their business on the way out. Of course he wouldn’t do that using his Greg Bates account, because that would come across as cruel, vindictive, and hypocritical since he’d previously said how great Hoppy’s is. So he did what he always does when he wants to talk shit – signed into the Chrissy Langdon account and went to town:
Yup, this psychopath has conversations with his alter ego on NSE. “Chrissy” shit talks Hoppy’s and promotes Rusty Can. Then good cop Greg swoops in, tells everyone that Chrissy (not a real person) is well known for being a BBQ snob, and starts promoting Hoppy’s biggest competitor.
What’s that called when you threaten to do something that could negatively impact someone else, unless they give you what you want? Oh yea – blackmail.
Poor Barbara tried to clarify the misinformation Greg was spreading, and once again Greg played the good cop:
In anticipation of this blog being written Tyler had been posting this information on the North Shore Eats Exposed Facebook page. Greg saw this and preemptively messaged Tyler, letting him know how poorly poor Master Bates was treated by Hoppy’s for being cut off from free egg rolls:
As you can see, Greg was making Tyler believe that the gift card winners felt disrespected from their experience with Hoppy’s. So Tyler messaged the winner (Larry Burns) so that Greg would no longer be the middle man instigating problems between them:
Oh look, the guy didn’t have a negative experience after all. Greg didn’t cut off and bad mouth Hoppy’s because of their customer service. He did so because he was butthurt about being cut off from the egg rolls.
Finally to cap off this saga he messaged a guy named Andrew and gave him a piece of his mind for supporting Hoppy’s. Andrew wasn’t having any of that jive and called him out on his bullshit:
Here’s the best part – Greg got personal and insinuated that Andrew was a shitty father:
I shit you not. The guy who was sentenced to 30 days in jail for not paying child support, put his two sons through a traumatic event by telling them he was going to kill himself, and intentionally does not have reported income because he thinks he’s harming his wife but really he’s harming them – that guy is judging the parenting skills of others. Can’t make this stuff up.
Hoppy’s is no longer open for a variety of reasons. You can’t blame it all on Greg because that would be admitting that he actually matters. Plus, if you can’t survive without Master Bates promoting you then your business just wasn’t meant to last. But I’m quite positive that he had at least something to do with it, and that if he used his forum the way he says he uses it, Hoppy’s might be in business today.
The Corner Butcher of Beverly
We received an email from someone associated with The Corner Butcher, and here’s a summary of what they told us:
- Business owner is approached by Master Bates and asked to share posts on NSE about his business.
- Greg starts aggressively asking for donations for his “fundraisers.” (not the Autism one, because he wasn’t involved with them yet).
- Business owner tells him they can’t go over charitable donations amount because they have a budget, but donates when they can. Just not every single time.
- Master Bates gives them the “but I am getting you so much new business….” routine.
- Business owner tells him that he’s not getting new business from Greg, and that this sort of shakedown is inappropriate and makes him feel uncomfortable.
- Greg asks business owner to write weekly blog for NSE about his business, and only share it on NSE. Business owner agreed, did it twice, then stopped because it was a waste of time.
- Greg asks him to enter business into his “Top 10 Burger Card” deal.
- Business owner says no, but Greg pushes and pushes so business owner relents and gives in, hoping Greg will go away.
- Greg asks business owner to sell the cards, but CASH ONLY, because Greg is trying to avoid the IRS and his wife who needs to buy shit for his kids.
- Business owner cuts ties with Greg in August 2017.
- Greg gives bullshit negative review to other business, which turns off this business owner, prompting him to unfriend Greg on Facebook.
- After realizing he’s unfriended Master Bates loses his mind and messages the business owner, chastising them for unfriending him.
- Master Bates tells business owner he’s the reason for their success, and that they are ungrateful.
- Master Bates tells him that any positive reviews from his 35,000 followers on NSE of the business will be erased by him.
- Master Bates kicks this business owner out and blocks him, but today claims that Hoppy’s is the only business he’s ever done this to.
- But instead of just banning the business, Master Bates begins badmouthing them to his followers, claiming he was “disrespectful” to the 35,000 followers for no longer wanting to do business with Greg (keep in mind, the 35,000 have no idea he charges these businesses, so they don’t understand why anyone would turn down free promotion). He makes it seem as if the business owner is taking a personal shot at the 35,000 followers, when in reality they just don’t like Greg. Nevertheless, it works, and it hurts small businesses.
But remember, it’s all a big lie that he shakes people down for gift cards.
Finally he directs people to go to Eva’s Organic Butcher Shop of Middleton as a double “fuck you” to Corner Butcher, since they are a competitor, and tells people it’s because Corner Butcher “disrespected” the members of the group (him) by not wanting to advertise on the page.
Champion’s Pub of Peabody
Greg was upset with Champions because they refused to give him free gift cards. But instead of outright banning them he came up with a different way to try to make them look bad. He began to bash them because of their alleged association with a man who dared to call out his pay for play scam. The man does not work for Champions in any capacity, but Greg clearly tries to imply that people associated with Champions make light of autism by tagging Champions and asking if they condone his behavior.
He then blocked the owner’s daughter from the group for questioning him about this and unfriended her. When she asked him about it he made up a lie about a Facebook glitch (she unfriended him, which he claimed automatically got her removed from NSE, an easily disprovable lie) being the reason she was kicked out of the group.
When she messaged him about this and told him this was a lie, he messaged her back and told her to stop harassing him.
Ryal Side-Cafe of Beverly
He told Chrissy Langdon (AKA Greg Bates) that he won’t post about the Ryal Side-Cafe anymore, who coincidentally refused to pay him. Claimed he was not a pay to play Facebook admin, and promoted their competitor instead:
Once again, he’s making it sound as if his reviews are authentic. People on the page trust that he is because that’s what he tells them he is. But in reality he’s just getting revenge against a business that won’t give him free shit.
But that’s enough. Just like many others he had to bad mouth them on the way out, calling the owner rude:
Cafe Salerno of Beverly
He banned Cafe Salerno from being mentioned in the group after they refused to give him gift cards:
Then he passive-aggressively tried to show respect to Salerno, but clearly was trying to come across as the bigger person in hopes that people will react negatively towards Salerno:
Because he’s a diabolical douchecanoe.
He began to remove any mention of Salerno, and claimed Salerno was the one who INSISTED they not be on his page in order to make them look like assholes, because as far as his 35,000 followers, he does not charge these businesses to appear on his page:
But it had the desired end result – his followers begin shaking their heads, wondering why a local business wouldn’t want to engage with them on this “ad free” forum.
Multiple people have also told us that he threatened to sue the guy who runs the Merrimack Valley Eats page, because Master Bates owns the word “Eats.” These same people told us this:
We reached out to Stuft and Magnolia 525 but did not confirm. But based on the dozens of others who have shown us how he operates, it’s entirely believable.
While writing this blog the Patch has published two stories on our story. Hey Lauren Cunningham, is the Patch a “hate page” too?
Or is everyone who reports the truth a hate page? Hard to figure out.
Still think we’re just making shit up Craig?
Is that enough proof for you Emily?
Just understand people, that our reputation means EVERYTHING to us. If you think we’re gonna make shit up without doing our homework and gathering irrefutable evidence, then you don’t know Turtleboy. Real news is our middle name.
Stay tuned for the best parts yet to come – the INSANE saga with G Parties, the TD Bank incident, an investigation into missing money for the Autism charity, and a one on one interview with Master Bates himself (lol).
5 Comment(s)
Must be nice to be able to eat out that much, last time i was able to eat out once a week was before i had kids, now i get take out once in a blue moon, babysitters are hard to find. Old GutlessGregg doesnt have to worry about babysitters, he has no kids…
It’s easy for him because he doesn’t pay child support for his kids. Yet he’ll talk to you about how awesome they are and all the great things they’re doing. Makes himself sound like the proud dad who supports his children financially, emotionally and spritiually. I’m sure they are great kids, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Greg since it sounds like he can’t be bothered with raising them.
The real victim here is the King’s Own English: mangled, massacred, and bent-over-in-a-bus-station-toilet-raped by Greggy on a regular basis.
Greg, if you’re over the age of 15 and rocking a baseball hat in every picture you really need to check yourself in.
You look like an assclown.