Turtleboy Investigates

Nursing Student Mary Cronin, Girlfriend Of Weymouth Cop Killer, Was At Scene Of The Crime On 911 Tapes, Didn’t Report Mom’s Car Stolen Until After Crash

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When the shitstain who murdered Weymouth Police Officer Michael Chesna crashed a BMW before doing so it seemed odd. How could a homeless piece of garbage like that afford a BMW? Well, it turns out it belonged to Carolyn Cronin, the mother of his girlfriend Mary Cronin.

His girlfriend’s name is Mary Cronin, who appears to also be 20 years old and from Weymouth. Obviously she’s into douchebags…

And from the looks of her Facebook page, she seems to be in the nursing program at Endicott College:

If you wanna be a nurse, don’t date assholes, and don’t post pictures like this on IG:

She has two younger siblings, and her father Mark Cronin was in a horrific motorcycle accident in 2008, in which he lost a leg. The woman who hit him was drunk and was sentenced to 6 months in prison. After that they moved from their home in Quincy to their new home in Weymouth, because the Quincy home was not conducive for this injury.

Now listen to the 911 tape, particularly around the 10:25 mark:

Earlier in the call the dispatcher said the car belonged to Carolyn Cronin.

Then after the crash, but before the shooting at the 3:56 mark, the dispatcher said that she JUST got a call from Mary Cronin, reporting that the car was stolen 30 minutes ago. She told the dispatcher that he has bipolar and manic issues.

The “shots fired” call happens a minute or so after that at the 5:17 mark. Then 5 minutes later we get this from what sounds like a cop:

“I have a witness to this accident, maybe someone’s girlfriend, at Columbia and Main Street.”

Thirty seconds later you hear this in the last 10 seconds of the transmission:

“We have a bystander on scene who claims she was with the male party.”

But why would she wait 30 minutes to report a stolen car? And what are the chances that she would report it just a minute or so after the crash if he stole it 30 minutes ago? And why was he so close to her house if he had taken the car 30 minutes ago. Here’s a map of the area:

The blue is the crash site. The orange is where 77 year old Vera Adams was killed in her home. The red is where the Cronin’s lived. It’s less than a mile away. Yet he stole the car 30 minutes ago and only made it that far? Are we to believe that he was aimlessly driving in circles during a bipolar episode, and his girlfriend elected not to call the cops for 30 minutes? And neither did the mother, whose nice car was stolen by this piece of shit?

And she coincidentally called the “stolen” car in right after he crashed, and just a minute before you hear the chilling “shots fired” on the radio? And then she coincidentally happened to be at the accident scene, 10 minutes after the crash, which she would not have had time to walk to (considering the distance), nor would she have known there was an accident there?

Yea, I’m not a detective and maybe we’re missing something here, but it sure sounds a lot like she was in that car with him. That would make a lot more sense wouldn’t it? They take Mom’s nice BMW. He crashes the car and runs away. She calls the cops claiming the car is stolen. She sticks around the scene and speaks to the police as a “witness.” It would explain why Mary, and not her mother, was the one who reported her mom’s car stolen. It would explain why it was reported stolen minutes after the crash instead of before. It would explain how she could be at the scene of the accident just minutes after it happened, despite living more than a 10 minute walk away.

The mere fact that this chick’s not only associating with an allegedly mentally unstable dickbag who sells cocaine to children, but she’s only banging him, tells me everything I need to know about her. She is trash. She’s some sheltered suburban chick who feels edgy because she’s dating a homeless kid from the wrong side of the tracks.

Either way, we’ve heard next to nothing about the Cronin family from the mainstream media, even though they are central figures in this story. Stay tuned turtle riders, I’m sure there’s more to come on this. If you know anything about any of this, feel free to email turtleboysports@gmail.com or message Clarence Woods Emerson or Turtleboy Sports Returns on the Facebook machine.

44 Comment(s)
  • Dr. Ed
    July 21, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    Mother is a counselor in Quincy. Quincy Counseling Associates — $100K/year.

  • Fucked For Life
    July 18, 2018 at 9:27 pm

    Under the joint venture theory she could be charged with murder as well. This girl better get an experienced criminal attorney pronto. Either way she is damaged goods. Only shitbags would ring that.

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    July 18, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    This bitch is an accessory to murder…..I wish her nothing but the worst in life

  • Info matters
    July 18, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    Cronin name in Quincy has some history. I seem to remember some “issues”…

  • deflateddoritodinks
    July 18, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    Belt, solitary , do it . done

  • deflateddoritodinks
    July 18, 2018 at 7:23 pm

    He looked like Hillary looking at the balloons at the DNC when he was in court with 300 people who wanted nothing more than to pump him full of lead, Leave him in solitary with his belt, and let him sort it out.

  • Belphi
    July 18, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    You’re missing the best part…if she was actively engaged in the commission of a crime (false report to LE), and a homicide occurred (in this case 2), she can also be charged with 2 counts of homocide!!

    Now, a lot of things need to check out first. But, if her reporting a fake crime caused this to happen…well, looks like nursing school is going to have to wait.

    • z
      July 18, 2018 at 8:53 pm

      For the parents sake, the car has to be stolen – BY THE DAUGHTER and CHUD. If not, don’t be surprised if the parents get sued by the cops family or the family of the dead woman.

      The car was used in a crime that resulted in two dead. If they didn’t have the car, this wouldn’t have happened. The million dollar question is did they have permission to have the car.

      If I was family I’d certainly go after the parents. I’d try to break them , if they stuck up for their daughter. MIght not win, but I would try.

      • Y
        July 18, 2018 at 9:43 pm

        Leave her poor parents out of this. They got the killer. Fuck him to all eternity. The parents are probably going through enough but realizing their daughter is complete trash

        • z
          July 18, 2018 at 11:00 pm

          I personally think the car was stolen, I think she is a thief. I think her being with him makes her guilty of a double murder. She quickly thought “I’m fucked.” and reported the car stolen by just him.

          Let’s say the authorities also believe this and go after her. Do the parents say “No, we gave them permission” in order to try to save her ass?

          Maybe they do. But if they do, then they should expect some shit falling their way.

          The parents are in a no win situation. I get that. Wouldn’t stop me for a minute to get a pound of flesh if the parents partially cover for her. Because if the parents did that, I believe they would be lying. And if they are lying, fuck them if I’m a family member of a murder victim where their daughter was involved using a vehicle that was a key ingredient in the murder. No car then no crash, no……..

          “But it’s their daughter.” Sucks to be them.

          Actions and inactions have consequences. Pick wisely.

  • Tori
    July 18, 2018 at 6:53 pm

    ““I have a witness to this accident, maybe someone’s girlfriend, at Columbia and Main Street.”

    Thirty seconds later you hear this in the last 10 seconds of the transmission:
    “We have a bystander on scene who claims she was with the male party.”

    So she admits she was with him? If the car was stolen and she was with him, then why isn’t she arrested?

    • Sergeant Schulz
      July 18, 2018 at 7:18 pm

      I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!

    • Law 101 Perry Mason Style
      July 18, 2018 at 11:29 pm

      Ever here of the term duress.
      Look it up. Actions made under duress do not have same legal culpability.

  • Ty
    July 18, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    Disgusting girl!

  • Ray Patriarca
    Ray Patriarca
    July 18, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    This fucking mongel was a hood rat hero. He got himself some hot, young, white cooze.
    Last cooze this Spic’s ever gonna touch. Hope he likes dirty dick. Cuz that’s what he gonna get fed…long, hard and often !
    The Boyz are gonna love those pretty plucked eyebrows.
    As for the cooze?
    Hope she enjoyed the uncut brown. Hope it was worth it, too.
    Disgratziate !

    • Representative of SPICs
      July 18, 2018 at 8:08 pm

      As a representative of the “SPIC” community, we gracefully decline any association with this weird eyebrowed garbage who clearly was not a productive member of society. Therefore, we request that you pass him along to the Portuguese seeing that Lopes is a Portuguese surname.

      • Idkmaybeimwrong
        July 19, 2018 at 12:51 am

        I don’t think Portuguese. Sounds more like Cape Verde

        • SPIC Rep
          July 19, 2018 at 6:47 am

          Cape Verde was inhabited by guess who … the Portuguese.

    • GySgt SPIC, USMC
      July 18, 2018 at 8:20 pm

      I am also a member of the “SPIC” community, and agree that this individual is Portuguese.

      I’d also like you to take note that not all members of the “SPIC” community are bad people. I, for example, have served our country for the last 16 years, honorably. I will continue to to serve this country to protect you and your family, despite you hating me because of where I come from. I didnt get to choose my birth place, and I didnt get to choose my last name. But, I will continue to be a shining example of the “SPIC” community, and continue to ensure to the best of my ability that you and your family go to bed safe every night despite your dislike for me.

      And if you don’t like it, don’t worry, I only have about 14 years left in service until I am forced retired at 30.

      • Ray Patriarca
        Ray Patriarca
        July 18, 2018 at 8:53 pm

        Thank you for your service, sir. And I apologise for my insensitive labeling. It was inappropriate. My apologies.

  • vicxh
    July 18, 2018 at 5:46 pm

    The more you read of this, the more you appreciate Maude. She may have a few screws loose but she does not date thugs, get drugged out in new Bedford or get pregnant and set up a go fund me for her baby shower. Maude’s the best of them. If all the troubles we had in this world were Maude, it would be heaven

  • Mr Butthurt
    July 18, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    Sickining to listen too. You knew from the officers voice that he was gone. Think a cops job is easy? Imagine having that image in your head trying to fall asleep. 7 gunshot wounds to the head and torso from close range. I hope that mahhot gets raped daily in jail. We need the Death Penalty for these waste of oxegen dirtbags.

  • whatevuh
    July 18, 2018 at 5:28 pm

    We don’t know all the details, but my first inclination is, if the mom tried to stop this relationship, this shit-stain would have killed the whole family.

    • Q
      July 18, 2018 at 6:27 pm

      Christ, I hope you don’t/won’t have kids. Imagine if you have a daughter? You’ll be the cuck dad of the neighborhood. See a brown or black boy and offer up your white daughter as payment so they wont bother you.

      • Browntown hero
        July 19, 2018 at 8:27 am

        Maybe he’s talking about the fact this dude is a scumbag? Keep thinking everyone is the racist asshole, we know who the REAL RACIST IS.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    July 18, 2018 at 4:50 pm

    She’ll be fine.

    Nurses busted for stealing narcotics are given a 6 month reprieve from the narcotics drawer. They still work as nurses but cannot give out narcotics.

    After 6 months they have full access again.

    Don’t believe me?

    Look it up.

    No shit.

    No license loss. No lost time from work.

    Look it up.

  • y
    July 18, 2018 at 4:01 pm

    Again, no one is commenting about, or reporting, the fact that Officer Chesna saved this POS’ life when he tried killing himself at Weymouth High School!!!

    • The Mooch.
      July 18, 2018 at 4:28 pm

      The Mooch needs to know more details on that.

      • y
        July 18, 2018 at 4:31 pm

        Fuck Boi (Manny) tried to kill himself (sliced his wrist/throat w/scissors), and Officer Chesna was the one who saved his ass…
        Fast forward, Fuck Boi kills Officer Chesna!
        Fucking ingrate.

        • Sweeney Todd
          July 18, 2018 at 5:19 pm

          Then he should be sentenced to kill himself with scissors.

          That seems appropriate.

          • Y
            July 18, 2018 at 6:13 pm

            The Chesna family should be allowed to dole out punishment as they see fit

    • UngratefulSpicBastard
      July 18, 2018 at 11:36 pm

      No good deed goes unpunished. Truely a shakspearian tradgedy.

    • Mr Butthurt
      July 19, 2018 at 12:12 am

      Serious;y STFU. You are clueless.

    • TheBigOldDog
      July 19, 2018 at 12:20 pm

      i heard a young guy call into WEEI K&C and say the kid was nuts and that he cut his own throat with scissors in the hallway of Weymouth High right in front of everyone. Is that what you are referring to?

  • Screw PC
    July 18, 2018 at 4:01 pm

    Goodbye nursing school. Hello fryolator.

    Rachets and decent professions don’t mix. She threw away a respectable career for a fucking dirtball.

    Bitches, as you like to be called for whatever fucking reason that is incomprehensible except for deliberate self-degradation to the point of being a pass around rachet fuck toy…


    Someday, if you stay away from rachets long enough to live to be over 30 and not covered in tattoos with 4 chins and 3 kids from 2 felons in a 1 parent roach motel apartment, you’ll understand and thank yourself for holding out for some guy who’s worth it and not making a life for yourself that you wish would end.

    • Michael Hunt
      Mike Hunt
      July 18, 2018 at 4:42 pm

      I just got sick to my stomach reading that. There’s no Hell hot enough for that motherfucker.

    • Captain Trips
      Florence Nightingale
      July 18, 2018 at 5:02 pm


      The nursing board only busts good nurses.

      This cunt will probably be given a scholarship.

      Fuck the nursing board

      • Q
        July 18, 2018 at 6:37 pm

        The sad part is that her future employers (providing she grads from nursing school) will find this tbs blog one day if they google her name and hire her immediately for embracing diversity. This cum receptacle will find a way to make herself a victim and she will be lauded for being strong and a #metoo survivor.
        Id like to know more about her mom, carolyn. Is this bitch blind, ignorant or retarded that she allows her daughter to date such a scumbag? I didn’t know the cop killer but id be willing to bet within a minute of meeting him, any sane person would know what a piece of shit he is.

        • Carpet Installer Reading
          July 18, 2018 at 11:42 pm

          The pussy wants what the pussy wants and you cant stop it. I know a guy whose dsughter was dating a filthy drug dealer who beat her. Well my friend beat yhe everliving shit out of the drug dealer. The dealer filed assault charges and my friend now has a criminal record and a daughter he never sees. The bitch stayed with the abusive drug dealer. You just never know.

          • TheBigOldDog
            July 19, 2018 at 12:26 pm

            At least as a Father, I would have done all I could do and have a clean conscience. Sometimes you can only do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may.

            People can always find an excuse to not act/do nothing.

  • Uncle Mike
    July 18, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    Faggot cop-killer is never going to see real-life tits ever again.

  • Hank
    July 18, 2018 at 3:51 pm

    No surprise she dated this piece of filth, she doesn’t seem like someone who’s exactly setting the world on fire herself…

    • CumGuzzlingWhoa
      July 18, 2018 at 11:44 pm

      She sets filthy spic penis on fire

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