
Parents Television Council Demands The Walking Dead Be Censored For Amazingly Graphic Season Opener

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Apparently there’s a group called the “Parents Television Council” that polices the boob-tube to make sure that nothing is ever offensive. They’re a “Christian” group that spends all day hating everything that’s funny. Because it’s not enough for them to just switch the channel and watch something that doesn’t make them butthurt. They have to make sure everyone else doesn’t have a good time while they’re at it. Most recently they’ve demanded that AMC do something about the legendary season opening episode of The Walking Dead:


If you didn’t see it, Negan kills Abraham, then when he gets punched in the face by Daryl he also kills Glenn as punishment. And although these were two of the best characters on the show, it was amazing:

Of course these are just actors and their brains weren’t really bashed in. Because TV isn’t real. Adults know that. Adults also know that kids aren’t supposed to watch shows like that. Obviously. Just don’t tell that to Tim Winter and the Parents Television Council, who crafted this statement:

“Last night’s season premiere of The Walking Dead was one of the most graphically violent shows we’ve ever seen on television, comparable to the most violent of programs found on premium cable networks,” PTC president Tim Winter said Monday. “It’s not enough to ‘change the channel,’ as some people like to advocate, because cable subscribers — regardless of whether they want AMC or watch its programming — are still forced to subsidize violent content. This brutally explicit show is a powerful demonstration of why families should have greater control over the TV networks they purchase from their cable and satellite providers.”

Newsflash morons – if your kids are watching The Walking Dead with you, then your parenting skills need work. Because it’s not a show for kids. Everyone knows that.


This is Tim Winter:


That right there is the face of an oppressed man who watches a lot of porn. These guys always end up being the kinkiest mother fuckers in the room. You simply cannot go through life enforcing these rules if you don’t secretly love breaking them.

It’s not enough to change the channel.”

That quote right there says it all. Why should he watch one of the hundreds of other channels? He wants to watch this one. Everyone else should adjust what they’re doing, not him. He won’t rest until everyone else is as miserable as he is.


Here’s the funny part. According to the Parents Television Council’s Wikipedia page they rate shows on a scale of one to offensive. All the good shows are on their naughty list. All of the shows on the good list suck, except for Sunday Night Football. Ya got that? A game in which real, live, grown men violently smash their bodies into each other at full speed, and thus shorten their lifespans and drastically increase their chances for horrific injuries, is on their approved list. But a show that features actors pretending to be involved in graphic and violent situations is not approved. Makes sense.

The scary part is that they actually have influence. Their organized campaign of complaints harassment have directly led to TV stations being fined hundreds of millions of dollars by the FCC since 2004. The PC police is ruining America, and it’s time to stand our ground. I want my TV as raunchy and offensive as possible. The Walking Dead is the arguably the best show on TV right now. I will not let these assholes take it from me.






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12 Comment(s)
  • Wabbitt
    October 26, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    Tipper Gore started this shit when she went after rap lyrics back in the 80s. They’re the original butthurt brigade.

    • Bill
      October 27, 2016 at 12:34 pm

      Tipper was awesome!! She got it so that the record company had to put the explicit lyrics stickers on the CDs, so you knew which ones were cool!

  • Monutest monumetric
    October 26, 2016 at 10:58 am

    We have used and still use the PTC and their site, Plugged, to vet movies and shows for our kids many times over the years. Then we decide if WE (the parents) agree with the objections.

    They are very even handed (changed my mind about ‘Finding Dory’ for instance, by debunking the insane internet rumors) and consistent in their appraisals. you may not like what they say, or agree with them, but you can rely on where they stand.

  • Justice
    October 26, 2016 at 7:40 am

    Oh by the way…my original intention was to comment on the article. LOL. To the Council: If you don’t want to watch that sort of television, then block the channel or simply don’t turn it on….just like you don’t let your kids pick up “50 Shades of Gray” or go into the top drawer of the nightstand next to your bed.

  • Justice
    October 26, 2016 at 7:37 am

    Love that show! I was not a fan of the season 7 premiere though. Not because of the gruesome murders, but because they should have bounced Lucille off Rick’s face! Time to make the show about someone other than Rick. Just like Sons of Anarchy. It was all about Jax, another pompous ego-maniac who has to be in control all the time. Fuck that tough guy bullshit.

  • Barnyard
    October 26, 2016 at 6:30 am

    Somebody needs to photo shop Trump’s head on the guy bashing Liz Warren s head..that would be watchable.

  • Jack Mehoff
    October 26, 2016 at 6:30 am

    Need this guy at Clinton rallies. It wouldn’t take him very long, not many sheeple show up but it would be fun to watch!

  • Wwy
    October 26, 2016 at 1:22 am

    The kikes in Hollywood are making money morals they don’t know,they made flight 93,American sniper,patriots day and 198 nazi holocaust movies,they’ll stand on any grave for a buck. Is America this stupid?

    • Chris Seith
      October 26, 2016 at 3:20 am

      they run out of tinfoil?

  • Edward Lyle
    Who watches shit like this. Guess I just don't get it.
    October 25, 2016 at 11:42 pm

    Who watches shit like that anyway.

    • Devils Mouthpiece
      October 26, 2016 at 9:58 am

      Totally get that folks like to sit back and watch the tube. With that said, television in general is pretty much useless and getting worse. The entire entertainment industry could collapse and I could care less. There’s more than enough things to better occupy your time. Even the news is BS for the most part.

    • The more you know...
      October 26, 2016 at 10:37 am

      According to the ratings… about 17 million people.

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