
PETA Morons Protesting The Circus In Worcester Are The Worst People On Earth

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TurtlegramAbout a dozen animal welfare advocates, one wearing a tiger costume, staged a demonstration Saturday afternoon outside the DCU Center, where the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus was performing. The protest by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals called for a boycott of the circus until it retires its elephants, tigers and lions to accredited sanctuaries. The demonstrators took issue with what they alleged was the abuse and restricted movement of the circus animals.

“Chains, cages, whips and bullhooks are the tools of Ringling’s trade,” Rachel Mathews, PETA Foundation Captive Law Enforcement counsel, said in a press release announcing the protest. “PETA is calling on everyone to stay away from Ringling Bros. until the circus takes elephants, tigers, lions and all other exotic animals off the road and retires them to accredited sanctuaries.”

PETA representative Laura Ray and other protesters handed out coloring books to children and pamphlets outlining their position to adults as families lined up outside the DCU center for Saturday afternoon’s performance. The demonstrators carried signs saying, “Circuses: No Fun for Animals” and “End Wild Animal Acts.”

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Ringling Bros. announced in January it was officially retiring its Asian elephants in May and relocating them to the circus’ Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida. The circus said the decision was based on economics, as more communities have placed restrictions on the housing, restraint and transporting of the pachyderms.

“We want all animal acts to end,” Ms. Ray said, “and we want them to send the elephants to legitimate sanctuaries because the sanctuary they’re sending them to, the conditions there are nearly as bad as they are on the road.”


I love when upper middle class white people talk about slavery. Because there’s nothing offensive or insulting about equating circus animals to the forced enslavement, murder, and rape of black people for centuries. Nothing at all. They’re the exact same thing.

Turtleboy is a big fan of animals, as you know from our coverage of Laughlin Kennel. But the second you see PETA is involved you know it’s a joke. Ya know, because PETA is basically a terrorist group:

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PETA is nothing more than an organized group of white people with too much time on their hands because they never had any children of their own. They value animal lives more than human lives and don’t believe in agreeing to disagree. That’s just a fact.

Anyway, Turtleboy hasn’t been to the circus since he was just forming his shell back in the 80’s. And since this is the last year that Ringling Brothers will have the elephants in the show, we had to bring Turtleboy Jr. down to the DCU Center. And let me tell you – it was AWESOME!!! There were these guys on motorcycles who got in this metal cage sphere and they drove around in it. There was 8 of them at one time, and they even did it with the lights off without crashing. It was wicked cool!!!


But the best part by far were the animals. We took Turtleboy Jr. to Southwick Zoo not too long ago, which was cool and all, but the lions and tigers just sit on their asses all day and slept. Bor-ing.

Not at the circus though. The lions and tigers there were mad chill!!! There was a dozen of them in the cage with this guy at the same time, and you could tell they all really liked him because none of them ate him. They jumped over each other, got in formations, and even stood on their hind legs and chased after him.




A couple of the tigers were naughty and weren’t following directions, but all he had to do to get them to behave was call their names and give them a polite redirect. No whips or anything. Wicked good stuff.

Then of course there were the elephants. One of them did a headstand. Three of them pretended to be sleeping and woke up when the kids yelled “wake up elephants.” And they marched around with Chinese girls waving American flags during the national anthem. Quite the performance.

And now they’re gone because of these idiots. Look, I don’t know what Ringling does with these animals to get them to behave like this, but it doesn’t matter. Know why? Because these are the lucky ones. Ya know what animals do in the wild? They struggle to survive on a daily basis. Most animals in the wild don’t live to see adulthood. There’s no grocery stores in the Sri Lankan jungle. There’s no veterinarian for your sick baby elephant. When the Momma lions go hunting for food, the baby lions get eaten by hyenas. That’s how shit works in the wild.

Meanwhile in the circus the animals are basically on unlimited welfare. They get free room and board and will never, ever have to worry about dying of hunger like so many animals do in the wild. They have veterinarians who make sure they are healthy because they’re worth so much to the circus. When they have babies they can afford to be stay at home Mom’s because they get to work from home. This is why animals in captivity live significantly longer than animals in the wild.

And most importantly, they’re making people happy. When you watch Nat Geo and you see a lion devour some poor baby Antelope, does that make your kids happy? Nope. But when they’re jumping over each other and doing tricks they can leave each and every show knowing they’ve made a difference in the world. They brought joy into people’s lives.

So if you’re an elephant or a lion or a tiger, and the circus comes along and offers you this sweet deal, what are you gonna pick? The one where you’re probably gonna get killed by poachers, other animals, and/or the elements, or the one where you get a lifetime of luxury and self-fulfillment? I know which one I’m taking.

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Here’s another thing – why would the people in the circus want to hurt these animals? They’re obviously attached to them. They obviously like them. The youngest elephant today was 22 years old!!! They live longer than most people do on Grafton Hill!! So they get poked and prodded and chained once in a while. Big deal. When you compare the options the circus is a million times better than the wild.

Anyway, the protest today was led by this moron form PETA:

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Just to show you what we’re dealing with, here’s something she recently posted:


Wool is bad. This is how stupid these people are. Hey Laura, ya know what’s cruel to do to animals? Dress them up like fucking idiots:

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Those poor dogs. Nothing than being raised by a single woman with too much time on her hands.

Anyway, what these morons don’t realize is the damage they’re doing to the local economy. First of all, it brings in revenue to the DCU Center, which creates jobs for people. Then those people spend money in Worcester. Then the DCU Center pays property taxes, which the city might actually put to good use now that we got Mosaic shut down. Then afterwards the Turtleboy family went to Pizzeria Uno’s, and guess what? It was packed with families who just left the DCU Center. Without this show they wouldn’t have gotten half of that business. Once again, creating jobs, increasing tips, and circulating money in the local economy.

Every local politician should be in favor of this show. You can’t say you’re pro-Worcester, pro-jobs, and pro-economy if you have ANYTHING to do with this. That’s why you’d be insane to vote for this knobjob in 2017:

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His name is Dante Camparetto, and his a machine-backed candidate for School Committee in 2017. He opposes police in the schools, proudly supports Mosaic Cultural Complex, and joined a terrorist group that protested an event that benefitted the local economy today. As you can see, he has proudly joined the Petty/McGovern Crime Family:

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HAHAHHAHA. Don’t you love it when these guys tell you that Turtleboy is the racist one? That’s a list of 20 wealthy white people, mostly men, having a $500 per person fundraiser for Joe Petty. No black people invited I guess. Very inclusive of them. They often talk about getting more people of color in the government, but instead of endorsing people of color, they endorse why guys like Dante Camparetto. But please Dante, tell me more about how you guys are the progressive ones.

Anyway, Dante and this idiot won’t allow the economy in Worcester to flourish:


Is she from Worcester? Nope. She’s just a professional agitator with no husband, no kids, and no life. And she’s really, really rational:

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LOL. Basically with these terrorists it’s their way or the highway. If you don’t stop eating meat and going to the zoo, you’re the enemy. Ironically the tigers and lions that she is fighting to save would kill any animal or human being in a split second if they were hungry in the wild.

Her and her ilk organized this Facebook page to put together today’s protest. And they’re REALLY committed to the cause…….as long as they don’t have to get wet:

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Anyway, it was a really cool experience, and I’m glad Turtleboy Jr. got to see these majestic creatures up close. Unfortunately now these elephants’ relatives won’t have these sort of opportunities. When they have elephant babies in the Sir Lankan jungle they’ll just get eaten by tigers now instead. Great job PETA!!!!



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37 Comment(s)
    January 16, 2017 at 12:55 am

    The Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey Circus is shutting down after 146 years of entertaining generations of kids, no thanks to PETA. Are you happy now PETA for ruining the circus for everyone because of your stupidity! Eff U PETA!!

  • Maxito
    May 18, 2016 at 11:18 am

    animal abuse is sad…

    • IH8PETA
      January 16, 2017 at 12:56 am

      Tell that to PETA who murder adoptable stray pets.

  • MrButthurt
    April 24, 2016 at 7:45 pm


    Kevin Hayes?? lolol

    Go fuck yourself tool.

  • April 24, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    Why do you people hide your identity? O shit that’s right afraid people are gonna find out about your lives while judging others and expose you fags. That’s cowardly if you ask me. And did you dumb fucks really just compare a animal protest to slavery?? Wow pretty sure you guys have quoted a few times about how racism still lives because it’s constantly being brought up. So you guys are also Hippocrates? I can’t fucking wait untill someone knocks your fucking ass out. It will happen your not invincible. I’ve never been apart or known anyone apart of any of your articals but I can’t stand the fact you guys think you better than everyone and everything else. And hide like cowards. Don’t worry you will be exposed soon enough and you have mad many enemys and just like you didn’t show any mercy on kids or other people’s family. We are not gonna keep your kids or family out of it. Sometimes you fuck with the wrong person and they might just go after your family instead of you. I really think you might wanna cut the shit. Fair warning.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      April 24, 2016 at 4:42 pm

      Wow. You are the definition of contradiction. You are posting here anonymously while you threaten his friends and family. These are the very things you say are cowardly, yet you just did it.

      I still don’t understand why people can’t grasp the subject of anonymity. If I were to post here with my real full name and picture, I would have to worry about being sensitive and politically correct just in case anyone from my professional environment would happen to be offended. Also because I have made 2 people angry enough to follow me around on here. I don’t want to worry about them standing by my living room window drawing hearts with a knife into the glass.

      Get over yourself. You aren’t scaring anyone.

    • seadog
      April 24, 2016 at 7:36 pm

      I think the first person you should be vindictive about is your third grade English teacher. Then every grade teacher after that until you dropped out because they failed you miserably.

    • ProfessorM
      April 25, 2016 at 11:58 am

      Hey JoeFuck…. I typed a long winded comment about how sleazy you are to threaten the little turtle… But it’s not worth it. Karma joe, karma….. One of these days, stupid fucks like yourself are going to figure it out. By the way…. No one believes that he hasn’t done an article about you. Too much butt hurt in your comment. Enjoy your day sleazeball. Enjoy your Karma! 🙂

  • Red
    April 24, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Relax, its the CIRCUS!

  • Reddog
    April 24, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    Excellent blog and well informed. I had no idea an annual trip to a Circus and a Pizzeria Uno would fix all of the cities problems. You’re a fiscal genius and should probably should run for Mayor!

    • Prickly Pete
      April 24, 2016 at 3:15 pm

      Better than the current turd.

    • Danus
      April 24, 2016 at 6:12 pm

      Says someone unknowledgeable of how much an extra night here and there of the DCU being open can mean for those employed there.

  • Jackie
    April 24, 2016 at 10:27 am

    Normally agree with your articles, but this is just wrong and clearly you’re uneducated about this subject. Do your research about animals in the circus and how they are treated, trained, and housed.

    • Practical
      April 24, 2016 at 12:12 pm

      Whenever someone types, “do your research” on the internet, stop reading.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      April 24, 2016 at 12:22 pm

      I understand your concern for the well being of these animals. I also hope you are 100% Vegan and the electronic device you are using to protest the treatment of these animals weren’t made by a 6 year old in a sweatshop deep in China.

      *Puts out cigarette. Enjoy your Sunday*

      • Practical
        April 24, 2016 at 12:34 pm

        Were the grapes for her wine plucked by some 8-year-old migrant worker?

        • FiestyLawyerLady
          April 24, 2016 at 12:40 pm

          Hahahaha! Someone who gets the point!

  • ItsAllABadDream
    April 24, 2016 at 10:21 am

    I think PETA is nuts. But that said I don’t like seeing the animals doing stupid tricks in captivity. It’s degrading.

  • Elephantitis
    April 24, 2016 at 7:13 am

    Peta is a sham organization, but I think the animals are mistreated and its just sad. True the circus is only cool for the animals, but they say elephants never forget… Wild animals just shouldn’t be kept in cages.

    • Noodly Appendage
      April 24, 2016 at 5:59 pm

      Not only is PETA a sham they murder countless cats and dogs a year. They have a supposed adoption center but what it really is is a death factory. The animals brought in are killed even the babies.

      PETA has been known to steal pets off of people’s porches and euthanize them. I don’t believe they have the right to claim they treat anything ethical. According to them we shouldn’t even keep pets.

      While I agree on circuses abusing animals, PETA protesting is like a seriel killer protesting the death penalty…hypocritical.

  • Fatfingr Lou
    April 24, 2016 at 6:51 am

    Back in the early 1990’s, the elephants would parade down Commercial Street to the Fire Station, and get a shower and a drink from the fire hoses.

    They had a ball

    • Magic
      April 24, 2016 at 3:11 pm

      If they were left in Africa, every single one of them would be killed.

  • Histo
    April 24, 2016 at 6:30 am

    Black people weren’t the only group enslaved in history TB. A whopping 4 percent of. Uzbekistan’s population are slaves today, for example.

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    April 24, 2016 at 5:42 am


    • HH
      We're Doomed
      April 24, 2016 at 9:34 am

      No you got it right the first time. Pain In The Asses.

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    April 24, 2016 at 5:41 am

    I bet every one of those ass holes have leather seats in their car. Anyway, in celebration of PITA coming to Worcester, boiled live lobster for dinner tonight!!!!

  • Keen Observer
    April 24, 2016 at 5:25 am

    This chick has a nice rack.

    • Devils Mouthpiece
      April 24, 2016 at 5:54 am

      Easy there Carlo, those white privilege yahoos might give you a heart attack.

  • Wwy
    April 24, 2016 at 1:00 am

    P.E.T.A the American terrorist group if you want to stop cruelty to animals go to the KOSHER foods of this country. I know you can’t that’s how you got labeled a “terrorist” group,the circus is where they belong.

  • Rational Person
    April 23, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Fuck you, Turtleboy. I didn’t even bother reading the last 3/4 of this blog. Abuse of animals is wrong, period. There are plenty of other ways to entertain yourself.

    • Pork tastes good
      April 23, 2016 at 11:10 pm

      Rational. Yeah, that’s it. Rational.

    • April 24, 2016 at 6:10 am

      Like fapping?

    • Practical
      April 24, 2016 at 12:11 pm

      True, go get some lovely BBQ.

      Perhaps a trip over state lines to the Chicken Farm?

  • Jafreese
    April 23, 2016 at 10:04 pm

    Cows are good for 3 things: eat them, drink them, and wear them

    • Fatfingr Lou
      April 24, 2016 at 6:53 am

      There’s a place for all of God’s creatures…right next to the mashed potatoes.

  • Danny
    April 23, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    Tbs u should of got reimbursed for the parking and went to the bbq joint on peta would of been priceless she said she reimburse that other lady oh well there always next year

  • MrButthurt
    April 23, 2016 at 8:50 pm

    People eating tasty animals.

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