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So Friday night in Worcester was apparently the apocalypse. We knew it was gonna rain, but I can’t say we’ve ever seen anything like this before:
Here's a video from Worcester, showing the flooding. The city has asked people to stay off the roads. pic.twitter.com/QbQPhZqbuw
— Kacie Yearout (@kacieyearout) October 22, 2016
fox25news: Flooding in Worcester https://t.co/MWGuJtwMbo (Credit: Patrick Blanchard) pic.twitter.com/CoRfR8osnw
— Ashley Gaust (@NetworkAssist) October 22, 2016
Damn nature!! You scary!!
Pretty much everything in Worcester that wasn’t on a hill was shut down:
Traditionally we blame someone when shit hits the fan, because more often than not someone screwed up. But…….what are you gonna do? It’s a flash flood bros. Shit happens. We live in a city of hills. And hills have valleys. Places like Route 20, the Canal District, Southbridge Street, Webster Square, West Boylston Street, and Shrewsbury Street are pretty much damned by God when this sort of thing happens. This Turtleboy was on his way to pick up a Blue Calzone from Boomer’s on Highland Street when all hell broke loose. Oh, and if you think people in Worcester drive like assholes normally, wait till you see them during a flash flood. It’s a sight to see. Luckily rain does not require plowing, so it’s pretty hard for Ed Augustus to fuck this one up.
P.S. Great job by the Worcester Firefighters as usual. There’s a couple pictures in there of them literally saving people who were trapped in the water. Keep in mind, they haven’t had a new contact in years, yet they go to work every day and save lives. Ed Augustus got a guy killed last year on Belmont Street because he forgot to plow the roads and he was rewarded with a new contract and a huge raise. Because…..Worcester.
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18 Comment(s)
Did they determine what flooded? Like where is the source? Some water management broke. Rain doesn’t just fall and flood a city. Man-made water management fails.
Why do people sit on the roof of their car when the water is only two or three feet deep? Don’t be a pussy and wait for a rescue. Just get your shoes wet and walk out the same way you went in. It’s not rocket science,just commen sense. You can swim in a lake,pool or the ocean,but not a puddle? Pussies!
The is what happens when you don’t clean the drainage and don’t plow the streets. Wrecked property in the form of cars under water and smashed up. The surrounding towns had no issues whatsoever.
South Main St. in Webster was under water. But I suppose touting yourself as being better than Webster isn’t really saying much.
If only Gaffney were Mayor! If he was, I’d be willing to bet that there would have been no water issues whatsoever.
On the good side, at least some of the needles were washed away.
And nip bottles.
Yes, they are in the Blackstone River now, washed many miles down stream.
If this doesn’t speak to what Maynard James Keenan was singing about when he wrote the lyrics to Aenema I don’t know what is. Fitting… very fitting.
Shit. I missed a golden opportunity to get out of my car payments.
They should have seven large tanks of detergent on the seven hills of Woo Town for opportunities like this to wash all the years of accumulated shit from the sidewalks. Give the ratchets, hookers, hood rats and Bobnmic scrub brushes so they can get every corner clean and contribute positively to society for once in their life.
Such a riot you are Fiesty. The one woman show pouring it on with multiple disguises. Getting ready for Halloween? You so funny you quack me up…
Unbelievable. While I realize that a lot of people were stranded in their cars because of where they were at the time, but at the same time, when I see a road covered in water, even if it doesn’t look very deep, I won’t drive through it. You have no idea if there is even a road beneath the water.
People are morons. Anyone who drives into 2 feet of standing water should be drowned in it. Its not hard, just take a different route. It is the same places that flood every storm, has been for the 60 years I have lived here.
So ok – like I’m not a meteorologist or a misogynist (or anything else that ends in ist) or anything but does this mean that the water drought is done and I can like water my pot plants? If they are still there? My dinghy came in handy these last few days.
Not funny, my friend. SHUT DE FUCK UP!
Well I always thought you were funny Tarbash:
Yes, BobnMic had his tweezers out and played with me all night long. The gerbil had a well deserved night off.q