
Plymouth Pickle Puffer Tells 15 Year Old Employee Of Sagamore Beach BBQ To Fuck Off Because His Family Is Making Him Go On Vacation, Says 14 Year Old Girl Can Kick His Ass 

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Sup turtle riders? I interrupted my vacation to blog this, even though Uncle Turtleboy specifically said he wants us not to blog. But he’s sitting on a beach in Bermuda right now and I’m stuck on the south shore, so I’m calling the shots for now. And I couldn’t wait a week to publicly shame this assbag. This is Mike Conrad, the owner of Sagamore Beach BBQ.

Check out what this winner did to a 15 year old boy under his employ….

Simply because I’ve been in this kid’s position before. I’ve had the minimum wage teenage job with the dickhead boss. These people are the worst. I understand he’s running a business and I respect that. But you’re talking to a child. Someone who has no control over their own schedule. This kid does not have the option of skipping the family vacation and staying home alone, as much as he’d probably enjoy that. It might be your life, but it’s not his life. He’s doing what his mother told him to do, and for that he was humiliated and degraded by a grown man who should know better.

When you hire a 15 year old it’s up to you to understand that you are not dealing with a grown adult, and the expectations are not the same. They’re not real employees. They’re just helping out, building character, and making a couple extra bucks to go to the movies or whatever the hell you crazy kids are doing these days.

I’ve had sooo many bosses like this as a kid. I hate them then, and I still hate them today. A lot of the time I look back at the way I viewed the world as a 16 year old and I realize how wrong I was. But even now that I’m an adult I still hate those dickhead bosses.

At first I figured it couldn’t be real. But since then he has deactivated his business social media pages, and you don’t do that if you dindu nuffin. And normally I’d be hesitant to trash a local small business, but this bag of flaccid penises deserves it.

Everything is wrong with this. The kid is amazingly respectfully and polite throughout the conversation, despite being told to fuck off multiple times by a grown man. And his politeness actually makes the guy more angry. It’s like he was looking for a fight with a child.

Then at the end he decides to degrade him by being a sexist prick and saying that a 14 year old girl kicks his ass (whatever that means). In other words, as a male, he should feel humiliated that there is a girl his age who is better at him than something. Because girls aren’t as good as boys, right? Puss.

The funny thing is that according to this article he was featured in in September, he recently started this business after being laid off at Staples. His wife left her job working at a hospital in Boston to be his partner. If you’re gonna risk all that, how do you not know better than to be this stupid? If you think you’re gonna talk to a 15 year old like this and no one’s gonna find out about it then you have no idea how the Internet works. Because the soccer moms are already calling for boycotts and heads, and this time they’re pretty justified.

63 Comment(s)
  • JuiceGuy
    August 15, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    What a bunch of snowflakes and social justice warriors. The fact that this is even a blog is pathetic. The kid is 15!!! I’m sure his friends say worse things to him every day. Most people on here are liberal hating Trump supporters that have a lot more in common with the “safe space” liberals than they want to admit.

    • The angry taint
      The angry taint
      August 15, 2018 at 7:49 pm

      Ok cucky, so you would allow a grown man to speak to your kid like that? If you answered yes can I have your address so I can fuck your wife/girlfriend while you snivel in the corner like the fetching cuckold that you are acting like right now?

      • The angry taint
        The angry taint
        August 15, 2018 at 7:50 pm

        Correction felching…..

  • Welcome to Life Bitches!!
    August 14, 2018 at 5:36 am

    Welcome to the world kid!

    People aren’t always nice, especially bosses. This was an important lesson, you may one day be in your dream job with years of experience and have a boss who is just as difficult only more sophisticated in how they fuck with you or they be equally crude but smart enough not to put it in writing.

    You will have bosses that will steal your pay, back into your car in front of you and deny it, try to seduce your spouse at a party, threaten to fire you for the thrill of your reaction on and on and on. A 15 year old is going to encounter more and more of the reality of humanity, you can’t protect them from life or keep them in a bubble.

    This is a REAL LIFE lesson, the kid experienced it and handled it well, it will happen again and again in his life. No need to try and destroy the BBQ joint, if I was already a customer I would continue to be, smoked brisket is AWESOME, I don’t have to like the personality of everyone I do commerce with… only the work they perform. You may as well attack everyone in the restaraunt business and medical field, taxis, airlines, hotels, warehousing, factory workers many of those smart phones are built by people under slave labor conditions, I still buy those things.

    The world is filled with disgruntled people who may or may not have good reasons to be grouchy and miserable the key isn’t changing them, it is in how you react to them.

  • Samuel Davis
    August 13, 2018 at 11:03 pm

    This douche bag must be feeling the heat…and it ain’t the bbq! His website is off and Facebook page is down. Hats off to Turtleboy for giving this clown a good dose of reality.

    • Chico
      August 14, 2018 at 10:55 am

      So you’re defending how this piece of shit acted just because there are pieces of shit in the world? Maybe you’re one of these pieces of shit and you don’t understand that losers like this don’t deserve to have people come to their restaurant.

      • ElJefe72
        August 14, 2018 at 11:31 am

        I think you need to re-read his comment.

      • Mr. Hankey
        August 14, 2018 at 11:40 am

        This piece of shit is cornier than his cornbread. Sometimes you need to flush the piece of shit 2 or even 3 times or the shit keeps floating up. That is what this piece of shit did. Floated. Right past other pieces of shit to the top piece of shit and won the piece of shit trophy for largest shit in the bowl.

  • Curiouser
    August 13, 2018 at 10:45 pm

    Not sure on this one, but based on the mom’s fb posts, the 15 year old son was 4 in 2010. 4 + 8 does not equal 15.

  • WTF
    August 13, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    Hey, did everyone on this site lose their fucking minds? Do you actually believe that was the beginning of the bosses exchange with this kid? You don’t think there’s some kind of history behind how he flipped out at the Bahamas answer? That sounds like a guy who is pissed at someone who hasn’t showed up for work four days, doesn’t it? And mom goes to bat for him? None of you see a helicopter mom/slacker kid situation? None of you had a boss swear at you when you were 15? What the fuck?

    • The angry taint
      The angry taint
      August 13, 2018 at 10:55 pm

      Doesn’t matter, you want someone talking to your kid like that? No you don’t….. so again fuck that guy.

    • Father Time
      August 14, 2018 at 9:53 am

      Not the point, dude. You NEVER tell a kid F-You under any circumstances, especially in a boss-employee dynamic. Only a low-rent, low IQ putz would stoop to that level, and in this case, he got caught for the whole world to observe.

    • TBoston
      August 14, 2018 at 10:58 am

      In what universe is talking to an employee of any age like that ok? The Asshat was mad the kid was taking off the days he had told him in advance he would be taking off. Who ever is in charge of scheduling (seems to be him according to the texts) should have a better record of an employees availability. The kid could sue him if he wanted to. He put those days in before he even started working there so the owner has no excuse for not being aware of it happening. He should have planned ahead for the kids absences.

      In any case, he is a grown man shit talking to a teenager. If he can’t be professional, then he shouldn’t own a business, bottom line.
      If his unprofessionalism didn’t catch up to him now, it would have definitely happened soon or later.

  • Publius
    August 13, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    Most of these jobs will be long gone when the minimum wage is $15. What little work ethic kids learn today on the job will be gone and they sure as hell do not learn self reliance at home. Mom and Dad just an iphone call or text away. And this goes on til the little darlings are 30 or 35!

  • Hugh Uknowhimm
    August 13, 2018 at 8:10 pm

    Hey kid, you got talked down to and sworn at by some rib-cooking Rube who probably can’t even spell the word “barbecue”. When you’re older, bigger and doing well in this world, go visit this creep and give him a slap right across his funny face…

  • No surprise
    August 13, 2018 at 6:33 pm

    //News Flash///

    Many restaurant workers are assholes with few good life prospects, they love the booze and drugs. Been true since the days of taverns. You need thick skin in the restaurant industry and tolerate low pay, high heat and everything is a rush. Cook is one of the most common ex convict occupations.

    If his brisket is good why not buy it, just don’t work there. Kid should be a lifeguard or an intern next summer also skip construction and landscaping.

    • z
      August 13, 2018 at 7:02 pm

      My sisters nephew:

      Got off probation late last year for beating a guy up (and breaking the guys shoulder) over a young lady. She dumped them both.
      Works under the table as a bus boy.

      It took all that for the light bulb that is starting to flicker in his head that he has made a few bad life choices.

  • Ward Cleaver
    August 13, 2018 at 1:36 pm

    Seems there are texts missing. I’m not sure why out of no where the boss says “put that in my perspective”.  Seems something is missing. 

    Either way, let the kids parents handle it. The guy fucked up. Maybe dad goes down there and he apologizes to the kid and boom, life lesson learned by kid and the owner.  

    What we are really teaching the kid is, “mommy will put it on the internet, and his life will be over”. 

    It’s a mob mentality. Fucking people cannot deal with a single problem on their own.

  • Wade Boggs-Taint
    August 13, 2018 at 1:13 pm

    You know who loves shit like this? Lawyers. Hostile work environment. This kid just got his college paid for if his mom plays it smart

    • Linda
      August 14, 2018 at 9:33 pm

      He could have his college paid for if his Mom got on her back too. Either way, someone has to work for it. It ain’t free.

  • CapeCodFoodie
    August 13, 2018 at 12:44 pm

    Been there once. Food was good, but their BBQ sauce is friggin cranberry flavored. And it’s the only sauce they have. I already vowed to never go back simply because I don’t like BBQ and thanksgiving in the same sentence never mind on the same plate. Warn me next time.
    I want MORE BBQ joints in this area. But I have no patience for this kind of behavior. This isn’t about the kid or work schedules. It’s about an adult behaving in such a way that he doesn’t deserve to be the boss. Of anything. Ever.

    • Rockets Redglare
      August 13, 2018 at 2:13 pm

      Have you tried Doggz and Hoggz in Falmouth?. Haven’t been there myself but the Google reviews are good…

  • Scott Delphia
    August 13, 2018 at 12:08 pm

    I think the guy was justified. Sometimes you gotta berate a kid, and show them who’s boss. I remember getting called a “cock-boy” by an older gentleman who looked exactly like Mike. He drove by in a Ford F-350, and shouted it out his window at me, then threw the largest blue Slurpee i had ever seen at my head. Its been almost 15 years since that incident, and i still remember it VIVIDLY to this day. I now make it a point to shout “cock-boy” at as many younger cats that i can so they can grow up to be super strong not weird boys like me. I’m obviously well adjusted as you can tell by this ranting nonsense comment. Go Cowboys!

    • The angry taint
      The angry taint
      August 13, 2018 at 12:11 pm

      I think he was calling you cuck boy…… felcher

      • Scott Delphia
        August 13, 2018 at 12:15 pm

        Maybe! You might be on to something. That would be funny because I’ve been calling these dudes “cock-boy”, and not “cuck-boy”. I might need to update my vernacular a little bit. Thanks for the assist :-).

  • Publius
    August 13, 2018 at 12:05 pm

    welcome to the working world sonny. a parent is going to interfer with the boss of their working child. another reason kids are snowflakes mummsy and popsy to the rescue

  • Ownersabitch
    August 13, 2018 at 10:25 am

    Honestly if he spoke to my child like that it would be the last words ever out of his mouth. Try speaking like that to an adult you wont because your a bully punk ass BITCH. Anyone that would continue to buy from this guy think twice what if that was your kid.

    • z
      August 13, 2018 at 10:51 am

      I’d tell my kid, “Welcome to the real world filled with Shit Head bosses”

      I’d also tell my kid to get a marketable skill, where you can tell shit heads to go fuck themselves because you have a marketable skill and can get another job. Better the kid found out now with a extra cash in the pocket job instead of a “I’ve got to have this job to survive” job.

      It’s one thing to be the gopher (go get this, go do that) when you are a kid and the low man on the totem-pole. It’s another thing to be the same thing when you are in your late 20s and beyond.

      Outfit Lyrics
      Drive-By Truckers
      You want to grow up to paint houses like me
      A trailer in my yard till you’re twenty three
      You want to be old after forty two years
      Keep dropping the hammer and grinding the gears

      Five years in a St. Florian foundry, they call it Industrial Park
      Then hospital maintenance and tech school just to memorize Frigidaire parts
      But I got to missing your Mama and I got to missing you too
      And I went back to painting for my old man and I guess that’s what I’ll always do

      DBT – some of the most depressing red-neck music you’ll ever hear. Should be a must listen for every kid out there.

      • Turtz McGurtz
        Turtz McGurtz
        August 13, 2018 at 11:15 am

        Great DBT reference! Can’t wait to see them again when they come to the area.

        • z
          August 13, 2018 at 12:45 pm

          Never seen them in person, but if my life was their lyrics, I’d off myself.
          I love Aftermath. That tune could apply to about 75% of people featured in the blogs.

    • Ghost of Larry
      August 14, 2018 at 9:57 am

      Very good point…a lot of fathers would pay Mr. Ribs a visit and bounce his face off of the side of his smoker 2 or 3 times for talking to their son like that. Not that I’m condoning violence, just saying that’s how things got handled where I grew up…

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    August 13, 2018 at 9:57 am

    The point is that he shouldn’t speak to a child like that. He is supposed to be a fucking adult,we were all idiots when we were 15. If that was one of my kids I would have been right down there to see if he is willing to be that mouthy to an adult. My guess is no…..fuck him, fuck his business which I’ve never been to nor plan on it.

    • crank
      August 14, 2018 at 9:10 am

      You’re right. That poor poor child. Imagine his horror at not being coddled and told how great his mopping skills are while you’re trying to run a business. The world is full of assholes. Everywhere. My guess is that if you went down there looking to be a tough guy, you’d end up in the hospital.

  • Suckamore bbq jerkhead
    August 13, 2018 at 9:39 am

    Been there -food good. Owner was a straight up dink-a-potomus. Place was empty. I think all they really care about is catering and they obviously don’t care about employees. Reading this exchange I can totally see him doing this from the 15 to 20 minutes I was in the shop.

    • deflateddoritodinks
      August 13, 2018 at 12:21 pm

      Been hoodwinked by a catering place that looked like it was a sub shop. All of a sudden three cars pull up and it’s “all hands on deck!” as every fucking employee plunged into a basement then started hauling several tons of food up the stairs into the cars. 45 minutes later I noped out of there with my money back and no sub.

  • Turtz McGurtz
    Turtz McGurtz
    August 13, 2018 at 9:30 am

    Agree with all of the comments questioning whether this was a blog-worthy exchange. Are we going to try to bury every business based on one text exchange and no other information to put it in context? Yes its quite a shitty look for the owner IF this text exchange is accurate, but there could be more to the story. And the larger point is who cares?

  • Diane Woods emerson
    August 13, 2018 at 9:22 am

    It’s funny that everyone has had that asshole boss. I have had many. The first used to call me and every waitress Puntas. Then I found out what it meant and told him to fuck himself AND kept my job.
    Next job was two dudes that hated women and we were all just stupid cunts when he called the orders. Both while I was under 18. It was the olden days so even though it seems abusive if you , as a child or adult chose to take it then you need to nut up buttercup!
    So this partly explains my bad attitude the rest is just ME. Lmao.
    **ps rule #1 don’t write shit in text or anywhere that you don’t want out there. Dumbass.

  • Alex Trebec
    August 13, 2018 at 9:19 am

    The kid should’ve written back “OK, I will bring you back something from the Bahamas”.

    • Pinhead Baby
      August 13, 2018 at 11:13 am

      Bring him back a Zika gift basket.

  • Frank Rizzo
    August 13, 2018 at 9:11 am

    BBQ Mike, one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen! And his wife is a fukin’ cow!

  • Fahk da Cape, Khed
    August 13, 2018 at 8:55 am

    Boss is a dick, no doubt.
    The first question was not because he did not know if the kid worked there.
    It was him being a sarcastic cunt.
    We don’t know if this kid was a complete lame or a superstar as a young employee. He may have actually sucked but no one wants to consider that while roasting the boss.
    Maybe this kid isn’t really polite.
    Maybe he speaks politely in a way that would make Mother Teresa take a hit out on him.
    I bet dickhead Mike was shitfaced when he grabbed the phone and went off. Sounded like it to me but he very well could be an asshole without adding alcohol.
    I hate nearly everything about the Cape, anyway.
    Fuck everything on that side of the canal with a nuclear cleansing. It’s like that village in Vietnam, “We had to destroy Ben Tre in order to save it.”
    I’ll jump on the boycotting bandwagon and never use this place ever again.
    Wasn’t planning on it in this lifetime, anyway.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day, except for Brian Albrecht, Didi Delgado, Liz Warren, …

    • Jason
      August 13, 2018 at 9:04 am

      The restaurant is off Cape actually…

      • Fahk the Cape and everything it touches
        August 13, 2018 at 1:39 pm

        I get that it’s off Cape, geographically.
        Culturally, it’s that dysfunctional, drug-addled, liberal, bleeding heart, tourist trap Cape mentality.
        As soon as one gets close to the canal, everything goes down the toilet and the mental cases act up, like the full moon affecting institutional facilities.

    • Colonel Poge
      August 13, 2018 at 11:09 am

      “We had to destroy Ben Tre in order to save it.” Fine words, soldier. All I’ve ever asked of my Marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out. It’s a hardball world, son. We’ve gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.

    • Turtle Rider
      August 14, 2018 at 5:58 pm

      Hate to break it to you but you sound as dumb as the BBQ man.

      • Hey, Turtle Fahker
        August 15, 2018 at 12:46 am

        If I wanted any shit out of you, I’d stomp your head.
        By the way, I hit the nail squarely on the head. In the boss’s mea culpa message, he admitted to being under the influence of alcohol when texting those remarks.
        Maybe I’m not so stupid?
        Fahk you. You’re probably a Cape cunt getting butthurt because I dared to disparage your shitty, eroding, POS, spit of dysfunctional real estate.
        Bunch of druggies, diddlers and liberal, artsy fartsy twats. #washaway

        • Turtle Rider
          August 15, 2018 at 6:13 pm

          You prove my point again, Thank You 🙂 #prozac

        • Strange Days
          August 16, 2018 at 12:00 am

          It sounds like you had a bad experience on Cape Cod. Did you puff a bad pickle down in P-Town? Or maybe in a rest area on Route 6?

          I’m not surprised you’re too stupid (or maybe too cum drunk) to realize that Barnstable County (the Cape) is consistently the most conservative part of the entire state, election after election. I’m so glad that you find the Cape to be so horrible, as that will keep you away.

  • Real_Finn
    August 13, 2018 at 8:49 am

    I’d hire this kid in a heartbeat. Why? He was upfront about his schedule — BUT — but more importantly, he didn’t have a meltdown when attacked by an asshole. He didn’t allow his emotions rule his responses. Good for him. If he keeps up that attitude, he will go places.

  • John
    August 13, 2018 at 8:28 am

    Check out google reviews on this place!! Union workers aren’t to happy with him either!!!

    • z
      August 13, 2018 at 9:18 am

      Leave out the reviews with 1 star because of the beef with the kid and him and it looks like the rating would be 4 something.

  • Clitty Litter
    August 13, 2018 at 8:23 am

    Obviously the wife was texting initially, then fuckface grabbed the phone.
    Smoking is a craft, but this foo is no craftsman.
    Make your own coleslaw dick.

  • z
    August 13, 2018 at 8:00 am

    To the owner.
    Play it smart in the future. Don’t ever use texting for purposes like this again.

    If the Bahama days were factored into the list of days he couldn’t work, then fuck the boss.

    If the Bahama days were days the kid said he could work, fuck the kid, fuck the parents.

  • WeAreFucked
    August 13, 2018 at 7:53 am

    LOL… this guy has anger problems. The conversation also makes zero sense.
    1st… the guy doesn’t even know if the kid works for him.
    Then he knew he this kid wanted a lot of hours?
    Then the kid says he’s going to the Bahamas “soon” which could be in 2-weeks, for just 3 days!
    Then he goes berserk – maybe we missed an hour of this conversation – like were the kid said he has been pissing in the coleslaw all summer or something.

  • I See Dumb People
    About Time
    August 13, 2018 at 7:30 am

    Thank god you came off vacation for a blog .. Kind of getting sick of waiting for the OLK9T blog series. .. Thought we were still supposed to be getting that and reblogs … Since you all went on Vaca all weve gotten is 2 reblogs … Atleast someone is still on thier game … Thank you SSTG

    • Bill Clinton
      August 13, 2018 at 7:59 am

      Yeah, WTF is up with this “vacation” shit?

      The Boston Globe doesn’t go “on vacation”.
      The Boston Herald doesn’t go “on vacation”.
      The Telegram doesn’t go “on vacation”.

      If you want to be considered a serious news outlet, act like it…

      And hook us up with Becca’s pornhub channel, will ya?

  • steve
    August 13, 2018 at 7:22 am

    why is the first text seen ” do you still work for us”? seems like the guy has a reason to get mad, but if we saw earler texts we would understand it better. this article is weak and lame. and tbh, the food there is bomb so they will not lose my business.

  • Rockets Redglare
    August 13, 2018 at 7:12 am

    Called my wife at work in Plymouth and told her to pass this along. SB BBQ is a big hit there. Wife usually stops 2X a month for Brisket (awesome), sides sucked. No more. It amazes me the different ways a guy can step on his own crank. Smooth move Ex- Lax, feel the pain…

  • Sir Wilfred Death
    August 13, 2018 at 6:16 am

    The threshold has certainly dropped when it comes to this boycott mania. Rudeness or being a jerk boss now justifies taking a family’s living away. Sad. Yes he’s a prick. But he’s not the embodiment of every jerk all of us collectively have worked for over the years and does not deserve to die for their sins. Give the cretin a chance to apologize to the kid and his parents and move on.

    P.S. In 1978 I remember my first humiliation from an asshole boss at the grocery store in which I was a bagger for $2.65 per hour. After treating me like a slave he told me how lucky I was to have this great paying job. I gave up my own lawn mowing business for that job where I made 4X as much. I still hate that dick head. This is another guy.

    • Carl Wood
      August 15, 2018 at 7:11 pm

      His website is down….the phone is going to a recording….and the doors are closed. Some people deserve mob justice, and this guy is one of those people. Looks like he’ll be eating his shitty pork and brisket for a long time. This assclown got exactly what he deserved.

  • The Vorlon
    The Vorlon
    August 13, 2018 at 5:18 am

    What’s the over/under that the very dim bulb owner had the kid doing something the state would fine his ass into low orbit?

    15 year olds are just warm bodies, they cant be near grills or anything that could remotely be considered dangerous.

  • dallas
    August 13, 2018 at 1:34 am

    Meh. Toughen up snowflake.

  • Fringe
    August 13, 2018 at 12:51 am

    Came to smoke brisket.
    Smoked his business instead.

    At least his wife has her career to fall back… no. Nobody in their right mind in the medical profession wants the care of their patients anywhere within proximity to that.

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