Jason Collier is the Chief of Police in Stinnett Texas, and is married with 4 kids. But he’d been leading a double, triple or quadruple life as he proposed to multiple women in the last 2 months and made plans to marry them. It all came crashing down after the women found out about each other though, and ended in one of the most entertaining Facebook threads of all time. Click here to read about it on TB Daily News.
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55 Comment(s)
TB, can you please do a follow-up story on Landon Steele? What happened to him? It would seem that he’s completely disappeared from social media. Did the backlash cause him to take his life? Thank you.
They need to take away his bullets…
You ever wonder why we never got the end of the Landon Steele series, and this sonofabitch has the gall to mention it here.
Still waiting on a follow up for Landon Steele.
Couldn’t find any sum bags more local than this? Texas? Who gives a shit.
Any man that films themselves and at any point says “I hope you’re having a good day” has average sized dick energy and I am on the fence about how I feel about them.
This is for the essay troll. You know, the one going on about the dead whore.
Jalalafucktoy was still in reasonably intact shape when my office did the recovery.
She was never what I’d call a pretty girl but she did have those big puffy lips that came naturally to her, the kind that retarded women pay big money to have by injection.
We had her in the chiller and I had to stay late one night to catch up on some paperwork because death generates an insane amount of it, lol.
Anyway, I got to thinking about those lips that she was blessed with so I pulled her drawer and rolled her out for some fun.
So I cranked her jaw open and poured in some hot water, draining and replacing it a few times so the warmth would really sink into her refrigerated head.
Once her lips and tongue were soft and warm, it was time to sink it in there.
It was so warm and the way I had her jaw opened it was like she was playfully scraping my dick flesh. It wasn’t long before I went over the edge and dumped gobs of dick spit down her gullet.
It takes some prep work but it produced one geyser of an orgasm. So worth the effort.
It went pretty quick but I was up for round two within a few minutes. A little more hot water treatment and she was fresh n ready. This time it went a while longer but the climax was just as intense, if not more so.
After that, it was no big thing to get her back in the drawer and cooled down like nothing beautiful happened.
To the essay troll I say it was good, real good. That little whore went to her eternal rest with my kids swimming around in her mouth. Go ahead and write a few volumes about that.
You do realize that everyone is getting outed I hope. VPNs are like paying extra for the rust protection.
Can’t say what’s worse, Moms rant or your sick fucking essay. I bet you fuck chickens on a formica table!
The blue are the most divorced,re-married and baby momma population.
The ironic part of all this….. Guys like that get women when honest guys don’t. I can’t help but wonder how he’s meeting all these women. Also, if you’re a woman, how are you not doing any sort of background work on him?! Hell, when/if I’m even thinking about meeting a woman I met on a dating site/ap, I ask around. Google….. Look at her social media accounts. Seems pretty clear these women did none of the above.
Did he meet these woman on Tinder or at the Local Friendly Texas Church? Thanks in Advance. Asking for a friend
I’d Eff Cecily, marry Krista, and kill Opal. Then, do all three with Katie Berry Carter
Ladies and gentlemen, for reasons unknown to us, we have been experiencing a much larger than normal amount of web traffic tonight. It caused us to crash out for a couple hours. But we’ve been working with our web host and seem to have the problem resolved for now. Fingers crossed. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your patience everyone.
Unc’s wishful thinking here.
He is just setting up to tell you the wife left him. He cannot score, or even get sloppy seconds. F ing looooooser.
Where’s Kimberly Lynne? Thought Unk was all set in the cheating department.
You know no one knows what you’re even talking about, right dipshit? You little ratchets grab any little pubic hair and live with it for ages. That type of life has GOT TO SUCK. I mean, it’s not like you’re bringing the receipts like Uncle Turtleboy does, like, say when he outs his former blogger who tried to get him falsely arrested. And why? B/c he cares enough to want to shed light on the fact that there are children involved in a bad situation. Formal documented knowledge Kate Peter gave up two of her kids. Can’t argue that. It’s formal knowledge that, CURRENTLY, the cops are showing up at her house more than the local Attleboro dive bar or brothel. D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T-E-D. It’s also on record that Jr. has a touchy feely problem and Kate Peter has called the cops on more junkie boyfriends than Courtney Love at a Hole reunion. So, keep going, post your little guess projection based on some errant post that had absolutely no context behind it. Because that’s all you got. Your options are about as empty as Ashely Azevedo head and Taryn St Aubin Valdez purse. LMAO. Of course, you could try joining forces with that other X-ratchet team, Michael “funbags” Gaffney, Staci “Spread since birth” Barnes, and Chris “Momma will pay for my kids” Keegan, but in the end, you still be the the creme da la creme of ratchery.
If he keeps this up, some angry lady is going to chop off his nightstick.
When I found out my man was cheating on me… I was so mad I took his wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back.
God, I almost forgot about Steele. Wonder what grift he has going on right now.. Hey, did Genduso ever allow him to penetrate her vagina? Not sure if we ever got to the bottom of that.
Holy mother of Mary.
I got to get a uniform.
I have a shitload of money, cars, stratos luxury charter flights for travel, Centurion Card and lifetime platinum with Marriott and Hyatt.
Every one of these chicks give up the ass and this slug was spinning that many hairy plates?
Gotta be the uniform money!
Or maybe my 34 year marriage is slowing me down.
Awww Paww…what about Ant Bee?
We have dropped Chaokoh coconut milk as a Supplier because of the allegations of monkey forced labor.
It is a dangerous precedent to show our employees, and a large majority of our customers, that the monkeys are more efficient, and perform their job happily, while being paid peanuts.
The squad was very happy with this news.
I’m more interested in what happens, in a town, 25 or 50 miles away from me, than a town in Texas.
Still interesting story.
Well news flash the story closer to home is Cheese is banging your wife , him and the mailman and a fireman . But hey no issue the kids look very similar to you . A little tan but similar to you
Damn that bald head retard wearing plaid jorts with his feet busting out his sneekers while touching his dink in the picture is really, really, really mad at you ST.
Nap. I need a nap. Gosh darn it this little Texan prick gets around. So he is police chief, father of at least 2, step father of at least 2, husband, fiancé to 2, and st least another dude hustle besides. Holy crap. Does he ever sleep?!??? You do realize he will have a heart attack in a few years. Doesn’t he know if his erection lasts for longer than 4 hours he should go see a doctor not another side fling?
This guy can be accused of polygamy… but he’ll never be accused of monotony.
Big Iron!
Never trust a nappy haired white boy.
Guy must have a hammer
Chicks man. Chicks
Charlies Chinese virus killer website SUCKS
What did he do that was wrong?????? It’s not like he was the police chief in Stow!
What did he do that was wrong?????? It’s not like he was the police chief in Webster!
What did he do that was wrong?????? It’s not like he was the police chief in Hingham!
Funny think about so called woke libersls.
If you are a whote who may have penned a contoversial tweet of facebook like years ago your whole l8fe is ruined and judged by that one act.
However. 8f you are a non white and have several arrest well the Globe will help you erase any mention of those felony arrest with its Fresh Stsrt program.
You know because you shouldnt be judged on your criminal behaviour for the rest of your life.
You xan be judged erroneously as an insurrectionist if you like a Trump tweet or dont agree with the ewuity( We will Rob You) crowd.
One text if white equals shunning and lose your job.
Multiple felonies if non white means fresh start.
He ain’t all that. Dude must be a hypnotist or something.
Would. He’s fuckin’ cute. Did i mention I love cock?
Gotta agree, TX quad way, who cares. You should try and get some dirt on the Peabody Superintendent who is trying to push out older workers so his babysitter and friends of the family can keep/get jobs. Blatent age discrimination but when everybody in the system is involved even the smallest thing, like missing a day of work become an offense worth writing up. Meanwhile the President of the union gives the middle finger to a teacher in front of a bunch of kids and is not even disciplined. The Principal, Magno, well, you all saw him late last year on TB not able to manage a simple wall decor issue, the school committee had to bail him out because he is a special kind of stupid.
TB, I’m guessing his work history and accomplishments aren’t true either. If I was his second in command I’d start looking into it.
So now you’re going to just copy and paste stories from other places online and call it “journalism.”
I’d rather see a LOCAL handicapped parking story TBH, as lame as those are.
A story from 2000 miles away about some texas faggot cheating on his wife? Really Unc? Let me write some blogs, my takes on spics and whatnot would be fucking hilarious.
yeah, Im sure he wants to be associated with someone named ‘s*** tormentor’ who looks like this (imgur.com/WJ1p6z6.jpg) and leaves racist comments on the site all day lol. That would look great for his brand.
Based on your comment you are either a spic or a one of those lily white cuck morons with a blm sign in your front yard
with the flock of seagulls hairdo, an earring, and skinny black jeans. Know the type
I don’t care if this story is 10,000 miles away. This was fantastic.
I have a job and a real salary. You will just have continue to fantasize about me. Xoxox
Sp1c Tormentor does have a job. Target on commerce way Woburn. His name is Matt Dizio go pay him a visit. I just did
Working at Target making 20k a year isnt a ‘real job’. Neither is being a coach of the Woburn youth wrestling team. Sounds like you could use the extra income. And also, think of all the cool new Metallica tattoos and edgy t-shirts you could buy.
How the view from inside the body bag DiZ? Who thinks DiZ is kicking himself in the ass for his little Mark Gibbson and spic tormentor escapades? Seeing you get destroyed is wonderful. Fuck you DiZ. Remember the time at Tony C’s when you were hammered and pissed yourself on the way to the bathroom. I do and so does everyone else people don’t forget and neither do I.
I agree, dude is hilarious. I look forward to his comments more than the blog sometimes. I bet his commentary drives a nice chunk of traffic to the site too, wouldn’t hurt to give him a test run.
Thanks brother, appreciate the support. Been reaching out to Unc for months now with the offer but no luck.
You’ve been having conversations with yourself for months*
And you have been replying to literally every one of my comments for 9 months now. What’s that say about you?