You’d think that after a year or so of Pumpkin Spice fake news stories that have been thoroughly debunked not only by us here at Turtleboy, but by the police themselves, that people would stop falling for the “someone done tried to snatch muh crotch fruits” viral Facebook lies. Then Hailey Nogler from Ayer posted this gem about half of her litter of raw dog trophies nearly being kidnapped at the Whitney Field Mall in Leominster, and got exactly the kind of reaction she wanted.
Oh fuck off already. No one wants to snatch your stupid kids. They aren’t the Obama girls. They have no value on the free market, and we know you can’t afford to pay a ransom anyway because you live in Ayer.
There’s a million signs here that let you know how insufferable this woman is:
- She refers to the event as “terrifying Mama moment.”
- She calls her crotch fruits her “kiddos.”
- She calls herself a “boss babe” and a “Momma bear” of “4 cubs” in her Facebook profile.
- She attends a church where the “pastor” preaches in a t-shirt and blue jeans.
Either this event either never happened and she made the whole thing up, or she grossly misinterpreted something that happened in a parking lot. My money is on the former. We know that the Leominster Police have no reports of anything like this happening, so her story about calling them doesn’t hold water.
But facts don’t matter anymore, and all these obnoxious Karen’s clutched their pearls harder than a teenage boy when he first discovers Pornhub.
Err muhhh guuuddd!!!
Ladies, this is why there is a wage gap. This is why we could not vote until 1920. Not because men put us down, but because too many of us are so fucking stupid it hurts. You never, ever, ever see a group of men blindly falling for a viral Facebook bullshit lie like this one. Ever. It’s always women. Always. I sincerely despise all of you for what you’ve done to our gender.
The post had almost 1,000 shares in less than 2 hours, which Hailey was actively promoting. And when you got to her page you saw this…..
Oh look, she sells hair products on Facebook. How original. Good thing I was redirected here because I couldn’t find anywhere else on earth to purchase hair coloring, and totally wanted to follow this skag so I can get bombarded with spam every day. Almost as if the entire purpose of her post was to go viral in order to get people to buy into whatever pyramid scheme bullshit she’s peddling.
What really pisses me off about this isn’t just how it puts woman back 50 years, it’s the fact that they use social media to stoke fear and attack people who are completely innocent simply because of how they look. Like how this basic bitch commented with “Was it these people?”
And posted another viral post from another attention starved dry twat, defaming some poor guy who allegedly tried to kidnap her poon polyp at the same mall.
That guy’s crime was having a beer belly and wearing a batman tank top to the mall. And because of that some crusty cuntsicle in the food court took his picture, shamed him on social media, and spread a completely baseless story that he kidnaps children.
I know we said we were done with these kind of stories, but this one just got to me. Fuck each and every person that participates in these lies.
Update: Leominster Police are now claiming that this woman did call them, but that the dispatcher did not properly log the call. They did not say that they instructed her not to go back to the mall, nor do they say that there was any legitimacy to her claims.
On July 30th at 10:45 AM Hailey Nogler did call this department to report a suspicious car at the Mall. The dispatcher did not properly log the call which led to us misrepresenting that she had not called. We apologize to Hailey. We are investigating.
— Leominster PD (@LeominsterPD) August 1, 2019
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53 Comment(s)
Dirty sweatshirt
Long dry scarecrow hair
Ugly glasses
Facebook attention whore
Pyriamid scheme job
Fake victim stories
Never married single mom
Constant public warning posts
Athleisure wardrobe only
Liberal retweets
Annoyingly trendy baby names.
You get the point. These chics are everywhere! She’s basic.
Your projecting your freedom fantasies onto imaginary boogiemen. You don’t enjoy motherhood and want to return to an adolescent state without resposibilities so you dream of your children dissappearing obsessively so much so that you have confused fantasy and reality. The reality is NO ONE wants your kids including you. That will be $200 and close the door behind you it’s time for my afternoon cocaine.
This is probably one of the most disgusting and humiliating posts I have seen so far on online media. The fact that it is 2019 and you think it is still okay to not only degrade, but mock a woman who was put into an extremely scary situation is volatile. Every single day millions of people are involved in sex trafficking suffering from the worst abuse possible. Hailey is related to my best friend and I have met her many times. The last thing she is is a liar. In fact, she’s an extremely strong and smart woman and an excellent mother. You’re not just insulting one woman, you’re insulting all women. The United States constitution serves to provide equality FOR ALL. I don’t know if you know what that means (obviously you don’t because you’re an idiot) but that means equality for ALL genders and ALL races. You’re part of the problem that our society faces. The ignorant and selfish people who demean someone because of their gender. What if it was a man that this happened to? It would be believable right? You are profiting off of slander, which is illegal as you hopefully know. I hope you eventually learn to have at least a little bit of human decency. Karma is a bitch and she’s coming for you.
You and your friend are wack and don’t represent all women. Realize most of the comments dragging her are by other women including this one! Now get off your phone and pay attention to your own kids for once you facebook addict.
Wow a lot of pent up anger, frustration and profiling there in your post!!! You should reign yourself in before attacking turtle riders , which is never a good thing.
And No gender profiling here, now behave yourself!!!
I don’t discriminate, nor am I prejudiced… I am an equal opportunity caller of bullshitters and I give everyone the opportunity to be called out, criticized, mocked or hated equally. Yes, EQUALLY…if the individual who posted this story was a male or an yet-to-be identified as, the story would still have been picked apart exactly how it was! No ifs ands nor buts about it. They are treated equally because *idiots* are just that, and do not have to fit into any one gender or class as you seemed to imply. Calm your hate and do some soul searching. I think there is something deeper here than just you having your panties in a twist. I’ll pray for you
White mothers 18-49 – please, please, pretty please stop referring to your children as your “kiddos”.
How does the way a pastor dresses matter? Church isn’t a fashion show.
Hair dye is $4 at walmart why the fuck would anyone go on facebook and pay way more? Same goes for those fugly leggings they all push at 4 times the real price! You’d make more as a cashier at walmart than these tupperware reboot schemes.
“Kiddos” and “mama bear” . I officially cannot take anyone serious when I hear that
1. Who goes to an empty mall parking lot to give the “kiddos” their drinks and snacks?? Not like you’re on a cross country car trip…I’m pretty sure the little creatures can make it home without dying.
2. Majority of minivans do not have working windows except for the front unless you buy top tier so, the other one of the littlest, Willy it was?, [insert eye roll here] was in the passenger front I’m pretty sure it’s a 90% chance they couldn’t snatch him from his car seat. Unless of course her monsters ride without approved seats and/or belts.
3. She thought nothing of a car coming straight at her “in an empty lot”?? Ooh that’s right, I forgot she has smile worthy rugrats. Must be, if they can radiate right thru closed windows and metal from waaay over there!
4. Based on all the holes and questionable facts I can see, she should trade in her “I’m going to pay this company to let me call myself an employed Boss Babe” and start writing science fiction or kiddy tales.
Ooh Toto…will we ever see auntie em again…?
All these stay at home moms want income without working hours at a job. So they spend all day with pyramids schemes like lularoe and end up being duped customers like other poster said. In 70’s and 80’s any woman on my street home with small kids did daycare for 1 or 2 kids until she went back to hourly work. Now they claim they all looooove kids so much but they don’t want to watch anyone elses for $! Your home anyway what’s the difference? Making that 4th pb&j is gonna kill you?
So much for going incognito. First he’s openly commenting on Turtleboy and now he’s walking the mall in partial uniform.
I’m surprised she didn’t state that defended her kids with nunchucks and brass knuckles and “God Decided” that she was going to win that fight.
If “This is the guy in the Bat Man shirt” is really a guy that did what she claims he did, then the cops should have been notified. Surveillance cameras would have trailed him to his car. Maybe wouldn’t have got the plates, but make and model and year are doable.
That was 1 of the best written articles I have read in last few months. That was pretty well done. I enjoyed it.
What a harrowing ordeal Hailey. I will be sure to warn all my Mama friends that child traffickers are in the area. Were the suspects wearing MAGA hats?
They weren’t wearing MAGA hats, sporting “pride” garb undoubtedly. Lulz
Good for her lots of Jew diddlers in America. Kraft,Epstein,Dershowitz,Weinstein,wiener and anyone with an extra large nose or a rabbi.
I have already bought 500 cases at the Power Executive Level and have almost lost dozens of crotchfuits to kidnappings please look at my hair colors I am a boss with so much free family time my disposable income is off the chain let me tell you how you can get in on this action
You’re not a boss babe but you’re an imposter! ♀️♀️ It’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s multi level marketing so you need to stop being ignorant and do your research! I am able to make SIX ✋figures a month and stay home being the best mama bear I can be! I’m blessed and next month yours truly will be in the diamond platinum level!! Who-hoo!✈️♀️
(LOL, this took a ridiculous amount of time to write!)
Love it
Thank you MVTB for pointing out that loopy twats like her are not an accurate representation of most women. Proud “mama bears” who incessantly carry on about their “smile worthy kiddos” or cubs. Blah, blah, blah. Procreation isn’t an accomplishment, it’s simply biology. Fucking insufferable.
She said “”too many of us are so fucking stupid it hurts” meaning most of you. And 90% of you vote Democrat. So yeah.
Little tidbit for you Tommy boy…Not all of us gashes are drinking the blue Kool-Aid. But do carry on with ignorant generalizations. Enjoy cleaning off your shitty shaft after man to man bum encounters. If you in fact have a lady in your life (big stretch on the “if”) I’m going to safely assume the D she’s voting for is the only D that’s remotely satisfying her.
I just called your office Dr. G. and made an appointment for a prostate exam. I requested no glove due to a latex infection. They said it wouldn’t be a problem. Looking forward to meeting you and thank you for your professionalism.
Seems remotely reasonable Tommy. I will be sure to stock up on lubricant. Fairly certain you were going for “latex allergy” not “infection” Who is keeping track?! Dang autocorrect. Either way, you seem to be in need of relief. Poor you.
Yah this bitch is clearly trying to get people to buy her shit. Then try to recruit other naive women to get in and sell shit to your friends as long as some of the profits are kicked up one level, and on and on and on.
Fuck this woman for using the threat of kidnapping to push her multi lelvel marketing dogshit on Facebook.
Back when I was a kid in the early 90s people used to ring our door bell and try to sling Nu-Skin, Amyway, Tupperware, etc and would always give you a card with a meeting place (usually someone’s house) to get indoctrinated for further exploitation.
It seems now door to door is so 30 years ago and now it’s hysterical Facebook postings by histrionic housewives.
Actually MVTB people in Ayer have money. Rent and mortgages there are expensive. You’re thinking of Shirley.
Thanks Derek, hahaha, I think you entered your email in the wrong box.
This is the most accurate statement I’ve seen in a while.
It’s invasion of the kiddie snatchers. They’re not people!
Did the police really tell you to keep driving and not come back? That’s the biggest lie in the world Hailey. And enough with your spammy posts too. Muh gurd. Can’t stand you bitches that promote like that. Boss babe my ass.
Did she already delete her Facebook?
Loving the “I’ll take ‘Things that never happened’ for 500, Alex” comment at the bottom.
At least someone who read her choc-full-of-bullshit page called it for what it was.
Do you have a job? Seems like all you do is comment on blogs for a living.
My job is riding your maw for $200 an hour.
She’s very disappointed in you, Walt. She hoped for a heterosexual son over 5′ 3″.
your response time answered my question for me. The fact that you had the time to google me and realize I am short and pan makes it creepy.
I can tell that purely from your grammatical style.
Your clearly a midget trannie.
Apologies for my poor grammar.
Now, off you fuck.
Apology accepted 🙂
Just looking at her ginger, hairy bear, social misfit husband you can tell she casts a bad smell.
Is this the same person?
gofundme ~dot~ com/TeamKarlee (Site was set up two years ago.)
Dear Hailey,
If you have to pay to work at a company (Monat), you are officially a customer.
Get Fucked,
Good to see you back Finn…
I was about to say that on the last post.
Glad to see Finn is back.
I’m sorry about the fuck-up on the other poster. My listening skills were a 0. No excuse.
So good to see you back. There has been many a blog that could’ve used a good “Get Fucked”.
Welcome back Finn, been wondering where you were. I really missed you telling everyone to get fucked. My days weren’t nearly as happy without that.
Nice to be back!
“Police was notified”
Day bee in onit. Day dinit catch hym, on porpoise.! Fax!!!!
Rough year — I’m all good.
Thanks for the welcome.