Last week we published a blog about Rachel Corey, a black lives matter campaign organizer for Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, after she posted a picture of a Boston cop’s home and encouraged a mob to show up there as part of the defund the police movement.
Today I received an email from Matthew Brelis, the Director of Communications for the Suffolk County DA’s office, which contained a letter that Rollins sent to Rachel Corey after reading the blog. It’s pretty awesome.
DA Rollins Ltr to Ms. Corey (063020)I’m a huge critic of Rachael Rollins and probably always will be, but credit where credit is due – this is a great move on her part and shows true leadership. She did not have to write this letter, and Brelis did not have to reach out to me and share it. But they did. And they made it clear to their own supporters that there is a line and Rachel Corey crossed that line. At a time when the police are under attack like never before, it was refreshing to see a DA who aligns herself with BLM to tell a BLM supporter to cut the shit.
More importantly it shows us that Turtleboy is relevant and important enough that it can catch the eye of the DA’s Office in a major American city (Boston). One could even say that Rachael Rollins is a turtle rider at this point. For all the butthuts who pretend that Turtleboy doesn’t matter, this clearly shows that we do. Turtleboy is relevant enough that it can force the DA to act, likely because turtle riders contacted her office, and the optics of what Rachel Corey was doing looked horrible.
As much as I despise Rachael Rollins’ politics, I do have a respect for her because she’s been on Tucker Carlson and Howie Carr many times. Cowards like Pocahontas refused to even participate in a debate that was hosted by Fox News. Rachael Rollins identifies who the opposition is and does battle with them. And I will always respect people who do that.
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63 Comment(s)
Can’t wait for BLM and their ilk to turn on Rollins. And they will.
People have First Amendment rights. If people wanted to picket this cop’s house they have a right to. The gov’t (Rachel Rollins) should not be threatening people’s First Amendment rights. This guy is pulling in $350k+ year and has 100+ payroll violations. Protest this guy’s house and Rollins’ too.
If Rachel Corey were black, would Rollins have sent her such a letter? Doubt it.
Turtleboy does a great job but disagree on this fact. If Rollins was not a vocal critic of police and a rabid supporter of Black Lives Matter and their calls to hurt and kill cops then maybe the atmosphere at least around here would not be so anti cop. Maybe that vile cunt would not have doxxed that cop. A leader does not spread hate. If she doesn’t know what a leader is tell her to watch Commissioner Gross.
Lying liberal. That’s all this is. It’s a publicity stunt with no consequences. Was she banned on working on Rollins campaign? No. Was she warned that this will be prosecuted? No. It’s just a lying liberal publicity stunt and Uncle fell for it.
First off- turtle has always been, and always will be relevant. But don’t agree about Rollins. SHE used her position to further the ‘hate the po lice’ agenda. She is a race baiting, self-serving bigot, and she accomplished nothing with this too-little, too-late letter. There should be charges
If joggers lives matter so much to you racist demokkkrat peices of shit then you should watch this video. If you dont watch it, its because you’re a racist peice of shit as stated above and you dont care about joggers lives, as so you claim.
Everyone with a brain should watch it as well. this black dude is 1,000% correct and I definitely want him in my liberal pathogen cleansing squad. Hes already got the bonnie hat.
Without further ado I would like to introduce
Semore Views
Give this guy a gun, a badge and a job.
His name should be Neo. He sees the matrix
I agree with TB. Rollins deserves our support from here on in.
She buys all her masks right here at TBS, too.
I’m surprised, credit to RR.
…exceptions prove the rule.
Cops have no business working steady overtime,it’s no wonder cops act like shitbirds being tired and bitchy and trigger happy
..should have to lick the spoon!
Maybe they’re working overtime to support themselves and families? Maybe you should try it sometime.
The cop she doxxed was making $250k base and a pension. He can’t support his family on that?
I’m sure there’s an article somewhere under all these fcuking pop-up ads.
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You sound like a fag.
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It helps greatly!
Henry Rollins is a fucking faggot as well
The guy from Black Flag? He’s been a douche for 20 years.
I’ve always thought he was a huge poseur but i thought i was the only one!
Rachael Rollins is still a dirty coon. That letter meant nothing. Fire that cunt or don’t even bother writing something like that. There wasn’t even a verbal warning in the context of that letter.
Peculiar change by Rollins. From her relentless and crazy Saturday night out of control attacks on law enforcement and white victims of serious crime to this brief, almost unnoticeable Sunday morning attempt to demonstrate some responsibility. Did someone switch her medication? Sadly, I doubt this will last.
Notice me.
Give me credit.
I’m important.
Where’s my blue check.
Rachel Corey doesn’t like small white dicks I guess. Why else would any white girl support BLM?
In a perfect world, I’d say good for her, but given this compared to the totality of her (in)actions, this is just political CYA, nothing more.
How about someone posts Rachel’s personal info? Turn about is fair play…
I notice there’s no blogs about the crime in Seattle being WAY DOWN since they created the chaz zone. Notice how there hasn’t been a shooting in downtown Seattle in NINE days! Write about that Turtle, oh wait nevermind the liberals are doing something right so there’s nothing to write about.
You sure about this?
You sure a 14 year old kid didn’t get shot in the CHOP three days ago??????
Dumb ass.
Uh, yeah….except for the two MURDERS in Chop
Which means that black lives DON’T matter to you
In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.
So if Black Lives Matter, maybe a George Floyd matters more than a baby aborted today merely 3 blocks from where he died.
Angel Wings on the shitty graffiti don’t make him an angel.
Reminds me of the old joke of how to end the Vietnam war:
1. take all the “friendly” Vietnamese and put them on boats in the South China Sea.
2. Bomb the country completely flat.
3. Sink the boats.
If you take all dirtbags and thugs that are causing crime in Seattle and put them in 1 area, of course crime everywhere else will drop.
Now think of the cost savings of dropping 1 500 lb. Rockeye on Chop.
Just like sinking the boats.
Jus’ sayin’
You can write all about the utopia that is Seattle right now. Post the link here and I will read it.
You can call it something like;
Yeah, reported crime, away from this debacle is down. Unreported crime within the autonomous, yet entirely dependent on resources from the outside world paid for by others, well that’s probably off the charts.
Assaults by choking people out, I guess that’s only bad when cops do it? Shooting black teenagers, 16 year old dead, 14 year old critical, again only bad when cops do it.
But if you can find a stat that you can twist to support your view, that’s right out of the black lies matter playbook.
Rachael is black Irish. This is her irish side defending the police her black side defends the looters and vandals.
Ain’t nothin Irish about this sheboon.
Here’s the issue; this BLM loser got a strongly worded letter. That’s it. Had a cop been doxxed by a conservative Rachel Rollins would have arrested the person.
She’s a scumbag hypocrite.
Corey Rachel’s wrist must be stinging…ouch
Just another fugly white girl, ignored by white men that found that the larger her ass, the greater the attraction of gayish black men.
Self radicalized to prove her wokeness daily. Honey there will always be younger woke fuglies to catch the eye of your house kneegrow. Welcome to a future of food, cats, old movies and despair.
A strongly worded letter doesn’t do jack.
It would be a shame if the liberal mob showed up at Racial Rollins home.
Exactly. That twat probably has it hanging on her mini fridge in her studio apartment. Strong words are wasted when they’re not followed by action.
Why isn’t anyone calling for her to lose her job? Rachel should have fores her on the slot and then write the letter. As a member of HER staff and as such a representative of her office she should have been fired. RR clearly stated what she did was not in alignment with what her office represents.
Zact~ly. Face like a foot. Fat. Smells.White Man hater/militant lesbian coal burner.
No way is she a turtle rider.
She fails so many victims in the city with her selective enforcement of the laws dropping charges on violent perps w gang memberships when all evidence is present to give an undeniable/unquestionable accounting of events that took place.
Vote that obsolete mule out.
Rollins needs to stop eating all those Gorilla Biscuits at Moon Villa in
Wuhan town.She looks very constipated.
Respect Rollins? Fuck that noise. She only wrote that letter to distance herself should something happen to one of the cops she despises. That letter was motivated solely by her desire to be reelected and continue the destruction. She is an immoral cunt and unworthy of the sweat off my nuts.
Hi all,
My name is Brian Riccio. I am a tired pathetic little whiney fuck from the Boston area, who goes around showing people how much I was abused as a child. I act out constantly and my doctors are telling me this is from a major cock deficiency. I thought at first it was from lack of pussy, but I am completely afraid of vaginas, they scare the poop out of me. So it isn’t pussy that can save me. I am thinking my doctors are right. I did get a little cock in Salem off some First Amendment Auditor the other day and I have to say, it made me feel so much better about myself. So I am reaching out to all my network contacts, good and bad, to go to my new website called (aka Brian Riccio Go Dick Me) and leave me your contact info if you will be willing to stick the big booyah-baloney into my indelible and ribbed (I might add) ass. I will also give grade A black belt bobbin and cum guzzling for those who want to see the back of my bald head. I know this may sound desperate, but look at me, if you’ve seen pictures of me, you’ll know without a doubt I am one desperate character. I will pay, but only for POC cock. White cock will have to service and be serviced for free. Please contact me with your offers. I will come a running like a fairy on dust. Thank you. B Riccio.
Like a rookie whore, Ms. Rollins is just gonna keep sucking till the dick gets fired.
You know what will come of this? Nothing. Yah a letter might be put in her “file” but nothing will happen. Just an empty worded letter that probably never made it to Corey anyway, as a way to appease the online outrage.
Corey should have been demoted, put on unpaid suspension, or terminated or something like that. No real consequences means Corey never learned her lesson.
Rachael is just jealous that the other Rachel stole her man on the inside
I agree Rollins deserves credit for this letter. But it’s unnerving to the extent that it suggests even she may be realizing how out of control things are getting/have become/will be.
Rachel Rollins has no clue how out of control things have gotten because she has never grown up around n***ers. She and her family are well educated and she probably spent more time around whites. She was raised on the lies about institutional racism. She thought her Rollins memo would save the blacks without realizing that ratchets are ratchets.
Here we are more than a year later and her failure to prosecute those “victimless” crimes is what has allowed the riots to happen and for the rioters to walk free.
U mad bro?
Like you Turtleboy I rarely agree with Rachael Rollins.
But in this case she did send the right message.
Maybe there is hope still for our state.
Hey TB fuck you asshole
Rollins is a fucking fat piece of shit
Get your head out of your ass
I’m sorry but RR is a 2 faced politician. She is just trying to get re elected. Her office policy is to not prosecute A&B on police. She is encouraging violence on police officers. She doesn’t have to work the street going face to face with the scum of the city day after day. It is a thankless job. She sits in her nice comfortable office requesting campaign contributions. When was the last time you saw her strolling about the city to see what it is really like.
Somebody please tell me, what a FUPA is?
Fat Upper Pussy Area aka GUNT…..which is a combo of……..I think you can figure that one out.