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Last week we broke the story that Robert Blackwell-Gibbs, who was kicked out of the City Council meeting on Tuesday for yelling “fuck you too” to Mayor Joe Petty, was arrested for domestic assault and battery on his girlfriend at his apartment. According to the report he allegedly hit, choked, and pulled the hair of his girlfriend before the police arrived.
You would think this idiot would lay low for a while since he should be embarrassed by his misognystic and violent behavior. But instead he’s doubling down. He messaged a turtle rider who was vocally critical of him on our Facebook page, and claimed that not only was he falsely arrested, it was actually him that was the victim of abuse by the woman and the Worcester Police:
Oh, poor, poor RBG. He was just minding his own business, beating the shit out of a woman who had the audacity to talk back to him, and the mean police department made him sit on a wooden bench with his hands behind his back in handcuffs. His poor, poor shoulder is still sore today. This man right here needs a a safe space:
This is the face of oppression in America:
A white guy (who claims to be black to get more street cred when he’s organizing Clark kids to protest) who just wants to be able to block traffic at Kelley Square when he feels like it
collect unemployment indefinitely
get kicked out of City Council meetings, tell everyone to fuck off
get paid by the city to go to a poetry jam in Oakland
do a little knitting down at Mosaic headquarters
and beat the shit out a couple women now and then. It doesn’t get much more oppressed than that.
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17 Comment(s)
He’s in today’s T&G court section…..RBG also was charged with strangulation and suffocation.
Maybe he didn’t hit her…..he just choked her!
What a POS.
Ur Moma and a few others are full time trolls
Why does ur momma always have the opposite view of everyone else in the comments? She sticks up for bums
Well in the immortal words of John Cougar Mellencamp:
” When the walls
Come tumblin’ down
When the walls
Come crumblin’, crumblin’
When the walls
Come tumblin’, tumblin’
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah…”
Yeah you jack off’s he has raised hundreds of kids on just what he could steal from Cumbys while working the ATM..I mean register
Holy shit someone get this guy an award…He had his daughter every Thursday-Monday!! I mean what dedication taking care of a child you brought into this world 4 days a week!! I heard once he took her 5 strait days!!!! Father of the year Mr Blackswell !!
That picture is a good one..Shows he voted not once but twice LOL
Where’s his motivation to do better now?? I’ve been working since I was 15 (25+ years), and can proudly say that I’ve never collected a single day of unemployment! And I especially didn’t collect 94 weeks worth, and then say a giant f**k you to all the hard working people that are still out here trying to “better” themselves!!! How bout assaulting a woman? How does that better yourself?
Seems like a great guy/parent after reading that fuck everything post. Looks like a wigger to me
So little you all know. He’s worked since the age of 14, had custody of and raised his nephews. Had his daughter Thursday-Monday and has always had motivation to do better. What’s pathetic is that this coward hiding behind an image has completely obsessed himself with plotting on rbg without even knowing him! What kind of life must one have to spend it looking to plot people’s demise. People they don’t even know who never did anything to them. Ur so laughable and ur desperate attempts to belittle people are revolting. I’m sure Mary Mullaney is proud!
Nice made up story. Have any others???
“always had motivation to do better.”
Too bad then that he DIDN’T do better – but maybe in this new hybrid of ghetto and hippie culture, being unemployed, bragging about it, “protesting,” and threatening people who are really working (ie: truck driver) IS considered “doing better.”
Exactly! He’s laying the foundation for a lawsuit for he and Hector to cash in on!! So let me get this straight, if you batter your wife/girlfriend, and you profess to be a poor oppressed victim of the racist city, or from his stupid posts, the oppressive racist world, you cannot or should not be arrested…?? And, if police brutality can be attributed to RBG being 150 pounds overweight, which would cause his shoulder discomfort while in handcuffs, then good luck with that lawsuit! When does a bum like this take responsibility for any of his actions?
Sound like a lawsuit coming. And then he can get on the disability.
Wait, he has a 20 year old daughter? That would make him at least, what, 35, minimum? Probably more? And he does “slam poetry”? LOL. It was sad when I thought he was in his early 20s, but a likely 40 year old man who travels around the country, not getting paid, to basically read his diary to strangers? That might literally be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
Are people reading Margaret’s haiku’s on the FB machine?!? That shit is fire, she needs to get the Walt Whitman Award this year.
Lol rbg is definitely black, albeit light skinned but black nonetheless.
A 20 year old daughter though, tb should interview her. I bet she hates him as much as turtleboy
The pic of RBG with the pictures behind him, the pic of the little girl by his ear is his daughter.
But the better interview would be with his “boys , he has had custody of 4 of them.
Well, we know RGB didn’t hurt his shoulder shoveling out Auntie Ho’s tenement “church.” Or, you know, working.