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So there’s a guy out in Millersville, PA who is taking the resistance to a whole new level.
His name is Thomas McCurdy Sr, and now that he’s retired he’s got a lot of free time on his hands to threaten to kill pretty much every politician in Washington who he disagrees with (all of which are Republican). Here’s what he wrote to Representative Steve King of Iowa:
Here’s what he wants Kathy Griffin to do to Mitch McConnell
He wants Robert Mueller to hire assassins (presumably to kill the President)
He wants Senators Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Joe Manchin, and Lisa Murkowski to be killed, even though Murkowski did not vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh:
He wants snipers to kill Mike Pence
On top of being killed, Susan Collins should also be pissed on:
In fairness, he is giving her a heads up so she can formulate a plan to escape before his goon squad gets to her:
He’s stocking up on ammo
I guess one of his tweets was taken down, so he’s hiring the creepy porn lawyer to sue Twitter for a billion dollars:
Stop right there. The fact that he’s had tweets taken down in the past tells you that Twitter is well aware of this guy’s account. Yet it’s still up. Meanwhile Turtleboy is permanently banned from Twitter after having 5 accounts shut down, and his hiding under a user name @Nunchuck_Ninja to avoid being banned again.
He’s urging police to shoot indiscriminately into the crowd at a Trump rally:
He apologizes for nothing, because he’s trying to get his country back using “any means necessary”:
And of course Paul Ryan and Trump himself will be killed as well under his peaceful revolution.
You may recall that last year Republican congressman Steve Scalise was shot and nearly killed by a deranged Bernie bro while playing baseball in Washington. Thomas McCurdy seems to referring to that here:
Luckily it appears as if he’s not going to be able to do that because he doesn’t own a gun:
I’m a pro-second amendment guy, but this tweet right here is like a walking ad for gun control. Does anyone in their right minds believe this man should be able to purchase a gun? If he hasn’t had a psych evaluation, and if he hadn’t found out what Twitter was, we would have no way of knowing he’s this insane. Shouldn’t we be making sure that people like him can’t procure weapons to murder people? Just a thought.
There is a Thomas McCurdy Jr. who lives in nearby Lancaster, PA. Someone might wanna tell him to put his old man on a leash or in a mental institution.
Anyway, I just called the Millersville, PA police department and they informed me that Secret Service and the FBI are well aware of their most famous resident. They couldn’t tell me what they’re doing, but they say he’s being investigated. Yet Twitter still allows him on their platform. Makes sense.
I’m not saying that all leftists are psychopaths like this, but when mainstream democrats in congress make it seem like everyone who disagrees with them is Hitler, don’t be surprised when people like this get radicalized by that kind of talk and decide to take it into their own hands. When you have Congressmen like Maxine Waters and Mazie Hirono urging people to confront Trump supporters in public and form mobs, don’t be surprised when people like this listen to them. Mark my words – a Senator will be killed, or at least shot, if Trump gets elected again. And that Senator will be a Republican.
12 Comment(s)
Typical Democrat thinking.
Thomas L Mccurdy Sr., Phone number: (717) 870-4312, State: PA, City: Millersville, Zip Code: 17551 . 124 Creekgate Ct.
Please don’t call his cell phone and bother him or send notes via snail mail to 124 Creekgate Ct. Millersville Pa. 17551
Hello Rangoon, I might go visit this spooge ingestor on the Duaneplane, fucken asshole real estate agent homo for sure
An honest Democrat! He could hang out with the high school band that conducts mock executions at half time. Maybe he could find a rewarding hobby, like finger-painting at the asylum.
Realtors are so honest and trustworthy.. they never have psychopathic traits.
Personally, I hope nutjobs like this and the rest of the loony left keep the narrative running til the midterms. All they are succeeding in doing is showing moderates what the Democratic Party and the “Resistance” is truly all about.
Can you say Red Wave in November ?
Seems like a nice guy, liberals are the most tolerant people ever…what?….oh wait…
What are the chances that feds leave an ar15 and a case of ammo when they are finished investing?
In this guy’s case, “retired” obviously means “so crazy he can’t work (because people are afraid to work with him)”. I hope the local police where he lives are keeping an eye on him. He’s obviously a danger.
He needs to spend more time at the House of Many Cums. Clearly he’s backed up.
This man is obviously delusional and very ill. He claims he had “orders” to be a SEAL sniper, but chose not to be. That right there tells you he is a nut bc how would he know the SEALS wanted him to be a sniper if he had never even stepped foot in their training facilities?
FBI/secret service should pay this man a visit.
I posted a congratulations judge kavanaugh on FB and got 30 days. This ahol calls for the murder of US officials..crickets. What is “the resistance” exactly? The criminal disrespect for the rule of law? Domestic terrorism? Sedition? All of the above. Dont let all this make you forget last week 38 BILLION DOLLARS was gifted to ‘our greatest ally’ my ass. Anybody remember VOTING on this? And today; nasty nikki resigned with no noticed. She must have a nice condo overlooking palestine.
The mere fact that FB banned you for congratulating Kav proves that they are communist pigs. Liberals are such damn hypocritical scum.
But yea, this guy needs to be taken into custody. Hes a clear and present danger to society.
Sorry, don’t believe you unless your “friends” reported your post. One of my “friends” has been posting pro Trump, anti Democrat etc. things every day for years. Never misses a beat. Never been banned – they’re not “big” and dont get mass reported.