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If you need to get caught up on this latest series of Turtleboy Investigates, here’s part 1, and part 2.
According to the GFM (which was only taken down after we contacted her about it) Candy Dennis was recently diagnosed with a rare disease called cerebellar degeneration, as well as a number of other conditions like Hypothyroidism. Or something. Cerebellar degeneration causes the deterioration of neurons in the part of your brain that controls muscle coordination and balance. This can also affect the spinal chord and the thin layer of cells that covers the brain. And because she’s “given so much back to the community” and “gives out scholarships every year for students in need,” and is the mother of two amazing kids, you should donate to her. It’s gonna cost at least $7,500 that she doesn’t have, therefore please give them money:
She claims insurance doesn’t cover this. Which is weird, because it should. And if insurance doesn’t cover the treatment then you’d probably need a lot more than $7,500. Just sayin.
Now, assuming that she really does suffer from this disease, it would be unprofessional for them to share it on the company’s Facebook page. But that has happened many times before:
She also sent two emails to all her clients with links to the GFM in December. In my opinion it’s unprofessional because these are your customers, many of who might be on a fixed income, and you’re kind of guilting them into to donating to the woman whose business they are already supporting with their patronage. If I were a parent I would consider signing up for dance lessons to be my contribution. But that’s just me.
However, despite being too poor to afford life or death treatment, she shops for her mother in law and daughter at Kay’s for Christmas….
I bought my daughter gymnast barbie and I thought I was generous. Turns out Turtle Princess really wants a diamond necklace. What kid doesn’t want the gift of Kay’s for Christmas?
Here’s the thing though – if she were really suffering from cerebellar degeneration these would be the symptoms:
Cerebellar degeneration is primarily characterized by a wide-legged, unsteady, lurching walk that is usually accompanied by a back and forth tremor in the trunk of the body. Other signs and symptoms may include slow, unsteady and jerky movement of the arms or legs; slowed and slurred speech;
Except the dozens of clients and former employees we’ve spoken to have told us they’ve seen none of these signs. As a matter of fact Candy performs (dances) in the recitals, which would seemingly be impossible if she really was suffering from this conveniently rare disease. (She can be seen at the 24 second mark of this video in the front wearing black.)
Nevertheless she’s been milking it for all its worth, really ratcheting up the drama on her Facebook page….
So let me get this straight. The doctor told her, “good luck you’re* very sick – it’s just not fair.”
And we’re expected to believe this? A doctor actually said, “it’s just not fair?” Is he a doctor or a priest? No. Just no. No doctor would ever say that. But it’s cool because she kept her composure and just laughed it off, which was heroic because it put the other patients at ease, including the elderly man who broke down in tears because it was so powerful:
“I am a hallmark story for sure.”
You gotta be shitting me.
And in order to solicit funds she makes sure to use the kids angle:
Keep in mind, this disease she says she has does not appear to be deadly. It is not curable, but most people who have it live with it. It’s mostly treated with physical therapy and some drugs for people who showing physical abnormalities. For the most part it does not shorten your life expectancy, and many who suffer from it go about living normal lives. The people who seem to suffer from it the worst would never be able to perform the daily tasks that she does running RDX.
Didn’t stop the posts though….
On December 10 she posted about her “treatment plan” and showed the 10 pills she has to take for this:
And those pills look a lot like my kid’s adderall. And vitamins in general….
The bottle appears to say Hi-Po Emulsi-D3 on it. If so, this is a dietary supplement that you put in anything you eat or drink to keep your Vitamin D levels up. If any doctors or nurses out there can tell us what those pills are just by looking at them we would be very interested to know.
Obviously she milked the crap out of it for the holidays…
And she kept playing up the “I’m gonna die because health insurance in this country is evil” schtick, like she just got finished watching John Q or leaving a Bernie rally:
She shared it almost every single day in December….
Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that this allegedly sick woman, who is in desperate need of cash because insurance won’t pay for her “treatment,” has been spending money openly left and right while soliciting donations from people. Like her trip to Chicago in November (we’ve blocked out her daughter’s face because unlike her we will not exploit a child for financial gain):
Then on New Years Eve she announced that she was going to see her “west coast doctors” and while they’re out there they’re gonna stop at Disneyland:
Because who wouldn’t be thinking about Disneyland in a life or death situation like this?
On January 6 she posted and said how she tried to “shield” news of the disease from her students and family:
Good thing she shared it on social media a billion times, including on RDX’s page, and then sent out emails soliciting more donations.
On January 22 she said she went for more treatment and got “needles on the brain,” bringing her total bills to $9,500:
Even though needles on the brain is not a form of treatment you would receive for this disease.
She also had “electric impulse therapy and some other head therapies” she’s still learning about, which were quite painful:
On February 7 her doctors (not sure if east or west coast doctors) told her that she was on the road to recovery, which he did not think would initially happen….
Obviously this deadly disease messed with the wrong Momma!!
But wait, I thought there was no cure for this disease, so how can she be on the road to recovery? Hmmm….
Either way it was only a temporary win, as just six days later she visited the doctor and her body felt like it was shutting down.
Luckily “on the outside” she appeared fine. You’ll just have to take her word for it that on the inside it felt like a draw Mohammed contest hosted in the Gaza Strip. Kind of convenient since people would likely stop donating if she was healed like she sounded like she was on February 7.
Her husband Ben, who took her last name when he married her, and who many believe Candy is running the Yelp account of, AND who has the GFM in his name (which many people believe Candy actually created), has been beating the drum for her as well:
Obviously he is a learned scholar.
She also urged clients and employees to share the GFM, and when they did she would share their shares, and even try to solicit more money by mentioning her recently deceased mother. Check out the dramatization in this post:
“I had a moment of giving up. I didn’t go to the doctors or take my medication.”
But she toughed through it, because she’s like a soldier storming Normandy beach under artillery fire. Please give her money.
On March 28 she posted a really dramatic post, indicating that her doctors had “given up” on her, and shared an anecdote about seeing a student at a recital who she has known for years and forgetting her name:
Be more dramatic. You can’t.
Yet despite her mind being at war as a result of her deadly disease, and the fact that she’s too poor and broke to afford the treatment (because of the evil insurance companies), she could still muster up a trip do Discover Cove in Orlando in April (which costs $255 per person)….
Obviously they hit up Disney World (because what kid with a dying, broke mother doesn’t get a trip to both Disneyland and Disney World in a 4 month period?):
Hot air balloon dates were on the agneda
And playing with dolphins….
After that it was time to extend this 10 day vacation to Sea World:
Nevertheless she saw nothing wrong with continuing to post about how she seemed to be on death’s doorstep shortly after arriving home….
As a matter of fact, since she hadn’t “updated” (shared her GoFundMe) in a while, and she wanted to let people know that her “eastern doctors” were actually at odds with her “western doctors,” because the eastern doctors thought things were going well, but her western doctors had a more negative outlook. Regardless, the meds are gonna cost her $1,000 a month:
Don’t worry though, she’s still “walking around normal but feeling sick,” so don’t let all those Disney pictures fool you. She’s dead on the inside.
Yet it didn’t stop her over Memorial Day weekend from taking another trip to New York. And when she takes the fam to New York they don’t just visit for the day, stay with relatives, and get a slice of pizza for dinner. They go all out. They visit the Bronx Zoo
They go to the Cheesecake Factory in Times Square
They go to the Disney Store
They eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe
They went out to the Tender House for steak dinners that night, where she said her daughter ordered a Filet Mignon:
Which costs $38.
They take hip-hop dance lessons at the Broadway Dance Center
They buy tickets to the Lion King on Broadway…
Where nosebleed seats cost $177 and up.
Then it’s time for another lunch at Planet Hollywood
Some sightseeing
Then a horsey ride….
And of course they were down there under the guise of her daughter getting “a little special treatment at Ailey School”:
Alvin Ailey is a prestigious dance group that Candy claims she toured with in her RDX bio.
They are a historically black group, formed in the Jim Crow era, and all of their dancers are in great shape and are amazing athletes.
The group has become more integrated over the years, but that integration only involves the integration of white people, not the gravitationally challenged.
Candy is not your prototypical Alvin Ailey dancer:
Nor is there any record of her ever dancing with them. It’s such an honor to be a part of this group that you would almost certainly have pictures of yourself dancing with them, particularly if you owned……a dance studio!!! Either way, it’s hard to believe that the treatment they received at Alvin Ailey was free.
Candy, like many many of the overbearing women on Dance Moms, thinks her kid is the best at everything. Which is why she posted that her daughter was “excepted” over hundreds of other girls for a spot in the Ailey School in August:
In reality anyone can just sign up for these classes, and they’re quite pricy. Even if this child did win some competition, it certainly wouldn’t be free to enroll. Yet the Dennis family can still afford this.
Not the first time she’s bragged about her daughter’s vast accomplishments. Like that time she tried out for a movie in 2015:
At first she didn’t know what movie it was, then she realized it was an unnamed Ben Affleck flick, and they wanted a second look!!
This is totally NOT a woman forcing her daughter into doing a bunch of things that she was never able to accomplish in her youth. I’m sure if this poor child wanted to quit dancing and play soccer Candy would honor that.
And her VIP concert tickets and trips to New York have nothing to do with the fact that going to New York and paying up the wazoo for the tourist package is something she does multiple times a year….
Even recently they took a trip to North Conway to stay at a mountain resort and water park…
This blog was supposed to get into more stuff, but there’s just too much information flowing in these days to keep going. We’re gonna have to extend this to more like a 7 part series (at least). Tomorrow we’ll get into the scholarships, shady fees, massage therapy, and questionable credentials.
Once again, we would like to extend our invitation to Candy to speak about this. She has not returned our emails and she has blocked us on Facebook. But she did post this over the weekend:
So she’s been riding the turtle, and claims that she and her “lawyer” can prove these accusations false. Since we are a fair and balanced blog we welcome her to clear this up so we can present both sides of the story. If these sources are indeed lying to us we would love to call them out on it. We just need Candy to show us some of this proof.
26 Comment(s)
I reckon Ben Dennis is her Western Doctor, or did she see a specialist at Disney Land?
Amazing how quickly you folded dance studio owner Candy Dennis. Where’s all the proof you were going to put out there?
Celiacs disease…. She could stop eating gluten and shit…. No need for super expensive EASTERN AND WESTERN DOCTORS
Those are definitely vitamins prescription meds all have identifying marks… For her to post that and try to pass it off as prescriptions is ballsy she must really think people are stupid… This bitch is a straight Con Artist and not a very good one either
My conclusion is that her hypothyroid condition was misdiagnosed and that she actually suffers from excessive Twinkie consumption.
All but the white tablet on the right those all appear to be vitamins and other supplements. The orange capsule I believe is vitamin b, the brown tablet a multi vitamin, the light brown capsule looks like possibly probiotics. I have some knowledge of this from my experience as a visiting nurse 20+ years filling people’s medication boxes.
Are you fucking kidding me? Cerebellar degeneration is hereditary, you’re either born with it or you get it from having a stroke or multiple sclerosis. I know this because my grandmother had it after her second stroke. You do not get fucking needles in your brain!!! Wtf!!!?? You do physical therapy and some other treatments to increase oxygen to your brain. My grandmother had a severe case of it and was prescribed several, no more than 3 medications for it. Those pills she has laid out are vitamins!!!! The type and structure and shape are vitamins and I can guarantee that. Also, why the hell would she need to go to Palm Springs, Cali?!!! There isn’t any better treatment centers out there and it’s such a rare disease on it’s own. It’s not like cancer with its own treatment centers!! She could get the same treatment in MA and would not have to travel. A doctor with common sense would reccomend that someone with this disease not travel long distances, especially not in a damn airplane where oxygen is thinner. Wow!!! This bitch is a disgusting human being and a horrible liar. TBS isn’t bullying her at all, just simply calling her out for her bullshit and lies. Stop giving her your money people. She is manipulative and greedy and the worst type of person. Someone needs to shut her down!!!
“Luckily “on the outside” she appeared fine. You’ll just have to take her word for it that on the inside it felt like a draw Mohammed contest hosted in the Gaza Strip.”
As famously said on Seinfeld:
“That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!!”
Years ago before I got a phone call blocker I got into it with a scammer. We were going back and forth and I asked him “Why do you do it?” His answer “Stupid people deserve to be taken.” I then proceeded to call him a piece of shit but did compliment him for that bit of honesty. I believe Candy thinks the same. If stupid people fall for this then I deserve their money because stupid people shouldn’t have money.
Registered Nurse here- Those “pills” are definitely not any prescription pills – prescription pills have markings on them identifying the medication. Those are hands down vitamins. Also her supposed brain disease is a load of crap too- she shows zero symptoms of any health issues- no motor coordination issues, no memory issues, etc. – she’s a fraud and liar. 2 years ago she was collecting money so her “baby girl could see the dolphins” on one of her lavish vacations in Florida. Candy Dennis has been lying about her supposed “health issues” for years- 3 years ago her story was that she had ovarian and breast cancer and needed a double mastectomy and total hysterectomy- do some digging around that one too Turtle Boy- at that time she was collecting donations “because of her supposed double mastectomy and hysterectomy” and hounding her patrons to give money to fund her move to the new Cabot Street Beverly location- and she would regularly state to the children in dance classes “we are combining the young kids with the older kids because we can’t get enough of your parents to help fund opening another dance room in the studio” – great investigation you’re doing, its about time the magnifying glass be zoned in on Candy Dennis the fraud as there is a TON here for sure that needs to be brought to light- Thanks Turtle 😉 .
You need wings to stay above this woman’s bullshit.
“Mass General treats all patients, regardless of the ability to pay.” — yup. BMC, Lowell General, etc. as well.
I willing to bet she pulls the “I have lupus” or “I have Fibromyalgia.” card next. 🙂
Hypothyroidism is a common condition (especially women) that is easily treated and has nothing to do with cerebellar degeneration. She pulled the CD diagnosis out of her fat ass.
I can’t stand ppl who put their medical shit online. It makes me feel less sorry for you. Unless you’re dealing with a sick kid, no one gives a rat’s ass about your medical condition. We all have them.
C’mon, she’s an amazing proud Mama. This is her journey that she so selflessly shares with us. She is putting karma out to the Universe, and is on an amazing journey. The proud, amazing Mama deserves Disney trips, filet mignon, and massages on your dime. The Universe told her so. Now go make an amazing donation to her because it seems she hasn’t been to Epcot lately, only Disney.
Here’s the scoop from a doctor. I’m not a neurologist & have never met this woman. Her posts are very suspicious.
1. If she had the tremors, she’d likely have a hard time dancing & balancing on one leg (as in the video). She’d probably fall over. None of TBS sources have seen that & she doesn’t mention it. So… believe what you will…
2. The photo of pills appears to have dietary supplements only. There are no pharmaceutical markings & the pills don’t appear to be anything I’ve ever seen…
3. Cerebellar degeneration covers many diseases. I am not sure she has any…
4. I wonder if her doctors are actual doctors (MD or DO). I suspect they are naturopath or something like that.
5. I also suspect that her “treatments” aren’t covered by insurance because they are not proven or generally accepted treatments for cerebellar degeneration.
Again, I have never seen this woman not am I a neurologist. With that said, my medical training tells me not to believe her…
Her brother would be disappointed
Highly educated 25 year RN here. She is full of shit. The pills are supplements plain and simple. Her husband stated “She has grown new neurons!” You cannot grow nerve tissue. Think spinal cord injury. Think Parkinson’s, Think MS. If you grow new neurons then we can cure or should have cured these diseases. She is taking advantage of working parents and people’s emotions. This women is BELOW scum.
I wonder if she can do the splits
She can throw down 4 banana splits and then squeal for a defibrillator.
Red Jacket is awful. They must’ve did that as a penance for going to all the other good places.
The Mooch simply cannot fathom the level of cuckoldry one has to experience in order to take your wife’s last name.
Right on. I learned everything I need to know about this fat cunt and her cuck when I read a childs name was “cameo” and her husband took her last name. Thats all I need to know to believe they are frauds and cheats and need to be exposed.
Mass General treats all patients, regardless of the ability to pay.
Not exactly.
In the ER, their legal obligation, as with all hospitals, etc, that provide emergency services, is to provide enough aid to stabilize someone and save their life.
In other words, if you go in with (no insurance) a cut on your arm and you’re bleeding out, they’ll stop the bleeding and save your life.
If you go in with (no insurance) lung cancer from years of smoking and you have emphysema, they may give you some oxygen but they won’t give you chemo and surgery for free.
And actually, even the cut arm scenario where they save a life, which they’re mandated to do, they will still bill for it and take it to collections. Most all hospitals offer programs for poor folks, things like subsidized or reduced rates, but to qualify for those you have to submit all sorts of tax returns, bank statements and other financial records. It’s a really arduous task to qualify for reduced or subsidized healthcare, even through public hospitals. They go above and beyond to make sure they aren’t getting scammed. And oftentimes the help is for things like an appendectomy, heart attack, pregnancy or car accident. Common emergency shit like that and not ongoing cancer or whatever brain disease this twat has. The hospital wants to resolve the billing case for a patient. It’s better for them if they can get someone to qualify for a reduced rate and on a payment plan than to just have it go to collections. Gets two birds stoned at once.
Nothing is free. They don’t just give away healthcare. I’ve been in medical billing and what not for two decades, and nothing is free.
Why would you downvote this comment, you imbecile?
Go back to Barstool then, you plebe.
Saturday is for boy sex…