
Rhode Island Rectum Scraper Pretending To Be Disabled From Saving Lives In Station Nightclub Fire Cons Texas Woman Into Starting GoFundMe For Him

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Here’s your GoFundMe scam of the day out of…..Texas…..

So the woman who made this post for Kevin Stafford, who is from Warwick, is just “online friends” with him, which means he’s conning her. She says she’s raising $500 for him because they recently became friends and he is being kicked out of his mother’s home by the bank after she died under his care. Now him and his “service dog” Thor are homeless….

He’s also disabled from injuries sustained in the West Warwick Station Nightclub fire in 2003. According to the GoFundMe (which was taken down shortly after they found out we were blogging about this) he escaped the fire, then went back inside to help people escape, causing long term spinal injuries and triggering PTSD.

So they want cash to get his shit out of storage before he moves into a new place…..

Except his story would’ve been impossible. The Station Nightclub is the second most deadly fire in the United States in the 21st century, after the twin towers. The whole thing went completely up in flames in under 90 seconds, causing a stampede and a logjam at the main entrance, where 31 of the 100 dead were found. It would’ve been impossible for someone to escape that inferno, then run back into the building. Just watch this video:

So we know he’s lying about this. But for further confirmation we actually spoke with a woman who was his girlfriend at the time, and it turns out that’s not the only lie he’s telling….

Well, Kevin and I lived together at the time of the fire. He worked for RIPTA (drove a bus) when he decided he could. He was off and on collecting temporary disability for his back. It’s my understanding that he sued RIPTA because he said his back injury was due to an unstable seat. The night of the fire I drove my daughter from our house to my mom in Shrewsbury so she could babysit for me. When I got home at like 9:15 we were already late because the show started at 9 with the warm up acts. He didn’t want to get there early and we had a huge fight which ended with our neighbor calling the cops. I knew the policeman and assured him everything was OK and they left. We decided to go anyways and we got to the Cowesett Inn probably 2 mins before 11.

The band started playing at 11 and as we crossed the street the fire broke out and within minutes people had smashed the windows and started running. We went back to our car and watched. The EMTs were telling people to put snow on their burns and asking people for any blankets they had. We gave them two fleece blankets and a sleeping bag from my trunk. We watched. Just watched. We were grateful for the fight because otherwise we would’ve been inside. 

He never helped anyone and he never ran into the building, neither of us ever set foot in the building. We went back the following day and the news was there and they interviewed us about what happened and it was on the news that night. We both told them exactly what I just told you. He is one of those sue happy people and if he had suffered any injury he would have sued them. Also, if he had rescued anyone he would have bragged about it when we were interviewed by the news. 

In March we broke up and I got my own apartment. We kept in touch off and on. He moved home because we broke up but his dad was diagnosed with cancer around the same time. He said he was taking care of his Dad. His mom, a very sweet lady, became demented over the years and the last time I talked to him he said he had to put her in a home because he couldn’t take care of her. (I had worked there when we lived together) and she died there.

He has a brother who he fights with non stop and a “son” who isn’t really his son. His ex’s sister’s son raised by his ex, he “adopted” him when they were together and kept in touch. He never paid child support for him or anything. He is just an all around horrible person who lies constantly.

How much of a douchebag do you have to be to appropriate a tragedy like this as your own in order to financially benefit off of the pain and suffering of real victims?

Mother fucker heard a bunch of people die from across the street. You could get PTSD from the sounds alone. He could’ve just stuck with that story. Instead he had to be the hero and pull a Kevin Cullen by inserting himself into something that had nothing to do with him.

And why can’t he just pay the mortgage for his Mom’s house? He’s been living there this whole time, I assume rent free. His late mother’s house is valued at about $160K. What’s the mortgage payment on that? Like, $1,100 a month? You’re a grown ass man living rent free all these years and you can’t swing that? Imagine having no kids and no real bills? I’d be the richest due in the world. Yet this guy apparently didn’t save or make any money during all those years. Years in which he shipped his Mom off to a home because he didn’t have time to take care of her while he was trying to become a rock star. This is what 80’s ratchets did before they tried pursuing rap careers.

Want more proof he’s lying? Here’s a comment he made 9 years ago on Facebook:

“I damaged my spine rough riding busses, mustangs, motorcycles.”

Notice he doesn’t mention anything about hurting himself during the fire. Because he didn’t start that lie until he began conning women online.

He also claims to be diabetic….

I’m not saying he’s not. But he lies about saving people from nightclub fires, so anything is possible.

9 Comment(s)
  • SMH
    July 19, 2018 at 1:29 am

    You can usually find mortgages on properties by searching on

  • Sleepy Jean
    July 18, 2018 at 10:33 pm

    “Friendship formed by a mutual love of The Monkees”

    Look, I loved the Monkees….but this chick is a daydream believer if she believes anything this creep says.

  • Clitty Litter
    July 18, 2018 at 8:38 pm

    Ok. Bring the crown over here.
    We’ve found the King of the Douchebags.

  • Coleviolet
    July 18, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    What a disgusting piece of trash! This makes me ill.

  • Acid Bath
    July 18, 2018 at 4:06 pm

    Throw him on a pile of burning tires and watch him roll around trying to put himself out. Let him see what they really felt like at the Station.

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      July 18, 2018 at 4:43 pm

      Let’s pour some petrol down his throat and set it on fire.

      See how that feels scammer boy!

  • y
    July 18, 2018 at 3:36 pm

    I hope he chokes on a bag of flaming hot dicks

  • Kevin Cullen
    July 18, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    This chap did nothing wrong.

    • The angry taint
      The angry taint
      July 18, 2018 at 8:23 pm

      Ahahahaha well played sir!

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