Right After We Wrote Our Blog A Gypsy Towing Company Picked Up The Silver Jeep From Central Auto Body That Was Used In Insurance Scam
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Yesterday we broke this story after we found the silver Jeep involved in the staged insurance scam crash parked at Central Auto Body on Park Ave:
The car is registered to local ratchet Tanya Haskins (more on her later).
Well, within an hour of us publishing the blog the Jeep was magically gone:
Gee whiz, where did it go? Hey Central Auto Body, try to act more guilty. You can’t. If there’s nothing shady going on there, then why would they move the Jeep? And where is it? Well, since we have Turtleboy eyes literally everywhere, multiple Turtleboy’s are reporting that it was taken by this towing “company”:
Bory Towing. Here’s a snapchat someone got of it being towed down Chandler Street:
According to their blog and Google search, Bory Towing appears to be some sort of unregistered gypsy towing service:
There is no Bory Towing listed in the Massachusetts Secretary of State Corporations Division:
There are “Bory” businesses:
But no Bory Towing.
Hmmm….wonder why they chose to have Bory come pick it up? Couldn’t be the lack of a paper trail involved with a gypsy tow service could it? Or the fact that their business is on the busiest street in Worcester and everyone and their mother would be calling Turtleboy is a Patriot’s towing truck pulled up?
Stay tuned. Much, much, much more to come.
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16 Comment(s)
I absolutely LOVE how as a community, Turtleboys EVERYWHERE unite to expose the constant corruption within our city. THIS is what makes me proud to live in Worcester.
Bory Towing, go back to Puerto Rico you low life fucking scum and take a few of your “friends” with you
Did think that maybe the owner of the body shop saw the story and realized he wouldn’t be getting paid to fix it so he told the owner of the car to get it out of there. Just sayin
Oh this is getting good…
This is a fun one TB. You know this ain’t the first time they’ve run this con either
Get all your stories together and publish them. Publishing them early, helps the bad guys out. We can wait.
If I had a game ball to give out, I would be handing off one to Turtleboy on this one. Once again establishing that the Turtleboy is the Robinhood of Central Massachusetts News. Go get em TB, your readers smell blood and we all want a taste!
Bory’s Towing is the tow company used by Boricuas. It does business under the table, just like the Spanish cab. I’m Puerto Rican but I do shit the right way. It’s unfortunate that these mother fuckers are fucking shit up for the rest of us. What a shame!!
The Santa Maria brothers are all the big dope dealers around here. Patsy is living it up in his big house in Boylston and his brothers are all slummin with gang bangin booker Ts in and down pleasant st
You’re an idiot.
Bet the tow truck is not in compliance with the law too. The whole deal smells scams, to say the least.
When you expose cockroaches to the light, they start scurrying around.
I love it!!!!
Gets better and better….
It may have been impounded by the insurance fraud division.
Yeah, but an insurance company is going to have a legitimate company tow a vehicle…Maybe it’s a CIA super secret mission towing company…THAT’s why there is no info…
Get em Turtleboy. Bring the whole thing down brick by brick.