I just wrote a blog today calling out commie cold snitch culture, where people post pictures of their neighbors (gasp) talking in groups and stuff like that. But there’s minding your own business and getting snitched on, and then there’s these idiots from Leominster.
So this obviously isn’t gonna go over well and there’s a million things wrong with. I think we can all agree that the most egregious thing is that it’s a sausage fest and all the dudes are drinking Twisted Tea. I think we can all agree that should be an arrestable offense.
What will stand out more than anything is that big fat confederate flag in the background in front of 11 white dudes, all of who seem to be wearing work boots and curve the brim of their hats. I’ve got strong feelings about the confederate flag, but in short I think it’s a flag to commemorate pussies and traitors who started a war and then begged for mercy when they couldn’t finish it. Anyone from the north who flies it is a fucking idiot and is just doing it to piss off liberals.
But even without the flag you knew the masses would be upset, largely because of the “Virus got nothing on us” comment. If you’re gonna go for a walk then more power to ya. But if you and your butt buddies are gonna get together for Twisted Tea and a gangbang (maybe) then you deserve every bit of public shaming that comes your way if you post it on Snapface with a comment like that. Assholes like this are the reason that people like me are stuck in quarantine, they’re the reason the economy is going in the tanks, and they’re too fucking stupid to realize it.
At the same time, we as a society have to factor morons into the equation when setting policy. When Dr. Fauci and the scarf lady tell us all to stay in our homes they’re being naive and negligent if they don’t recognize that people like this exist. Same goes with hood culture. You’re not gonna get everyone to buy in, so what’s the point of it all?
Anyway, the guy who posted it on Twitter is “doxxing” (not sure if that’s the right word to use here but everyone else is using it these days) the people in the picture and posting their workplaces.
But if you’re an “essential” worker and you’re dumb enough to post something like this then you deserve to be fired. This is the response AJ Paquet, whose name alone screams “I’m a douchebag” sent the OP.
And just like that any sympathy I had for them was gone.
“You don’t have the right to post where I work.”
Cry more, bitch. You work at a gas station. You’re not “essential,” the company you work for is.
The reference to razors was apparently about the OP’s self harm history.
So as it turns out this was just Karma and AJ Paquet is a queef who deserved every bit of the public shaming he is now receiving. This isn’t a family at the park. It’s a dumb shit who’s getting everything he deserves.
Then there’s this idiot.
BEWARE everyone pictured in this photo is an essential employee. Is it so wrong that we get together and have a few drinks after a work week longer than we are used to for you people? If it wasnt for us you wouldn’t have power, water, or food. Y’all dont know what we sacrifice.
— Jay (@JEBaldyJr) April 5, 2020
“We get together and have a few drinks after a work week longer than we are used to for you people.”
Oh, go fuck yourself you self important jizz napkin. You think you’re some sort of hero because you’re working while millions of other people are forced out of their job per edict of the government? Business owners everywhere want nothing more than to work long hours right now, but they can’t because assholes like you are the reason this shit doesn’t go away. I’d say that I hope you all get the commie cold and die, but unfortunately it doesn’t kill people as young and stupid as you.
The bottom line is that snitch culture is still bad, but this isn’t snitch culture. These are nudniks who rightfully deserved to be publicly shamed. And any “plan” from Dr. Fauci that counts on people like this to do the right thing isn’t a plan.
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79 Comment(s)
Madison, you are a college woman, afforded the opportunity to attend college in Hawaii.
Madison, you saw that the “low achievers”, home in Leominster, were acting as you might expect.
And do you respond in a way to make this a “teachable moment”? Do you do something to strengthen the community in a time of crisis?
No. You go for “likes and shares”. You do what fits in the 140 character count limitation of twitter. You hold the “low achievers” up for humiliation and ridicule.
You got one fired. And the net effect of this, is next time people congregate during this crisis, they will be sure to not pose for, and post pictures.
And that does nothing good for the community of which you are part.
One guy in this gang of inbred fags tried to make himself look manly and instead of drinking one of those sissy boy teas got himself a BEER! Or what rural whitetrash villagers consider “beer”
PS pansy boy, Bud light is brewed for and marketed to 13 year old girls!
Drink a Heineken or Guinness they are actual “beers” for grown ups!
Please help me figure out how to embed this:
www dot youtube dot com slash watch?v=3Sm8JM-K1dc
Madison unfazeddddd seems happy that AJ lost his job.
It looks like the SJWs and soy boys that follow her on twitter did the job of harassing the boss.
Dude said he loves history and knows much about it. You know nothing of history you shit dick! You said you were a teacher.we all know you were a groomer. The civil war was not started over slavery you dumb fuck it was started because the racist demokkkratic north wanted control over the republican held southern states commerce. And the rebel flag is not racist so I dont know why you’re so conflicted about it unless you’re a closet racist! Funny how you used to be a lib and now you’re a conservative, get the fuck out of here. If you were a conservative than you would know of your conservative history.
You said a while ago you know your history but you know fucking shit. Sit in your basement and flip flop some more you mental midget. What a fucking moron you are. I cant wait until shtf and the boons come to your house first!
This is the mentally challenged and atrophied generation that has been brought to you by social programming, texting over talking, don’t spank the child and everyone gets a trophy bullshit.
Regarding the flag, yes, the civil war was about slavery and also yes, it was about states’ rights. It’s not that hard to understand. The flag itself was originally flown by either VA or WV, I forget.
If someone flies it now, it may be to counter the BLM, NOI, La Raza, Antifa and other miscreant movements rather than an actual racist statement. I bet most of the kids in the pic have no idea who David Duke even is, never mind picking him out of a lineup.
The comment about the AR-15’s deserves a big old FUCK YOU and your panty waisted, screeching, Anti 2A, anti freedom bullshit. I do agree the stickers are dumb but the right to carry is not. Myself, I would not advertise with any brand or model emblems. The only hint you get is a bumper sticker that tells you Maura H is a civil rights wrecking machine. When I’m not in the vehicle, the only indication is if something causes me to put my hand on or near it and even then, it’s something a lot of people would miss. I’m not one of these kids and I carried a -16 or a -60 for over twenty years both here and in that shithole Iraq. So, If I want a civilian rifle that looks similar to my formerly issued weapon, it’s my right. If we experience a hiccup in the law and order dept, I’ll be better off than you.
Another thing, old trucks are cheaper to run and insure. Mine’s a gas job with 2wd, nothing fancy, stock height and paid for. I can easily afford a new one, paying for it in one lump sum but it’s not a necessity.
Whatever, my rant is over. I do for me and you do you.
Stay healthy and stay away.
As if you know who David Duke is your self you dumb fuck. If you knew anything about david Duke and the white power movement you would know they are all Demokkkrats who hate trump and conservative values. Do you stormfrontdotorg bro? I dont think you do because if you did you would know that everyone on that peice of shit racist site hates trump and conservative values and they are all little demokkkratic skin heads ya fukin dope!
Homeboy with the KTM hat has his hand disturbingly high up Dudeguy with the khakis thigh.
Also, Ginger, backwards hat fella on the left appears to have a more than necessary firm grasp of Bromo with the boonie hat’s hips.
Watch out Holden…one of these kids if the son of a Holden Policed officer….coronoa coming at you
Here are the fax: you banged and allow some cunt dick access to your meat wallet.
Who knows… maybe turning society off then on again will fix a few problems… corona+alt+delete
Let’s assume that these guys are “essential employees”. They went to work, for the benefit of society, in an emergency situation.
Whether it was pumping gas, bagging groceries, cleaning toilets, they are in the public areas.
Though deemed “essential”, they were NOT equipped with hand sanitizers, masks, gloves, disinfectant sprays, or instructions on how to use this gear, or how and when to change shoes.
Probably each guy in that picture has been exposed to the virus, not because of how they meet for drinks after the week of work, but in the course of the week of work while in contact with the public.
By deeming people like this as “essential employees”, without equipping them with the gear and knowledge of how to protect themselves, the leadership has in essence decided these people to be expendable. And I don’t mean the just the Leominster crew, all people in “essential roles”.
You’ll see more headlines of grocery store workers dying from this virus. And in the meantime, “essential workers” will be contaminating the rest of the public.
If the leaders were serious about this, every time you turned on cable TV, and every time your kid turned on the Playstation network, there would be a view of the death map for the region.
It is a failure of leadership.
And if it isn’t as dangerous as all that, then it might be a hoax, and it is also failure of leadership.
If low self-esteem had a face, it would be the lone girl in this photo..
She looks scared to bend over any further!
Guys like this are the type of faggots I bullied in high school
Think of it as evolution in action.
Listen boy, the civil war was not simply about slavery you fucking half brain. This is the problem with a hundred years of liberal indoctrination iand t has turned people into retards. Try reading the fucking Constitution and not Howard zinn.
“tHe cIvIL wAr wAs aBoUt sTaTeS rIghT” – says pathetic racist who can’t realize he’s the one who’s been brainwashed. Gtfoh, you give UT and his followers a bad name for even commenting. I hate the dude myself but at the very least he knows all races and people are human.
Try reading a fucking book moron. It may be a fact that protecting slavery was on the agenda, those men like their forefathers foresaw the consequence of states handing over too many of their rights to the federal government. They lost, and now people think its up to congress to decide who can use which bathroom. Slavery was undoubtedly wrong but to overlook the “states rights” foundation the fight was built on is plain ignorance.
You’re a cock sucking moron. Too bad the southerners didn’t pick their own cotton, this country would be so much better off.
Just watched the covid19 press conference.:: now the blacks are complaining covid19 is racist because more blacks are dying as a percentage. Always a fucking victim and need the guberment to help them. Fucking helpless mongrols.
Did you wright the article about cape cod?
I believe you meant to say *write an article.
This’d be white trash at first sight, no need to even read the blog. Still i had a tough time looking past the one woman’s posture (Kerhist! even at my age the drive influences everything.)
Good point.. If that girls father happens to be alive, then he clearly failed at being a father..
I work so I may provide these essentials these workers are selling, but after I come home not stopping on go I spend at least 2 hours more working to try and make sure I do not pass along anything I may be carrying on myself. So I would be quite pissed off if idiots like these totally screwed what little life I have outside of work now, because in my job like many others we would still have to work because we are the essential.
It’s a failure of leadership. Have you heard any messages from the “Emergency Alert System”? Has the governor shut down the roads as if it was a 2 inch snow storm? State parks are officially closed, but the parking lots are open and the parks are busy. It isn’t just these people in Leominster. Have you seen any “public service announcements” instructing people on how to use masks and gloves? The ambiguity from leadership is causing some people to panic, and some people to ignore the situation. By reducing the hours that supermarkets are open, the population density in the stores is increased, making transmission of the virus to a larger population more likely. Concentrating elderly people, with weakened immune systems, together in stores at the same time, increases the risks for those elderly people. If the leaders were serious about this, every time you logged on the internet or your phone, you’d first get a view of the death map for the region.
Eleven people to run a gas station? I ran one by myself for years.
By the looks of them you can actually trace an STD outbreak to this group.
What’s that one that can give you cancer? HPV
If this isnt a billboard pic for HPV I dont know what is!
A few of them, the virgins in the group, are safe. Vaccines can protect against several types of HPV, including some that can cause cancer. The vaccines provide the most protection when people get them before they are exposed to the virus. This means that it is best for people to get them before they become sexually active. This means you, you redneck, hillbilly, Twisted-Tea bagging, Johnny Cash wanna-be.
Oh good.. A ‘hilarious’ cancer post about the cancer I had to do CHEMORADIATION for. Please.. Enlighten me with a few leukemia jokes while you’re at it…
I’m sorry, but you can’t have it both ways. Covid doesn’t have a ratchet index. Lowlife creeps aren’t more wrong then a family going out for a picnic.
No one should be going out. All of nothing. If families can, they can.
You don’t see how fucking different the family, and these homosexuals (I’m guessing) are?
The family goes out together. Has a picnic away from everyone. They might already have the V19, but if one does… they all have it regardless. If none have it, I don’t think they’re going to get it from their fucking blanket they brought from home. The posse stays together.
The homo group (I’m guessing) aren’t all living together in the same home (I’m guessing.) Let’s just say the minimum wage gas attendant deep throat gets V-19. He just gave it to 11 people (although V-19 transmitted via straight sexual fluids is still unknown, and can be transmitted via fecal matter, so that puts this group at an even higher risk.) These 10 jerk-offs and their pass-around chick (I’m guessing) are going to bring this home an infect everyone in their posse. Next thing you know this group has infected 100 people, all because they got together and shared some Twisted Tea bagging.
Do the math fuck stick.
This is exactly the length and content from a comment I want.
We should take this serious it is different than a family going out for a picnic. The family are themselves under the same roof at night and hope they are taking every precaution. Right now there has been several suicides we have not heard about due to this. Lock us down completely it would be worse, not everyone has a yard. We though have to be smart. WeRFucked or whatever they call themselves did the math for us on what these idiots did. You must not have kids, otherwise you would understand the difference.
This may be a……. blog too far
I have a feeling these fuckin lames all drive 20+ year old lifted, diesel trucks with copious amounts of rust, faded paint and with large confederate flag and the trademark of the respective branded diesel engines powering their trucks decals in the windows. They likely also have trash can sized exhaust tips and love blasting their favorite brand of ‘bro country’ for all to hear.
I forgot to mention they may also have large, poorly cut holes going through the bed of their rigs to make room for the fucking smoke stacks that came off of a Caterpillar 345.
There’s always that ONE bitch in every ‘crew’ that’s always trying to hang with the dudes. Pathetic and skeezy.
The punk in the back row with the cowboy hat… Brett William’s. His father was in the military and now is a Leominster Firefighter.
What does this post have to do with a father who is a Veteran and Public Servant?
Just goes to show you that heroes can have douche-bag children who probably love the movie Brokeback Mountain.
I am Bretts father, a veteran and yes a firefighter. I don’t agree with any of the actions, ideas, or behavior of any of these 20 year olds!! He doesn’t live with me or in Leominster and I have expressed my anger to him regarding this whole thing. I apologize for my 20 year olds actions as this isn’t how he was raised
I hear banjos…..
These morons never disappoint. Confederate flag upside down. Twisted Tea tall boys. Chin straps. But hey, it’s ok, we’re just blowing off steam after working a long week for “you people.” These are the same dipshits that ride around in their rusted out 98 Chevy trucks with the stickers of their little AR-15 families on the back window. Ya know, so we all know they’re carrying. These shit dicks are more likely to shoot each other than they are to get laid. Take a good look America, you’re getting a live look at the next generation of welfare collecting, domestic abusers in the making. Smoke em if ya got em…
Is it “11 dudes” or is it 10 plus the “girl” in the red hoodie in the lower right? Not sure if it is a mixed group? Can we find out how the red hoodie person wats to identify?
I think the one on the blue floppy toddler hat bending over is a female presenting her ass to the fellow behind her.
I could be wrong but they are all definitely not firm in their genders.
I am finding out where all you cunts live and I am coming for ya, both barrels loaded.
120 Gaslight drive bitch
My question is, if u are gonna be ignorant and gather, why did u need to gloat your stupidity on social media? That’s 100% asking for it
The only reason to show themselves on social media is to let everyone know how fucking stupid they are, what other reason could it be?
When is everyone going to wake up?! Research the following hashtags on Twitter. #MassAccountability, #event201, #fuckbillgates, #plannedemic. Get a clue people, take the red pill and go down the rabbit hole
So ok to snitch on these people?
I’m so confused.
The only need to snitch is about the child abuse, rape and incest.
The only problem I have with this group is the Twisted Tea, OMG I know women that won’t even drink that shit. Get a real drink or turn in your man card !
I hope TB wasn’t a history teacher because his assessment of the war of northern aggression is wrong. Anyone who bitches about food stamps and section 8 can thank Abe Lincoln. The war of northern aggression was about the federal government over stepping its role and inserting itself in things that it had no business being in. Think Nancy Pelosi and chuck Schumer.
You’re so stupid you deserve to be in chains and my slave.
Please enlighten us on what I said that was wrong you fucking neomaxizoomdweebie. Put the phone down and keep sucking black cock you queer.
Anyone who think the war of aggression from the North…..looks like we got a good ole rebel confederate here saying slavery was a ok. Abe Lincoln dissin summa butch! Now, take your phone and snap us a selfie. We all know what it’s gonna look like. Like one of these rebel wanna beez in this article. Now, go get a history book from the north where you live and take a deep dive.
How did Ruth from Ozark get mixed up with this bunch ?
Ruth from Ozark is a cool ass, hot, tough bitch! Don’t throw her in with the likes of degenerate, white trashy sissy boys!
They look ok to me. Not flashing gang signs, smoking blunts, or brandishing guns. No Hennessy in the pic. This group doesn’t lower real estate values. Don’t name themselves the “random street” posse.
Looks like a group of people who don’t live off the ‘gubmint’, work for a living, and don’t have multiple felony convictions.
“they’re the reason the economy is going in the tanks” – no, we are 21 trillion in debt from paying for ‘gangstas’ and idiots who sell drugs, are on the dole, don’t work, get up at 1 PM, and shoot each other at 2:45 AM.
Get your shit together. You’re slamming the wrong people here.
No… this bunch is far from the best we as a country have to offer. That flag is a sad reminder and it is offensive to some, and for a darn good reason. People fly it because they want to be assholes. There is no reason for it to be part of any display in the North. Unless you hate African Americans and you want to say “Remember this flag? My granddaddy owned your granddaddy.”
The sooner we all stay home and isolate – the sooner this will end. I wonder how these fuckers will feel when one of their older relatives dies because they brought home the V19, all because they had a long week and need to let off some steam & relax?
A great Hebrew scholar Norman Finklestein wrote a great book called The Holocaust Industry you should read it.
Can we all agree…?
Not a looker in the bunch!
Palestinians do the same in their Jewish owned country.
Need mustard or duck sauce with your cutlets??
I fucking hate white people
Vile and despicable, that the National Flag of the Confederacy is displayed upside down. This insult shall not stand. Mark my words, this treachery shall be avenged!
Uncle TB calling people names like bitch and pussy is never not funny.
Nothing funnier than a lady like you calling TB your uncle, thanks for the laughs. Hope your not one of his victims.
This post screams of “I just outed two black assholes. Time to balance the scales.” This group of white people aren’t macing people with Lysol or coughing and spitting on food. They’re (GASP) gathered together…. WE’RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE!!!!!!
A lot of chlorine in that gene pool up there.
Too much solvents, asbestos, herbicides and industrial additives got in their ground water. Plus their roadkill was contaminated. So watch the movie “The Hills Have Eyes” and you will get the picture.
95% of these Leominster Queef Donkeys are a product of incest and have shit for brains. In fact right near there is the WORLDWIDE HQ of Incest Anonymous.
Obviously all these people that voted this guy’s post down have issues with incest in their families. It is rife in Massachusetts, especially central and western Mass. As well as eating roadkill, they interbreed and the women keep on drinking and drugging when they are pregnant.
OK – if you are from a family like that, vote this down.
Leominster is the Fitchburg of Worcester County. Wait, then that would make Fitchburg the Athol…or maybe Athol is the Fitchburg of ….
Oh forget it. They’re all shit holes.