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Remember Racheld Dolezal? The white woman who identified as black, taught African-American history, and was the head of the Tacoma chapter of the NAACP?
Well apparently there is a male version of her named Shaun King, and he is the alpha male of the black lives matter movement.
It turns out this idiot was just a cracker the whole time. Not that ANYONE should be surprised, because it seems like at least 80% of the people I hear shouting about black lives matter are white folks. Just ask Chris Marble, Kevin Ksen, Chris Robarge, Jonathan Hardy-Lavoie, Cara Berg-Powers, Deb Powers, Boom-Boom Conner, Cha-Cha Connor, or any other Worcester hippie you pick out of a hat. They’re almost always white people trying their best to alleviate all the guilt they have about being born into imaginary “privilege.”
Serious question – why is it so easy to fool millions of people into believing you’re black? Only an idiot would’ve thought this guy wasn’t 100% white from the start. But apparently we’ll just take anyone’s word for it. After all, this is Worcester’s most infamous black lives matter hippie:
And no one ever questions it. JS.
And just like Rachel Dolezal, Shaun King has a whole background of imaginary racism he’s had to overcome. Here’s the cliff notes from Wikipedia:
King identifies as biracial and has written extensively about his experiences as a minority, including an alleged hate crime assault.[4]King received a scholarship from Oprah Winfrey to attend Morehouse College which is earmarked for black men.[11]
King described the assault incident as a “dozen ‘rednecks'” beating him, and said that the injuries caused him to miss part of two years of high school for multiple spinal surgeries.[12] The detective who investigated the assault case in 1995 described King’s injuries as “minor” and the police report described the incident as a fight involving one student.
The problem is that this is his father
this is his brother
this is his ma dukes
and this is his birth certificate
This proves once again that white privilege is just something that hippies made up so they can sell diversity trainings. If white privilege were a real thing then it wouldn’t make any sense for people like Shaun King to pretend to be a member of an oppressed race. Nope, he pretended to be black because there were obvious advantages that came from it. Like having Oprah hand you a scholarship to Morehouse College that could only be given to a black man.
The best part about this is that I went to go check out what this chisler had to say for himself on the Twitter machine and I found this:
Blocked. These hippies are always blocking Turtleboy. I never heard of this jackwagon before today, but we must’ve seen something dumb he said on Twitter and someone must’ve called him out on it, thus leading to the blockage. No clue. There’s a bunch of people who have access to our Twitter and mostly post links to our blogs on there, so I have no clue which TB it was. Nevertheless it just proves that hippies like Shaun King are scared of the truth more than anything.
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24 Comment(s)
Huh, found a white supremacy page. Interesting…
Check the box and one has it made. Perks galore, affirmative action, grants, loans, scholarships, jobs, college admissions, etc. They have a hidden agenda plan and it works most of the time.
Yet another fraud. Hope Oprah sues him. This group is an embarrassment but not as embarrassing as the public officials who fell for their horseshit hook line and sinker.Petty is a petrified doofus and and Augustus should know better.
Come on Turtleboy, let’s change the lead on this to correct the fact that Racheld was head of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP. Remember Racheld Dolezal? The white woman who identified as black, taught African-American history, and was the head of the Tacoma chapter of the NAACP?
And correct the comment about that being his birth certificate!
White people pretending to be black lives matter!
Similar to Obama’s birth certificate, they’re a joke, they cause me to ignore black whining and shun the guilty white. JS
this movement needs to be flushed down the toilet like all other movements
I’ve been on vacation this week. I identify as burnt to a crisp red.
#1 not a birth certificate #2 not black #3 this so called movement fizzled under its own fraud some time ago. Problem Petty Augustus missed it.
Also, is it me or is that guy a dead ringer for David Cross?
Just like Bruce Jenner, if this dude says he’s black, he’s black and anyone who calls him out on it is a horrible racist because if you say you’re something, EVERYONE HAS TO PLAY ALONG. NO EXCEPTIONS.
By the way, I’ve decided that I’m an extremely good looking person, so any women that refuse to have sex with me aren’t respecting my chosen identity and are also hateful bigots.
Damned appearancists. They’re invalidating my chosen appearance – that of a six foot tall guy with thick hair, washboard abs, and a ten inch dick.
Don’t you dare say I’m 5′ 10″, balding, and paunchy you bigots! I’m going to tell Bernie on you!
His Twitter is hilarious. Saying that he’s hanging with his friends and family – and all of them are black!
I’m so tempted to tweet at him, “So you’re the token white guy, huh?”
I’m black… from the waist down!!! 😀
What a silly honkey.
Too Bad…I guess now his life doesn’t really matter…
Yup. The only lives that matter are black. Dear Lord! What racist sickos eh?
Lmao. Period.
BLM and the anti-white movement falls apart a little more each and everyday. With frauds like the asshats who got embarrassed by Hillary yesterday to Dozal and now this Social justice Warrior who says he was a victim of a hate crime because he was attacked by white kids in his High School (white on white violence is not a hate crime), all the legit protesters and followers are jumping off the bandwagon. All this does is further expose the wackos and nut jobs like this fraud, self hating elderly rednecks in Sutton like Old Balls and con artists like the CUC members.
Everyday, these extremist frauds are being exposed. Each and every day BLM loses momentum thanks to their own membership. Soon BLM wont even be mentioned much like Occupy.
I don’t think that’s his birth certificate? It looks like a police report.
You’re right. Come on, TB, get it together. You’re going to lose any credibility you have with this kind of stuff. That is clearly NOT a birth certificate! SMH
Definitely not a birth certificate.