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Our boy Spanky McFarlane has been on his best behavior lately, so there’s been no need to write about him. But now that the DOJ race discussion are over, the Telegram has let him off his leash. And apparently now he wants City Councilor Michael Gaffney to pay the price for the fact that we are supporting his campaign for mayor:
The failure of the council to censure one of its members for being in bed with individuals whom many involved in the talks accused of spewing racist and ad hominem attacks against young people and their parents in this city is another colluding institutional practice that demeans the very constituency it claims to represent.
LOL. Censure? You know who got censured? Joe McCarthy. A guy who made up stories about communists infiltrating the army. A guy who inspired Arthur Miller to write The Crucible. Apparently according to Spanky, Mike Gaffney is going down in the history of books as one of the worst people to ever serve in public office because Turtleboy is endorsing him for mayor.
And what’s his crime? Being “in bed” with Turtleboy Sports. Whatever that means. Translation – Clive doesn’t agree with the fact that we expose the truth consistently, so he thinks anyone who shares our blogs should be formally silenced by the City Council.
Is Spanky the most unlikeable person alive today? I mean, as much as I laugh at Old Balls, at least her provides a valuable public service – amusement. Old Balls is here for our entertainment, especially when he starts talking about all the places you used to be able to buy salt water taffy in Green Island back in the day.
But Spanky is just an asshole man. He’s not very fun at all. I mean, look at his writing. The dude goes out of his way to try to sound smarter than you, but at the end of the day he’s just a moron spouting nonsense. Just look at this phrase:
“individuals whom many involved in the talks accused of spewing racist and ad hominem attacks against young people and their parents.”
See what they’re doing here? If the hippies say that Turtleboy Sports is racist enough times, then it becomes a fact. This is how they think. Obviously we all know that TBS is the exact opposite – we call out racists like Spanky and Joyce McNickles and Nathan Pickens, so the community can rightfully ostracize them. No room for hate on TBS. Just love. But if Spanky can produce one single blog we’ve written that is actual, real racism, then we’ll shut the site down for good.
As for the “ad hominem attacks,” yea we definitely do a lot of that. An ad hominen attack is when you “attack” a person’s character. But like we’ve said a million times, when you go out of your way to make yourself a public figure, you better make sure your closet is clean. Like when Clive goes around shaming the police in his bully column, he should probably consider the fact that we have no problem exposing the fact that he’s been arrested by the police multiple times.
I’d share the rest of Spanky’s latest masterpiece but it would just give you a popsicle headache. This guy gets paid to put out two columns a week, and they’re always the same thing. The only work he does is when he sits there with his thesaurus and tries to make himself sound like an intellectual. But at the end of the day he’s just a nobody working for a newspaper that no one reads who manages to keep his job because the Telegram uses him as click bait.
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8 Comment(s)
plain an simple , fuck spankey… now i feel better…..
Spanky thinks the Constitution is just an old boat in Boston……..
Spanky needs to go pound sand!
Hey Chris! Long time, no hear. I no longer post on T&G and I’ve missed you!
I am a “conservative independent”.:)
Didn’t you read Carlo’s blog today? Your and others efforts to ‘take back the city’ cannot succeed because he sold his mom’s old house on Wells St. to a Chinese immigrant doctor! BWAHAHAH! Take THAT TB!
The Circlejerk is systematically attempting to thwart TB’s November party. Don’t let it happen folks. The vast majority of Worcesterites fucking hate Jivey Clivey. Jivey’s attacks on Mike Gaffney will only help the future Mayor in the long run.
I hope my son and Jivey continue to bash TB and Gaffney…..the reward is in November!!!
Spanky is worried about the T&G folding.
What will he ever do without his cushy job?
Ba ha ha!!
For one thing, he’ll have to sell that convertible.