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SPRINGFIELD – City Councilor Melvin Edwards has filed suit against the Dunbar Community Center, seeking more than $215,000 for medical expenses for serious injuries suffered while warming up for a charity basketball game three years ago.
Edwards, in a the suit filed Friday in Hampden Superior Court, accused Dunbar of carelessness and negligence, saying his fall occurred at the Dunbar gymnasium on Oak Street when he slipped on an “accumulation of water” on the basketball court.
“The defendant, Dunbar, knew or should have known of this dangerous condition and, by the defendant’s negligence in failing to maintain the premises and/or a safe passageway created and allowed a dangerous condition to existing without warning of said dangerous condition,” the suit states.
Edwards was hospitalized after tearing the patella tendons of both kneecaps, and developed blood clots that damaged his kidneys, lungs and heart, he said at the time. He was warming up prior to a charity basketball game, Aug. 13, 2012, that featured local and state elected officials and other dignitaries including then-U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass.
The suit, filed on Edwards behalf by his lawyer, Thomas Rooke, said Edwards suffered “serious permanent injury resulting in great pain of body and mind and incurred significant medical expenses.”
The civil action seeks “$215,668.52+” listing the tort claims as including $128,277.36+ for hospital expenses, $18,969 in doctor expenses, $68,422.16+ in other expenses (radiology, ambulance, anesthesia, visiting nurses, nursing home, rehab center).
Oh for fuck’s sake. And I thought Worcester politicians were dooshnozzles. I should’ve known better. Whenever you think Worcester is bad, it’s always a good idea to take a look at Springfield and realize that it could be much, much worse.
I feel like this is something out of The Onion. A City Councilor playing in a charity basketball game falls during warmups because the ground is slippery, and then sues the local community center for his own incompetence.
Hey idiot, that’s why you have health insurance. Since you work for the city of Springfield then it’s taxpayer funded health insurance too. So essentially the citizens of Springfield have been paying your salary, paying your health insurance, and now you’re suing an organization that has no money (because it’s a non-profit) and the city will have to pick up the tab. And all because you were so hilariously dysfunctional that you slipped and fell on water that another player almost definitely spilled there.
Well done.
Then there’s the fact that, ya know, he CHOSE to play in this game. And sometimes when you play sports or do any physical activity, and you’re a middle aged man, you get hurt. I learned that the hard way when I was trying to learn how to whip and/or nae nae. You don’t see me suing Youtube. There’s nothing about this man that says “physical” or “activity”:
Look, Springfield is a dump. Everyone knows that. But unfortunately kids have to grow up there. A place like Dunbar Community Center is the fabric of the community. It’s a free place where kids who come from nothing can be mentored by adults from similar backgrounds and participate in activities that will keep them off the streets. The purpose of this game was for politicians to raise money for this great organization. And now we have Councilor Numbnuts McGee trying to sue them so he can buy a new Range Rover.
Take a lap bros.
P.S. How about Scott Brown DOMINATING life in this game. He was doing the hook shot
Throwing Steve Nash-esque all-oops
Taking it to the hole
going baseline
and of course he’s the first man on the scene to take care of the injured naniburger
It boggles my mind that people like Melvin Edwards and Granny Warren get elected in this state, but basketball magicians like Scott Brown have to move to New Hampshire and pretend to be from there to get back into office. Hey Springfield – do yourself a favor and get this chump out of office before his next get-rick-quick scam ends up getting your local church shut down.
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9 Comment(s)
Well put TB. You summed it up great in that first paragraphs
Fucking western MA. Are they still routing for the Hartford Whalers instead of the Boston Bruins out there in hicksville? Plus a shit load of Yankee fans. Just fundamentally incorrect on all levels.
Complete disagreement on scott brown being an less of a schizter or douche than the mosaic culture people but that city councilman, I guess getting hurt at a charity tournament was easier than staging insurance fraud in traffic and a lot less dangerous but i still call insurance fraud.
what a flop dick……………..
He tore up both of his knees and had blood clots to his kidneys from one patch of water? Sounds like he has more going on health wise than just slipping on water. Probably shouldn’t have been playing a competitive sport.
If he actually took care of his body before the damn game, this would have never happened. He would have had better speed, agility, balance, and impulse reaction maneuvers. And even on wet floor, he would have been able to roll along the ground properly and break his own fall.
That’s the most racist thing I’ve ever seen! That white man using all of his privilege to ball so much harder than those proud black men.
Someone get Brenda and Keesha on the line! We some diversity training over here STAT!
lol, you sir are awesome. Thank you for putting a smile on my face.
Was he screened for hypertension? Was the ball properly inflated? Was it fair to make him play inside a structure belonging to an institution? These are the questions that need to be asked before rushing to judgement.