
Superintendent Tracy Crowe Tried Adding Extra Hours Onto Days Last Year So She Could Go To China

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Couple follow ups to our story on David Prouty and the Spencer-East Brookfield School District……

  • Superintendent Dr. Tracy Crowe met up with the 7 pre-selected students to discuss their grievances with one parent present in the room. She gave them stall doors in the boys bathroom, and appointed a SCAB student council advisor so that the kids can have a student council.

Do you see what she did there? She made it seem like she’s the Wizard of Oz. You want a bathroom door so you can take a dump? I will grant this for you because I am fair and loving. Newsflash – bathroom stalls are SUPPOSED to have doors. But it took a Goddamn expose from a boy riding a turtle in order for you to generate enough public pressure for you to give the kids what you should’ve provided for them a long time ago.


And how bout picking a parent to be the Student Council advisor t instead of a teacher? Do you see what she did there? Becky Bussiere, the highly regarded arts teacher who runs StuCo, had her job taken from her because she’s “under investigation” for an investigation that already reached the conclusion that she didn’t do anything wrong!! Now it’s being filled by a parent, who we are told by reputable sources is vocally anti-union. So basically the superintendent gave these kids a door in a bathroom stall and killed the union at the same time.

The seven kids who spoke with her felt it was a successful meeting, because they are kids, and she made them feel like they mattered by meeting with them alongside noted dooshnozzle, Chairman Kevin Hayes. Imagine you went to meet with your superintendent with a list of grievances and the minute you left she had already addressed one of them. You would feel empowered. But at the end of the day all she gave them was the basics that they should’ve had without having to grovel for it. And if they had the money in the budget the whole time, why did it take a juicy Turtleboy Sports expose to force them to pay for it?

She also told the kids that their their behavior at the school committee meeting was shameful and inappropriate. We were at the meeting. It was a bunch of kids holding signs and not talking while being actively ignored by a panel full of adults who don’t care about their well being. On top of that she threatened to cancel the Thanksgiving football game with Leicester if there was another protest. So she also made the kids believe that they had saved that game as well.


My question is, why is she meeting with 7 kids? And who picked these kids? How many of them are in Becky Bussiere’s disbanded show choir? I’m just curious, because it seems pretty underhanded and SHADY for a superintendent to handpick 7 students as the voice of the entire school. When the kids brought up the fact that two of their teachers were no longer in their former positions, Dr. Crowe told them that she couldn’t discuss it due to the investigation, and promptly ended the meeting.

But wait, it gets better…..

We have been given evidence that Dr. Crowe attempted to negotiate an EARLY end to the school year last year. You will recall that it snowed cats and dogs all winter long and thus school districts were going until the end of June all over Massachusetts. SEBRSD’s scheduled last day was June 23, a Tuesday.

Well, Dr. Crowe send a letter to the teacher’s union attempting to negotiate that the last day be Friday, June 19. The problem with this is that state law requires a minimum of 180 days of school in a year, and this would leave them with 178. In order to do this the teacher’s union would have to agree to take the total hours they would miss (14) and add hours proportionally to the end of each day in May and June.

Now the Commissioner of Education, Mitchell Chester, would not grant such a request unless the superintendent requested a “hardship”allowance. Her hardship? She closed down Lake Street Elementary School because of the air quality that was making everyone sick.

Now obviously this doesn’t make any sense so we had to do a little digging. We mentioned in the previous blog that she likes to go on these trips to China. She had already been once and wanted to go again in late June. Guess what date the plane was leaving?

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Yup, you got it. Saturday, June 20. So basically what she did here is try to cut the school year short by forcing everyone else to add hours onto the school day so that she could fly to China, and all under the guise that she was doing so because of the hardship involved in closing down an elementary school which she allowed to become dangerous in the first place.

This is happening in real life. LOL.

Here’s the rest of that flyer for the “Discover China” trip:

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Just a reminder that she forces the administors in her buildings to go on this trip. Prouty’s newly hired VP John Flayhan quit immediately after getting back from this trip in June (before ever serving a day as VP), and took a VP job in Fitchburg. Think about that for a minute. Do you realize how bad things have to be for you to quit your job and take a new job in FITCHBURG???!!!! Somehow FITCHBURG is more appealing for prospective candidates than Spencer, because of the superintendent. Rock bottom.

Anyway, we’ll stay on this story because it’s just too juicy to stay away from. Did we mention that they blocked us from the SEBRSD Facebook page? Pressure’s on, they know Turtleboy is watching.



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9 Comment(s)
  • Del Griffith
    November 23, 2015 at 9:17 pm

    China? WTF? Shoulda just come to the Woo for a Boone-apalooza and saved some much needed taxpayer cash for the kids!

  • November 23, 2015 at 7:42 pm

    Map,e. Street is closed as is Lake St.
    The site is Sebrsd Citizens
    Which took off the recent Turtleboy blog

  • Reddog
    November 23, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    I have a 2 year old grandson and we live in spencer. I hope this situation gets straightened out before he starts school. No playground equipment either. The sebrsd is a joke and everyone in central mass knows it. Unfortunaly if your trying to sell a 3 or 4 bedroom house in town, your gonna have a tuff time of it. Who would want to move here unless they are planning on using school choice or private school. So sad as I grew up here when it was a well respected school system. I hope they don’t let maple street and lake street schools fall into such sad shape as they have done with the once beautiful pleasant street school. The residents of town need to vote the school com. Out of office. The bitch Crowe needs to go

  • Fillet o fish
    November 23, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    TB: Check out if she was part of the Walmart school of School Superintendants. That’s the Walter Annenberg/Bill and Melinda Gates funded Common Core focused quicky course that “trains” anyone, yes, literally anyone, to be a superintendant of school. Mass is loaded with them.

  • poison ivy
    November 23, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Well I am more than willing to SHARE with u the sebrsd page 🙂 any time any post 🙂

    • Rational Person
      November 23, 2015 at 3:13 pm

      I tried to check out the FB page and there doesn’t seem to be one. There’s one for the PTA and one for the SEPAC but not for the SEBRSD.

  • Jake from StateFarm
    November 23, 2015 at 12:54 pm

    That’s despicable and self centered …. she should be ashamed of herself. Thanks for exposing this (the T&G, which lacks Journalistic integrity – did not report this).

  • Deb Mc
    November 23, 2015 at 12:43 pm


  • Ser Davos Seaworth
    November 23, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    This chick is toast.

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