Hamilton, NH teacher Nicole Griggs is doing her part to end the commie cold. And by that I mean, telling her students who she sees in public parks that she wants them to die.
“Go ahead post it, who you gonna show it too?”
Oh, ya know, the world.
It’s not possible to go faster from “I’m trying to save your life,” to “I hope you get the coronavirus and die.” And that about sums it up really, doesn’t it? The lockdown Nazis don’t really give a shit about anyone’s health. They just like exercising what little power they currently have.
Unfortunately after the New York Post got wind of the story she took down her Facebook page. But telling kids that she wants them to die from the commie cold is kind of her thing it looks like.
She totally called them out on it and wished illness upon a young couple and their crotch fruit!
It’s wicked scary that these parents living freely are allowed to be parents, but the fact that a woman who routinely wishes death upon children so that she can prove a point, is a teacher, is not scary at all.
“You are the problem, not the solution.”
The Karens and the Coronabros all think their way is the right way, and everyone else wants to kill old people, even though there’s no evidence whatsoever that standing in a park is killing people. Maybe, just maybe, it’s the psychopath telling kids that they should die while she takes her non-essential dog for a walk, who is the real problem.
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46 Comment(s)
She sounds fat. (… checks video). Yup !
What a cunt..
she does not pixelate well.
This lady is clearly racist as she’s screaming and berating a nice Latino couple out walking with their child.
She should be fired.
Bravo. I’d like to shake her hand ( no gloves).
Wow! That lady needs some dick. Stat!
she’s a common warpig. This warthog has a bumper sticker on her prius that says ” I’m with Hillary”
I bet this New Jersey teacher knows the difference between “to” “too” & “two”.
NH? Try New Jersey.
I swear her face did that thing from the Blackhole Sun video…aaaaaahhhhh!
this pile of human excrement should be nowhere near a classroom. wouldn’t be surprised if she was single.
I stand with Nicole Griggs. I hope they die.
If you can go outside so can everyone else. Is this broad really a teacher because she’s pretty fuckin stupid. How are they spreading this so called virus around and you are not? Not enough brain cells to go around
Most teachers I have met or known aren’t exactly Mensa material.
Geez she’s a skank, go back inside
What a hag LMMAO!!! The fucking preacher teacher here with no mask or gloves on, trying to blame every one & their actions, but not herself… The irony. Go home Karen.
So typical of these hypocritical cunts.. Perfectly fine for them to be out riding bikes and talking walks, but *gasp* God forbid someone who isn’t them do it then they are the sole reason for the pandemic and must die slow painful deaths… But she’s special so she can ride her bike and walk wherever she pleases..
I went to the park to walk my dog on Saturday and the park was full of people. I am so angered, they are the reason why we are on lock down and virus keeps spreading. I should have the park all to myself and these selfish people are putting me in danger. Best way to identify a marxist democrat is just sit back and wait for them to speak, they will reveal themselves to you.
are Marxist Democrats essential?
Camera operator sounds like a spanish accent, never try to use reason with the Carribean immigrant crowd that shows how crazy she gone.
Does she work at the Mass RMV I recognize that voice and speech pattern.
Nothing that a good dose of Prozac, Xanax, lunesta, and medical marijuana can’t cure.
Holy shit this lady is fucking unhinged.
Virus brings out the Hitler in liberals.
Where, exactly, is Hamilton, NH?
Good catch JJ. never let facts (or spelling) get in the way of a good story..
I’ll bet her snatch looks like when you peel open a warm grilled cheese sandwich. Probably smells like Michael Moore’s taint after he eats two cans of Hormel chili.
After her funeral anyone want to go to JJ’s diner for some after dinner omelets?
Count me in. John Galt too.
That will be a great after dinner breakfast. As long as Tammy doesn’t show up we be cool.
Double up on the Midol, honey
So TB says she teaches in New Hampshire, the post says she teaches in Jersey. Wonder which one is right?
Even with the grainy video you can tell that she should never leave the house unless in a full burka worn underneath a goalie mask. What a mug!
It’s Hamilton, NEW JERSEY – a suburb of lovely TRENTON – that’s all you need to know
I wonder how many hot queefs those sweatpants have absorbed in the last month or so.
I hear that.Then again I would not be shocked if
there was a hog down there.
PS love how she is preaching while doing her part and wearing a mask. things that make you go hmmm…
Put a fork in her career…Its done
Wow.Kinda makes me look sane.
This virus thing is driving the mentally-ill liberals right off the crazy cliff! I love it!
Everyone do the right thing today: Piss off a liberal!
There are only two genders, undocumented means illegal, blue hair is for unstable ass hats. Let the liberal tears flow bitches!
This woman has no business teaching.
And WTF is up with that gigantic forehead! A mask and baseball hat would go a long way…
Nicole Griggs was out buying peanutbutter for her sex life with her dog. whelp, kiss your career down the toilet. home schooling might be the way to go with the psychopaths that are now teaching. Seriously. I hope her name becomes internet famous and she is on welfare giving handiest for 10 bucks by Feb. 2021
She’ll probably get a promotion and free mental health counseling for her “illness”.