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Yesterday we published an article about a great column Dianne Williamson wrote for the Telegram and Gazette. She called out the fraud who runs the Worcester Islamic Center for saying that the 12 French people who were killed by Muslim terrorists were largely responsible for their own deaths because they printed a cartoon making fun of Muhammad that bat-shit crazy people couldn’t get over. However, her counterpart columnist at the Telegram is lacking in the hot takes department. His name is Clive McFarlane, and his column in today’s paper took a steamy dump on Worcester police officers and those who choose to support them.
If you missed it, the other day we wrote about the rowdy down that happened at the Worcester City Council meeting on Wednesday, when councillor Konnie Lukes proposed a resolution that asserted the WPD’s professionalism. To any normal person this represented a simple gesture to point out that although millions of people in this country feel that justice has not been served in Ferguson and in Staten Island, in Worcester our police continue to do a great job.
I’m not a cop, but if I was, I would probably feel like I was in a can’t win situation. You go to work every day, protect the people, and then get told that you’re a Nazi for wearing the uniform. Councillor Lukes was merely taking the opportunity to tell the police that although a loud and boisterous group of knuckleheads were complaining about them, the vast, vast majority of Worcester residents think they’re doing a great job.
But not to Clive and the protesters. Oh no. To them this was an act of war. The usual ten people showed up at the Council meeting to complain about this – Robert Blackwell-Gibbs, the ACLU, my girl Sonya Conner, and local radical Michael Jerry:
In his column Clive said he understood why police would feel like they were under attack. But he doesn’t seem to understand why Konnie Lukes would feel the same way:
“It is understandable that police officers would feel that way, but for a city councilor to concur and to then to use the seat of government to legitimatize those sentiments is in itself an abandonment of a community the city council purports to serve.”
Oh yea, God forbid an elected representative do something that the people favor. Newsflash – the city of Worcester overwhelmingly supports this proposal. If you put it to a vote at least 85% of the people would vote in favor it. Konnie was elected, just as were the other ten. And all of them said that they favored it except for one dingbat who sabotaged it at the last minute.
But I’m wondering where Clive’s outrage was when Bill de Blasio came out and said that his son had legitimate reason to fear the police because he is biracial. I mean, isn’t that the same thing as “using the seat of government to legitimize certain sentiments?” Isn’t that what he’s mad at Konnie Lukes for?
Or how about when Barrack Obama said this about the entire police force of Cambridge back in 2009 when Skip Gates was arrested for coming at a cop and trying to start a race war, when the cop was doing his job by checking in on a burglary call:
“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.” Remember that one? I must’ve missed Clive’s column when he chastised the President for using his “seat of government to legitimatize those sentiments.”
Clive continued,
“The community needs to support the police, but not unlawful or questionable police practices that often take the lives of unarmed black men.”
The Worcester police “often take the lives of unarmed black men.” Ya got that everyone? This doesn’t happen once in a while in Worcester. It happens OFTEN!! Sure, it’s completely made up, but don’t let that get in your way Clive. The resolution wasn’t to state the professionalism of the Ferguson police. It was commending the WORCESTER police. So unless Clive wants to cite for me the “often” real occurrences where WPD kill unarmed black men, I think we can all agree that this makes him a complete and utter fraud.
He had more hot Clive takes too,
“On the issue of questionable policing practices, the community has not been represented well by this City Council”
Actually we’re being represented just fine. Law-abiding taxpayers of Worcester have nothing to fear from the police. If we are in danger or if someone has stolen from us or harmed us, we call the police and they come. It’s understandable that criminals aren’t very fond of this.
“The City Council has ignored the community’s allegations of police brutality for years, and it has been loath to consider a police civilian review board”
The city council will take seriously any allegations that come in front of them. But one of the people who spoke the other night was a local genius named Michael Jerry. This is what he had to say after two cops were killed in Brooklyn:
“I thought it would make me happy to see a pig get killed.”
What a nice thing to say. It’s SHOCKING that the city council is hesitant to take this guy seriously.
And for the record a civilian review board is idiotic. Who out there would feel comfortable having their livelihood put into the hands of civilians like Michael Jerry? People who publicly state that they thought they would take pleasure in learning that two “pigs” would never return home to their families – these are the people Clive thinks are fit to assess a police officer’s job performance. Should teachers have their job security tied to a board of deadbeat parents? How about doctors having their performance tied to a bunch of chain smoking and morbidly obese patients? Hey Clive, if your job security was tied to a panel of Worcester civilians you would’ve been unemployed a long, long time ago.
Once again, people who pay for a subscription to the Telegram, or companies who choose to advertise with the Telegram – this is what you are paying for. You are paying Clive McFarlane to take a steamy T&G dump all over the people who protect and serve you. If you wanna be associated with the voice of the people then visit our business page for more details.
The bottom line is that the people who spoke at the City Council meeting against this proposal were talking about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and other NATIONAL stories. The whole purpose of the Konnie proposal was to point out that the Worcester Police had nothing to do with any of this. She was honoring them on a night in which officer Justin Bennes was honored for risking his life to disarm a violent known criminal without using deadly force. Worcester isn’t Ferguson, as much as Clive would like it to be for his race-bating columns.
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4 Comment(s)
Clive hates Police it’s that Simple. Archive his articles they are all the same you don’t need to even read them anymore He is a hate monger race pimp and his act is older then the cave men. He is Worcester ‘s poor man’s Al Sharpton He needs to go it’s not like he is talented, or has any journalistic ethics at all. He never let’s facts get in the way of a good argument, not even a good argument but his argument. The busy person at the T&G is the fact checker for Clive’s articles. Oh, they don’t have one that explains why not one of his articles ate ever acurate. Time for this racist hack to go.
This is just a good reason why people can give Worcester a bad name… Do I get the weird feeling I’ll eventually get jumped in Worcester with the way crime is going? Without a question. But when you can walk up to a detective when you locked yourself out of your car, while he and his buddies are putting a bunch of gangsters in the back of the paddy wagon, and he’ll take the two minutes to make that phone call to dad because you locked the phone in your car, that right there is community dedication. Detective Daly did that for me when I locked myself out of my car at Shell on Southbridge street right after I started driving. Is everyone at WPD perfect? Hell no, but for the most part they’re stand-up guys. It’s the same deal with Shrewsbury, Auburn, Leicester, and the State Police. Hell, and those are just departments that I’ve met some of the cops! McFarlane, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re a nudnick who’s just trying to get his five minutes of fame off of an incident that was already shown to be the fault of the dumbass who though going after a cop was a good idea… Rushton, I’m going to go ahead and call you a moron. These “Protesters”, or anarchists, have been heard, and after harassing children, families and being generally disruptive I think that their point has been heard… Whatever point that’s supposed to be.
“I’m not a cop, but if I was, I would probably feel like I was in a can’t win situation. You go to work every day, protect the people, and then get told that you’re a Nazi for wearing the uniform. ” Find a new job, it’s not the cities responsibility to make you feel wanted in areas that you aren’t. Isn’t this in the job description?
“But I’m wondering where Clive’s outrage was when Bill de Blasio came out and said that his son had legitimate reason to fear the police because he is biracial. I mean, isn’t that the same thing as “using the seat of government to legitimize certain sentiments?” Isn’t that what he’s mad at Konnie Lukes for?” This is an illegitimate statement because the mayor of New York’s kid is free from police anywhere in his city. So who cares what he said?
“Or how about when Barrack Obama said this about the entire police force of Cambridge back in 2009 when Skip Gates was arrested for coming at a cop and trying to start a race war, when the cop was doing his job by checking in on a burglary call” Same thing, wtf does the president know about a community in Boston? In Worcester it’s a case of one appointed power granting more power to an already reigning and unruly force in the community.
Law-abiding taxpayers, by definition; fools. Clearly, you fit the bill since you believe the community should be represented not as a whole but only by those who fit the modern standard of society, which is disappearing more every day. I couldn’t imagine being stuck in such counter-revolutionary thought.
“In Worcester it’s a case of one appointed power granting more power to an already reigning and unruly force in the community.”
First of all, the city council is elected, not appointed. They have legitimate authority because it’s derived from the will of the people. You know….democracy? Second…it’s a resolution saying the police are doing a good job. It isn’t granting anyone any powers. At all. Not even a little.
“Law-abiding taxpayers, by definition; fools. Clearly, you fit the bill since you believe the community should be represented not as a whole but only by those who fit the modern standard of society, which is disappearing more every day. I couldn’t imagine being stuck in such counter-revolutionary thought.”
Oh, so you’re just a little kid. Neat.