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Wanna know who is most responsible for the state of race relations in this country? The media. Check out this cartoon in today’s Boston Globe from cartoonist Mike Luckovich:
Get it? Because white people have rights and white cops read them their rights upon arrest. But they kill black people, because cops are racist murderers. It must be true since it’s published in the Boston Globe.
This is what the media does. They make money by provoking problems. They lie and they dramatize because without riots and protests they have nothing to write about. It’s pretty disgusting that a major American newspaper would actually publish this and think it’s a good idea. But then again it’s 2016 and newspapers are really just click baiting tabloids who have clearly aligned themselves against the police and with the social justice warriors.
P.S. Should Turtleboy hire a political cartoonist? I feel like we need one.
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15 Comment(s)
This is why newspapers are a dying breed. The Globe sold for a fraction of the previous sales price. Same with the T&G, which has declined even further under the new ownership. As a result, circulation is way down and subscriptions are being cancelled by long-term subscribers, which is what I did.
Unfortunately Mike Luckovitch also appear in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, another liberal rag. Hitch is a by far superior cartoonist. Obviously the days of objective journalism are over. The main stream media are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC, aka Socialist/Communist Party USA.
I wonder if all three people that read the Globe spotted this.
The liberal media is absolutely out of control. The slanted view points at the Globe, MSNBC , CNN and all of the other hack news outlets make it impossible to debate even the simplest of topics.
The liberal media is absolutely out of control. They want dingbat Hillary so bad their collective heads are about to explode. They fucking sensationalize criminals getting shot by Police like it’s the beginning of World War III. (Which maybe it is) but this is why I watch Fox News from now on.
Plus the fact that Megyn Kelly is a total babe. Just sayin.’
So let me get this one straight. John W. Henry owns the Boston Globe. Henry is also the principal owner of the Boston Red Sox and some fucking stupid socker team in la la land that nobody gives a flying fucking shit about. Because socker (or soccer whatever) is fucking boring.
So John Henry allows this to happen in his Globe rag with this dumb ass cartoon are you fucking kidding me? So what is he now a fucking Black Lives Matter enthusiast all of a sudden? What a douche bag. And I love the Red Sox but I now think Henry now fucking sucks.
3 votes for Hitch!
In fairness, we should WANT cops out there killing blacks and making this country safer.
Hire Hitch.
I would love a turtleboy political cartoon.
Yellow journalism at best. Funny that tabloid magazines can be trusted more than the papers.
Responsible journalism is dead.
New York Times headline following the death of the upstanding (kidding) Milwaukee guy after running from cops and brandishing his stolen weapon at them was:
“Unrest in Milwaukee After Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Man.”
I guess carrying a gun doesn’t count if you steal the gun.